This story being posted here as I cannot sign on to the Stories section of XNXX to post it there. Any comments/suggestions are welcome – basically, should I continue writing? It is fact – part fact, part fiction.
My Life – Chapter 1
I have always been very interested in all things sex related and not just those things which are usually – sometimes things which are a bit more way out – but that is just me.
When I was only about 12 years old I remember hiding in my small wardrobe and wanking – dry at that age.
I remember trying to increase my feelings of pleasure by pushing things up my ass – a pencil, a paintbrush handle, my fingers – anything which would increase the lovely feelings I got when I played with myself.
I remember sitting on the toilet and sliding a thin rod down my cock, a rubber band wound round one end to act as a stopper because I was scared itmight disappear down there and not come out again.
But this was a long time before I managed to enjoy anything sexual with anyone else.
My best friend Ian would come and stay at my house sometimes but my mum and dad were always around us too much to do anything. We used to talk about our little cocks but we didn’t even know what to do with them at that stage. It was just the occasional looking at each others and rubbing them to make ourselves feel good.
I started to cum properly before Ian and one day I was boasting about it to him, saying I could make myself cum in under 2 minutes. Why I felt fast was good I don’t know but at that time it seemed more like a race than a long lingering pleasure trail. He called my bluff and, sure enough, by rubbing my cock frantically I managed to cum in under 2 minutes, the few small squirts landing in a tissue so as not to make a mess in my bedroom.
I would go and stay at Ian’s sometimes. He started to be able tomake himself cum and we used to hide in his bedroom, him rubbing his cock between his thighs until a couple of thick drops jerked from him. Then I would take my cock between the palms of my hands and rub it like rubbing a stick into a block to make fire. But this time I was able to produce a good quantity and we had to use a cup to catch it, not that I needed anything so big just not having anything else to hand when I came.
I once suggested we could stick our cocks up each others as we didn’t have girlfriends but nothing ever happened about that. I think we both just went “Urrggghhh!” at the thought. Maybe he had not tried ass play like me or perhaps he had and just didn’t like it, either way we never did it – more’s the goal.
Next door to where I lived with my parents was a family of 5 – mum, dad, an older brother Paul, younger brother Pete and little sister Kate. The older brother was too old for me, when I was about 12 he was about 16 but the younger brother was the same age as me. The little sister would only have been about 9 so was really too young I thought.
Although Pete and I are the same age we never played in a sexual way. The nearest thing was when we went swimming and the local pool and got changed together. We would look at each other’s little dicks but never even touched, never mind anything more daring, so I never really thought of any of the family in a sexual way.
We lived just about 10 minutes walk from the local beach, a popular holiday resort on the south coast of England, with candy floss, ice creams, “kiss-me-quick” hats and beach huts. My mum and dad had decided the previous year that a beach hut would be a good idea. With 4 kids in our family, me being the youngerest by some years, as well as mum and dad it made sense to have somewhere to keep all the paraphernalia of a trip to the beach rather than having to carry it all with us every time. It also means we had somewhereprivate to change after swimming, my 3 older sisters being particularly pleased about that.
And living so close to the sea I would often go for a swim after school, sometimes just me, sometimes with a friend like Pete or Ian. We would rush down to the water hoping there would be some surf to play in. As the evening wore on we would get cold and run back to the hut to rub ourselves down with a rough towel to warm ourselves up. Sometimes we would use the old camping gas stove to make a cup of coffee and sit watching the sun disappear, dressed but disheveled, the towel dragged over our still wet hair, steam rising from our mugs of drinking and talking of nothing in particular.
My family and the family next door were all good friends from the parents down to the children. We all got on and, though we didn’t spend much time in each other’s houses, we knew enough about each other to feel safe in each other’s company, my parents often looking after Kate and Pete, theirparents looking after me when our respective parents had things to do.
And so it happened that when I came home from school one very special day I wanted to go for a swim, but this was complicated as mum was looking after Kate and she immediately said she wanted to go too. She was about 10 then so I would have been about 13. My mum said if I wanted to go I would have to take Kate as well and sent her to get her swimming costume from next door.
I wasn’t best pleased as I wanted to have a swim and a bit of a play with myself when I came out of the water. I loved that feeling of my cock being really cold and shrivelled from the cold water, and how it gradually warmed and grew as I played with it in the privacy of the beach hut. Sometimes making myself cum, sometimes not.
At that age I could stay stiff for ages if I didn’t cum and it was nice to pull the foreskin back, feeling the still tight skin slide over the engorged head, almost painful in the pleasurestretching, pre-cum leaking from the tip, tucking it into my pants and walking home feeling it staying hard all the way, hoping no-one would notice but not really caring if they did.
