The Instructress Ch. 06 – Final

Donna and Sam arrived early to set up for the next class. As usual, Sam strode confidently into the hall and Donna rolled her eyes as she watched him show off with a single pull up on the bars. She loved his shows of male arrogance as they were her cue to bring him back under her spell.

“Come here,” Donna called, her leather belt in her hand.

She had been looking forward to this lesson. For Donna, escaping from an aggressor wasn’t enough. The aggressor had to be punished.

“Today’s class is about restraining your attacker,” she purred, blonde hair flowing as she flicked her head.

“Is that really part of the course?”

“If anyone tried to attack me, do you think they would be free to leave?”

Sam loved Donna in this defiant mood and pressed his erection against her, his mind more focused on his instructress’s short pink shorts that the day’s lesson.

“You know that means things happen to those who don’t focus.”

“Do they?”

“Aha,” Donna whispered erotically, pressing herself against him.

“Love your breasts in this top…”

With dazed, lovestruck eyes, Donna twisted his wrist and easily forced her lover down on to the mat.

“Fuck the class, let’s go home,” Sam breathed.

But for Donna, a man trapped beneath her was foreplay and she knelt on Sam’s back as she wrapped her brown leather belt around his wrists and buckled him in tight.

“Wanna know my second favourite way to tie up a man?” Donna whispered, the thin pink fabric of her shorts now sticking to her hot body.

Sam moaned in arousal as Donna rolled him on to his side, eased down his black gym shorts and tied one end of a piece of soft white rope around the base of his balls. She knelt above him using the lean to tease his erect cock as Sam kissed her inner tighs. With Sam hopelessly distracted, she threaded the rope back between his legs and tied it to the belt that bound his wrists.

“Wow,” Sam gasped, “If I struggle, I’m just gonna cum.”

But Donna’s doting smiled was interrupted as her other students entered the hall, “Quick, lie on your front,” she whispered as she jumped up to change into her white Kimono and tie her long blond hair in a ponytail.


The other two women lined up and bowed to Donna while excitedly watching Sam. Sam smiled back as casually as possible.

“Self-defence may involve incapacitating your opponent,” Donna explained.

“He looks stuck,” the slimmer of the two women mouthed, almost to herself, as she sub-consciously rubbed her palms on her shiny orange gym shorts.

“He is,” Donna smiled proudly, “Wanna see why?”

“No, please, Donna,” Sam begged, the tugging rope making his erection even more conspicuous through his black shorts.

“I’m sorry, darling,” Donna replied, croouching above him, and pulling him on to his side, “but this is so fucking hot!”

“But I’m gonna cum!” Sam hissed back as the students approached.

The slimmer of the two women bounced down on her haunches and mouthed silently as she saw the rope tugging around Sam’s ball.

“These techniques can give you time to get away or get him arrested,” Donna explained.

Sam was helpless to stop the women teasing his cock with their bare feet and looked up frantically in the hope of catching Donna’s eye. Just at the last minute, she rolled him on to his front and sat down on the back of his head to muffle the cries as he climaxed.


“Did you enjoy the class?” Donna purred as she leaned across to the driver’s seat to kiss Sam.

“Fuck Donna,” he mouthed, “I want a rematch when we get home.”

Donna just giggled.


An hour later and Donna dropped to her knees on one side of the large white rug. Her shimmering cream bra and panties tugged Against her heaving breasts and barely covering her strong buttocks. Her big made-up eyes smiled, focusing only on her opponent. She opened her legs a little wider and rolled her hipsprovocatively. Her long blonde ponytail swishing ominously as her pent-up body swwayed in constant motion.

“My opponents usually end the fight begging for mercy,” Donna purred, her fingertips exploring her inner thighs.

“Not this time Donna,” Sam replied, flexing his biceps.

Sam was kneeing on the opposite side of the rug, wearing only black boxer shorts which bulged with his conspicuous erection. He watched his opponent warily as he glanced down with pride at his gym sculpted chest.

“Are you afraid of me?” Donna teased.

“Dream on, sweetie.”

“Sweetie? You’re brave.”

“I can handle you.”

“You know you don’t get the luxury of tapping out from my holds today,” Donna whispered her voice hoarse with excitement, her eyes flicking to the fifty meters of soft white rope curled up on the mat between them.

“I’ll soon tie your hands,” Sam breathed, his cock bouncing approvedly.

“Tied hands? That’s no fun,” Donna giggled, “I’m going to tie you my favourite way… somewhere much more exciting!” Her hands played with the damp slither of fabric that disappeared between her legs, while her nipples tingled with excitement.

