Sunrise at Midnight Pt. 01

It is odd how much one’s senses developed when others were inhibited.

Though I had been blinded by soft satin and left oblivious to all noise due to the wax buds that he had slid into my ears; I felt far more than I had ever imagined was possible.

I will admit it had seemed daunting when he had proposed the idea to me given my lack of experience in such acts—I was what one may say, inexperienced. My trust in him though was complete. He had been nothing but patient, gentle, and kind—outside of the four walls of his bedroom of course.

Now though, I understand why he had wanted me in such a way. Stretched bare against soft satin sheets that caressed each inch of my delicate skin. Both wrists and ankles bound with rope that felt as light as the ribbons I had forgotten in my hair as a child. I imagined they were red as my sight had been stolen from me before he had bound me. He enjoyed me in red, the stark crisis a burning contrast against my pale alabaster flesh. Whilst Ihad felt shy, almost intimidated by such a bold colour, his constant appraisal had left me which a renowed sense of confidence.

I could not help but to gasp as his thumbs hooked into the band of my panties, slowly, lazily dragging them down my thighs. The final piece of clothing to be removed, and yet, always the most exciting. It indicated what was to come, even if he did often torque me with teasing fingerprints before giving me what I craved most. The fingertips in question found me, grazing against the soft skin of my inner tights. Not high enough. Not close enough.

I longed to speak. To beg. But he had warned me against it. Had forbidden my sound until he had granted his own permission. Usually I would have found such a demand demeaning, now—I found it exclusive. My own challenge to fight the soft whimpers, the pleasures for his skin against mine. Patience was a virtue—even if it was a high price to pay for the impending pleasure.

Just a little higher. I pleaded mentally as his thumbs brushed just straight of my inner thigh. Please.

My skin light at his touch— so responsive. I could feel the growing dampness spreading between my thighs. I was sure he could see it, my legs parted the way they were, an ankle tied to each corner of the bedpost. Even if I’d have wanted to move I doubt I could have. Whilst the rope restraining me was light, it was wound tightly Around my limbs, holding me steadily in place in the centre of his bed.

Closer, closer still his touch came. Taunting me with his proximity. Then, suddenly, he found me. Fighting the urge to cry out I tugged my bottom lip inwards holding it firmly between my teeth as his fingers grasped against me. It was near painful how light his touch was against my nub.

“Oh.” Shit! Did I say that out loud? Fuck! I did.

My thoughts confirmed as his hand straighted.

No, come back.

I would surely be in trouble now. He’d warned me to stay silent, and yet, so quickly had I caved against his touch. I knew he would be both thrilled and disappointed with me. As much as my disobedience frustrated him; I knew he enjoyed the punishment he would now get to give.

The deafening silence was punishment enough—

Where? Oh…

My mind trailed as his weight shifted. I could picture him retreating, lifting himself from the soft lines. Again, I felt his touch against my tigh.

Wait, that’s not him, what…?


I whimpered. The sudden sting of leather against sensitive skin.


Oh Daddy, I’m sorry.


As quickly as I had begun to find the pleasure in the pain of his wrath against me his blows stopped and I felt him fall onto the mattress beside me again.

So soon? That’s unlike you.

It wasn’t until I felt his touch at my core again that I’d realized why he’d stopped. I was wet. Sure, I’d been wet before, but now I was dripping. I was sure that the juices that have left me would be coating the finger so carefully sliding between the soft folds of my womanhood. Already dripping with desire for him— I was unravelling beneath his touch.

I could imagine the look on his face, the hunger in his eyes and—-hopefully, the growing bulge against his jeans. I wanted to see him, almost as desperately as I craved my own release.


Almost as if he could hear my silent pleasures his pace quickly, his thumb meeting my aching clip in rhythmic circles.

More please.

I lift my hips closer. He obliges, a long finger dipping into me.


My body reacts so strongly, so willing to come undone at your touch. I withhold. Some semblance of restraint finding me as I recall your warning.

“Do not come baby girl. Not until I tell you.”

“Yes, Daddy.” I had replied.

