The Stonebriar Kennels Ch. 01

“I have to take a trip for work next week, and I can’t bring you.” Evan told Rachel matter of factly. “Instead of leaving you here alone, I made arrangements for you to stay somewhere accepting of our arrangement. Somewhere you can be yourself among others like you.”

“Others like me?” Rachel wondered.

Rachel met Evan online. Browsing Tumblr, she ran across a picture of a naked girl on a leash. That led her down a rabbit hole of discovery where she realized how turned on she was by the idea of ​​being a controlled object, naked on a leash. She found several accounts she visited more often than others and began chatting with them. Over time she grew bored of all but one, Evan’s account. Evan seemed to share the same ideas about an ideal BDSM relationship as she did. As a bonus, he lived near by Gwinnett. Rachel badly wanted to meet him but was too nervous, so she kept him at a distance.

In the ensuing months, they talked regularly, discussing Gor, Story of O, and other stories she had found on literotica. Evan shared pictures of naked women in chains, cages, serving, and all manner of predictions. Rachel found herself growing wetter every time she looked at one. She needed to be in those pictures. She yearned for it.

After a few months, she finally couldn’t hold back and asked Evan to meet her in person. They met at an upscale bar in Buckhead. The chemistry was electric. Rachel learned that he was an engineer who had also grown up nearby and gone to Georgia Tech. After his grandmother died he had inherited her large house in Gwinnett and her modest fortune. He had been engaged but broke it off when he realized that the life he would lead with her wasn’t the life he wanted. He too had discovered BDSM at a young age and had always wanted that kind of relationship.

Rachel told him how she had attended North Georgia Community College, but left when the money got tight. Her mother died when she was 18 and she hadn’t spoken to her father since she was a child. She was currently working as a receptionist at a construction company and bartending on weekends. She had an apartment in Dunwoody she shared with her roommate.

Rachel’s wish came true when, around 1am, Evan announced that he was too buzzed to drive all the way back to Gwinnett and asked her if she would like to share a room with him.

She eagerly accepted. She secretly hoped he would tie her up, but even though he didn’t, the sex that night was the best she had ever had. She woke up with a splitting hangover, but Evan was ready with Pedialyte and room service. She left that morning with a promise to see him again.

They dated for almost a year, Evan gradually introducing BDSM into their relationship as time went on. Rachel started calling him “Sir”. Evan bought her a collar that she would wear whenever they were together. Eventually Evan rented out his Gwinnett house and bought a smaller house on a large lot near Marietta. Rachel quit her bartending job and moved in with him. Evan made her wear the collar naked whenever she was home. He said her beautiful Latin body was the best decoration the house could have. They discussed ground rules and Evan made a list of submissive rules for Rachel to follow.

About 6 months after moving in, Evan brought his friend Tony over for drinks. Rachel served them both drinks as they watched football. Suddenly, after a few drinks, Evan grow very serious and grabbed Rachel by the wrist, staring her in the eyes. Rachel started to grow nervous. Without breaking eye contact with her, he said “Tony, would you like to fuck my slave? Rachel here isn’t my girlfriend, she’s my slave. This collar she always wears is a slave collar”.

Rachel frozen. She didn’t know what she was more shocked by, the fact that Evan had just exposed their secret or the fact that he was offering her body up to his friends without discussing it with her. Before she could react, Evan grabbed her collar and began rippingher dress off. She looked at Tony, who seemed just as shocked as she was and panicked. “ALUMINUM!” she yelled, and Evan immediately let go. Her safe word. She swore she would never use it and even told Evan she didn’t need one, and now here she stood. Her dress was ruined. The top ripped, exposing her C cup breasts. Her chest and shoulders covered in scratches.

She ran to the bathroom and sobbed. She was upset with Evan for what he did, but more upset with herself. She had made an oath to never disobey him, yet she had done it in front of his friend. Outside the door she heard Tony excusing himself and Evan saying goodbye. Then a gentle knock on the door.

