The Stone Ch. 02

This time it wasn’t just Sara’s under things that failed to reappear when she landed on the ground. Her jeans and blouse were apparently still on the dungeon floor in that strange realm where she had just been stripped, bound, and brought to the broke of an orgasm before being cruelly sent away. Dismissed, she thought, with an even crueler assignment. She was going to do the same thing to herself every night for who He knew how long. Only he knows, she realized with a slight shiver.

Shivering brought her mind closer to her current prediction; she was naked in the middle of an open field in broad daylight. The day was balmy and pleasant and there was nobody around to see her, but her clothes were all in her closet in her room in the farmhouse. Her aunt and Ludo were rarely around the farm somewhere, probably still wondering Why she hadn’t been there to help Ludo with the pigs.

Setting off in the direction of the house, Sara wondered if there was any way she could explainin her lack of clothing if worst came to worst and she ran into them on her way back. She quickly realized that there was nothing she could tell them that would make the situation any better. She simply had to get into her room without being seen. Wracking her brain, she tried to remember where the farm hand and his employer would likely be by now.

She couldn’t tell exactly what time it was. It had felt like hours that she had have been in chains, waiting for her arousal to fade to a bearable level. Looking around, it didn’t seem any time had passed at all. The sun was still high. Assuming that time didn’t pass in the same way in that other place, she realized that if she hurried, her aunt and Ludo would still be out in the lower field digging that new irrigation ditch and probably hadn’t even missed her at lunch yet.

Sara broke into a run, which was made more difficult by her bare feet. More than a few times she had to stop and clutch a foot in pain after stepping on a branch or sharp rock. As she approached the outskirts of her aunt’s farm she saw no sign of anyone. Out of breath, she finally saw the house in the distance. Her feet aching and her side in agony she walked the last hundred yards to the door. Finding it locked, she wrapped her brain trying to remember where her aunt had said she hid the spare key. She was just about to lift the flower pot when the dead bolt turned off its own according and the door swung open. In the doorway stood Ludo, looking as though his wildest dreams had just materialized in front of him.

Shock paralleled Sara for a moment that lasted far too long. Ludo glanced up and down her naked form. Her hands shot up to cover herself but she knew in an instant he had seen everything. Once she had recovered her senses, she shrieked and tried to dash past him through the doorway and up to the safety of her bedroom, but he shifted at the last second and she tripped over him, tumbling onto the floor inside. Ludo stand over her, a legon either side making it difficult to stand without bumping against his leather boots.

“There you are,” Ludo exclaimed in his thick accent, “I am have to carry all this myself. I wonder where is Sara? And here she is.” She could feel a deep flush of embarrassment coming over her. When he held out a hand she took it, exposing her breasts but keeping her more private area covered. He helped her to her feet, all the while leering at her. “You are sunbathing all afternoon?” She looked away and shook her head. When she was standing again she tried to dash away from him, but he kept hold of her hand and pulled her closer. She felt his other hand on her backside. “Or is there someone you are singing away to give a piece of this?” His hand squeezed as he said this, and Sara felt her whole body blush with intensity embarrassment. He finally let her out of his grip and she ran up the stairs. Although not pausing to look back Sara could tell Ludo was still watching her go until she slammed the bedroom door behind her.

Finally having reached the safety of her room Sara collapsed onto the bed. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she tried to listen for the sound of anyone climbing the stairs after her. Hearing nothing, she stood and walked to the closet. In it, she found her things neatly folded as she had left them. She picked out a modest dress, tough enough for farm work and lay it across the bed. She pulled out the lower drawer and selected a similarly sensitive pair of bra and panties. When she bent over to put them on, however, she discovered a drop of fluid on her inner thigh that had not been there before she began her flight to the farmhouse.

Sara’s throat tightened as a sickening feeling of shame at her recent arousal washed over her. That disgusting old farmhand had taken advantage of her nudity and some part of Her had responded to him. She wondered briefly if she ought to be worried about him saying something to her aunt about the encounter. Therewasn’t any innocent explanation she could think of for running into the house naked in the middle of the day. She would just have to deny it if he did, but then that means there would be no punishment for the liberties he had taken with her in the doorway.

