The Subspace Lounge

It was late, it had been a long drive, and I still had another forty miles to go. Moreover, I was hungry, and well aware that there was nothing whatsoever in the house to eat.

As I passed through the town, I saw a PIZZA sign, and decided to stop.

I sat in the car, attempting to enjoy the mediocre fast food, and as I did so, I looked around at the dingy surroundings. I had been through the town on a number of occasions, even stopped there a few times, but, I reflected, I had never been there at night. It was fairly uninspiring.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a tall dark Lady being followed by a shorter figure who appeared, bizarrely, to be on a leash! Wow!

I watched the odd couple more closely, and sure enough, my initial impression was correct.

Like a lot of other people, I suppose, I have an alternative side, and although it is something that I know very little about, I did know that I found it extremely arousing, as witnessed by the instant reaction in my groin.

I watched the couple turn into a side alley, and without hesitation, left the car and almost sprinted across the road to see where they went.

As I turned into the alley, I saw them enter a door with a blue neon sign above the entrance – The Subspace Lounge.

I looked at the door, my curiosity running riot, when it began to open from the inside. I rapidly strode off before I was seen. I must have walked backwards and forwards half a dozen times, but, finally, I plucked up sufficient courage and entered.

I was greeted by a slim corseted lady behind the counter, who enquired whether or not I was a member.

I replied that I was not, paid the requested fee, and entered.

I have to say that I could not have felt more out of place if I had a flashing light on my head – I felt distinctly “normal”.

I ordered a drink and sat down, trying to look around without being obviously. The couple I had initially followed wee at a table with two or three others – well, she was at the table. He knelt beside it, occasionally opening his mouth to allow her to tap cigarette ash in!

Having gotten in, I had no idea what to do, or what I expected next, so I just sat and feel uncomfortable. Definitely aroused, but uncomfortable.

It was at that point that I first noticed the Lady in the corner. If I had to describe her in an instant, I would say a Mrs. Robinson. Elegant, slim, very stylishly dressed in a clinging black velvet dress, with some kind of Egyptian emblem on a fine chain hanging around her neck. Forty something maybe, but difficult to be sure. One thing that was for certain, was the way she oozed confident sensitivity.

Behind her left should stand a stunning blonde girl, early to mid twenties, and Extremely fit, in the athletic meaning of the word, with absolutely lovely features.

She could probably have been termed beautiful, had she not an indefinable hardness in her eyes. I instantly thought “eastern European”, which proved not to be far off the mark, and mentally filed her as “The Ice Maiden”

Whilst Mrs. Robinson sat and subtly surveyed the room, the Ice Maiden stood unsmiling and stern.

I found the two of them fascinating, and could not help staring, although I could not have said why.

I was suddenly aware, that the Ice Maiden was staring directly at me. Shit! My curiosity had been noticed!

I saw her bend and whisper to Mrs Robinson, who then turned a curious gaze on me.

I tried to look away and pass it off, but she caught my eye, and competed to the empty chair on the other side of her table, inviting me to join her.

Without thinking, I immediately went over and did so.

When I sat down opposite the lady, she continued to consider me curiously, a slight hint of amusement in her face. The Ice Maiden, on the other hand, did not false from her icy stare.

After what seemed like hours, but was probably no more than afew moments, she said “If you don’t mind me saying so, you seem a little out of place”

I paused awkwardly, and then said “Yes, I suppose I must do”

“So, then, why have you come here? Curiosity?”

“Yes, I suppose that’s it. It was more of a impulse than

anything else”

“Ah. Have you been curious about this sort of place for long?

“Yes. No. I don’t know exactly.”

The lady laughed. “Don’t be coy, it’s very common. Lots of people have secret desires that they aren’t comfortable to admit”

I didn’t know what to say then, so I said nothing, and glanced at the Ice Maiden. She was even more lovely close up, her tight black latex top showing off her perfectly developed body.

“You shouldn’t be ashamed of curiosity”, Mrs Robinson said, “It’s very healthy”.

“I’m not ashamed – I haven’t though enough about it to be ashamed.”

“Perhaps not, but you’ve thought enough about it to be aroused .” and nodded to the ungainly bulge in my trousers. I feel my face burning.

“I don’t know what am or am not into, I don’t know enough about it!”

