The Submission of Dana

Mark’s beautiful wife Dana looked nervous as she paced back and forth in their living room. It was his 35th birthday and she was very nervous, they both were. Mark was actually more anxious than nervous because of what was about to happen and who it was going to happen with. For Mark’s birthday, Dana had finally agreed to fulfill his biggest fantasy. And to help was going to be Dana’s best friend Madeline or “Maddie” as they called her.

When people hear that a wife is going to enlist the help of her best friend to make her husband’s fantasy come true, most people logically think of a threesome. While Mark would surely not turn down such a proposal, a threesome was not his biggest fantasy. No, Mark had a rather unique fantasy, one that his wife swore would never be fulfilled. Mark’s ultimate fantasy was to watch his wife be dominated by another woman.

Mark realized it was a crazy fantasy and one hell of an ask from his wife. As a result, he almost never brought it up butin the back of his mind it was always there. He always held out hope that maybe one day Dana would relent and surprise him on his birthday. Mark knew it was unfair for any husband to expect such a thing of their wife but he couldn’t help it. The thought of his wife being controlled by another woman turned him on more than anything else. Dana for her part tried to do what she reasonably could on Mark’s birthdays to make him happy but she knew that despite what he said, he was never completely satisfied. Even though Dana was adamant that she would never agree to something like that, she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for not being able to fulfill her husband’s one wish. Everything she had ever wanted to do on her birthday, Mark had made happen. Rent out a restaurant and invite all her friends? Done! Fly to the islands for a romantic weekend? Done! Expensive jewelry, cruises, it didn’t matter. If Dana even hinted to Mark that she wanted something it was as good as hers.

Mark’s lucky changed one night however after Dana got home from a girl’s night at the home of her best friend and neighbor Maddie. Dana was a little drink when she returned home and after some small talk, she dropped a bombshell on him.

“You know that big fantasy you’ve had all these years? Well, I may actually consider doing it for your birthday next month.”

Mark couldn’t believe his ears, “Wait! What?! Really?!”

His reactions made Dana laugh, “You look like a kid being told he was going to Disney World. All I said is I would consider it. That’s all.”

Mark asked her what had happened to make her even consider changing her Stance on his fantasy?

Dana explained that after the rest of the girls had left, she stayed back and Maddie and her finished off a bottle of wine. Dana said, “Maddie asked what I was doing for you for your birthday this year? I told her we would probably just go to dinner or something like that. Then I blurted out that I feel bad that I can’tgive you what you really wanted.”

She told Mark how after some more prodding from Maddie to elaborate on what she means, Dana finally told her. Dana confirmed in her best friend that Mark’s fantasy, the thing that turned him on more than anything else, was the thought of seeing her being dominated and controlled by another woman. She told Maddie she was embarrassed to even be telling her this and that Mark was crazy if he thought she would ever allow another woman to do something like that to her.

She said Maddie got real quiet at first and Dana thought she had freaked her out in some way. Then Maddie told her that it wasn’t such a crazy or unusual fantasy after all. That’s when Maddie dropped a bombshell of her own.

At this point Mark was literally sitting on the edge of his seat waiting to hear what was coming next.

Dana continued, “Maddie told me that when she was in college, she worked part time as a dominatrix to pay for school.”

Mark was even more shocked than he had been a few minutes earlier. “Maddie?! Our Maddie?! Sweet, innocent, always has a smile on her face Maddie, was a dominatrix? I can’t believe that! I mean, it’s kind of hot but I can’t…. she’s a kindgarten teacher for goodness sake.”

Dana ignored the “hot” comment and keep on speaking. “She said it wasn’t uncommon for women to come in from time to time and want to be dominated. Straight, successful, powerful women who wanted to be ordered around and humiliated at the hands of another woman. Especially by a younger, prettier woman.”

As Mark processed what he had just learned, Dana told him that Maddie offered to help them out and make his fantasy come true. Maddie told Dana, “You know, I could do it for you guys. Mark would probably really enjoy watching that.”

Dana said she scoffed at the notion and told her friend, “Yeah, Mark would love it! But it would be awkward as hell. How could we even be friends afterward?” But Maddie reassure her it didn’t have to be awkward. To remember, “It’s just fantasy, it’s not real. It’s playing a role, like in a movie or play, no different.” She told Dana to think about it and promised everyone would have an amazing time.

