Notes: I started this a few days ago, I’ll continue it if I get some good feedback. I want to make it longer, and I really like hows its progressing. If you read it and like it, send me a PM or something
Chapter 1
Jeremy and Donovan were two normal high-schoolers. Both were in grade 11, and they both had a keen interest in girls. They weren’t by any means gay, but they were aroused by all forms of sexuality, be it male or female.
Donovan went to Blair Collegiate High School while Jeremy went to St. Agnes High School on the other side of town. They knew each other through elementary school, and kept relatively close due to their proximity of housing.
Donovan was sitting around one day in his semi-detached house off one of the main roads when he hoped on MSN Messenger. Quickly scanning the contact list, he found Jeremy’s name in the “online” section and opened a window.
“Hey man,whats up?” typed Donovan eagerly.
“Nothing, you?” replied Jeremy.
“Ah, little bit of this, little bit of that. Listen, im bored. Want to come over and watch a movie, play some games or some kind of shit like that?”
“Sure, I’ve got nothing on my schedule…”
“Sweet, when can you be here?”
“Be there in 15 minutes!”
“Kick-ass. I’m gonna watch some porn! Heh heh.”
Donovan means this as a joke, and went about cleaning up, preparing for his friend.
Chapter 2
Jeremy took his bike out of the garage, and stared at the siding of his house. Grey-white, it was bright against the dark, grey clouds in the background. “Gonna rain…” Jeremy thought, “Better get there quick.” And with that, he hoped up on the seat, crushing his balls as he did. “OW! Goddammit!” He squealed. He brought his hand down near his crotch and tenderly moved them around. With himself all in place, he began pedalling to Donovan’s house.
Jeremy thought about what Donovan had said before he left. “Watching porn?” Jeremy pondered, “I’ve liked porn for a while, and figured other guys did too, but that was a pretty frank admission…” Within minutes he was at Donovan’s back door, ringing the doorbell as furiously as possible. Donovan’s house had bad acoustics, and sometimes it was impossible to hear the doorbell if there was music playing.
Jeremy heard the stairs pounding, and his own heart matched the rhythm. He wondered why it was beating so fast.
Chapter 3
Donovan reached the door and throw it open. “YOU SUCK BALLS!” He screamed, and then laughed as his friend punched him lightly in the stomach. The short boy lead his cohort down the stairs to the basement, the main entertainment area in the house. It was decorated by a 40 inch LCDTV, a few game systems and a couch. Donovan plopped down and examined Jeremy. Jeremy was short and fat, well, not fat, but pudgy. His extra weight gave him character, Donovan thought, displacing him from the masses of skinny idiots out there.
Don picked up an X360 controller and tossed it to Jeremy, who grabbed it eagerly. They popped in a random game from Don’s case and blasted away. One hundred zillion points later, Don and Jeremy were bored. “Got any ideas?” inquired Donovan.
“Nah, planning isn’t one of my strong points.” Jeremy hurtled back slowly.
“Bah, lets just do TV then.”
Donovan flipped on the television and a children’s show fluttered on the screen. Don flipped through the channels, trying to find an appropriate show, but only discovering women’s talk shows and commercials. Hitting the power button the remote, they sat on the couch in silence. “Well, we can try the compu-” Jeremy was cut off by the rapid sight of electronics shutting down. The power had gone out. “STUPID FUCKING POWER!” yelled Donovan. He punched the couch pillows and flew back. “Well, got any cards?” asked Jeremy light-heartedly. Donovan looked up and nodded, racing up the stairs to grab the deck.
He came back down with a blue deck of Bicycle cards. They sat at the coffee table playing Go Fish, Crazy Eights and Poker. Soon they reached the limit of boredness again. They scanned the ceiling, thinking of something, ANYTHING, to do. Jeremy was getting restless, when he thought of something daring. “No one will see us,” he thought, “the powers out, his parents dont get back for another few hours…”
“Strip poker?” Jeremy asked, heart fluttering on the S. “Wah?” Donovan choked out. “Strip poker retard. You play poker, and if you lose a hand, you take a garment of clothing off…”
“I know how to play it, but don’t think you thats weird? Were both guys…”
“Have you ever played it with a girl? No. They never want to do it, so technically the people who made it must’ve been guys. Therefore its not weird.”
Donovan saw his reasoning. “I guess…”
“Well, unless you’re scared of me seeing your tiny dick.”
“Ass! Its not tiny!” Donovan got excited at the thought of someone, anyone, seeing his penis.
“Fine, then prove it. Play.”
“OK, I will!”
Chapter 4
Jeremy doled out the cards and set the rules. Each person would get one exchange, after which they had to make the best poker hand they could. After the first round, Don came up with 3-of-a-kind and Jeremy with nothing. “Mother fucker…” Jeremy commented, as he grabbed his shirt and lifted. His small man-boobs slapped against his tummy. His nipples began to harden as it got cold around him. The second round commenced, and Don came up short against Jeremy’s 2 pair. “Strip it, fag.” Jeremy insulted. Don sneered and lifted up his shirt, rubbing his stomach. Now topless, the two entered the third round, Donovan losing again, 2 pair to full-house. Donovan removed his socks and set them aside.
“No fair!” while Jeremy, “Its gotta be more than that!”
“You can’t change the rules now, fatso.” Don shot back.
“Fine.” Jeremy grumbled.