“Rachel? Baby? Are you ok? Can I come in?” Evan said in a soft voice.

She reached up and unlocked the door. Evan walked in and took off her collar. He then sat down on the floor with her and embedded her.

“I’m sorry” he said. “I shouldn’t have pushed you like that.”

“No, I’m sorry” Rachel replied “It isn’t my place to embarrass you in front of your friend. I swore absolute obedience to you and when you tested me I failed.”

She looked up at him with tears soaked eyes “Please punishment me, Sir. Please whip me with your belt. Please don’t take my collar.”

Evan kissed her forehead gently. “I am not going to punish you for using your safeword. I think it’s best that I sleep on the couch tonight and we can move forward tomorrow. Why don’t you go get in bed”.

Rachel went to the bedroom and found the collar on her bedside table. After cleaning the straked makeup off her face and throwing her ruined dress in the trash, she put the collar on. She looked at her naked body in the mirror. The scratches on her shoulder showed up brightly now. She traced her landing strip with her fingers, her pussy soaking wet to her surprise. Climbing into bed, she found the chain under the bed and pulled it up and clipped it to her collar. Feeling the security of the chain relaxed her as she mastubated and drifted off to sleep.

The next day, nothing was said about the previous night. She chose to leave the collar on all day, even while running errands. When Evan got home from work, she greeted him naked wearing the collar. He kissed her cheek and squeezed her boob, but then went about his business. Rachel could tell things were different. If she asked him to lock her collar or chain her up, he would comply, but he stopped giving her orders. He seemed distant.

A couple months later, Evan presented a slave contract for Rachel to sign. She did so eagerly after barely skimming it. A few days later Evan mentioned that he wanted to register her as a slave and get her a SLRN number. Rachel excitedly bounced into the office and grabbed his laptop and brought it to him. Even though he didn’t tell her to, She stripped naked and kneeled on the floor next to him as he filled out the form and uploaded her picture to the site. After a few more clicks, they were presented with a certificate with a barcode and her new slave number- 556-879-342. Evan printed the certificate and closed the computer.

“Thank you master” Rachel said, her heart filling with pride.

Surely this means things were going to start heating up again. But to her graduate disappointment, nothing changed. 2 more months went by until that day that Evan announced that he had to take a trip.

Rachel spent the next few days excitedly wondering about this place Evan was planning to take her. Was it like Roissy? Anne Marie’s? Was it just some hotel or bed and breakfast? Evan said it was accepting of their arrangement and there would be others like her there, so she doubted it was anything like that. She wanted to look her best for her “vacation”, so she used the time to get her dark brown hair trimmed and styled, her fingernails and toenails painted, and a bikini wax so her pussy would be smooth around her narrow strip of fuzz.

Still unsure of where she was going or what she wouldbe doing there, she packed a few dresses, some formal, some casual, a few bikinis, some jeans, t shirts, pajamas, and sexy lingerie. She didn’t know how long she would be staying, so she hoped they had a place to do laundry if she ran out of clothes. For all she knew, they may have a uniform for her when she got there. Her thoughts raced at the possibilities. She got especially excited at the thought of the revealing dresses O was forced to wear at Roissy. She had never been publicly exposed like that. She had been naked around the house, but nobody had seen her but Evan, and Tony that night Evan ripped her dress. Prior to moving in with Evan, she had only gotten undressed under the covers with her boyfriends, embarrassed by her “baby fat” that she had tried to lose since publicty.

Suddenly the reality of Possibly being naked in front of strangers dawned on her. Tony wasn’t a stranger and he had only seen her tits for a second, something she was still embarrassed about. Rachel kept in shape mostly. Most of the baby fat had been toned by working out with Evan, but she still had some softness where she needed it, giving her an hourglass figure and Evan often called her his Puerto Rican Scarlett Johannssen. She could definitely fill out a bikini, and had often caught both jealous stars from women, and lustful gawks from men. But even though she had nothing to worry about, the Thought of all those eyes on her naked body started to terrify her.