“Which brings me to the reason that I invited you to join me. My name is Mistress Isis, and the Subspace lounge is mine. It amuses me from time to time to initiate newcomers into out BDSM world. What is your name?”


“Well David, would you like to be initiated?”

“I – I don’t know.”

“Oh, but I think you do. My assistant here is Rasa, or should I say Mistress Rasa to you. She came here several years ago from the Ukraine as an illegal. She had no money, and nowhere to go, so I took her on as a project. I have to say, she was my greatest success, she understands exactly how I think, and can even anticipate me sometimes. She started out as a pupil, and now has become my right hand. I still own her, of course, but she is as close to an equal as she can get”.

“Own her? How can you own her?”

Mistress Isis laughed. “Show him, my dear”.

The girl bent forward and swept her long blonde hair over her shoulder, and turned her head. There was a bar code tattooed on the back of her neck.

“You see, she bears my mark”.

I was speechless. “I will not waste much more time on this, if you wish to experience what I offer, you will need to decide quickly. Well, do you?”

“Yes.” I said, without thinking, “Yes, I want to learn.”

“Good. You will remain here whilst I make preparations. When Mistress Rasa comes to get you, you will follow her, and do exactly as instructed. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Mistress!”

“Sorry, yes Mistress”

“Good. Now wait”

Then they left me. I sat in a turmoil, not knowing Whether to run, or whether to stay, although part of me knew that stay I would.

After what seemed an age, the door marked “Private” at the side of the bar opened, and the Ice Maiden stood and stared at me. With the slightest nod of her head, I was summoned. I followered her through the door, and in to an elevator, not a word being spoken. For some reason, I expected it to go up, but it went down two levels before stopping.

I was directly silently to a black door, which opened into a small square cubicle with a coat hook, a small table and nothing else.

A disembodied voice commanded “Strip, hang your clothes on the hook. Place your wallet, mobile phone and keys on the table. You have exactly one minute”

After a frantic fumble, I managed to get everything where it was supposed to be, and stand naked in front of the inner door.

It was the Ice Maiden who opened the door, but the

voice was unmistakably Mistress Isis.

“Come forward and stand in the centre of the room”.

sid the voice. “Now knee”. I knelt.

“Good, we Thought you might run away.Listen carefully,

because, the need to repeat myself is likely to be

painful – for you, that is. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress”

“Good. Ishall continue. You will not look your mistresses in the face. You will never speak unless told to do so. You will obey every command instantly, and without hesitation.

Whilst you are here, you are our responsibility. You have my word that your life will not be endangered, nor will you be permanently injured. You will, however, experience pain and humiliation in such measure as pleases your Betters. Is all that clearly understand? You may speak”.

“Yes Mistress”.

“Good. Before we proceed, you will sign a contract which volunteerly puts you in my control to do with as I please for the next 48 hours”.

The Ice Maiden approached and held out a clipboard and a pen. I started to read the contract. Whack! Her right had slapped my cheek so hard, I thought my eyes would rattle!

“I told you to sign it, not read it! Now, quickly!” Mistress Isis looked angry. I signed.

“By way of further instruction, I should tell you that I do not use safe words, I am not interested in your limits or preferences. My pleasure is to inflict pain on my submissives. I used to enjoy doing this myself, but I have- developed – I will never actually touch you. My pleasure comes from control, from observing the suffering. Mistress Rasa will inflict the actual pain, which in turn is her pleasure. I advise you strongly not to displease her. I will merely enjoy watching the effects of her exercises. You have given me this right by signing your contract. Do you understand so far?”

“Yes Mistress”.

“Good. Let us begin.”

I knelt in the middle of the floor with my head bent, and thought the thumbing of my heart must be heard around the room.

Presently, the Ice Maiden came up to me from behind, and slipped a broad leather collar around my neck. Not a thin thing like a dog collar, a great broad band about 3 – 4 inches wide, profiled to fit under the chin. This was fastened at the back by two heavy buckles, which were firmly tightened, and smallbrass padlocks inserted though the tongues. I could neither nod nor turn my head. Then, she clipped a stout lean to the ring on the front, and hauled me to my feet.

I was led to a solid wooden bench with padded red leather

top, and two padded shelves projecting from the rear. I was then pulled over the top of this whipping bench, for such I later knew it to be.

