Mira never thought that she would ever end up like this. With a tube stuck in her mouth and her slim body chained to the cold and hard tiles of the restroom floor, she nervously stared at the metal chair frame above her. The seat had been replaced with a large transparent bowl. Her nose was completely blocked by the mask that attached the tube leading from the bowl to her mouth. The raspy sound of her heavy breaths echoing Through the tube sounded unsettling and almost unhuman. Her once beautifully maintained long black hair was scattered all over the floor.
She always wanted to become a doctor, but despite all her hard work and good grades in medical school, she hadn’t been able to secure any residence placement. The recent advancements in artistic intelligence and automation had even made medical jobs very scarce. After months of dealing with self-doubt and struggle to make ends meet, she came across the human toilet project.
“Creating new employment opportunitiesWhile helping to protect the environment.” was their slogan that caught her attention. A sign that was placed at the wall above her explained it further: “You are being served by Mira Yamada, BSc Med, 24, Junior Human Toilet. Each time a toilet is flushed, 6 liters of clean water are being wasted. Thank you for supporting our project to create jobs and save the environment.”
Mira’s back started to hurt From lying on the hard tiles the entire day. The thin blue uniform she had to wear barely provided any cushioning. Without any clock or reference point, she had lost her sense of time, but she must have been stuck in this stall for hours. The entire time she had to stare at the same white ceiling and blue partition walls. From the corner of her eyes, she was also able to see the young blonde lying in the stall next to her. She was probably Another fresh graduate unable to find a better job, but it was hard to tell with the mask covering her nose and mouth. Working as a toilet feltdehumanizing, but the salary was relatively high given the challenging job market. Restaurants, bars, and even banks paid a lot of money to hire young pretty women as human toilets. Mira still couldn’t believe that after years of diligent study and taking exams, she ended up in this position. She wanted to become a doctor to help people, not swallow their waste.
The creaking sound of the restroom door being opened interrupted her thoughts. Her heart pounded in her chest as she silently listened to the footsteps approaching the stalls. Then she heard the door of the stall next to her being closed and locked. Mira tilted her head as much as she could to peek into the neighboring stall, but all she could see were a man’s pair of brown leather shoes stepping close to the woman’s face. Hearing the anxious woman frantically wheezing through the tube as the man unzipped his pants sent a shiver down her spine. Not long after, the sound of his pee filling the bowl echoed through therestroom. Mira’s eyes widened as she watched the poor woman helplessly move her head and twist her body while the tube attached to her mouth slowly filled with his urine. She moaned in disgust as the urine entered her mouth. Remembering her training, Mira knew all too well how hard it was to swallow with an open mouth. The masks were intentionally designed to block their noses in order to make sure that the human toilets will Swallow everything. It was cruelly efficient.
The woman squirmed and moaned under the chair as she swallowed as much of his urine as she could. Air bubbles floated up into the bowl every time she exhausted. As soon as he was done peeing, the man just pulled up his pants and left the stall while she continued to struggle emptying the bowl. Watching his pee slowly being drained into the poor woman’s mouth, Mira Wondered how these men could use another human being as a toilet so casually. After one last loud slurping noise, the bowl was finally completely empty,and Mira heard the woman desperately gasping for air through the tube. The world seems cold and heartless from the perspective of a toilet.
The restroom became quiet again after the man washed his hands and left. Nothing besides the raspy sound of the two women wheeling through their tubes could be heard for what felt like hours. The urge to move her body became unbearable for Mira. She would have given everything Just to stand up and walk around for a while. She had no idea for how long she would have to stay under that chair. The employee who chained her to the bathroom floor and put the mask on her face told her that he would come at the end of each shift to release her again. It could be minutes or hours until she could finally leave. So far she was lucky, because nobody used her stall yet, but the constraint alone was already torture. Breathing through a tube for hours was much more exhausting than she expected.
The restroom door opened again. Mira heard two men talking to each other as she unexpectedly stared at the ceiling.
“If he doesn’t change his attitude, I’m gonna make a complaint.” She heard one of them say.
“Yes, if we lose the deal because of him, he should be sacked.” The other man replied while opening the door to Mira’s stall.
Mira started to panic when she saw the man enter her stall and heard him lock the door from the inside. The wheezing sound of her short and rapid breaths through the tube echoed through the stall while the man turned his back towards her and pulled down his pants.
“Calm down, sweetheart,” he said in a dry tone as he sat down on the chair above her. “just relax.”
Through the transparent bowl, Mira could see his bare butt cheats spreading apart, revealing his dark, hairy anus. His testicles and penis were loosely hanging down into the bowl. Mira started to sweat, and her breathing became even faster and heavier as she helped watch his anus stretch outward to make space for a large turd.
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