[FONT="]It was another one of those dreams; the one in which I always ended up aroused beyond repair, yet I always welcomed them like a long lost lover.
[FONT="]Reaching the biggest and thickest tree I could find in the miniature woods, I knelt behind it and tried to remember the rules for turning into a fairy. I figured that would be easier than trying to touch a live deer or bird for an animalph.[/FONT]
[FONT="] As soon as I pictured myself and nature’s creations living in harmony, I felt as if all the weight on my person had been taken off so that I had the sensing of floating in the air. I looked down at the ground and saw that I was still the same height. Then I suddenly felt a little breeze down there. I looked down again, this time at my body, and noticed with astonishment that My pants were re placed with a beautiful pale lavender skirt that reached just above my knees. The reason that I felt breezy down there was because fairs never wore undergarments, not even underwear. It was so soft, just like silk, only soft. Then my chest suddenly felt cold and bare, then almost immediately felt warm again. I looked at my top. It was the same color and fabric, and it was skin tight but still really comfortable with only one shoulder strap over my left shoulder. The next thing that changed was my size. It felt like I was dropping with that feeling that you get from dropping suddenly on a roller coaster. The next thing I knew, I was as tall as the smallest blade of grass. [/FONT]
[FONT="] The last thing for the transformation was the wings. But I felt nothing happening. All of a sudden, my feet were standing on air. That could mean only one thing. Wings! I glanced over my shoulder and saw a pale blue wing right there. I didn’t feel any weird sensings in or on my shoulder blades, so I had no idea how to start flying.[/FONT]
[FONT="] At first, I tried rotating my shoulders as to try to make my shoulder blades move so my wings would flap. But that didn’t work. Out of frustration, I ordered in my mind to my wings, “Fly!” All at once, I rose in the air as quick as a butterfly. I was flying![/FONT]
[FONT="] In my mind, I ordered to my wings, “Okay, now to find Chris.” Then automatically, I steered myself to the right, the way you would steer riding a dolphin’s rostrum. I felt so free; I wished I was a fairy in my true form, but I wasn’t, so what’s done is done.[/FONT]
[FONT="] All too soon, I felt my wings slackening their pace. I guessed I was near the place where I would find Chris. I pretended to be diving into a pool, only this time I was diving towards the ground. Suddenly, dirt was in my face. I guess I made a crash landing. Oh well, at least I’m not hurt or bruised. Then I remembered that fairs were immortal. Well,Now I know for sure that I’ll never die while in this transformation. [/FONT]
[FONT="] Then I heard someone calling my name. At first, I thought it was my camp, but then I recognized the voice. It was Chris.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Where are you?” I called back. “Right here,” said a voice behind me. I jumped, then admired Chris’ outfit. Like in all the pictures I’ve seen of male fairies, his chest was bare and he had shorts on. But his shorts were the by far the best I’ve ever seen. They were the fresh, new grassy green color that always gives one the feeling of relaxation. He had a belt of darker green leaves right above his shorts. His wings were the palest of green. [/FONT]
[FONT="] When I was done with the analysis, I realized that Chris was casting an admiring glance over me. I suddenly felt embarrassed in such a tiny outfit. Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore.[/FONT]
[FONT="]“Well, Chris, what do you want to do?” Chris grinned evilly at me. “I don’t know. What do you want to do?” I saw where he was going. “Please, that really annoys me.”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Okay, fine.” He then started to turn back into a human, all the while keeping his fairy shorts on and not allowing his regular clothes to come back. It was amazing to see those beautiful wings shrivel up and disappear into his back. When the transformation was complete, he looked down at the ground and started looking everywhere for me.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “I’m right here, Chris,” I called. He didn’t say anything, and kept on looking for me. Finally, he said, “I give up, Zoe. Where are you? At least say something.” I knew then that if I didn’t change back right away, our whole time together would be wasted.[/FONT]
[FONT="] Immediately, I thought of my mother and how much fun we have together. At the same time, I gave orders to myself to not let my fairy clothes go away and to keep my regular clothes away. While I changed, I didn’t feel any breeziness anywhere on my body. When the transformation was done, I looked at Chris shyly. He looked at me intensely and asked me again, “What do you want to do?” Immediately I knew what he meant.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Chris, we have to start milk and work our way up to the spicy. Do you know what I mean?” He grinned and nodded.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Yeah I know what you mean.” He took me in his arms and hugged me for the longest time. I hugged him back very tightly.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Oh my God, Zoe, I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered into my hair. [/FONT]