“That’s my good pet.” His words of praise had left me with a warmth within my belly. Deepened only by the smouldering smile that accompanied it. I found that expression insatiably sexy. The warmth of his dark gaze upon me. Green eyes capturing my own hazel hues. He was a rugged man, killed you might say. He had worked for every penny in his life, slowly acquiring the expansion of fortune that he held today. That work had left him both humble and yet, entirely confident in his own abilities. A stark opposite to my own upbringing.

I had been raised by parents that already held their own wealth and though for many that would have left them spoilt, perhaps bratty. I was far too consciousness of my own faults. He had found it endearing when we had met at a function, as if already aware of the submission that would become him.


The finger inside me had begun to move against me. Slowly sliding into the depths between wet lips before retreating, leaving me empty at its loss. I thought he would taunt me, reclaiming his finger to continue his slow and tormenting teasing. Instead— I was gifted by its return. He did not stop, the long called hand meeting my hips ina pace that matched the circular motions of his thumb against my now throbbing clip. My body quivered, tightening around your finger as I grow closer to my own release.

… Oh God I’m going to… No. No. Don’t.

I caught myself just in time. My bottom lip once again caught between my teeth as I fought to withhold the primary instinct urging me to give into my own pleasure.


I heard the slightest of chuckles. Wait. I heard him chuckle. I had been so wrapped up in my own thoughts, my own restraint, that I had neglected to notice his hand brushing against my hair to withdraw the waxy earbud.

“You’ve learned my pet.” His voice was low, warm. Though, I detected the slightest tone of disappointed. I suspect that he had expected me to cave at his touch as I had in the past. I knew he loved to punish me, but, as expected, he was not entirely displeased. Warm lips found the tender skin of my neck, a trial of kisses left in its wake.

“Perhaps I’ll have to reward you now, hm?” He cooed into my ear. “You may speak, love.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” I murmured towards the sound of his deep voice.

“You’re welcome, baby girl. Tell me, what would you like your reward to be?” Even without my sight I knew that his face bore a cocky grin. He knew that I was often shy, timing in my responses. The radiating innocent of my own sexual minimum experience reflected in my words that followed.

“I want you inside of me. Please.”

“Oh? Did you want this inside of you did you?” He queried, his fingertip poking at my ribs.

“No.” I shook my head.

“Oh? What is it of mine you want inside of me?” He pried.

“Your cock, Daddy.” I whispered, my voice barely audible.

“I can’t hear you baby.”

“I want your cock inside of me please, Daddy.” I responded, louder.

“Hmm, we’ll have to work on that won’t we princess? Maybe you could show me what you want, hm? Actions do speak louder than words don’t they?”


My eyes were overwhelmed at the sudden intrusion of my senses. Though the lights were mostly off within the confines of our room, the warmth of the candlelight was a shock to me. I didn’t expect him to remove my blindfold soon. The last time that we had used it he had not removed it until both of our ends. The lights warmth blissful in the ecstasy of our afterglow like a beach sunrise at midnight.

Then— you. All I could see was you before me. Eyes as green as emeralds staring down at me through cedar wood hair. You were perfect, an entirely perfect sight to come back to, though as your gaze lowered, mine couldn’t help but to follow.


My gaze stopped, falling to the throbbing bulge within your jeans.

“Show me what you want inside of you…” Came his voice from above me. “C’mon baby.”


As his words trailed he reached forward, fingertips caresing the knots at my wrists.

“Oh, that’s right. You can’t, can you baby?” He chuckled, fingersmoving to tug on a loose strand of my dark hair. “I guess you’ll have to speak up.”

“Daddy please.” I whimpered my cheeks burning as they flushed.

“Tell me.” His voice had lost the hint of playfulness that it had held previously. “Now.”

I bit my lip, slowly releasing it as my gaze lifted to meet his. “I want your cock inside of me, please Daddy.”

The stern expression softened, scarcely. A moment later the skin of my thigh was greeted firmly by his palm.

“Better. I think I may use you, baby girl. My little pet. Your pussy does look hungry for me. So wet, so ready.” As he spoke, the familiar look of hunger burned within his eyes. He wanted me. Desperately. It had been far too long since we had been together between each of our work commitments. Perhaps I should’ve visited him at his workplace as he’d suggested, though— I doubt we’d have been eating on my lunch break.

