The Human Toilet Girls Ch. 01

Shocked by the ridiculously expensive prices, John reluctantly ordered a random dish from the menu. After his long trip, he urgently needed to use a restroom, and this was the only way he could get access to the restrooms. As soon as the friendly waiter had taken his order, John made his way through the fancy Japanese restaurant to rush to the men’s room. When he stormed through the restroom door, barely able to control his bladder, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

Three naked young women were kneeling on the floor. With their eyes blindfolded and their hands tied behind their backs, they just silently sat in front of the wall.

“What’s going on?” he asked himself, staring at the naked breasts of the three Japanese looking girls.

Their long black hair gently flowed over the backs of their slim but curvy bodies. Forcefully suppressing his urge to pee, John slowly approached them to find out what was going on. Their breaths became faster and heavier as he came closer. Each of them had a sign placed on the wall above their heads. When John stepped in front of the girl on the left to read the sign, she looked up and stretched her mouth wide open.

Confused, he started reading her sign while keeping a safe distance: “You’re being served by Fumiko S., 27, Human Toilet (Former Nurse).”

John’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“They replaced the toilets with these women? This can’t be real!” he thought to himself as he looked at her gaping mouth.

As he proceeded to read the sign above the second girl, Fumiko closed her mouth while the girl in the middle reluctantly opened hers.

She had a very similar text on hers: “You’re being served by Kasumi H., 23, Human Toilet, Part-Time Student.”

The petite and slender girl’s lush lips trembled as she hesitantly forced her mouth open. She told in relief when she heard John move on to the next girl. John’s urge to pee became unbearable.

“You’re being served by Kyoko M., 26, Human Toilet (Former Lawyer).” Was written on the sign above the third girl.

This girl was a bit taller than Kasumi. Her elegantly defined face looked very tense as she slightly opened her mouth without moving any muscle. John couldn’t help but notice her large breasts that were partially covered under her long black hair.

The sight of these three beautiful, young women lined up next to each Other was so captivating that he momentarily forgot everything else. As he admired their thick thighs, young breasts, and suple lips, John suddenly heard someone opening the restroom door. Embarrassed of being seen standing in front of these naked women, John started pretending to fumble in his pocket as if he was searching for something. The elderly man seemed to have been here before, because the naked women didn’t seem to surprise him at all.

Without a care in the world, he casually walked up to the girl on the left and unzipped his pants. Just like she did earlier, Kumiko immediatelyopened her mouth when she heard him approaching. The man pulled out his limp penis and placed it between her smooth lips. Completely shocked, John watched the man relieve himself straight down her throat. He could hear a soft gurgle as her mouth filled with his urine. With a strained face, she struggled to swallow quick enough to prevent her mouth from overflowing. John tried to avoid eye contact with the old man as he listened to the steady stream of his urine rushing into her mouth. His bladder must have been really full. Kumiko repeatedly had to choke down his pee without closing her mouth, followed by the bubble sound of her mouth filling up over and over again.

Ashamed and uncomfortable, John aimlessly looked around the restroom. There was no regular toilet to be found. As the last few drops of urine trickled into the back of her throat, the man started shaking his limp dick over her open mouth to make sure he was completely dry before pulling up his pants and walking to the sink.

While the man washed his hands and left the restroom, John watched the poor girl gasping for air. Worried about her wellbeing, John carefully approached the exhausted looking girl. He wasn’t sure whether he should talk to her or not. After taking a closer look at her strained face, he could see some drops of urine on her blindfold and cheeses. John rushed to get some toilet paper to clean it for her. She flinched in shock as he gently wiped the drops off her face.

“It’s such a waste that such a cute girl is being used as a toilet.” He pondered while admiring her beautiful face.

Her cute little nose, flawless skin, and supple lips were gorgeous. A sharp pain in his abdomen interrupted his thoughts. His bladder felt like it was about to burst. Unsure of what to do, he nervously walked up and down the restroom. Confused by his footsteps, the blindfolded girls opened and closed their mouths whenever he passed by. He was running out of time.

“Should I reallyuse them? And if so, which one?” he contemplated. “Definitely not Kumiko, because she is still recovering. But the young student in the middle seemed very uncomfortable, too.”

Driven by his unbearable urge to pee, John reluctantly stepped in front of Kyoko, the former lawyer on the right. He felt a sense of shame and guilt as he watched her hesitantly open her small, pretty mouth.

“I’m sorry.” John whispered while he opened his pants with shaking hands.

Carefully making sure that he didn’t touch her lips, he nervously placed his growing penis between her beautiful, pink lips. Now he couldn’t hold it in anymore. In a strong stream, the pee just burst out of him and forcedly hit the back of her throat. John heard Kyoko choke and gulp as the urine level in her mouth quickly began to rise. His desperate attempts to control the stream were in vain. The pressure in his bladder was too strong. To make things worse, his growing erection made it even harder to aim properly.The intense feeling of relief and the sight of his penis in the pretty girl’s mouth made him rock hard. The overwhelmed girl tried her best to swallow his pee as fast as she could, but it was too late. Her mouth was completely full and started to overflow. As his urine dripped down her face and onto her huge breasts, John had to quickly pull his now fully erected penis out of her mouth and step back to avoid the splashing drops. Unable to stop peeing, he unintentionally pissed all over her face. Kyoko just helped knelt in front of him as he tried to aim the stream back towards her open mouth. She was completely drenched.

Feeling terribly guilty and embarrassed, John thought about how lucky he was that the girls were blindfolded as he sprinkled the last remaining pee on the pilot girl in front of him. She was already soiled and he didn’t know where he should have aimed instead.

He really wanted to help clean her up, but he was scared that someone would enter the restoreom and blow him for having done this on purpose. As Kyoko cought to clear her throat and the other two girls turned their heads in confusion, John silently left the restroom.


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