The Submission of Dana Ch. 02

That night, after Dana had cleaned herself up, her and Mark had a long discussion about what had just occurred. They both agreed that things had gotten entirely out of hand. Dana acknowledged that she should have stopped it when Maddie started straying from what the two of them had previously agreed to. She told Mark she wasn’t mad at him because even though he should have realized something was wrong, as far as he knew, everything that had occurred was just part of the “show.” Dana was mostly upset with herself and especially with Maddie. She assured her husband that this was a one-time occurrence that was never going to be repeated. Mark accepted that but couldn’t help himself by adding, “it was still the greatest birthday present I’ve ever gotten.”

Dana took that as little consolation. She was really concerned about how she was going to talk to Maddie? Dana was really upset with Maddie! She felt embarrassed, taken advantage of and manipulated. Dana could barely bring herself to think about the things she had done and the liberties Maddie had taken with Mark. Dana knew the two just couldn’t let things stand without having a discussion and clearing the air.

Dana avoided Maddie for about a week but couldn’t ignore her best friend forever. Dana suggested the two go to dinner and talk. Maddie offered to drive and Dana reluctantly accepted. They decided to have dinner at a pub a little outside of town that way they could talk more freely without someone they knew interrupting them or overhearing their conversation.

On the day of their dinner, Maddie picked up Dana and was her normal, upbeat bubbled self. As per usual she greeted Dana with a hug when Dana got into her car. As they drove Maddie did most of the talking, telling Dana how much she was looking forward to dinner. Asking Dana if Mark and her had ever been to this restaurant before? Asking Dana what she thought she was going to have for dinner and so on.

Dana, other than answering Maddie’s questions with short, one-word responses, didn’t say much. She was still coming to grips with what had happened the prior week. Dana was actually quite surprised at how “normal” Maddie was acting. As if the events of a few nights ago were no big deal to her.

Once at dinner the conversation started off awkwardly, with the two making uncomfortable small talk. After a few cocktails however the two friends Found their old groove and the conversation began to flow more freely. Once things got a little more comfortable Dana brought up what had happened on Mark’s birthday. This time Dana did most of the talking. Dana remembered the events of the night and told her friend that things clearly went a lot farther than they should have. She told Maddie she wasn’t looking for an apology and was willing to overlook the stuff involving her and Mark. She just wanted to put the whole matter behind them, like it never happened.

Maddie listened intently with a smile to everything Dana said. Once Dana was finished, she took a deep breath and said she felt better getting everything off her chest.

Maddie didn’t say anything at first, she just kept smiling. Dana thought it was odd that Maddie was just staring at her and grinning. Finally, after a few seconds Maddie began to speak. “Oh Dana, you shouldn’t feel funny or uneasy about anything that happened. Like I told you before, it was just role playing…… acting……like being in a play. Plus, I think Mark had a birthday he’ll never forget.”

“Well, you can say that again.” Dana momentarily felt relieved at Maddie’s perceived agreement with her. As she was lifting her drink to her lips however, that feeling soon melted away.

“Besides, why would I apologize, you enjoyed it too.” Maddie said with confidence in her voice.

That last comment caught Dana off guard. She was expecting contribution from her friend, not justification. Dana became defending in her response. “I got caught up in the moment and letthings get out of hand. I was relying on my best friend, who I trusted, not to take advantage of the situation.”

As annoyed as Dana sounded the opposite was true for Maddie. She remained calm and smiling as she spoke. “I didn’t take advantage of you or anyone else. Nothing happened that night that you didn’t want to happen or wouldn’t want to happen again if you had the chance.”

Dana couldn’t believe what she was hearing from Maddie. She tried to keep her voice down but was exciting in her response. “Are you serious? Maddie, you had me strip naked, you made out with my husband, you fucked me with a stick on and then made me lick your pussy. I didn’t agree to any of that beforehand. I never would have!”

“You had a safe word that you didn’t use. I even asked you if you wanted to use it,” was Maddie’s matter of fact response.

Dana shot back, “I was crying!”

Maddie leaned in and reminded her, “Tears aren’t a safe word my dear.” Then she continued, “If you really hated it and didn’t want me to control you again then why are you wearing that shirt tonight?”

