The Human Toilet Girls Ch. 04

Absorbed in his work, John sat at his desk in the office and stared at the computer screen. A sudden pressure in his bladder instantly reminded him of the strange restaurant he had visited the week before. Worrying about what Kasumi was probably going through at this moment, John surprised and got up from his chair to go to the restroom.

As he passed by two of his female colleagues chatting in the hallway, he thought About how lucky they were with their careers compared to the poor toilet girls. After entering the men’s room and seeing the urinals at the wall lined up next to each other, John froze in place. All he could think about were Fumiko, Kasumi, and Kyoko.

As if he were moved by an invisible hand, he turned around and walked back to his desk to grab his bag. Without saying a word to his colleagues, he then rushed to his car and started driving. With a growing pressure in his bladder, his penis twitching in his pants, and Kasumi’s cute face on his mind, he drove forthree hours straight.

John’s eyes lit up when he finally saw the familiar sign of the restaurant “Sapporo Secrets.” Without wasting any time, he immediately ordered the same overpriced chicken katsu again and rushed to the restroom. His excitement quickly turned into disappointment when he saw that his path was blocked by a small floor stand that said “under maintenance.”

Wondering about what kind of Maintenance a restroom without actual toilets required, John impatiently leaned against the wall next to the restroom door. Driven by his curiosity, he then carefully stepped over the sign and quietly opened the door to peek inside the restroom. A mature woman in a blue uniform was using a hose to spray water onto the three girls. The foamy water ran down their naked bodies and flooded the floor around their knees. With an open mouth, John watched Fumiko’s round breasts getting pushed left and right by the strong water pressure. Their wet, curvy bodies sparkled beautifully under the ceiling light of the restroom.

The cleaning lady, who also seemed to be Japanese, then proceeded to rub them dry with large white towels. The girls remained perfectly still in their positions as the woman hastily ran the coache towel over their smooth skin. With great interest and widened eyes, John watched the cleaner wipe the last remaining drops of water from Kasumi’s thick thighs. Then she opened a package of small yellow balls and placed them into the girls’ open mouths. A strong minty scent filled the room.

After the woman finally finished her work and squeezed past John to exit the restroom, he slowly approached the girls. Keeping a respectful distance, John leaned forward to look into their open mouths. Freshly cleaned and with scented balls in their mouths, the girls really looked like proper urinals as they raised their heads and stretched their mouths wide open.

“Please listen to me, Kasumi. I think I can really help you to find a better job.” John gaThere all his courage to approach the young student who was uncomfortablely kneeling on the wet floor between her two co-workers. “I am a hiring manager at a big company, and I could easily find a role for a bright young lady.”

Kasumi didn’t reply.

The complete silence in the restroom was only interrupted by the sounds of the girls breathing through their noses and occasionally swallowing their saliva.

“I Understand that you are not allowed to talk, but would you allow me to meet you after work?” John continued, trying to mask his nervousness with a confident tone.

Watching Kasumi’s tongue struggle to move around the cented ball in her small mouth, John nervously awaited her reply.

“Just leave her alone.” He then heard Kyoko says after she angrily spat out the yellow ball. “Let her do her job. She can make her own decisions.”

The cented ball that had dropped from her mouth onto the wet restroom tiles was slowly rolling towards John and stopped rightbeside his shoes.

“I just wanted to…” he tried to explain when he suddenly heard the restroom door open.

An elderly man wearing a brown blazer and a matching hat approached them and casually greeted John.

“Good afternoon, sir,” the beared man said with a friendly smile while opening his pants in front of Kasumi’s face. “This one is my favourite.”

“Hello…” John reluctantly replied as he moved back to create space between them.

Carefully avoiding stepping on the cented ball on the floor, John pretended to read Kyoko’s sign to appear busy and distracted while the jolly old man pulled out his small, limp penis and aimed it at Kasumi’s open mouth.

John’s crotch was uncomfortable close to Kyoko’s stern face as he bent over to read her sign again and again, hoping that the man would leave soon. With her lips firmly closed, Kyoko leaned back against the wall as far as she could.

“You’re having trouble with Kyoko?” The man chuckled into his full beard. “It seems like she is malfunctioning today.”