“Please Daddy. Please use my pussy with your cock.” He groaned in approval of my words. The hand against my thigh moving upwards to cup my sex. “Please…” I whispered breathlessly, hips lifting to bring him closer. It still wasn’t enough. I craved him in his entirety in the post primary and intimate ways I could have him. “I need you.”

“As I need you, little one.” He groaned, slowly moving to slide his body from the bed. I let out a soft whimper, eyes pleading him to Come back to me.

“Patience, love.” He chuckled as he unbuckled his belt. It fell to the ground, and as his fingers undid the buttons of his jeans, they soon followed.


It was near painful to watch. The slow manner in which he undressed. He was quite the sight. At six foot, four inches he towered over my petite five, three. Beneath the pale blue linen button up he was broad, toned and coloured with the rays of the sun. His shirt fell, and as I lay watching him I had to fight the urge to beg him to quickly to remove the final shred of fabric between our bodies becoming one. Instead,he bent down, fetching his shirt to begin to fold it neatly, his gaze never leaving mine.

Faster. Please.

I was certain that my own gaze locked upon his reflected my silent pleasures. A hint of smile touched his lips as he turned to set the folded shirt on the top of the dark wooden dresser. Though I was filled with a longing for his return, I couldn’t help but to marvel at the sight of his toned skin. As his arms lifted to set down the shirt the muscles in his back tensed.

Fuck. Hot. Damn.

His hands dropped, fingers touching the handle of the top draw.


I paused. Was he going to?

No. He wasn’t. I almost pouted as his hand left the handle to turn to face me again.

“Disappointed, love?” He chuckled. Obviously my attempt to muffle my expression had have been as futile as I had believed it to be. He had a knack of catching me.

“Not at all, Daddy.” I replied.

“Oh? Not at all, little one? I could’ve sworn I saw a pout on those lips of yours.”

Damn it.

“I’m not disappointed, Daddy. I just thought…” I trailed.

“Thought?” He pressed.

“I thought you were going to get one of our toys.” I admitted tugging my bottom lip between my teeth.

“Oh? Would you like me to fetch one of your toys?” His eyes blazed, the hunger within them seeming to only intensify at the thought.

“I want you, Daddy. Please. Not one of the toys.” I admitted freely. As much as I enjoyed the pleasure the array of decade toys that resided in that draw could give. Currently I wanted no more than the warmth of your body against mine— inside mine.

“Well. That I can oblige, baby.”

Now. Please.

“Inside you, right?” He smiled, the weight of his body falling onto the bed beside me a welcomed relief. Though, I couldn’t help but note that one pesky article of clothing had yet to be discarded.

“Yes please, Daddy.” It sounded almost like the childish whine one might expect from a bratty toddler.

“Here?” He murmured, a gentle finger running neighborly along the wet slide between my legs.

Oh God.

“Yes.” I whimpered.

“That’s my girl.” He pursued—pleased. The teasing finger strayed, dipping within my wet folds and inside my warm sex.

“Oh…” I moaned. It felt so good. The way his finger began to move within me— in, out, in, out. A tauntingly slow rhythm as he continued to stroke my sex. My eyes closed, hips lifting to meet each dip of your finger against me.


As I grew closer to my own release it stopped. Empty. I felt suddenly empty.

Eyes opening I was greeted by the sight of him in his entirety. The boxes had been discarded and his hardened length lay against my stomach,


My gaze met his, starved for him. Every inch of him. “Please.” I whimpered, hips lifting to draw him closer. He obliged. A hand dropping to guide his tip to my entrance.


Slowly, painstakingly slowly his guided himself inside of me, filling me completely.

“Fuck.” He grew. “You’re so tight, baby.”

I moaned. The sound of his husky voice growing in my ear driving me closer to the inevitable edge that was drawing nearer and nearer. “Oh, Daddy. You feel so good.”

A moment later his lips found mine, moving firmly against them as his hips began to move into mine. Each thrust met by my own hips Against his. We were joined in perfect unison no longer able to comprehend where I ended and he began.


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