Dana told Mark she would sleep on it but not to get his hopes up. The next morning Dana woke up slightly hungover and made no mention of what they had talked about the night before. Somewhat disappointed, Mark headed off to work as Dana continued to contemplate doing the unimiginable. Sometimes after lunch she called Maddie to ask what exactly being dominated would entail. Maddie and her discussed various scenarios with Maddie finally telling her, “Don’t worry, it will be a blast. After all, don’t you trust me?”

That last comment by Maddie sealed the deal. Dana did trust Maddie, they were practically sisters and if she was going to eventually do this it was better to do it with someone she trusted than hiring a professional they didn’t know. Plus Mark could finallyget past his observation over this fantasy that was ruining his birthdays and making her feel guilty.

That was two weeks ago and now it was the night of Mark’s birthday. As Dana paced she thought about the things Maddie and her had planned out. When the doorbell rang Dana stopped in her tracks, frozen. She thought to herself, ‘This is really happening.’

Mark walked over and opened the door. As expected Maddie was on the other side with her piercing blue eyes and a huge smile. She was dressed in tight black leather pants, with a white shirt, a leather jacket over the shirt and her shoulder length blond hair pulled straight back. She was carrying a small black bag and was wearing black silettos which made her already 5’9″ frame even taller. Mark stumbled over his words at the sight of Maddie. ‘Damn she looks hot,’ he thought to himself.

Finally Maddie giggled, “Are you going to invite me in silly?”

Mark caught himself, “Oh of course, come in. Sorry.”

As Maddie walked in she greeted the birthday boy with a big hug and a “Happy Birthday,” before handing him a small gift she had taken out of the bag.

Dana seemed to calm down when Maddie greeted her with a big hug and told her how beautiful she looked. Maddie told Mark and Dana she was really looking forward to tonight and it was going to be a lot of fun for all of them.

Dana handed Maddie a glass of wine as Mark opened her gift. “You really shouldn’t have Maddie, you doing this for us was gift enough.” Mark still couldn’t imagine sweet Maddie working as a dominatrix and giving people orders.

The ladies watched as Mark opened the gift and Dana saw the confused expression on his face when he saw what was inside.

“What is it?” Dana eagerly asked.

Mark reached into the box and pulled out a dog collar and leanh. He looked at Maddie who still had that big smile on her face and then to his wife who looked a little shocked. Maddie finally spoke up, “I’m sorry, it’s really more a gift for your beautiful wife than for you. It’s eventually going to be one of the only thing she’s wearing tonight.”

With that, Dana downed her drink as Mark and Maddie sipped theirs. Dana’s nerves were in overdrive and she wasn’t sure if the tingling in her fingers was from the wine or from the fear of what she was about to do. A few sips later Maddie put down her bag and then looked at Dana and asked if she was ready? Dana nervously nodded her head up and down. Maddie just smiled a mischievous grin and said, “Good…… don’t look so scared. It’s going to be fun!”

Maddie told Mark to sit down on the couch and enjoy the show. Then she turned her attention to Dana. Maddie’s sweet, wholesome demeanor changed and she became very serious and very in control.

Maddie had Dana stand in the middle of the room facing Mark as she walked around her and spoke. “From this point on, until we are finished, you will refer to me as Mistress or Mistress Madeline. You will haveTwo responses and only two responses when asked a question or told to do something. Yes mistress and no mistress. Do you understand?”

“Yes mistress,” was Dana’s feint, nervous reply.

Maddie continued, “And from this point on this is no longer your home, this is my home. Your body is no longer your body, it is my play thing to do with as I please. You will obey Every command, without hesitation and without discussion. Do you understand?”

Dana was already breathing heavy and getting flustered. She was having second thoughts about the whole thing but decided to keep going and managed to meet out a, “Yes mistress.”

Mark was watching this from the couch amazing at what he was witnessing. Seeing his sexy wife, who was a bit of an alpha female herself, be this submissive to her best friend was already getting him hard.

Maddie for her part was in complete control and was making that clear to Dana. “Are you wearing what I told you to wear?” She asked Dana who answerred in the affordable.

“Good, because you do not have the right to wear clothes in front of your mistress. I would refer to you as slave but you have to earn the right to be my slave. I think slut is a more appropriate term for you. Lets see slut, take off your clothes.”