[FONT="]”I’ve missed you too, Chris.” He took my face in his hands and looked at me with password blazing in his eyes. Finally, he said, “I love you.” I swallowed a lump in my throat. “I love you too.” He took his hands away from my face and wrapped one of them around my waist, bringing me closer to him. Then he kissed me with his other hand on my cheek[/FONT]
[FONT="] The kiss started out as just a lip kiss, all sweet and tender, but then it turned French. I felt his tongue lolling around in my mouth, and I in turn stuck mine into his mouth. I was swept over with password so strong that I put my arms around his neck and moaned, feeling his soft straw-colored hair underneath my fingers. Then he suddenly broke the moment by kissing my ear and neck with such love and password that I simply let him. Suddenly, he stopped.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Zoe?”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Yes?” I sawed.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “I really want to do something with you. Is it OK if I do?”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Of course.”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Thank you.” His hand came up slowly, crept under the bottom of my shirt, and started caressing my breasts. At first it ticked a lot, but then it turned into sheer bliss. After about a minute, his hand retired and traveled to my left shoulder, where he slipped the strap off the support of my shoulder and let it hang there, now uncovering open access to my breasts. He bent his head and lightly kissed the areas where my breasts began. Then he Pulled my shirt a little lower and kissed all the new skin exposed to his lips. The next pull caused my top to slide all the way down, exposing both of my breasts fully. Chris put his mouth on to one of them and started licking, kissing, and sucking it and the area around it. Then he moved on to the other one and did the same thing to it. I moaned in ecstasy, tossing my head back and pushing my chest out to urge him to continue what he was doing to me.[/FONT]
[FONT="] And all the while he was doing this, he had pulled me slowly and gently to the ground. When he was finished with my chest, he moved back up to my face and kissed me again, twice, three, four times, all the while his hands were on my hips. He then got on top of me and I couldn’t, didn’t stop him. When he lay down on me, I felt the warmth and solidarity of his body. To me it felt like heaven, and for me, heaven was usually just a dream. But this was real.[/FONT]
[FONT="] It was sometimes into this session when I realized that Chris had done everything for me and I hadn’t done anything for him. To even things out, I reached out my hands and undid Chris’ belt that held up his shorts. As soon as I took off the belt, I could feel his shorts loosen. He also sensed what I was doing, and whispered in my ear, “Sneaky thing. You could have told me your Desires and I would have happily done it for you.” I smiled and murmured, “If you had done that, then we wouldn’t be even. You gave so much to me, yet I didn’t give any toyou.” He nodded to show that he understand.[/FONT]
[FONT="] But still, to make sure he understand, or maybe because I wanted to, I pulled his shorts down all the way; first with my hands as far down as they could go while I was lying down, then with my legs. I did this by lifting my legs as far as they could go with Chris on top of me, then bending them and curling my toes to get a good hold on his shorts. Throughout my entire body I felt Chris shudder with delight, or nervousness. I guessed what it was about.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Hold your horses, tiger. We’re still really far from that step. At least, until my skirt comes off.” As soon as I said that, I wished I hadn’t. But my mind was changed about that shortly after. Chris put his thumbs underneath the waistband of my skirt, hesitated, looked at me and said, “With your permission.” I, in turn, hesitated, knowing that my choice could change the whole of our time together. FInally, I told him, “I will let you, but only if you promise not to go to home base. Promise?”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Promise. But wait, before it’s sealed, maybe we can compromise.” Immediately, I became wary. “What do you have in mind, Chris?”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “I suggest that we use a con…”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Don’t say it out loud. But don’t you think that we could be taking a big risk?”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Like what?” he wanted to know.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Well, you know better than I do that those things can sometimes break. And I particularly do not want to get heavy when I’m only fourteen years old.”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “What do you mean when you say ‘Get heavy?’”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Think about it.” He did think about it, and a second later he understands what I mean. A dawn of understanding was spreading over his face.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Oh, oh I see. Okay, I promise I won’t go to home base.”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Good. Okay, now I give you permission.” He rehooked his thumbs underneath my waistband and started to pull my skirt down. And while he was doing this, I was thinking to myself, did I make the right choice? Can I trust Chris, or will he break his promise? I was to find out soon, I knew that much, and the possibilities of the outcome scared me.[/FONT]
