The Stonebriar Kennels Ch. 03

This story is a continuation of the Stonebriar Kennels series. Please read Chapters 1 and 2 to get caught up. Where we last left Rachel, Evan was checking her in to a hotel. She was naked, chained to the desk, and confused.


“It looks like I have everything I need from you Mr. Virtanen.” said Samantha, the desk clerk. “If I need anything else, I’ll give you a call.”

“Thank you” Evan replied.

“Now typically owners would accompany their property to their cells and give them something to remember them by, if you know what I mean.” Samantha said suggestedly. “I know you are in a hurry, so if you want to spank her or anything else, you can do it here.”

Evan looked at Rachel and smiled.

Then he unzipped his pants. He pulled his cock out and put it in Rachel’s face. She knew what was expected but hesitated before taking it in her mouth and nervously sucking. Being naked in public was one thing, but being made to go down on him with Samantha standing feet away was a whole new level of humiliation.

“Do it like you mean it!” Evan grumbled, grabbing her hair and forcing her down on him, making her gag. He held her there for several seconds, making her eyes water and tears go down her cheeks, before roughly pulling her off. He zipped his pants back up and leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Rachel didn’t know Whether to feel happy or cry. He had been rough with her before, but this felt like he was making a statement.

“It was lovely meeting you, Samantha.” Evan said cheerily. “I’ll be in touch.”

With that, Rachel watched her master walk to the door. There was a loud click and the door opened and then closed behind him. The crash of the closing door sounded like thunder to Rachel, who felt like a child who had just watched their parents leave them at daycare for the first time.

“Ok, cunt.” Samantha’s stern voice broke Rachel’s concentration. “I need a picture of your bald cunt for the file. Lift it up.”

Rachel leaned back and put her hands on the floor behind her and thrust her pelvis forward as the blonde clerk came around the desk, camera in hand.

“That’s a beautiful sight.” she said as she took the picture. “Now don’t go anywhere. I’m going to get this uploaded and we can wrap this up and get you locked up.”

Rachel was only moderately amused by her joke. She sat in silence while the blonde typed. Her pussy was starting to burn from being shaken dry. She wanted to rub it to soothe the burning but was afraid to.

She finally heard Samantha’s voice “Sit up, hands behind your back, face the screen.”

Rachel did as instructed and a video started playing on the screen.

Upbeat elevator music accompanied a female voice.

“Welcome, slave, to the Stonebriar Kennels, where you are a prisoner for the near future. If you are viewing this, it is your first time here, so let’s cover some basics.

This is not a resort and you are not on vacation. This is a world class pleasure slave training and holding facility. We spare no expense to guarantee your owner is completely satisfied with our services. Our staff and security is the best of the best. You are here to work and be trained, not relax.”

The screen changed to a blue screen. The word “Rules” appeared in bold white letters.

“There are a number of rules here and it can be overwhelming, but rest assured that you will be punished for violating each and every one of them, so paying attention now will help you out greatly.

“The first and most important rule is that you may never refuse a command by a member or staff. There are no safe words here. Your safety is as high a priority here as security, so the only thing you need to worry about is obeying.

“You will address everyone as “Sir” or “Ma’am”.

“You are a pleasure slave and are required to perform with anyone you are ordered to, free or enslaved. Your owner has chosen guidelines for you and you are obligated to submit to them.

“You may not attempt to cover yourself or protect yourself. Doing so will result in additional punishments. Anyone may touch anywhere on your body that they wish.”

The rules flashed across the screen as the female voice read them.

“You may only cross red lines on a leash.

“You pleasure is a privilege that must be earned, not a right. You may not masturbate without permission. If you earn the ability to pleasure yourself, it will be done in front of an audience.

“You have no right to privacy. You will be on camera at all times.

“If you follow the rules and obey the trainers, you will leave The Stonebriar Kennels a more obedient, skilled, and submissive slave.”

Music began playing, then a new screen appeared that read “Sign here to acknowledge receipt of the rules and agreement to follow them.”

Rachel waited a moment and looked around, waiting to seeIf she would get any direction. She wasn’t. Slowly, she touched the screen and signed on the line with her finger.

“Great” Samantha said coming from behind the desk. “Now that you have signed the agreement, you won’t be needing your hands for a while”

She had a small padlock in her hand which she used to lock Rachel’s hands behind her back. She then took Rachel’s hair and forced her to the floor.