Kate came back having put on her swimming costume and grabbed a towel, I guess her panties were wrapped up in the towel for coming home later. I had put on my Speedos and wrapped my boxes up in my towel. She was excited, not just because of going for a swim but because she was getting to play with an older boy in a most innocent way, it made her feel really grown up.
We walked to the beach hut talking. I thought she was so young, so children. I really didn’t want to spend my time with her but I had to because my mum said so. I decided to make the best of it. I was young enough that I could still be children so I regressed to her age and became a 10-year-old again. We played in the waves, splashed, swam, divered and generally had fun. So long as no-one I knew saw me being so childish I was happy to play her childish games and giggle and chatter.
We started to get cold no matter how much we rushed around in and out of the water and as the sunlight diminished we knew we had to get out of the water and get changed. We headed back for the hut and warm clothing.
Without really thinking about it we went into the hut together, closing the door, wrapping our towels around ourselves, shivering slightly but gradually getting warm. I put the kettle on for coffee. Kate didn’t want coffee, she didn’t really like it, so I made her some juice instead. Sipping my coffee, Kate slurping her juice, we sat in there still chatting inanely.
She went to get changed first and had the perfect cheat. She pulled her dress over her head, not putting her arms through, and used it as a cloak to hide under as she removed her costume and shooled herself dry. Only then did she put her arms through to put the dress on properly and stood there looking at me, waiting for me to get changed.
It was only then that I realized that I might have a bit of a problem. My dick had started to stiffen watching her take off her costume underneath the dress and now it was starting to bulge noticeably in my swimming trunks.
She started to laugh at my embarrassment. She said “What are you going to do now then?” I went to wrap the towel around my wait to get undressed beneath it but she said “You know I can just pull that away while you are struggling to get your wet things off.”
The thought of me getting undressed and her pulling the towel away leaving me stark naked made my dick stand straight up. Little Kate seeing my stiff cock was somehow really exciting. I knew it shouldn’t be because we were all friends and she was so young, but I couldn’t help it. And the more I thought about it the harder I became. My cock was starting to poke out beneath the waistband of my trunks – and she saw it.
“Wow” she said. "It’s sticking out!” I grabbed the towel and wrapped it round me but, true to her word, she grabbed it from me before I could tuck in the end to make it secure, putting it behind her on the seat and sitting down on it firmly so I could not get it back.
“It’s bigger than Pete’s” she said. I was only about 5-6 inches long and, at 13 years old it wasn’t particularly thick, but it was obviously enough to impress her. I started to feel less embarrassed and more thrilled. I stopped trying to hide it and turned towards her so she could see better. The head was not right out above the waistband, the foreskin still trapped inside. My balls were roaming around and I was harder and more excited than I could ever remember. The tip was glistening in the pale light from the battery lamp in the hut and Kate’s eyes were gleated to my crotch.
“Can I touch it?” she asked. “I’ve seen Pete’s like that in the mornings sometimes buthe’s my brother and I could never touch his. Can I, please?”
“If you are going to see and touch me then I should be able to see and touch you” I said. She thought for a minute. I could see she was thinking quite what that means. But I could also see that her desire to touch me was far more powerful than any thoughts she had of her own embarrassment or shame at showing her body to me.
Her dress came off over her head in seconds flat. “OK” she said. “Now it’s your turn. Get your trunks off and let me see properly.” I was shocked by the speed of her actions and her frankness. She had called my bluff and I was only too pleased. I stripped off my still damp Speedos, carefully releasing my throbbing cock. It stayed bolt upright, hard as iron, foreskin stretched tight behind the head, my balls tight below, throbbing frantically.
I looked at her with new eyes. For the first time I saw her as a sexual being, not just the annoying little girl next door. My gaze travelled slowly down from her neck, across her almost flat chest with just the hint of breasts starting to develop, over her belly with that little bit of puppy fat which gave her something of a figure, down to her hairless little slit, closed tight and showing as just a thin line disappearing between her legs, down her legs to her feet, then snapping back to her crotch. I had only seen adult pussies before in porn, usually being pounded by huge cocks, stretched to accommodation those well hung men. I had never seen such a beautiful, soft, perfect little pussy, untouched, unstretched, pure. My mind raced wondering what it would look like to peer up between her open thighs and gently open that beautiful flower.
“What’s that on your thing?” Her voice snapped me out of my reverie.
“What?” I asked.