Then without warning, Donna sprung forward only for Sam to catch her wrist. She breathed out in surprise, long lashes fluttering over her wide brown eyes as Sam twisted her wrist, forcing her down on to the rug.

Her single-mindedness mixed with her temperature usually destroyed any opponent, but Sam had got inside her emotional, and now physical, defences. She hated to be vulnerable, but somehow that vulnerability felt nice with Sam.

She leaned in and kissed his lips. Sam eased his grip as he kissed her back, his spare hand brushing over her erect nipples. His grip tightened as he forced her arm behind her back, her head coming to rest in his lap.

Donna could feel the primeval terror as he forced her other arm behind her back and wrapped the soft white rope around her wrists. She was onthe verge of panic when Sam rolled her on to her side to kiss her.

“Please, down there” she begged breathily, spreading her legs.

“Be patient.”

Donna stared as Sam unclipped her bra and kissed her nipples. If felt nice, but she wanted him against her clip.

“Fuck, yeah,” she cried, “Deeper!”

With Sam now lost between her thighs, her white teeth bit down on the knot that tied her wrists, pulling and struggling until she was free.

Meanwhile, her doting opponent gently kissed her vagina, working his tongue in circles when Donna’s legs sprung closed. Sam looked up to find that she had freed her hands, and seconds later she reached down, twisted him arm and forced him down into the rug. She spun and dropped athletically on his lower back, her tanned curves sinking ominously down on to his trapped body.

Her thighs drew together in a pincer movement, wedding his arms together behind his back in a lotus lock. She slowly squeezed her thighs further, forcing Sam’s hapless arms to draw together behind his back.

“This makes me so fucking horny,” Donna panted.

“How the hell did you escape?” Sam gasped.

“I told you that you had to do more than tie my hands.”

Sam was moaning, more in lust than pain, as Donna picked up the soft white rope, ran it seductively through her fingers and then over her shoulder and along her neck. It awoke her body to a dangerous level, its touch so erotic as she ran it along her inner tights that were still holding Sam in his edgy prison.

“So soft,” she trembled, its touch tickling her tensed abductor muscles.

“That feels so nice!” Sam moaned as the soft cotton rope clinked tight around his wrists.

“Nice? You are so fucked,” Donna whispered, “I’m gonna let my body do whatever she wants tonight…”

“I’ll get free.”

“No, you won’t, darling…”

Every flick of Donna’s fingerers and every beautifully tied knot was tightening the loops of rope that encircled Sam’s wrists. She worked slowly, stopping every now and then to squeeze her thighs tighter.

Donna’s body could be merciless, her thighs tension and crushing in response to every bid for freedom. Sam lay beneath her, panting deeply on the edge of orgasm.

Donna finally climbed off his back and sat on her haunches to watch Sam struggle.

“Where’s the end?” he panted.

“Nowhere near Your fingers, darling.”

Sam struggled to his knees, his ineffective gym sculpted muscles immobilised by Donna’s knots. With a wry smile on her lips, Donna pulled the spare ends of the rope tightly around his waist, pulled down his boxer shorts and tied the rope around the base of Sam’s balls. The pressure only made his cock harder.

“Now if you try to pull your arms to the front…” Donna let out an inadvertent giggle, “… your cock will move to the back!”

Donna slipped her silk negligee over her body, the fabric swishing against her blonde hair before being dropped to thefloor. She loved the feel of free and exposed breasts, especially as Sam watched open mouthed.

“Can I?” he gasped, edging forward on his knees and gently kissing her panting lips.

“Asking my permission?” Donna smiled, “You must be feeling helpless…”

Sam mumbled dreamily as he leaned forward and gently kissed Donna’s breasts, his tonguecircling to stimulate her nipples. His touch felt wonderful as did his hot panting breath against her skin. She loved the look of his muscle body encircled by rope. His should blades protruded, and his traps tensed as her ties held him in a defenceless position.

“Let me until something,” she murmured. Sam looked up and moaned in frustration as she untied her ponytail and shook out her long blonde hair.

“Bitch,” Sam smiled.

Donna grabbed his cock, quickly easy her grip as her fingers danced over his penis.

“So nice,” Sam cried.

Donna interlaced her fingers around his neck and then edged backward on the rug. Sam lost his balance and fell into her body, his fall broken as his head landed on her thighs. She opened her legs slowly, letting his helpless body slide down between her legs until his lips sunk deeply into her cream panties.