Rachel decided that despite her appreciations, she would do what it took to make Evan start dominating her again. After all, she wanted her limits tested.

Rachel continued quizzing Evan about where she was going all the way up until the day she would leave. Evan insisted on remaining silent about it, other than saying that she would enjoy it.

The morning arrived and Rachel awoke with anticipation. She waited until after lunch to get ready, instead spending the morning packing Evan’s bags, doing laundry, andcleaning the house. She ate a small salad for lunch and then got in the bath. She shavled her legs, armpits, and used nair to touch up her landing strip. She finished with a leave in hair conditioner. She stepped out of the tub and put vanilla scented lotion on every inch of her body. She put her hair in loose curls that gave it a fuller, wavy appearance.

She stopped and admired herself in the mirror, still naked from the bath. She turned side to side inspecting every inch of her body, as she was sure someone would be doing in a few hours. Her neck felt naked without her collar, so she put it on. It was a pink leather collar Evan had bought from Stockroom that fastened in the back with a place to put a padlock. It had a chrome O ring on the front making it clear that this was not a dog collar, it was a slave collar. Rachel loved having a chain locked to that collar and the feeling of it drawn down between her tits. She continued her inspection, her eyes now drawn to the “EV” onHer hip. She recalled the day she asked Evan to let her wear his mark and he took her to the tattoo parlor. He spent a long time talking to the artist just out of earshot of her. Several times they both motioned to her, at the end of the conversation, the artist wrote something on a card and gave it to Evan, who put it in his pocket. She asked about the card on the way home, but Evan changed the subject and she never saw it again.

Rachel finished putting her makeup on and walked into the closet she shared with Evan. He hadn’t told her what to wear, but she assumed they would be going to a nice dinner before they parted ways. She wanted to leave a lasting image in Evan’s mind so she picked out his favorite dress, a shiny green cowl dress that ended just above her knees, probably higher on a taller girl, but at 5’3, dresses fit longer on her than most. It had a slit up one side all the way to her hip that made wearing anything but the highest cut panties impossible. The cowl top meant wearing a bra was not an option. Evan often commented about how he loved watching her unfettered breasts bounce with every step she took in it, and she loved the way the material felt sliding against her sensitive nipples. Secretly it was her favorite dress too. She found a pair of strappy black high heels and put those on. A few bangles and an anklet and her ensemble was complete. She texted Evan a selfie and said “ready for tonight”.

When Evan got home, Rachel was waiting at the door with their suitcases.

“Wait here” he said, “I need to grab a few things and we will hit the road”

Rachel smiled. The anticipation was overwhelming and all she wanted was to see what awaited her. When he emerged he was carrying a small bag and a shiny object which Rachel recognized as a buttplug as he got closer. She had never forgotten one before but obediently bent over and lifted her dress. Without a word, Evan ripped the panties off of her and inserted the pre lubed plug into her andThen slapped her ass-hard. She jumped in shock at the blow and stood back up to find the top of her dress needed adjustment. Another reason Evan loved the dress was that it constantly accidentally exposed her and required regular adjustments to keep her breasts covered. Evan took the opportunity to fondle each breast before replacing the errant fabric. The plug made her feel like she had to go to the bathroom, but she adjusted and found that relaxing made the feeling go away.

From his pocket he pulled out a padlock and used it to lock her collar on. She smiled wryly at him as he hooked a finger in her collar loop and led her out the door to the car. At the car, Evan produced a pair of handcuffs from the small bag and handcuffed her behind her back. Instead of opening the door, he left her standing on the sidewalk like that while he took 2 trips inside to bring the bags out and put them in the trunk. Only after closing the trunk, and several cars passing, did he open her door and help her in. The invasive presence of the buttplug became even more noticeable as she sat on it. With her hands cuffed, Evan buckled her in, and in the process shifted the precariously placed clothes that covered her breasts so that they were dangerously close to making another appearance. She felt the cool leather of the old Mercedes on her bare ass. Evan took his place in the driver’s seat and leaned over and kissed her deeply. It was the first time they had kissed like that in months, and Rachel was in heaven.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked.