Dana was surprised by the words Maddie was using. Dana had originally wanted to remain fully dressed for this but Maddie had convinced her that striping down to her bra and panties would be really hot and make for a better show for Mark. Dana very reluctantly agreed but being called “slut” was not something they had talked about before hand. This along with the gift she had brought had Dana really questioning what exactly she had agreed to? Maddie told Dana to trust her but Maddie was clearly taking liberties with that trust and was really getting into her role. Dana decided to follow her commands hoping it would get Maddie back on track and figured she could always just say their previously agreed to safe word, ‘orange,’ if need be.

Dana took off her shoes and then slowly pulled her shirt over her head before slipping off her jeans. She stood there in a lacy black push up bra, that accentuated her large D cup breasts and a lacy black thong. Her body coupled with her long red hair, drawn over her shoulders, made Dana look like something out of a Victoria Secret catalogue.

Maddie turned to address Mark for the first time. “Well birthday boy, how do you think your wife looks?”

“Incredible! Absolutely gorgeous!” Mark couldn’t get the words out fast enough.

Maddie then asked Mark if he was enjoying the show so far? When he enthusiastically nodded his head she added, “Good, because we’re just getting started.”

Maddie then suddenly turned back to Dana and shouted “On your hands and knees now slut!” It was so suddenly and unexpected that both Mark and Dana jumped.

Much to Mark’s surprise and her own, Dana followed the command immediately and got down on herhands and knees.

Maddie walked and stood in front of Mark before giving her next command. “Crawl over to me.”

Dana crawled over to where Maddie was standing. She kept her head down and couldn’t bring herself to look up at her husband. She felt silly, embarrassed and even a little mad that she had agreed to do this for him.

“Now slut, kiss my shoes and show your husband how obedient you are.”

Dana hesitated but Maddie would have none of it and gave her a hard swat on her ass. Once again catching both Dana and Mark off guard. Dana immediately looked up at Maddie with an annoyed look on her face. Mark, not knowing if this was part of the show or not sat quietly, wondering if he should say something?

Maddie however was not breaking character and before anyone could say anything, she leaned over and grabbed Dana’s chin firmly between her index finger and thumb. “Did I give you permission to look at me?”

“N-no mistress,” was Dana’s nervous reply.

“NoI didn’t, now kiss my shoes!” And with that she grabbed the back of Dana’s head and pushed her friend’s face down onto her black silettos.

Dana immediately began kissing Maddie’s shoes as Mark sat back and watched, still amazing at what was unfolding in front of him. He quickly reasoned with himself that if his wife was okay with what was happening, then who was he to stop it? After all, maybe all This was part of the show they had put together for him?

After a minute or so Madeline ordered Dana to stop. “There will be more of that later,” she warned. Then she told Dana to stand up and pour her and Mark more wine.

Dana stood up and went over and picked up the wine bottle. When she turned around she could see that Maddie had sat down on the couch next to Mark. In fact she was sitting right up Against him with her left hand on his right thigh.

When Dana saw this she paused for a second before continuing her walk over with the wine.

“Is there a problem slut?” Maddie was clearly pushing the limits.

“No mistress,” Dana said as she poured her husband and mistress each glass of wine.

“Remember, while I’m in control, nothing belongs to you. Nothing.” Maddie illustrated that last point by rubbing Mark’s leg with her hand. Mark could see Dana was clearly very bothered by what she was seeing but made no attempts to remove Maddie’s hand or say anything. Both Mark and Maddie took a sip of wine before Maddie suddenly stood up. She told Dana to put the wine bottle down and then she grabbed Dana by the hair and walked her back to the center of the room.

“I don’t think I like your attitude! Remember, what is yours is mine, including your body. I want to see the rest of it. Take everything, off, now!”

For the first time Dana was actually scared and it wasn’t Maddie she was scared of. She was scared that she felt compelled to do what Maddie was ordering her to do. Maddie was clearly caught up in the moment but she could feel herSelf getting caught up as well. Her being naked was not part of the deal. Hell, it took Maddie a week just to convince her that she should strip down to her underwear. Now, within a matter of moments, Maddie had convinced her she needed to get naked. Dana thought about just saying “orange,” and putting an end to this night but she couldn’t get herself to do it. She was experiencing an inner turmoil she had never experienced before. Dana had always been a very strong woman but there was a submissive side to her that she didn’t know existed until now. The rational side of her brain was telling her to scream “ORANGE!” But the emotional, submissive side that had been awakened was telling her to do as she was told.

