The Submission of Amelia Pt. 06

The day moved quickly with little time to think or talk. They’d been non-stop busy all morning and all Amelia wanted to do was finish up, head home, and soak in the tub. That thought brought a rush of memories, causing her cheeses to flame. She saw Jazmin out of the corner of her eye and the blush got even worse.

“You saw him, didn’t you?” She asked, not needing to clarify who she mean.

Amelia surprised heavily, knowing her friend wasn’t a fan of what was happening between her and Jonathan. “I did, as a matter of fact, got something to say about it?” Amelia bit out, a little more harshly than she intended. “Sorry, Jaz, I’m just tired and really am not in the mood for the third degree.” Her voice a bit softer.

“I’m just worried about you Ami; this dude has got you twisted.” Her eyes widened suddenly, her body stiffening. “Don’t look now.” She said, turning and currying behind the counter, as if it was a force field that could protect her.

Amelia turned, her owneyes becoming the size of saucers, “What are you doing here?” She whispered as he stepped to her. “I’m working, you can’t be here.”

“Amelia, mine, relax. I only came for a cup of coffee, you claim this is the best in town, right?” He said, a glint in his eyes and a small smile on his lips.

She stepped back, nodding, “well, it’s okay I guess,” shooting a smiley glance to the owner. “Phil there thinks it’s the best and we let him believe it.” Sending a wink to the owner.

“Well, tell me mine, what is the best cup of coffee you have?”

She looked him over, he didn’t really seem to be the type into fancy, decorated lattes and cappuccinos, “Let me fix you something,” she said, stepping behind the counter. She perused the available coffees, flavors, and accents before deciding on a bold, rich brew with a kick of cinnamon. “Do you take cream or sugar?” She asked, without turning, she could feel his eyes boring into her.

“Neither” he replied simply.

She turnedback to him, the cup in her hand. Slowly she set it on the counter, “I hope you enjoy it, it’s Phil’s own blend.”

“How much do I owe you?” He said as he picked the cup up, his eyes still on her as he inhaled the fragment coffee.

She gulped, feeling his possession from across the counter, “$2.50.” She whispered, around the lump in her throat.

He tossed a ten-dollar bill on the counter, “keep the change.” He turned his back to her and headed for a secluded table in the corner, the same one that Ami had used when she had confessed to Jaz about meeting him. “Join me when you go to your break.” It wasn’t a question; he knew how to make her do what he wanted.

Amelia looked at her watch, shocked at the time, “I actually don’t have another break, I’m done for the day.” She quickly cleaned up her mess, resting the necessary supplies, “I’m outta here kid,” she smiled, almost warily at Jaz. “I’ll see you later?”

Jaz leaned into her and whispered, “I think he mightt have plans for you, unless you want me to interfere?”

Amelia shook her head, gulping again against the lump in her throat. “No, I’m fine, but we need to do dinner one of these nights.”

Jaz nodded and shooed her on her way, “Don’t keep Prince Charming waiting, he doesn’t seem to be the type that likes that much.” She stood and walked away from the counter, shaking her head. Amelia Sighed heavily. She knew her friend didn’t understand, and she wasn’t entirely sure she did either. Amelia took her apron off, hanging it on the hook at the end of the counter, smoothed her hair down, and walked to where he was standing.

“You wanted to see me Sir?” She said, her voice tight, her eyes lowered. She stood, quietly, not moving. He reached for her elbow, pulling her along with him.

“Do you have all your things Amelia?” He asked, looking at her.

“Yes, Sir, I have everything.” She responded quietly. She didn’t raise her eyes, just allowed herself to be pulled along. They reached the door, and he ushered her outside, pushing her down the sidewalk, in a rush she’d never seen from him before. She followed along; certain he was taking her to her apartment. Before she knew it, he pulled her into an alley, pushing her tightly against the wall as his lips descended on hers. He kissed her like a man that was dying of thirst, and she was the only one that could quench it. His tongue delved into her mouth, his hands tangling in her hair. A moan escaped from her lips as their bodies pressed into one another.

He broke their kiss, he leaned his head against her, his eyes closing. “Amelia, what have you done to me?” he asked gruffly, “I missed you and I never miss anyone.” He pulled away, grabbing her hand, pulling her back to the sidewalk. He cleared his throat. “I apologize for that; I don’t usually just attack.”

Amelia jerked her head up in surprise at the apology, laughing softly, “Sir, you don’t need to apologize to me, as a matter of fact I really kind of enjoyed that.” She smiled softly, her hand squeeze his like she would a lover. They continued along the sidewalk, the air crisp around them. The silence welcome as Amelia got lost in her thoughts. Before she knew it, they were at her apartment. He let them in with the key he’d made himself.

He pushed her gently towards the couch, setting her down like a child. “I’ll be right back,” he Turned, making his way to her kitchen. She heard the cupboard open, then the freezer door, before hearing the water faucet kick on. He returned, a glass of water in his hand, only one which he handed to her. “Drink, water is important.” She just stared at him in shock. “You seem pretty familiar with my apartment Sir.”

A smile brushed over his lips, “I learn about things that are important to me.” He sat on the couch next to her, reaching over and pulling her legs over his lap. He deftly unfasted her sneakers, pulling off one and then the other, setting them next to the couch on the floor. He pulled her socks off, placing them in her shoes, before he started gently massaging her feet. She moaned loudly, the feel of his fingers on sore feet almost heaven. She took another sip of her water before allowing her head to fall back. Her eyes fell shut as his fingers deftly moved over her feet, up her ankles, to her calms, never stopping his gentle ministers.

She felt him stop, her eyes popping open. She looked at him and what she saw started her. The look on his face was not one she’d seen before, gentle almost caring. She lowered her eyes, almost afraid of what that could mean. He took the glass from her hand and set it on a coaster on the table. He picked her up, placing her to straddle his waist, his thick manhood pressing against her hot center. His eyes flashed with something dangerous. His lips claimed hers, his breath mingled with hers as he kissed her hard.

“You’re mine Amelia, no one else can have you, no one else can claim you,” he said asthe kiss broke. “You are mine, tell me.”

Her eyes widen as the words spilled from her lips, “I am yours Sir.” She murmured moments before he claimed her lips in a kiss again.

Amelia knew now, without a doubt, she was in for something she didn’t even know she had wanted. Something that now she couldn’t possibly imagine never having again. This man who crept into her life with the force of a hurricane had turned it upside down, she didn’t know if it would ever be right again. At this point, she didn’t know if she cared to right her world.


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