Maddie was referring to the tight, shear, low cut shirt that Dana had on that showed off her ample bosom. Dana had defeated a light jacket over it but as soon as she took it off, Maddie wasn’t the only one who noticed Dana’s “assets.” Both women had caught the waiter staring at Dana’s cleavage Every time he came near the table. Dana Shook her head and told Maddie she didn’t know what she was talking about.

“Sweetie, you never have the ‘girls’ out like that when it’s just the two of us. You only show off your tits when you go out with Mark because you know he likes it. You have been leaning forward all dinner, practically falling out of your shirt, hoping I would notice and say something.”

Dana started to protest but Maddie cut her off, “you would like nothing better than for me to tell you to go into the bathroom and take off your bra and panties and bring them back to me here at the table. Isn’t that right……slut?”

Dana became immediately flustered and her eyes seemed to gloss over when she heard “that” word come out of Maddie’s mouth. She began to sink down in her seat and looked around to see if anyone had heard what was being said. “Please Maddie, I don’t want…”

Maddie talked right over her, “It’s Mistress Madeline for the rest of the night. Now go to the bathroom and take off your bra and panties and bring them back and put them on the table.”

“Please,” Dana spoke in whispered tones, her voice starting to crack, “it will be very obvious to everyone I’m not wearing a bra if I take it off, not here, please.”

Maddie stopped smoking and, in a stern, but still relatively quiet voice replied, “Then you should have thought about that before you decided to dress like a whore. Now, go to the bathroom and take off your bra and panties and bring them back to me. If I have to tell you again, I’m going to take out my lipstick, lean aCross the table and write on your forehead and let everyone in this place know exactly what you are.”

That same compulsion Dana felt the night of her husband’s birthday was washing over her again. The way Maddie spoke to her, the way she looked at her, the tone in her voice. Whatever it was, Dana was losing all sense of herself and felt compelled to do as she was told.

Dana glanced over at the sign for the bathrooms, they were on the other side of the restaurant. That means she would have to walk past the bar area which was fairly crowded. Slowly she stood up from the table to make her walk to the ladies room. Before she could take a step Maddie grabbed her arm and brought her submissive in closer to her. “And don’t cover up when you return, I want to see those titties bounce under your shirt as you walk back. Understand slut?”

Dana closed her eyes and breathlessly whispered “yes Mistress.”

Then Maddie slapped her on the ass and told her, “good girl,” as Dana walked away.

Dana turned a few heads as she walked past the bar on her way to the ladies room. Once in the ladies room she found a stall and quickly took her clothes off and removed her bra and panties. Dana’s panties were damp from the mood between her legs that had been building the entire night. Once Maddie went into ‘Mistress Madeline’ mode Dana could feel herself dripping. As she stood in the stall naked, she began to rub her breast with her right hand as she held her undergarments in her left. She slide her hand down between her legs and had the urge to sink her fingers into her wet pussy. ‘Why am I doing this,’ she thought. Why did it turn her on so much to be dominated by her best friend? A woman who up until a week ago was like a sister to her. Dana was snapped back to reality when she heard the bathroom door open. Scared, she hurriedly got her clothes back on and exited the stall. She stopped to look in the mirror and compose herself. Without her bra on, you could clearrly see the outline of her breasts and it didn’t leave much to the imagination. Especially with her hard nipples poking through the shirt.

Dana walked out of the bathroom and as she turned the corner to walk back to the table her eyes locked on to Maddie’s. Her mistress was sitting with her legs crossed, grinning and sipping her drink. Dana did as instructed and didn’t fold her arms or anything in front of her as she Walked. Her large breasts bouncing and jiggling underneath her revealing shirt as she headed back to the table. She felt like the whole pub was staring at her but actually it was only a few patrons at the bar that noticed anything. Everyone else was too busy watching the game on the big screens.

Dana sat down at the table, red faced as she placed her rolled up bra and panties on the table. Maddie asked her if she enjoyed her little walk of shame from the bathroom? When Dana shook her head no Maddie picked up her panties and felt them.

“Judging by how wetThese are I would beg to different.” Then Maddie continued, “I told the waiter to bring you the check. Pull down your shirt and really show off your tits for him.”