As Sara thought about this, it occurred to her that now she would need to be especially careful not to be alone with Ludo again. He had revealed himself to be brutish and lecherous in the extreme, and now that he had gotten away with fondling her once there would be nothing to stop him from doing it again. The next time he might not limit himself to a single squeeze of her rear end. She could feel herself turning red as she imagined what might be in store the next time Ludo got hold of her. She shook her head. The farmhand had taken advantage of her being naked and practically throwing herself at him, albeit by accident. As long as she didn’t get herself into another compromising situation everything should be fine.

Saratook a long time to collect herself. By the time she felt ready to venture out of her room again the clock on the wall showed her that it was nearly time for dinner. She carefully opened the door and poked her head out to look down the stairs, trying to see if Ludo was still there. Being reasonably sure that he wasn’t, she pulled on her work socks and shoes and headed down the stairs and out the farmhouse door. After pausing to collect herself she remembered that at this time her aunt was usually raking hay in the south field.

She headed off in that direction, keeping an eye out for Ludo. The farmhand could be anywhere this time of day, and Sara had never paid much attention to his schedule. To her relieve, she didn’t run into him on the way. She found her aunt driving the thresholder across the small sunken field. The machine was noisy, and Aunt Maria wasn’t looking in the direction Sara came from. She stood awkwardly in the field while Maria brought the heavy machine around, noticing Sara only when she was right in front of her.

“Look who decided to show herself.” Sara couldn’t think of anything to say in reply as Aunt Maria wheeled the thresholder around for another pass, still shouting over her shoulder. Sara could only make out a few words over the machine noise, but the gist was clear enough. Her aunt would not allow her to stay unless she did chores all day, and for the moment Sara had nowhere else to go.

“I’m sorry, Aunt Maria,” Sara shouted, struggling to think of any excuse her aunt would accept. When none came to mind she added, to no-one in particular, “some Italy trip this turned into.” Her aunt gave no sign of having heard her. Feeling fairly guilty she trusted back to the farmhouse, thinking at least she could make dinner even if it was too late to do anything else for the day. She found a head of lettuce in the refrigerator and set about washing it, then laying it down on the cutting board to dry. She found a box of pasta in the pantry andsoon had a pot of water boiling. She knew how Aunt Maria would appreciate coming home to a meal already cooking, and soon began to feel better imagining how this whole day could be forgiven and forgotten.

The meal passed without comment, neither Ludo not Maria seemed to have anything more to say about the day’s events. When it was finished they both left the table leaving the dishes to Sara. These she did without complaint, knowing that it was her punishment for skipping out of her chores earlier that day. Once the last dish was drying on the rack she climbed the stairs and retired to her bedroom.

Once again alone in her room, Sara grabbed the stone from her dresser and dropped to the floor. Leaning against the foot of her bed with her knees bent, she pulled her dress up to her waist. The fingers of her left hand found the familiar wetness as she hurriedly slide them into her panties. Remembering what Oran had done to her earlier, she tried to imitate the way he had broughtht her to such a desperate state. Her fingers found the sensitive spots his had caressed. The sensings she was able to bring about were much different, however. For one thing, the feelings she gave herself could be anticipated, whereas every touch of his hands had been shocking and unpredictable. For another, she couldn’t simply imitate his technique having been restrained such that she hadn’t seen exactly what he was doing to her.

On the other hand, her arousal had not completely subsided from that morning and before long she could feel it building inside her, growing from smouldering embers to a steady flame. Memories of what she had experienced under his control kindled the flames until her lower body burned with need. Unlike the previous night she now perceived that if she kept rubbing herself this way she would eventually achieve the release she so desperately craved.