“It’s wet!” Her voice was puzzled. “Have you peed?”
“No!” I was indignant. "Don’t you know about cum?”
She smoke her head and I realized that I had a lot of explaining to do. But this was not the time. Right now I wanted her to touch me and for me to touch her.
“It’s not piss, it’s sticky and sweet. Look.” I touched the end of my dick with my finger and a cobweb of pre-cum stretched from my finger to the tip of my cock as I moved it away. I raised my finger to my mouth and licked it. She looked horrified. I told her “It tastes really sweet and nice. Honest. Try it.”
Tentatively she reached out her finger. As it gently touched the tip my cock recovered and throbbed. She jumped back but had a drop of my fluid on her finger. She looked at it for a moment, sniffed it, smiled at me, and then gently slip it right into her mouth. “Mmmm. It does taste nice. Can I have some more?”
How could I say no? She reached her finger out again, then leaned forward and gently grasped my cock with her other hand to stop it jerking up again, and stroked her outstretched finger across the tip gathering up more this time. Greedily she sucked it deep into her mouth, rolling it round with her tongue to make sure she got every drop of this wonderful new taste.
My head was reeling. My mind was racing. Before I knew it I was saying “If you suck my cock you can get more of that” thinking this was a step too far and that there was no way she was going to go for it. But she just sank to her knees in front of me, still holding me firmly in her hand and moved her head towards me.
As her lips closed around the head and started to suck gently it all became too much for me. I didn’t want to scare her off on our first adventure by cumming in her mouth so I jerked my hips backwards and pointed away from her face as I came with such force it hit the side of the hut. Her eyes were like saucers as three, then four spurts of cum shot out, each one slightly less than the one before, myheart racing, my breath rasping, my knees trembling.
She panicked. “What happened? Did I do something wrong? I’m so sorry. I just wanted to taste more of you and you seemed to like it so much. I’m really sorry.”
“No, no, no, no, no. You didn’t do anything wrong. You did everything right. That is just was meant to happen and it felt absolutely fantastic. One day soon I will explain it all to you and you will know how good that feel. Just let me get my breath back and then it will be your turn to enjoy being touched.”
She stood up and reached her hands round my neck. We held each other close while I gathered my thoughts. What had just happened? Did she really suck me even for just a few seconds? Are we really naked in this hut, this little girl and me? And what am I going to do now? I had never touched a girl sexually before. All I knew, or thought I knew, was from watching porn. But she was not like the girls I’d seen on that.
My hand stroked her neck, then gently down across her chest brushing the nipple making her jump as though I had just given her a small electric shock, continuing over her stomach and slowing as it neared that treasure in her most secret place. Her legs parted as she took a step to the side to give me access. My trembling fingers moved down, my middle finger followed the line of the delicate slit, and was rewarded with the feeling of her moist pussy as suddenly my finger slid rather than rubbed.
Breathing hard again, my cock starting to stiffen, I massed gently but persistently from the warm slickness of her virgin opening back up to the little nub of her clip, again feeling her twitch and jump and I brushed her most sensitive places. Her breath was hot on my chest, fast and shallow, I could feel the heat in her cheek as her face pressed against me, she was understanding almost imperceptibly then more obviously as she began to moan softly, then shiver, then tremble.
SuddShe made a noise I had never heard anyone make before, a sort of moan, groan, sight, squeal and gasp all at once. She went rigid standing on tiptoe holding her breath and gripping me like her life depended on it, then after a few seconds started to shake uncontrollable. Her breath blew out of her with a long trembling “Ooooooh!” She gasped a few times, still shaking, then collapsed on the seat covered with my towel, letting go of me – and started to cry.
Now it was my turn to panic. “Are you OK?” I didn’t know what to do. I knelt down in front of her holding her face in my hands, looking into her face as the tears streamed down her cheeks.
“Oh god. That was so … I don’t know … it was just so … ” Her sobbing stopped. ” … great! What did you do?”
She gathered her senses, shook her head to clear it and just said “We’ve got to get home. They’ll be wondering where we’ve got to.”
Wegot dressed in silence, not knowing what to say or really what had just happened. We just knew that was the most fantastic thing that had ever happened to either of us, and right then it felt like it was the most fantastic thing that ever would happen to us.
We knew we couldn’t be boy and girl friend because of our ages but we also knew that we had discovered something so special together that we would have to do it again and again. And go further and further.
When we got home my mum said “You were a long time. Did you have a good time?”
“Yes thanks.” I said innocently.
But the look Kate and I gave each other sent a totally different message between us.
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