“What? Maddie no…” Dana was immediately cut off. This time Maddie’s whole demeanor had changed and Dana could see fire in her eyes and hear it in her voice.

“It’s Mistress Madeline! Now, do as you’re told! Pull the top of your shirt down over your shoulders and sit up straight. Give this nice waiter a good show.”

The look on Dana’s face was one of distress but she did what Maddie ordered her to do. She looked around as she stretched her shirt and slide it down past her shoulders.

“Lower,” Maddie ordered as Dana slowly pulled her shirt down even more, stressing the fabric to the point she was afraid it would rip.

“Pull it down just above those beautifully hard nipples.” Maddie ordered.

Finally, Dana lowered her top to reveal as much of her breasts as she could without taking them out altogether. Dana was turning a crisis red as she could feel the eyes of some of the other customers looking over at her. She positioned herself in her seat and was praying the waiter would bring the check over as soon as possible.

It was just a few moments later when the twenty something year old waiter came over with the check. He frozen as soon as he reached the table and his eyes just locked on Dana’s breasts. Dana continued to Turn shades of red as the waiter didn’t say anything and slowly handed her the check. He stood there for a few more seconds, smiled nervously and wiped some sweat from his browser as he walked away.

“That was humiliating,” Dana complained. Maddie just giggled, clapped her hands and replied, “that’s the point.”

After Dana paid the bill, she started to re-adjust her shirt, but Maddie stopped her. “Oh no, leave your shirt where it is. You wanted to show off your tits tonight? Then show them off to these people on the way out like a good little slut.” Maddie didn’t wait for Dana to say anything, she stood up and grabbed Dana’s jacket so she couldn’t use it to cover up and started walking towards the exit as Dana obediently followed her.

As the women made their way out of the restaurant plenty of people noticed Dana and their stars and whispers made her feel helpedlessly exposed and embarrassed. Once they were outside any hopes Dana had of Mistress Madeline Disappearing and her best friend returning were quickly dashed.

“Open my door bitch.” Dana’s tits bounced up and down as she quickly trotted over to the driver’s side of Maddie’s vehicle to let her in. Dana then walked around to the passenger side and got in herself.

Maddie immediately told her, “Throw your underwear in the backseat with the rest of your clothes.”

“What? The….the rest of my clothes?” Dana shook her head as she spoke.

“Did I stutter? The rest of your clothes. Off! Now!”

Dana looked around to see if anyone was in the parking lot and then back at Maddie. “Please mistress, I can’t…what if some…” Dana stopped in mid-sentence. The look in her mistress’s eyes was enough to tell her that her pleasure didn’t matter and she better do what she was told. Dana pulled her top over her head to reveal her big round tits. Then she kicked off her shoes and slid her slacks off as well. She throw her clothes to the back of Maddie’s car and then folded her arms over herself.

“Good. Now, buckle up,” Maddie said with a smile.

The two set off back home with Maddie doing all of the talking. Dana thought her friend must have a split personality or something because for most of the trip home Maddie didn’t acknowledge Dana’s nudity or continued submission to her. While Dana sat terrified that someone in another car would notice she was naked, Maddie talked to her as if everything was normal. Maddie mentioned how cute the waiter was and how much she liked her meal. She talked about wanting to plan a shopping trip with her and the other girls. Maddie was in the middle of talking about changing the color of her kitchen walls when they got stopped at a red light. When Dana tried to sink down in her seat, Maddie seamlessly went from talking about color patterns to ordering Dana to “sit up slut,” and then went right back to the color patterns without missing a beat.

They had almost made it home when at another red light a truck pulled up next to them. When the truck driver looked over and noticed Dana, he honked his horn and waved. Dana could feel the truck driver staring at her and tried covering up but Maddie wouldn’t let her.

“Don’t be rude! Stop covering up, spread your legs and wave back!”

Dana removed her arms and uncrossed her legs to give the truck driver a better view. Dana looked up quickly to wave but avoided eye contact and luckyly for her the light changed at that moment. Maddie found the whole situation amusing while Dana sat quietly, burning from the humiliation.

Minutes later they pulled into their neighborhood. Thankfully for Dana it was starting to get dark and there weren’t many people outside. As Maddie pulled into Dana’s driveway Dana began reaching back to get her clothes but Maddie stopped her.