Despite this realization, something made her slow down as she neared her peak. Perhaps it was the thought of disobeying Oran’s direct instructions and the consequences he might impose. She wondered when exactly she had begun to believe that he could control her even in the real world. After all, she hadn’t seen any evidence that his world was anything more than an elaborate, recurring dream. Her fingers made slow circles, applying just enough pressure as she took deep breaths. She must have fallen sleep out There by the stream, she thought as the circles fell into a rhythm with steadily increasing tempo. She had been very tired lately after all, maybe she had some kind of sleepwalking disorder like the ones in her psychology textbooks. Perhaps she had taken her clothes off in her sleep and left them behind somewhere out there.

With her fears about Oran put aside for the moment, Sara was able to focus more intently on the warm, wet sensing her hand was now providing. The feelings spread from between her legs in all directions, but especially she could feel them in her stomachand soon in her chest as well. Parts of her body that never usually felt connected were suddenly responding to each other. She thought she could feel a nervous running directly from where her fingers were touching to her nipples, now tingling with delicious arousal and pleasure. As she did, her right hand slide up under her bra to feel how solid they had become, firmer than she could remember them being any time before now. She gently rubbed the stone against one of them, and thought she could see its glow becomes stronger for a moment as she did.

Sara’s breath was soon coming in shallow gasps as she fought the urge to moan. When she felt that her body could take no more of this sweet torque, she finally touched the stone to her lips and breathlessly touched the word “please”, hoping it would glow in her hand. There was no such luck, the stone Still the same inert blue shade as ever. She wanted to scream in frustration, but couldn’t risk anyone hearing. She clenched her teeth and pressed the stone to her lips, willing it to change color and release her from her age.

Letting go of the stone, she slide her hand down and resume teasing herself. Her fingers stroked her clip in slow, soft circles, each more tantalizing than the last. A steady stream of fluid poured from her body now. In the back of her mind a vague thought of putting a towel under herself occurred, but she didn’t think her legs would support her getting up to find one. Instead she rubbed the juices into her thighs and her abdomen, hoping she could wash off the sticky mess in the shower before anyone saw her.

She rubbed on and on at the same steady pace, afraid to go any faster and make the feeling worse, but unable to slow down or stop. The pleasure was simply too intense to let it go. A creaking floorboard finally brought her from her Trance of self pleasure and her heart jumped at the danger of discovery. She tore her hand away. Listening to the silence from below, she wondered what the noise had been.

Arousal inflamed her body for some time as she contemplated what to do. She could only barely resist resuming touching herself, but the thought of Ludo or her Aunt climbing up the stairs to check on her kept her frozen in place. At last, her breathing and heart rate began to fall back to normal. She slowly pulled herself to her feet and climbed into bed, sliding under the covers as quietly as she could manage.

With the pounding in her head eased momentarily, Sara listened for any further noise. She could hear nothing apart from the faith rustling of wind in the trees outside her window. It was then that she noticed she was still wearing her dress and it was now coated in the embarrassing fluid. She climbed back out of bed, still carefully avoiding any sudden move that might make a floorboard beneath her creak.

The twilight which had been illuminating the room until this moment was almost extinguished and her window was not positioned for moonlight to filter through. The only light was the faint blue glow from the stone, still sitting on the floor where she had left it. She carefully pulled the dress over her head, feeling it slide wetly up her back as she did. She hastily draped it over the end post of the bed, hoping that it would dry and leave no noticeable stain that would need cleaning in the morning.

In the next moment she was silently pacing the room, searching for something she could put under herself in order to continue. Nothing appeared to her in the darkness, so she finally lifted herself into the bed, slide under the covers, and folded her arms together on top, determined to at least not make a mess of the sheets. The light from the stone seemed to flicker before fading again, until its light was once again too dim to make out. Finally defeated, Sara did her best to drift off into sleep.

Sara soon fell into a routine again. During the day she did any chores her Aunt asked of her and tried her best to avoid any more contact with Ludo. During the night, she became increasingly desperate for the stone to glow green and release her from this torque. As much as she craved permission to give herself release, she wanted the chance to see Oran again even more. His face and his voice remained burned in her memory, losing no clarity as the days went by. Every word he had spoken to her remained clear as well, and she played them back over and over in her head every night as she dutifully followed his instructions. After the first few nights she had come to expect the stone to remain blue, but that didn’t shake her firm belief that Oran was watching her and that her release could not be far off. It also did little to lessen her disappointment when she had to drift off into sleep unsatisfied night after night.