John couldn’t help but look at the yellow stream of pee flowing from the old man’s small penis into Kasumi’s mouth. The minty centt of the ball in her mouth intensified as she struggled to swallow his pee without choking on the yellow ball.

“It’s fine. I am just looking around.” John replied, forcing his eyes to stay centred on Kyoko’s sign.

He must have repeatedly read “You’re being served by Kyoko M., 26, Human Toilet (Former Lawyer)” at least 20 times while listening to the splashing sounds of the man’s urine trickling into Kasumi’s mouth.

“Is it your first time here?” the man asked John in a friendly tone, shaking and squeezing his limp penis over Kasumi’s open mouth until it was completely dry. “I have been here almost every day for the last 3 years. I still remember how much Kyoko struggled on her first day.”

Slightly disgusted and angered by the thought of this man casually using these poor girls asurinals for such a long time as if it was the most normal thing in the world, John just silently nodded.

“She looks like a model, but she can be a bit stubborn sometimes.” He added while pulling up his pants and closing the zipper. “Let me show you a trick.”

As John watched Kasumi force the remaining urine down her tight throat, the old man reached over and pinched Kyoko’s nose under the blindfold.

Not knowing what to say or how to react, John just froze in place and stared at the man.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Kyoko opened her mouth to take a deep breath.

“There you go.” The old man laughed joyfully. “Sometimes they need a little help.”

“That’s really not necessary.” John said politely, watching Kyoko forcedly breathe Through her mouth while the old man’s fingers firmly pinched her nose.

“Don’t worry about it.” The man said proudly as if he had done John a huge favour. “But please anxious up. I don’t have all day.”

Not wanting to be rude, John thanked him and reluctantly pulled down his pants. Trying his best to avoid getting an erection, John cautiously grabbed his penis and nervously held it over Kyoko’s open mouth. He could feel her warm breath gently blowing against the tip of his penis. With her luscious lips and elegantly sharp face, she must have been the most beautiful urinal in the world. Her silky black hair was smooth and shiny again today.

As John slowly gave in to the pressure in his bladder, his urine started to slowly trickle from his penis into her mouth. Kyoko immediately opened her jaw wider, preventing his urine from spilling onto her face and body. Carefully controlling the pressure, John slowly filled her mouth with his pee. He could see the urine level in her mouth rapidly decrease and then slowly refill every time she swallowed. Concentrating on aiming into her mouth and not getting an erection, John avoided eye contact with the old man who was still pinching Kyoko’s nose.

Surprised by how easy and convenient it was to use her this time, John felt like he was really peeing into a urinal. An exceptionally beautiful one. Not being able to breathe with John’s urine constantly trickling into her mouth, Kyoko started to choke and gargle. With the old man’s hand firmly pinching her nose, she couldn’t even move her head to spit out the urine. With no other choice than to swallow as quickly as she could, Kyoko’s body turned and twisted on the hard floor as she struggled for air.

While John felt sorry for her, he also couldn’t help but gain a certain degree of satisfaction from seeing her struggle after she repeatedly criticized him. What really worried him was what Kasumi would think of him if she knew what was happening.

Bubbles started forming in Kyoko’s mouth as she started to choke and cought uncontrollable. Luckily, John had already fully emptied his bladder and was now just shaking the last few drops into her mouth. After one big, desperategulp, he heard Kyoko gasp for air like crazy.

“Well done. You two make a great team.” The old man congratulated John and Kyoko before finally letting go of her nose.

John nodded politely while watching Kyoko cought and slump against the wall behind her.

“Oh, you dropped something.” The man picked up the yellow ball from the floor and placed it back into Kyoko’s mouth. “There you go, darling.”

Then he wished John goodbye and walked to the sink to wash his hands.

Seeing Kyoko angrily chew on the cented ball as she slouched against the wall made John feel guilty and ashamed. She was so exhausted that she abandoned her kneeing position and just sat on the floor with her feet flat on the ground. John couldn’t help but notice her clean-shaven vagina peeking Through between her thighs.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” He apologised to Kyoko after the old man had left the restroom.

Kyoko angrily mumbled something to interrupt him, but John couldn’t understand her with the cented ball in her mouth.

“Please forgive me. I will make it up to you.” John tried to calm her down. “I can help all of you.”

His desperate words were met with absolute silence.


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