The fourth round was a dud, both getting nothing. In the fifth round, Donovan lost yet again, nothing to a pair. He removed his pants, and was now sitting in only his spider-man boxers. “Spider-man boxers? What the fuck?” Jeremy laughed. “Shut up, they’re sweet-ass boxes.” Donovan angrily replied. They both agreed on one ‘honour’ round in which you had to remove your underpants but could cover your most private parts by laying your boxes on top of it. Jeremy and Donovan both knew this would uncover any erections hidden by the pair. In the sixth round, Jeremy finally lost to Donovan’s straight. He took off his socks and placed them in a neighbor ball beside him. The seventh round came out as another dud, both getting a pair of 9’s. The eighth round began and both began to tire of the game, until Jeremy lost again and removed his jeans slowly. This gave Donovan a good view of his fat rolling over the band. He barely had a bulge in his crotch.
As the ninth round ended, Donovan lost to Jeremy and stood up. He turned away from Jeremy, breathing heavily, and removed his boxesers. Jeremy now had a full view of Donovans ass, and he stared until Don turned around and covered his penis with the loose boxes. Jeremy could make out a small bump appearing from beneath them.
“Getting a boss from this?” Jeremy asked truthfully.
“No! Of course not.” Donovan defendedd.
“Ah, its cool, I’m kinda getting horny to be honest.”
Donovan lit up, thankful for the avoidance of verbal abuse. The tenth round began and this time Jeremy lost, and stood up in the same way Donovan did. Jeremy shook off his underpants (they were too small for him) and smoked his ass. The gluttinous mounds quivered. The last round finally ended, and Jeremy came up at a lost. “Uh… uh…” Jeremy chased. “You have to do it! You agreed!” Donovan shouted.
Jeremy stood up, shivering. Just then, the door with the only light from the only window in the basement closed. They were encased in darkness. Donovan sprang up, his underwear falling to his feet beneath him. He ran over to the door and yanked on it, but remembered the locking mechanism locked it. They were now both stark naked in the dark. As suddenly as that happened, the lights came back on, and all was revealed.
Chapter 5
Jeremy’s tiny boner peeked out from underneath his mound of skin, and he gazed at Donovans erect dick. Donovan stared back. They were just standing in front of each other, soaking in the other’s naked body. In an instant, they jumped on to the couch to gather their belongings. Donovan stopped. “Wait. Stop.” Jeremy halted, his exposed bum staring Don in the face.
“What are we doing? We both have hard-ons, so we must both like it.”
Jeremy gulped and nodded in agreement. They turned back towards each other and sat on the couch.
“I have something to confess. I’ve always wanted to see you naked, and stuff.” Jeremy surprised.
“Really? Me too!” answered Donovan.
“Wow. I never though that…”
“Me either!”
“Well, now that we can, what now?”
“I dunno. You said ‘and stuff.’ What did you mean?”
“Well, I’ve always had some fans…”
“Well, yeah, its nothing big though, you probably wouldn’t be interested…”
“No, no, I want to hear it.”
Donovan slumped lower onto the sofa and listened to Jeremy as he remembered the details. In total, Jeremy had jerked-off to the thought of the two wrestling nude, masturbating beside each other, taking a nude hike, skinny-dipping and having a jerk-circle with two other boys.
“Wow, uh, I don’t even know how to comprehend that…” Donovan blurted after Jeremy finished.
“I’m not gay, really. I love girls, its just sometimes I get bored of them and think of something new and exotic…” Jeremy replied hesitantly.
“Its OK, I’ve thought of a few of those things myself honestly…”
As Don and Jeremy rubbed their tender bosses slowly, Donovan had a good revelation. “Lets do them!” He exclaimed.
“Huh?” replied Jeremy.
“Lets do them all, today. No one will be home for a few hours, and im horny as fuck. I think it’ll be fun!”
“… That sounds like the best idea all day.”
Chapter 6
They stared at each other from opposite ends of the mat, their cocks hard as rock, pointing upward like some soldier standing at attention during a sexy war. Jeremy dove at Donovan, overpowering him quickly. Jeremy could feel his dick sink into Donovan’s stomach. “Hey, not too rough, its just wrestling man…” Donovan protested. Jeremy refused to let up, humping Don as he throw his elbows at Donovan’s Shoulders. They had agreed that the winner got to choose the pornography for the next fantasy they were going to carry out. Jeremy had his eye keen on Group Fuck 7. He had always been a softie for the orgies.
Donovan refused to submit, so Jeremy pulled back and retire his position. In mid-ponder, Donovan grabbed Jeremy’s leg and throw it over his shoulder. Don lunged towards Jeremy, and spun. He now sat on top of Jeremy, his bare ass on Jeremy’s gelatinous stomach. The tummy quivered as Donovan brought back to sit on Jeremy’s shoulders. Jeremy could now smell Donovan’s ass and balls, it aroused him to no end. This gave Jeremy an idea. He used his free hand to curve around Don’s tight body and grabbed his dick, with which he rubbed up and down furiously. Donovan moaned and went limp, giving Jeremy enough leverage to shove him off. As Jeremy sat up, his ass touched something wet. There was white all over the ground. Donovan had cum! Donovan’s dick was limp, but going rigid fast. Not bothering to clean up, Jeremy launched himself onto Donovan and laid sideways, face down, over his shoulders. He could feel Donovan slide his hand up to Jeremy’s cock, pounding furiously, even faster than he had to Don’s. Waves of pleasure erupted from his dick, as he could feel himself going closer to orgasm. “I refuse to lose, I refuse!” Jeremy thought, and finally he counted the three-count. Victory was his! Donovan hadn’t ceased pounding, and Jeremy arched up, and spurt white cum all over Donovan’s chest. There was a small puddle all over the ground by the time he squirted the last drop.
“Ha-ha, a badge of honour for me…” Jeremy muttered as they lay down, soaked in cum and sweat, panting.
Chapter 7
Since Jeremy had won the last competition, Donovan reluctantly put on Group Fuck 7, and images of hundreds of people fucking on-screen gave the two naked boys rock-hard dicks.
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