“Nose and forehead touching the floor!” She barked. “Ass in the air! This is how you will submit to inspection.”

She put on rubber gloves and started probing Rachel’s wet pussy.

“Wow, you really are excited.” The blonde said, as she suddenly fingered the helpless girl.

Rachel was certain she would come but the blonde removed her fingers before she could. Rachel let out a frustrated whimper. Next she pulled Rachel’s plug out and Rachel heard a cap snapping open and feel a cold liquid on her still gaping ass.

“This is going to hurt” Samantha said,Almost excitedly.

Rachel felt pressure on her smaller hole and suddenly a much larger invader entered. She clenched her teeth as it was pressed deeper into her, stretching her as more and more as it went, until finally her hole snapped closed around the stem. The pearl made her feel incredibly full and the stem was much larger than the one of the plug Evan had put in her.

“That wasn’t so bad.” Rachel Thought.

“Now for the fun part.” Samantha said.

Rachel started hearing clicking as the blonde ratcheted the plug. It was getting bigger! Samantha continued expanding the plug until Rachel couldn’t take it anymore.

“Please stop” She sobbed.

“When I stop is for me to decide.” Samantha snapped back. “You need to realize that you have no control. For that outburst, you get 3 extra clicks.”

She continued expanding the plug until Rachel was sure it was ripping her insides. Tears streamed down her face.

“And 3 more.” The blonde said as she slowly clicked the final turns.

The pain was excruciating. Rachel was now openly crying. She wanted to go home. She wished Evan would come get her.

“Have you learned your lesson about trying to control what happens to your body?” Samantha asked.

“Yes Ma’am.” Rachel replied.

The blonde clicked the plug six times. Rachel could feel the plug shrinking, relieving the pressure inside her.

“And we’ll set it there.” Samantha said. Rachel’s ass was still painfully filled.

The blonde walked around the counter again, heels clicking on the floor.

“Sebastien” She said loudly. “I have one here at the front for you.”

“I’ll be right down” A French accented voice replied over a radio.

Rachel remained perfectly still for several minutes until she heard footsteps approaching her. She know better than to look up. She heard the jingling of a chain and then felt a padlock being snapped into her buttplug. Immediately she felt a weight from her rectum.

“Up”The distinctive accent ordered.

He grabbed her forearm and helped her to her shadowy feet. Her new heels were taller than she was used to and appeared to have no padding. Sebastien pulled the plug lean forward through her legs and gave a gentle tug.


Rachel took an unsteady step forward. In addition to being taller than any heels she had ever forgotten, her new shoes offered very little support. Her leg muscles would need to work extra hard to balance her and she would have to concentrate with every step.




She took a few more steps forward.

She began sizing up her French steel as she walked. He was about 6’2 and built like a bodybuilder. The sleeves of a tight black polo shirt stretched around his biceps. His shirt was tucked into a pair of khakis that were snug around his hips and bootcut at the cuff so only the toe of his work boots showed. He had dirty blonde hair parted and brushed to the side of his stern browser. Awide, square jaw led to his ears where a small earpiece was lodged in the left one. On his belt he wore a walkie talkie, a keyring with a number of keys, and what appeared to be a television remote.

“It’s like this place only hires models” Rachel thought to herself, but her thought was cut short by her ankle twisting.

“Oh, Shit!” she yelped as she crashed to the floor. She had stopped concentrated on her heels and lost her balance. With her hands still cuffed, she was unable to catch herself and landed hard on her side.

“Jesus Christ, it’s like she’s never walked in heels” Samantha said sarcastically from behind the desk.

Rachel felt her face reddening, embarrassed by her clumsiness in front of the beautiful blonde. Sebastien reached down and grabbed her under her shoulders and Effectlessly lifted her back to her feet, not the least bit shy about where his hands grazed in doing so. Rachel felt the familiar moisture between her legs again. If she couldn’t masturbate, her stay here was going to feel like an eternity, she realized.

She felt the tug on her asshole, advising her to move forward again. Carefully she began to walk forward taking small, deliberate steps. She couldn’t help but notice how having her lean attached to her plugged ass made her pussy feel that much more exposed and vulnerable, which in turn made it wetter. The mood migrated down her thighs, Making them slick against each other as she walked, which again took some of her attention from her balance and made her crash to the floor again.

