The Human Toilet Girls Ch. 02

Feeling ashamed of himself, John nervously walked back to his table. The chicken katsu he ordered was already waiting for him on his desk. While slowly eating the overpriced, mediocre dish, John noticed that there were exclusively men in the restaurant.

“Maybe this is why the food is so expensive. The people actually come here for the toilet girls in the restroom.” He thought to himself as he observed the men on the other tables around him. “These nasty perverts.”

Trying to quickly finish his dinner to leave this creepy place, John couldn’t stop thinking about the girls. He worried whether Kyoko and the others were OK. He felt a shiver down his spine when he thought about all these men in the restaurant using the poor girls. They must be so exhausted from chugging down gallons of pee Every single day.

After he finished his food and prepared to leave, John decided to check on them one last time. He just wanted to know whether Kyoko had recovered and maybe even apologize. Embarrassed and shy, he walked to the restroom again. He couldn’t help but think about the other customers watching and judging him.

“They should be ashamed of themselves instead of judging me.” He reassured himself. “I am just going inside there to check on the girls, but the other men here are all decade perverts.”

When John entered the restroom, he saw the three girls still slightly kneeling on the floor to wait for customers. Blindfolded, tied up, and with their bare knees resting on the hard tiles of the restroom floor, they looked so helpful and pitiful. Kyoko’s hair was a complete mess and her face looked even more serious than before. As John slowly walked over to her to apologize, he saw Fumiko and Kasumi opening their mouths again, but Kyoko kept hers shut. With her lips tightly pressed together, her beautifully defined face radiated both anger and shade. John nervously admired her sharp cheek bones and flawless skin while trying to muster up the courage to apologize.

Struggling to find the right words, John kept on being distracted by the heavy breathing of Kasumi. With her mouth wide open, the poor girl seemed to be bracing herself for being used. Feeling sorry for the young student having to endure such harsh working conditions, John felt the urge to comfort her. As he stepped in front of the slender girl and croouched down to talk to her, she started shaking a bit and her breaths became even faster. Concerned and worried, John watched her small, firm breasts move up and down as her chest rose and fell sharply with each breath.

“Hey, are you okay?” John asked her in a soft tone.

Stressed and confused, Kasumi leaned back and relaxed her mouth.

“Y-yes…, I am fine.” She stuttered nervously with a strong Japanese accent.

“You seem uncomfortable and scared. Why do you even work here?” John asked her, both concerned and curious.

“We… We are not allowed to talk to customers.” She stammered softly.

After quickly glancing left and right at Kyoko and Kasumi still silently kneeing on the floor, John moved his face closer to Kasumi. Her small, feminine chin and plump lips were adorable.

“I’m not going to tell anyone.” He whispered. “Why are you doing this?”

“I can earn money for my studies.” She hesitantly replied. “This is the only thing I am good at.”

John could not believe that such a pretty girl didn’t have better options than working as a toilet. As a student she surely must have had other skills to monetize. Maybe they were paying her extremely well to work here.

“Don’t worry, sir.” She added after a moment of silence. “You can use me.”

“No! I would never do that.” John immediately replied. “Is there Any way I can help you? Should I search for jobs or at least bring you some food or water?”

Full of anticipation, he waited for her full, luscious lips to move.

“No, sir.” She replied. “I am just doing my work. Please leave me alone.”

Disappointed and slightly hurt, John respectfully backed off and walked away. Reassuring himself that he had tried everything he could, he made his way to the door. On his way to the door, he couldn’t help but peek at Fumiko’s large, round breasts dangling above her thick thighs as she silently knelt next to Kasumi. They looked so soft and heavy.

Unable to resist, John extended his arm to touch one of them. Fumiko flinched as his hand carefully grabbed one of them. Mesmerized by the softness and warmth of her skin, John started to gently squeeze her full breasts with both hands. Like a lifeless status, Fumiko just remained perfectly still as John greedily traced his hands along her curvy body. He just couldn’t stop. It had been ages since he touched a woman.

“It’s such a shade that this pretty nurse has to let men use her as a toilet.” He thought to himself while carefully playing with her long, silky smooth hair. “Nurses really should get paid more.”

The bulgein his pants grew as he touched her pretty round face, his thumb slowly moving over her supple lips. Her blank expression turned him on even more while he ran his fingers over her motionless face. He couldn’t take it anymore.

With a mix of shame and excitement, he rushed to quietly open his pants. The sound of his zipper caused Fumiko to open her mouth and raise her had almost like a reflex. His heart was racing as he grabbed his throbbing penis and carefully dipped it into her mouth. The warm, soft, and wet insides of her mouth embedded his penis like a blissful warm bath. The sight of her full lips around the shake of his pulsating penis drive him crazy. Without moving a muscle, Kasumi just held still while John rested his penis on her flat, idle tongue and enjoyed the sensing of her warm breath.

“She is so professional.” John admitted her poise and commitment.

Wondering about how she felt about being blindfolded and having a stranger’s penis in her mouth, John gently rubbed his penis over her tender tongue and luscious lips.

He flinched in shock when he suddenly heard the restroom door burst open with a loud bang.

John quickly pulled up his pants and walked away from the girls. Two younger guys entered the room, loudly laughing and talking to each other. As John moved into a corner and started fumbling in his pockets to appear busy, the two tipsy guys casually stepped in front of the girls.


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