My knees rested against the back of the bench, whilst my legs lay along the padded shelves. I was bent forward, and my wrists inserted into two holes at the front of the benchmark.

Broad leather straps were tightened around my arms above the elbow, around both wrists, above the knees and around the ankles. The Ice Maiden then snapped two steel cuffs tightly around my wrists, making it impossible to fit them back through the holes. I was completely unable to move. A leather strap was passed through the ring on the front of the collar, and cinched down tight. I was stuck fast.

At this point, I did notKnow what was the dominant emotion – fear or excitement. I was certainly afraid of what was about to happen, but in some weird way, I wanted it badly too.

Mistress Isis appeared directly in front of me, and sat in a heavily ornate chair. Her face was exactly at the same level as mine, and although I was aware that I had been told not to look her in the face, I was powerless to move my head.

Her face wore a smile of indisputable anticipation. Perhaps more worriedly, the Ice Maiden, for the first time since I had met her, also had a slight smile. Slight, but cruel. From a hook on the wall, she took down one of the many implements that hung there. I could not see what it was, but when she turned round, it was forced into my mouth. She then fastened a strap around the back of my head, and stood back, holding up a black rubber bulb in front of my face. I had absolutely no idea what it was supposed to do, until – smiling once again, the Ice Maiden began to slowly squeeze the bulb in the palm of her hand. The thing in my mouth steadily inflated, until my mouth was forced as wide as it was possible to go. I was completely unable to utter a sound.

“Whilst we are two levels down, I like to be a good neighbor”, said Mistress Isis. “I don’t want your screams to cause any consternation. Oh, I know you don’t intend to scream, but I can assure you that you will – Everyone does, and Rasa does like to whip. Don’t you darling? Shall we begin?”

No answer, just another of those scary half-smiles. The blonde trailed her hand lovingly along a rack of various whips, canes, floggers and crops. I watched her as far as I could from my fixed position. She wore high patent leather lace up boots over latex leggings, and the same skin tight black latex top. She paused to pull on a pair of latex fingerless gloves, then, her decision made, she took down a black kangaroo hide whip. She pushed her hand through the loop, and pulled it tight around her wrist, then felt the implement in her hand. She knew that I could see her preparation, in fact she did it mostly for my benefit. I was also aware that her nipples stood rock hard through the restraining rubber, so she was clearly aroused too.

Rasa moved slowly around me like a lion eyeing up its’ prey.

I knew that this was really going to bloody hurt, but I had no idea exactly how it would feel. I did not have long to wait. Crack! The leather cut across my shoulders like fire. The pain was unbelievable. Crack! The second one came in. I struggled to make what would have been a huge sharp intake of breath. Crack! It was relentless. Every five seconds the lash came down, as the Ukrainian warmed to her work.

Mistress Isis started intently into my eyes, feeding on the pain. Her dress was up, and her hands worked in her sex.

I lost track of how many strokes she gave me. The pain became so all-enveloping, that I nearly passed out, but she certainly spared no effort, the perspiration ran downher face. Eventually, it stopped. My back felt as if it were actually on fire, the many strokes blending into one overpowering sensing.

“Enough” spoke the Mistress,” let’s try something different, fetch the Humbler”.

What the fuck is a humbler I thought. Ice maiden went to the rack, and came back with something that looked like a heavy duty coat hanger, upon which, she was undoing some wing nuts. She passed out of my field of vision, and the I felt her grab hold of my balls, and pull them back between my legs. I could then feel something, presumably the coathanger, clamp across them. As she tightened the wing nuts, my scrotum was pulled ever more taught, until it shone as if it had been burnished. God, it hurt.

Not content with that, she returned to the rack, and came back with a rubber spanking paddle about 14 inches long, and quite heavy. She turned it over in her hands to show me that one side was flat, the other had pointed rubber projects all over it. She playfully slapped the pointed side against here hand.

Fucking hell, no, please, not that! But of course, that was exactly what she had in mind. She drew her arm back as far as she could, and whacked the captive organizations – hard!

It felt as if my head had exploded, and I thought for a moment that I was going to throw up, which would have been a serious problem with my bloody mouth plugged.