“I didn’t tell you to put your clothes on. No, you have an assignment I expect to be completed, then you will get your clothes back.”

Maddie didn’t argue she just looked at her friend with reservation in her eyes and sat back down in the seat.

Maddie reached over with her right hand and began to fondle Dana’s left breast. Dana took a deep breath in and closed her eyes as Maddie played with her.

“They are so perfect,” Maddie said before pinching Dana’s left nipple hard which caused Dana to let out a whimper. “Is there a color you would like to tell me about? Or a particular type of fruit you like?” Maddie asked, giving Dana the chance to say the agreed upon safe word. Dana was grimacing and making noises because of the pain Maddie wascausing her. For a split second it looked like Dana was going to say something but she just shook her head and responded, “no mistress.”

“I didn’t think so,” Maddie said with a smile, before letting go of Dana’s nipple and sliding her right hand between her friend’s legs and up to her vagina.

“I guess I’ll have to clean the seat after you get out,” she joked. With her hand still between Dana’s legs she gave Dana her assignment. Dana didn’t question it, she just nodded and responded, “yes Mistress.”

Maddie removed her hand from between Dana’s legs, reached in her pursuit and pulled out her red lipstick. “Just one more thing,” she said as she took the lipstick and wrote ‘WHORE” on Dana’s forehead.

Maddie smiled as she admired her work, “There, after tonight I think you deserve a new title.” As Maddie watched the tears well up in Dana’s eyes it only fueled her dominance. She leaned in and grabbed Dana by the hair with her right hand. “I can’t tell you how much your tears turn me on.” And with that she pulled Dana in for a kiss as her left hand grabbed and squeezed Dana’s right breast. Maddie squeezed Dana’s title so hard she left finger marks when she finally allowed Dana to pull away.

As Dana sat next to her with the tears streaming down her cheeks Maddie told her, “This was great! I had an absolute blast! I’m glad we talked it out. You have your assignment and don’t forget your phone.”

Dana looked down at her breasts, both were red and sore from Maddie’s rough treatment of them. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked out the window before exiting the car. She had almost forgotten where they were and realized any one of her neighbors could have witnessed that whole episode. Dana quickly exited the vehicle and heard Maddie yell, “Don’t forget about Bridget’s on the weekend. Have a good rest of your night and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Thankfully the garage door was open and Dana was inside her home within a matter of seconds.

Inside, Mark was in the den sitting on the couch watching the game. Just as he heard his wife come in, he received a confusing text from Maddie that said, “You’re welcome!”

Still looking at his phone he started to speak, “Babe, I just got this text from Maddie, what does…” He stopped in mid-sentence when he saw his wife walk into the room. She was trembling and naked, with tears in her eyes and the word “WHORE” written on her forehead.

“Dana! What the hell happened?!” Mark sprang off the couch and went to her. He grabbed her arms and tried getting her to speak to him.

“Look at me, what do you think happened?” She told him, irritated and crying.

Mark looked at his wife, up and down. When suddenly Dana dropped to her knees and began to undo her husband pants.

“What are you doing?” Mark questioned.

“My assignment,” was Dana’s short reply.

Mark’s cock sprang out when she pulled down his underwear and Dana know that despite his concern for her, hewas instantly turned on when he saw the state she was in. As Dana began sucking her husband’s cock, she held up her cell phone and with his hard cock in her mouth, looked right at the camera and took a picture before going back to completing her assignment.

It wasn’t too long before Mark could feel himself getting ready to cum. He warned Dana and tried to pull out but Dana wouldn’t let him and as he came, his wife began guzzling every last drop of his cum. Something she had only ever done once before, a week earlier.

“Oh wow!” Mark couldn’t believe what had just happened.

Dana, still on her knees sent the picture she had taken to Maddie. Then she got up and told Mark she was taking a shower and going to bed. When he tried to get her to tell him about the night, she ignored him and kept walking.

As Mark watched his wife’s perfect ass disappear up the stairs, he heard his phone ping. It was another text from Maddie, “did she swallow all of it?”

He texted back, “yes!”

A few seconds later Maddie replied, “like I texted you earlier… you’re welcome!”


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