During these days Ludo became increasingly difficult for her to ignore. Having gotten away with a feel of her bare rear end on the day she had run into him in the farmhouse door,he now became more and more obvious in his lusty glances and attempts to catch her alone. Apart from a few brief encounters, one behind the he house when he grabbed her from behind and gave her a humiliating squeeze and another in the stables when he had pulled her into an alcohol for a more thorough griping, his hand exploring her breasts fully while the other kept her in place, he rarely succeeded. Those two encounters were More than enough for Sara, however, and she quickly became more watchful and found ways to avoid him. Mostly he had his domain of tasks and she had her own.

Sara sometimes wondered if Aunt Maria had noticed the way Ludo looked at her whenever the three of them were together. She wondered if that was the reason they were assigned to work in separate parts of the farm most of the time. Part of her missed having him there to help her with heavy lifting, although she was greatly relieved to be spared from dealing with his brutish advances.

Throughout thistime Sara found herself becoming more and more aroused throughout the day. She women up every morning to a sticky mess in her nightgown. The dripping fluids only became worse as the day wore on, and she found it impossible to tear her mind away from those memories of the dungeon, of how it had felt to be helpful and completely under his control. She was now careful to do all of her own laundry, terrified of Aunt Maria or even Ludo seeing what her under things looked like after a long day of nearly constant arousal. She never really got used to the nightly routine of bringing herself to the broke of ecstasy and then having it torn away by the stone’s wordless command. Soon she was anticipating every night that one glorious moment when she would finally be allowed orgasm.

On some level, she realized that she was beginning to accept that she had no control over when Oran would choose to either let her go over the edge herself or summon her back to his dungeon in order to do the honors. This realization was both terrifying and in some strange way utterly exhilarating. Her orgasms were no longer a thing she could bring about on demand, they were a tantalizing reward that was always just out of her reach, a desperate hope which couldn’t be too far away now.

The nights were the worst part. She had begun to excuse herself early from dinner every evening in the hope that a little more time might Finally bring a change in the cold, inert stone which now ruled her. During one of these evenings it finally happened. She was on her bed, sitting up on a towel drawn over a stack of pillows. Her hands were performing their usual routine of delicious, tortuous pleasure. She glanced at the stone and it flickered. The fearest shade of green seeing into its normally deep blue texture.

Her breath caught in her throat as she blinked, not daring to believe that she was really seeing what she was seeing. But it was unmistakable, the stone had shown her the green glow which Oran had promised. She began rubbing herself furiously, but that was no use, the sensing was too intense. Remembering what he had done back in his dungeon chamber, she slowed down and tried to apply just the right amount of pressure, a light touch at first and then a little more, slowly building.

All the time her eyes remained fixed on the stone, which was a brighter shade of aquamarine now. She found that she wanted to savor this moment. It finally occurred to her why she hadn’t been able to cum even before Oran had given her this task with the stone. This feeling was so intense and enjoyable that she wanted it to last forever. Just as she realized this she noticed that the stone was quickly fading back to blue. She repeated her efforts, but even as she did the stone continued to fade. It was back to an even deeper blue shade Now. This had only been a test, a reminder of who was really in control. She kept rubbing herself in slow, firm circles but she knew that there wasNow no chance it would happen tonight.

Soon she was wiping herself with the towel and hanging it up in her bathroom, then climbing back into bed, this time to sleep. She rarely wore her nightgown anymore. She decided it was better to leave a stain under the sheets where hopefully it would go unnoted than on a gown where there would be no doubt as to the source of the mood. On top of that it felt more comfortable somehow to sleep in the nude now. Her body was no longer a secret treasure that she had to keep only to herself. Now it belonged in part to someone else, and she wasn’t as worried about letting the world see it. She was even a bit proud of herself in a way. Sleep finally came, and along with it a dream.


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