The tears flowed down my cheeks, as Mistress Isis appeared to climax in her chair in front of me, whilst still looking into my eyes.

As she replaced her composition, she said “You should be grateful, slave, that we do not need to everything at once. Your education need not be rushed”.

Bugger that, I thought, sure, it was as erotic as hell, but too extreme for my tastes by half.

“Good, she went on, let us go to the next stage”, oh shit, I thought.

The Ice Maiden left the room, I don’t know to where, but I hear her go. Mistress Isis arose from her chair and went to another cupboard. When she returned, she had a video camera and a tripod, which she proceeded to set up on one side of me. This being done, she returned to her chair.

The door opened again, but it was clear to me that more than one person entered. The Ice Maiden came first, followed by two figures, whom she led by leashes. They were both male, and both wore tightly lacened rubber masks, which had eye slits, but no opening at the mouth.

At this point, I am wondering what the fuck is going on.

“As I suppose you are wondering what is going to happen now, I shall enough you. We are going to make a little movie. Your part is very simple, you have no lines, you merely have to suck each cock as it is put into your mouth. At this point, you are doubtless thinking that there is no way you will be doing this. Incorrect. You can save yourself a lot of disappoint, but doubtless you will wish to put up some resistance, so I will save us all some time. Rasa, whip his scrotum again -harder, please!”

Bloody hell, no, please no! Whack! Whack! God almighty, I can’t take that!

“My experience tells me that you are now most likely to comply. Am I correct? Blink if I am. Now would be good”.

Blink. “Excellent. Let us continue”.

The Ice Maiden appeared, now openly smiling, and opened a valve on the inflatable gag, and removed it. I worked my jaw to try and get the feeling back.

“I warn you, do not be tempted to utter a word, or you will be sorry, very sorry. Rasa, switch on the camera”‘

The hooded figures approached, one going behind, one standing in front of me. He was already hard.

“They will both fuck you both in the ass, and in the mouth, but they have been told only to come in your mouth – it’s better for the camera, you understand. You will proceed by running your tongue around the head of the cock. You will tease it, you will worship it, you will act as if you are in ecstasy. Do not fail, or you know what will happen. Theywill nod to me when they are about to come, and I will tell you, at which point you will open wide, and stick out your tongue for them to come on. Keep it in your mouth until you have displayed your load to the camera, and then swallow, again, on camera. Good, let us proceed.”

I feel something slippery wiped in the crack of my ass, followed by what was obviously the head of a cock, which pushed with increasing pressure against my sphincter, until pop! It went in. Ouch. It bloody hurt, but after what I had already experienced, it was tolerable. The cock started to piston slowly in and out.

Meanwhile, cock number two was right under my nose, and awaiting my attention. I really was not up for this, but the Ice Maiden slapped the palm of her hand with the rubber paddle, menacingly. – I stuck out my tongue.

I had expected the engorged cock to taste revolting, but actually, it didn’t taste of anything much at all. After the preliminary licking around the rim of the head, itwas steadily pushed in for a couple of inches, whilst it’s own serious stroked the shake with one hand, and gripped my hair in the other, steadily pulling me back and forth at an even but increasing rate, whist I sucked.

This seemed to go on for ages, my mouth ached, my ass burned and my raw back throbbed – I was not in good shape.

Then, suddenly, the commanding voice said, “Open your mouth, and put out your tongue – now!”

As I compiled, the back of my throat was hit by an enormous glob of hot salty come. It went up my nose, in my eye, and ran down my cheek. “Now, suck it clean” came the voice. Again, I compiled. After swirling it around mouth for the camera, I then had to swallow it, and show that it was gone.

The next couple of hours was pretty much more of the same, with the exception that the second cock really did taste revolting, as it has been in and out of my backside for the last hour, but by this time, I was past caring.

I was rarely aware of being released from the bench, and being shown into the small cubicle with my clothes and stuff in. I dressed, and allowed myself to be led back through the now empty club, where Mistress Isis stood waiting.

“Just to illuminate you as to your new situation in life, it is as follows. I have on file all the information in your mobile phone, all your contacts, all your address book entries. I have retained your bank cards, for which you will provide the PIN numbers and security codes before you are allowed to leave. You will receive a monthly allowance, as long as you obey the rules”


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