My Sisters husband and my first time

When i was 15 i visited my sister in Holland she picked me up at the ferry in ostend with her husband,they had been married just over a year. We drove back to their place took us 3 hours and i unpacked my case and settled in.After a week i began to notice the way Andy was looking at me and i started to smile at him whenever he caught me.
One evening my sister had gone to bed early and andy said he was going to join her so i made the sofa ready to sleep on then went and showed,as i got out of the shower and was drying myself all of a sudden the door opened and Andy came in holding a finger to his lips. I didnt know what to do or say as he approached me.
Slowly he started to kiss my lips only thing between my naked body and him was the towel i was holding in my hands,i was enjoying his kisses then his hands took a hold of the towel and tugged it from my hands and he let it fall to the floor,I stood there very nervous as he started to kiss hisway down my front.
He sank to his knees in front of me and i was nervous as to what he wanted until he softly started to kiss my puffy pussy lips as i relaxed and was beginning to enjoy the sensing i part my legs for him, and for first time i felt a tongue on my little clip. i grabbed his head pulling his face in tighter to me and his tongue started to lash at my clip and i started to moan loudly,when all of a sudden we heard a noise from his bedroom and he broke off an rushed out of bathroom.
I was angry that he left me so aroused and went to bed wasnt soon before i fell asleep. A few hours later i was woken by a very warm sensing between my legs and woke to find Andy licking me out,when he noticed i was awake he smiled at me and i started to stroke his hair watching him licking my pussy.
After he gave me three orgasms with his tongue he climbed between my legs and started to push his hard cock into me,telling me to relax. Grabbing my legshe slowly pushed them wide apart as he started to push into me. I started to try and back away from him as it was beginning to hurt and he held me and told me he was going to be gentle,then as he pushed i noticed there was an observation and he was pushing hard against it and it burnt and hurt me more just as i thought he was pulling out of me,and i relaxed he trust deep into me and through the barrier causing me great pain,as he saw i was going to scream with pain he covered my mouth holding his cock deep inside me till the pain subsided.As i relaxed he started to fuck me softly slowly increasing his pace until i felt an orgasm building up inside me causing my pussy to tighten even more on his cock, which made him thrust even harder into me and i felt his cock throbbing as he started to groan and thrust deeper until he could no longer hold back any more and he pulled out of my pussy and came all over my belly and chest.
After he had helped me to wipe myself clean he kissed me and went back to bed. It was my first fuck and my sisters husband took my virginity and it started a wild craving for cock in me that till this day has never faded.


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