Maddie was all business and continued to hold Dana by the hair as Dana unclasped her bra and released her firm round tits and then slide off her panties to reveal her perfectly manicured pussy.

Mark’s absolute wildest dreams were coming true and he couldn’t believe howlittle resistance Dana was providing. All this did was turn him on even more and make him really want to see what else Maddie had in store for his poor wife.

Dana stood in the middle of the room naked and shaking a bit, not from the temperature but from the adrenaline surging through her body. She was breathing heavy, like she had just exercised. She kept her eyes looking down, unable to look at her husband.

Maddie had let go of Dana’s hair at this point and started to walk around her as if she was inspecting a piece of property. She walked behind Dana and patted her ass, “Firm.” Then she stood in front of her friend and cupped and lifted Dana’s breasts. Dana tensed up immediately at Maddie’s touch.

“You have always had such a beautiful body,” she told Dana. Then Maddie leaned in like she was going to give Dana a kiss and said, “and right now it belongs to me. I hope you’re ready for what’s about to happen to you.”

Maddie next walked behind Dana and leaned intoher, putting her head on Dana’s right shoulder. Maddie turned her head inward and bit Dana’s ear lobe as she let her hands roam from Dana’s hips, to her stomach and up to her tits. Maddie squeezed Dana’s tits and then with her finger tips pinched her nipples. Dana looked like she was going to collapse into Maddie’s arms at that moment. Then Maddie slowly let her right hand slide down Dana’s body to the outside of her labia. Dana closed her eyes and let out a moan before Maddie let go of her completely and walked to the sofa and sat down again next to Mark.

Dana was losing herself in the arousal of Maddie’s touch and when Maddie abruptly took that stimulation away, Dana almost looked confused as to where she was.

“Okay, let’s try this again slut! On your hands and knees! Crawl over here and this time…. lick my shoes!”

Dana didn’t even hesitate and immediately got down on all fours and crawled over to Maddie. She began licking Maddie’s high heels with a fervor. As she did this Maddie looked at Mark and slid her left hand all the way up the inside of right leg to his crotch. When she felt his erection through his pants she smiled and turned at him.

Turning her attention back to Dana, Maddie’s smile disappeared. “Okay, slut, that’s enough! I said lick them not slobber all over them.” She leaned forward and grabbed Dana by the hair and pulled her up to her knees. With her right hand holding Dana by the hair, Maddie pointed with her left index finger right in Dana’s face and berated her. “You better improve your licking skills before the nights over. Understand me slut!”

“Yes mistress, I’m sorry.” Dana appeared generally upset that she had disappointed Maddie and it was clear she was totally under her friend’s control at this point.

Mark didn’t know if his wife was generally scared or just a great actress. Either way it didn’t matter to him it was already the greatest birthday of his life.

Maddie then reached down with her left hand and felt Dana’s pussy, this time she wasn’t as gentle as she had been a few minutes earlier. Dana almost convulsed when Maddie slide her two fingers along the outside her vagina. Maddie could feel how wet Dana was, she then took her wet fingers and stuck them in Dana’s mouth. Once Dana had licked them clean Maddie pulled Dana in by her hair for a kiss.

“Mmmm, you taste good,” Maddie said before pushing Dana away.

Next Maddie ordered Dana to sit on her ass with her legs spread in front of Mark and her. Maddie had slid her hand back to where it had been before, up against the very visible erection Mark was sporting underneath his pants.

“Does this both you slut? That I’m sitting next to your husband with my hand between his legs?”

Dana didn’t answer, she Just starred blankly at her friend and husband. Dana had a glazed look in her eyes, one both Mark and Maddie recognized. Mark had seen that look in his wife’s eyes before but only when she was really turnedon and incredibly horny. Maddie had also seen that look many times from both men and women during her time as a dom. She knew it means that Dana was completely under her spell and in deep subspace.

Maddie knowing this continued to push the boundaries with Dana and Mark. “It’s your husband’s birthday. You should let him have some fun. Isn’t that right slut?”


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