Sebastien again lifted her to her feet, although this time much more firmly and with no doubt that the contact with her tits was intentional. For the third time they began walking out of the lobby. They had covered about 15 feet.

Rachel focused on the floor as they walked. At the rear of the lobby a red line crossed the floor at the doorway.

“Watch step” Sebastien warned as a 2 inch high plate of steel ran alongthe floor in the doorway. Rachel carefully stepped over it wondering why it was there.

As they entered the hallway, Rachel looked around. Directly in front of them was the stairwell behind a door that was propped open. Another steel plate ran across the bottom of the doorway. Next to it were the elevators, again with steel plates across the bottom. Looking down the hallway, there were doors and windows along both sides, and the double doors to the banquet hall at the end. More steel plates were spaced at regular intervals, interrupting the carpet that ran the length of the hall.

“Slaves use stairs. But since you are struggling, we take elevator” Sebastien said, with feigned goal in his voice. The door opened immediately when he pressed the arrow and they both stepped in, Rachel carefully not to trip on the oddly placed steel plate.

Sebastien pressed the button on his walkie and said “Override the elevator lockout” into his shoulder. “Yes, seriously” he chuckled after apause. “You saw her walking”. The light on the panel changed from red to green and he pressed the 3.

“She think it’s funny for you to take stairs, but I don’t have all night” As he turned to her, his smile changed to anger. “Why are you still standing?” he yelled.

“Huh?” was all Rachel could stammer before he pulled a strip of leather from his pocket and smoked her breast with it. The blow surprised Rachel, and stung more than she expected it to. He landed 2 more blows with the cuffed slave unable to defend herself before she fell to her knees and he stopped as the elevator began moving. He did not say another word, just tightly gripped her leash as the elevator traveled to 2 floors to their destination.

The doors opened with a ding and he swiftly and painfully yanked her to her feet. She carefully stepped over another steel plate into the hallway of the slave’s floor.

This floor was a stark contrast to the first floor. The stairwell door was closed and had a large red button next to it. The hall appeared slightly narrower than the first floor and the walls were cinderblock painted grey. The floor was bare concrete, shiny down the middle and dull along the edges. The same steel plates traverse the width of the hall at regular intervals, but on this floor they were each accompanied by a wall of bars with a barred door at the center. Each door was open, except the one farthest down the hall which was closed. An open barred door separated the elevator and stairs from the rest of the hall as well. Rings were bolted to the wall at various heights along the wall as well, some had short lengths of chain hanging from them.

But the most stunning sight to Rachel was the barred cell doors lining both sides of the hallway. All were closed and had red buttons next to them. The sight put butterflies in her stomach. The tug on her plug let Her know that soon she would be locked behind one.

The hallway was silent except for the click of Rachel’s heels as they walked down it. As they passed each door, Rachel tried to see inside each room, but most were too dark to see anything, although she was able to catch a glimpse of a naked woman sitting on the floor of one room, watching her go by. The doors were all staggered so no 2 were directly across from each other, and thus someone in one cell could not see into another cell.

They stopped about halfway down the hallway at a door on the left. Sebastien took the remote off of his belt and pressed several buttons on it and the light in the cell came on. He then pressed and held the red button by the door. There was a buzz and then a click and he pushed the door open and led her in. Rachel noted that her cell had its own steel plate across the entrance.

Sebastien closed the door behind them and it made a loud metallic bang as it slammed shut. There was another red button inside the door. He used one of the keys from his ring to open a metal cabinet just inside the door and retrieve 2 padlocks from it and quickly close it before Rachel could see what else was in it. He led her to the middle of the cell and pointed at the floor. Rachel looked at the floor confused until she saw him reach in his pocket and she quickly got the hint and dropped to her knees.

“Almost,” Sebastien chuckled as he smoked her right breast with the slapper. “But not quick enough”.

Tears welled in Rachel’s eyes from the pain as she bowed her head. In front of her was a large ring with a long chain seemingly growing out of the concrete next to it. Sebastien padlocked the end of it to Rachel’s collar. He then used the chain to pull her further to the floor and padlocked it to the ring. Rachel could only lift her head a few inches off the concrete now.

She watched from the floor as he walked over to the door and typed on His remote and then held the red button to let himself out. The door slammed behind him and the sound made Rachel jump. She remained frozen until she heard the ding of the elevator down the hall.

Then silence.


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