Donna gasped in mock surprise before her fingers pulled away the silk fabric that separated them. She lay back and wrapped her fingers around Sam’s head to guide him into place.

As Sam’s lips glided slowly across her vagina, Donna took another length of rope and tied it around his neck. She ran it around the small of her back and knotted it tight around her waist. She then looped the rope around her thighs and lashed them both to Sam’s neck.

Donna climaxed slowly and lay on her back with her hair played out across the mat. Sam’s eyes craned upwards, puffing as he tried to lift his head from her damp crotch. Suddenly, he cried out as the weight of his own emrithing body against his cock made him climax.

“That was wonderful, but I have to go now,” Sam smiled, his tongue still exploring Donna’s crotch.

Donna just giggled as she lovingly squeezed his head between her tights.

“I used to fantasise about climbing harnesses…” Donna breathed, aimlessly, “… how they pulled tight around my waist, against my tights… and between my legs. So intimate and so helpless.”

“Is that what I’m in?” Sam called.

“Yes,” she pursued, “and with my sexuality hanging from a cliff I can’t possibly release you.”

She reached for the open Champagne bottle and poured it into her open mouth from a height. She then poured some on to her belly button and shivered as the cold sparkling liquid bubbled its way across her shaken crotch and was lapped up by the captive man laying face down in her lap.

“Oh wow,” she mouthed as his tongue lit up her body.


Donna slowly picked at the knots that bound Sam’s wrists, bit by bit releasing him from the rope. She then carefully loosened certain of the ropesthat held them together and eased forward, rolling Sam on to his back until she had him in a tight schoolgirl pin.

“Now I can see you… and touch you,” Sam mumbled proudly, his hands mapping her body.

“Yeah, but you’ve still got a girl sitting on your face,” Donna replied.

Sam looked as though he was going to make a bid for freedom until Donna again eased her lingerie to the side and let him kiss her vagina, “So easy to control a man,” she murmured.

Donna’s breath was heavy with arousal as she slowly took another rope which she slipped through Sam’s neck rope, up over her thigh and through the rope that was tied around her waist. She pulled it tight and felt her body clinching down on to Sam’s neck. Sam barely noticed as his tongue pushed a little deeper into her body.

Donna’s manicured fingers gripped and tightened the knots and she sat back and watched in delight as Sam’s aroused struggles pulled the knots into almost steel-like locks.

Sam stoppedand looked up from Donna’s tight schoolgirl pin, his features dwarfed by her thighs.

“Keep going,” she breathed, “These are constrictor knots. I’ve threaded the ends back through the bight, so they are almost impossible to until once pulled tight.”

Her breath was accompanied by a high-pitched aroused moan as she explored how her body felt in her new living harness. She pushed her hips to explore how her crotch and inner thighs felt as they moulded to Sam’s face.

“Donna,” Sam panted, pulled hopelessly at one of the rock-hard knots.

“Too late now,” she breathed.

Donna rolled up on to her knees. Sam’s neck followed, with Sam desperately clinging to her thighs to prevent being hung.

“It’s not often that the schoolgirl pin is the kinder position,” Donna whispered, easy her full weight back down on to his face and neck.

“I feel like part of your body,” Sam panted.

“The more aroused I get, the deeper you go…”

“And the less likely youare to release me.”

“Oh, you’re fucked darling,” Donna’s damp crotch grinding against him.

“Does this means I’ve lost the fight?” Sam smiled.

“It depends on your definition of ‘lost’,” Donna smiled, reaching behind her to clap Sam’s cock. With his nose pushed into her panties and his eyes losing focus, he climaxed and shuddered under her weight.

Donna eased up, lifted his head and tucked her ankles together beneath his neck.

“I can’t get any deeper,” Sam croaked, his body pinned helped by the Amazonian woman.

Donna leaned forward, her red gloss nails swishing away blonde hair, “Sorry,” she bit her bottom lip, “but it gets worse.”

She slowly crushed her thighs together until they almost touched, engulfing Sam’s face. Sam stared up through the deep ravine of her thighs to watch her quivering lips break into a giggle.

Donna then reached for a tie down strap and looped it beneath her calm muscles and up over her thighs. She threaded the end through the buckle and started to tighten the one-way strap.

“Well, you were hoping to tie me up,” she mouthed, “this will cinch my legs together and make me a helpless captive too…”

“With me inside?”

“And with your lips on my vagina,” Donna trembled, “there won’t be room to move after I’ve strapped us together.”