Rachel nodded, and the German V8 rumbled to life.

It was rush hour and they caught every red light in town, although Rachel was certain he could have run a few yellows. She quickly realized that riding in a car with handscuffs was extremely uncomfortable and she could not wait to get them off. Worse was the fact that the handscuffs made it impossible for her to recover herself when she had a slip, which was inevitable with the way Evan was driving. The doors on the old Mercedes were very low with large windows, so even the casual observer could see her breasts when they came out. At lights, she looked straight ahead and hoped Evan would fix her top for her, which he did twice, but she could feel the stars from other cars and burned with embarrassment. Occasionally Evan would reach over and mindlessly stroke her pussy, but would always stop just as she got aroused.

As the car slowed and Evan put on the turn signal, Rachel realized where they were heading and that they weren’t going to dinner. She was a little annoyed that she had gotten so dressed up and flashed half of Atlanta for nothing.

At the back of an office park, near the interstate, sat an empty hotel that had been closed for years. She forget what it used to be when it was open, some 2 star chain hotel you see in any city with an attached restaurant. It was last open when Rachel was in high school, in fact she had attended a post prom party there that ended in a pregnancy scare. The hotel had closed for renovations, but never reopened, the restaurant closed 2 years later. The restaurant eventually reopened as a strip club called The Kennel, which gained a seedy report, but the hotel fell into disrepair. As they approached, the parking lot was crisscrossed with pockets and cracks with giant weeds growing from them. The landscaping was overgrown and ivy crept up one corner. The stucco blackened by water stains.

The hotel had 4 stories, and viewed from the road, the restaurant was at the far right end, with the lobby entrance on the front towards the left and covered by a carport.

“Why is he taking me to this strip club?” Rachel wondered.

Her confusion grow as he took the car to the left and came to a stop under the awning. Some boxes that had grown out of control blocked the view from the street and she wondered if Evan had chosen this spot for some quick sex before they continued on. She leanedback and spread her legs wide, but Evan got out and came around and opened her door. He helped her out, and with the privacy of the boxwoods, explored under her dress with his hands, paying special attention to her needy pussy, yet still not giving her the release she needed. He retrieved her suitcase from the trunk along with the small bag and firmly grabbed her arm and walked her to the glass door.

“I don’t think this place is o-” she protested, her sentence cut off by the automatic door opening. They stepped into the vestibule, and the door closed behind them, but the second set of doors remained closed. Rachel looked around. The vestibule was made of 4 glass walls, all mirrored including the doors. A fake tree stand in one corner, and an old chrome ashtray/wastebasket combination stand along one wall. A framed sign saying “Closened for renovations” hung on the inner door.

“I’m sorry sir, the hotel is not open” a woman’s voice came over a speaker. Rachel looked up to seea camera on the ceiling looking at them. Suddenly Rachel was embarrassed to be wearing the handscuffs.

“I was hoping someone could give me directions to Buckhead” Evan said, looking at the camera.

“Mr. Virtanen, welcome. Slaves are forbidden any clothes inside, so you must correct that before I can open the door.” the voice replied.

Evan turned to Rachel and took the bottom of her dress and lifted it over her head, then pulled it down her cuffed arms and throw it in the trash can. Rachel gasped as she saw her favorite dress go in the can. Next went her jewelry, which she was relieved to see Evan put in his pocket.

“Do you have a leanh?” the voice inquired.

“I do in the car, but she’s in here now” Evan answered.

“That’s ok. There is one in the ashtray you can use.”

Evan went to the trashcan and picked up a short chain lean from the ashtray. It was about 18″ long with a leather handle. He clipped it to her collar and wrapped it twice around hishand, leaving about 6 inches between his hand and her neck.

“Good, keep it short.” Evan nodded at the camera and the doors slide open.


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