[FONT="] I guess I tensed up as I thought all this, because Chris stopped what he was doing and asked me, “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” And right then I knew the answer to my questions. If he asked me that question, then I know that he is reliable and trusting. I nodded my head.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Yes, I’m sure I’m OK with this.” That didn’t please him though. Chris looked at me with a concerned look.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Are you sure? Are you sure you’re OK with me doing this? If you really don’t want me to do it, just tell me. I’ll do what ever you want me to do.”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Chris, did anyone ever tell you that you worry too much? Honestly, I’m fine.” A wave of pure relief spread over his face. Then he resumed the task of pulling down my skirt. He moved himself down with each inch of bare skin revealed by the skirt which was now down right below my knees. I shivered in anticipation; I hadn’t noticed until now that my waistband was all the way down to there already.[/FONT]
[FONT="] I wondered why Chris was moving down too, until I remembered something called oral sex. I pushed that thought away, thinking that he would never do that to me, or would he? Sure enough, though, I soon felt some really gentle nipping and licking and kissing down there. It felt weird and I wanted it to stop. So I scooted down, towards Chris, with the hopes that his mouth would find something else to care. But, spontaneously, at the same time that I moved down, he moved up, far up, so the next thing I knew, I was looking at his you-know-what, and I didn’t know what to do.[/FONT]
[FONT="] Finally, thinking that I owed him something, I opened my mouth to do it, and then closed it again. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Chris was still lying on top of me, so I looked up at him and pleased, “Help me!” Chris smiled and moved his hips forward, just enough so his you-know-what got inside my mouth. I took it from there. As I focused on sliding the hotdog-like thing in and out of my mouth, I began to think about his suggestion of using condoms. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. I mean, fairies do have magic powers. I could just put an unbreakable charm on one and then I wouldn’t have any problems. I debated with myself; I could tell that Chris was definitely enjoying what I was doing to him because of his moaning and groaning, and I didn’t want to take away a second of his pleasure, but in the end, I decided to break the idea to him.[/FONT]
[FONT="] Pulling my mouth away from Chris’ ‘hotdog’, I gasped for air, and then relayed the idea to his listening ears. When I finished talking, Chris looked thoughtful for a minute, and then said, “Sounds good to me. But who’s going to conjure one? I don’t have one with me.” I thought about it, and then a dim light bulb shined beside my head.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “I think you should conjure it. It will be easier for you because you’re a boy. Also, I don’t really know what they look like.”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Okay that’s agreed. But would you be up for putting it on my conk?” Chris asked me. I grimaced and gritted my teeth. It wasn’t something that I wanted to do, but I owed so much to Chris that I did not want to give up this chance to repay him. Summoning up my courage, I nodded, adding afterwards, “But you need to be a fairy to do magic, and right now we’re human.”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “I’ll change into a fairy, conjure the condom, put the charm on it, and change back.”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Don’t you think it a little silly if you change into a fairy only to get the condom? Wouldn’t it be easier if we made love while both of us were fairies?”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Zoe, it’s a good idea and all, but if we did make love while we were fairies, our wings would get all crumpled and dirty.”[/FONT]
[FONT="] “I know that, Chris, but I also know that fairs are immortal, which means that our wings will not be damaged or torn or whatever no matter what happens.” Chris thought about it, and then replied, “Okay, you win.” I felt a small kind of triumph in my chest. I had won an argument![/FONT]
[FONT="]Grasping hands, we began the transformation. For me, the first change was the size this time. Next came the wings. This time, they were the palest, palest pink I had ever seen; the color of sunrise clouds. After the wings came the weight change. I didn’t think my clothes would change, but they did: this time pale sky-blue with both shoulder straps. Then I remembered a certain picture of a fairy. He had sports pointed ears. Trembling, I raised my shaky hand and felt my ears. They were pointed. I looked at Chris’ ears. They were pointed too. I gasped out loud.[/FONT]
[FONT="] “Oh my gosh. Chris, feel your ears.” He did, and a look of shock came over his face. “Wow.” Just then a weird thought came across my mind. [/FONT]
[FONT="] “Chris, let’s not have anymore, uh, you-know-what.” [/FONT]
[FONT="] “Why?” [/FONT]
[FONT="] “I have a strange feeling that we’re being watched.” Chrislooked around uneasily. Whispering now, I said to him, “Turn yourself invisible.” [/FONT]
[FONT="]”How?” [/FONT]
[FONT="] “Use your magic, silly.”
[FONT="]The dream ended there, and I woke up, as always, with my nipples as hard as they could be, and my pussy leaking all over my bedsheets. Sigh. I’ll have to wash them again, five days in a row. [/FONT]
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