The soft skin on Donna’s inner thighs touched and then her abductor muscles melded together as the thick straw tightened, drawing her usually powerful thighs securely together. Sam was now lost from sight. She could feel her thighs and calves forming a box around his head with his tongue against her vagina.

She straightened her back, placed her palms on her thighs and slowed into her yoga breathe. She had taught yoga for a time, and she imagined her students watching her dominate her man.

She squeezed lubricant between her clinked thighs and used her fingertips to ease it down into the depths of her crotch. Her fingertips could just rEach Sam’s mouth and she stroked him as the lubricant rolled down into his mouth and was transferred by his tongue on to her vagina. She pulled her fingers back out and let her slippery thighs reseal his tomb.

“Fuck, you feel so nice in there,” Donna whispered huskily.

She reached behind her for Sam’s erect cock and enjoyed the feel as he swelled even larger as she forced her bottom further back on to her haunches. Sam always climaxed harder with semi-asphyxiation and this time was no different. He shuddered in ecstasy beneath her and then tried to talk.

Donna looked down at her sealed legs, “What?” she smiled. His lips felt wonderful, but they were currently so deep against her that they were useless for speech.

“You want your jeans?” Donna questioned, “Well you’re Surely not putting them on!”

She reached for Sam’s discarded clothing and waited as he blinded rummaged through his pockets. He finally pulled out a small box, flicked it open and held it upabove his head.

“Oh my god!” Donna cried, claping Sam’s hands.

Sam kept mumbling.

“Oh fuck, if you keep talking, I’ll cum in your face again,” she cried, “I get it… it’s a ring!”

But Sam was determined to ask the questions and painstakingly sketched each letter of his marriage proposition on her goose bump covered legs.

“Oh Sammy, why did you have to Ask when I’m being so fucking cruel!” Donna moaned, pulling in frustration at the female flesh that consumed his head like a vault.

Donna loved wrestling as a way to release her anger and to sit her sadistic streak, but now she felt embarrassed, “My stupid thighs,” she cried, “This strap is locked and the key’s in my bedroom… which was kinda where you were going later on.”

He started to spell out his proposal on her thigh for a second time.

“I get it and the answer’s ‘Yes’!” she cried.

She slide the ring on to her finger to admire from all angles and then squeezed his hands, “Oh fuck, I finally have a fiancé and he’s locked in my crotch!”

Sam tried to talk, but his words meant nothing in the real world.

“I’ve heard about men going on one knee, but this?”

Sam’s tongue encircled Donna’s labia again as he enjoyed her aroused scent. This was so Donna. She was ‘sorry’ that she had tied him up and turned him into a human dildo, yet seemed to have no intention of Releasing him. If anything, her weight on his face had increased. He kissed her again and then let his face melt back against her body.

Sam had chosen this time to propose for a reason. He wanted to convince this self-conscious girl that her strength and dominance was beautiful. He couldn’t see her face, but the way Donna’s aroused hips continued to grind against his face she seemed to appreciate the gesture.

Donna leaned forward on her arms, lifted up and eased them both forward, “Oh fuck, too nice,” Donna cried as the movement forced Sam’s lips deeper into her body, “If I orgasmEvery step of the way to my bedroom, we’ll have to peal these panties off your face.

“Strap?” Sam slurred, his voice jut victorys through her body.

“It’s locked!” Donna cried in exhausted and exasperated, “It will only tighten.”

Sam’s hands moved from her breast to the stick that ensnared her tights.

“No!” Donna laughed out loud in maddening delight, “My legs will crush you like a car press!”

They reached the kitchen where Donna stopped to drink Champagne from the bottle, wiping bubbles and straight blonde hair from her red lips. She poured some between her legs before the two conjoined lovers edged slowly forward.

“The clock is ticking on this Champagne, sweetie” she hiccupped, “If we can’t free you from this harness soon, this Champagne is coming your way”

They inched slowly towards the bedroom, both panting with laughter and Donna’s dishevelled hair now sticking to the perspiration on her bare chest and flushed nipples.

“Fuck, so horny,” Donna cried, her glowing body motionless as she enjoyed the feeling on Sam’s tongue inside her.

Sam’s cries were building.

“Okay, now stop or I really will pee in your face!” Donna begged, reaching her fingertips into her crotch in a desperate attempt to separate them with a slider of silk.

Finally, they reached Donna’s bedroom and she leaned forward, crushing his face beneath her as she stretched for the key to the strap. Still straddling him in a schoolgirl pin, she hurriedly unlocked the strap and spread her tights to reveal Sam’s damp dilated eyes.


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