The Retreat Ch. 03

The Retreat

Chapter 3

The sun was already well past the horizon and approaching noon before Sara decided to get up. She still hadn’t slept but didn’t feel at all tired. She had been tossing and turning most of the night, and the morning. She had no idea what to think about this situation. She was intrigued but scared.

Images from those murder shows she watched all the time Keep swirling through her head. But behind it all was a sense of… excitement? Was this something she was ACTUALLY considering? No. It was all too fucked up to be real. She sat at the edge of the bed and looked around the room with a sight.

“What am I going to do?” she asked aloud to the empty room.

Wait… something was different. She noticed that the tray and food she throw all over the place was gone. Not a trace that there ever was a mess. In its place stood another cart. It looked as if everything had been replaced. She was so lost in thought andWorry that she didn’t even see or hear anyone come in last night.

Her stomach grew loudly in protest as she studied the cart. Damn, she was starving. It had been at least a few days since she’d eaten.

Well, it’s unlikely that she’ll poison me if she wants me as a sex slave, Sara thought.

With that, she stood up, walked to the cart, and looked inside. A pitcher of still hot water. Another full of coffee. Tea, biscuits, toast, oatmeal, fresh fruit, orange juice, pastries, and donuts. A full continental breakfast. Someone must have just brought it in.

She shrugged, grabbed a plate, and loaded up. Maybe a good meal will help her think more clearly. As soon as she took that first bite, she forget anything else for a moment and set to it. She barely registered hearing the door open and someone walk in. She glanced up and saw Leah standing there smiling at her.

“Good to see you up and eating. I would hate if you got sick while a guest in my home,” she said pleasantly.

Sara swallowed and wiped her mouth before speaking. “Thank you,” she said automatically.

Thank you!? What I am thanking her for!? she thought, irritated with herself for being polite.

She cleared her throat awkwardly before continuing,

“So what is this all about anyway? Why do you want a sex slave, and only for a year? Is that why you came on to me at the bar? Was that why you did the dungeon thing to me the other day?”

“Whoa… slow down,” Leah said laughing and holding her hands up.

“I can’t explain everything right now. But yes, this is partially why I came on to you at the bar. You certainly caught my eye,” she said with a wink.

“The “dungeon thing” was partially a test. First, because you seemed to be the type of would enjoy it, second because I wanted to watch you cum, and third to gauge if you would fit what I need. And you certainly did all three exceptionally well.”

She walked over and sat on the bed next to Sara.

“It’s complicated. But I understand if you want to go. I’m sorry I can’t tell you much more than I already have about this place. The less you know, the better chance you have of not telling anyone. You understand? But the offer is 100% real and 100% legitimate. I don’t want a prisoner, hold against her will. I want someone willing to have some fun and be rewarded for it. If you still need some more time, I can give you a little bit, but I can’t wait forever.”

Sara met Leah’s gaze and hold it for a long moment. This woman was being honest. She could go, or she could stay and have some fun, whatever that means. But it still didn’t quite sit right with her. She shook her head and opened her mouth to speak,

” Very well then. I accept.”

WHAT. THE. FUCK!? Sara screamed inside her head,

Did I really just say that!? Oh god… what have I done!?

Leah’s pleased look and glowing smile spread across her entire face, and she wrappedher arms around Sara, embracing her.

“Oh VERY good!. Very good indeed!!” Leah giggled.

“I promise you won’t regret this at all! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Leah pulled back for a moment, her wide smile and eyes practically glowing with excitement. Sara barely noticed. She was still in shock at what she just agreed to.

“Oh my! I Almost forgot! Let me go get someone to remove this lock, and we’ll get started right away!” Leah said quickly, her excitement clear in her voice and bounded out of the room.

Sara was bewildered.

I just agreed to be this woman’s sex slave for an entire year! she groaned and held her face in her hands.

A moment later, she heard someone coming into the room. She looked up, expecting to see Leah, but there was someone else instead. A somewhat older woman, late 40’s, early 50’s maybe. She was beautiful, and she carried herself with a sense of self-possession that radiated around her. Her long black hair was kEpt neatly in a simple ponytail, drawn down her back. Her blue eyes sparkled and shone as her cute little mouth smiled warmly at Sara.

“Hello. My name is Gail. You must be Sara. Leah has been over the moon about you ever since your arrival, and the way she practiced down the hallway, I can assume that you agreed to her proposal?” she said, a noticeable southern twang in her voice.

“Yes… ” Sara stammered.

She Shook her head to compose herself.

“Pleased to meet you,” she said, standing as Gail moved closer, extending her hand.

Gail clapped both her hands around Sara’s. Although feeling numb, that gesture seemed to relax her. A little

“First things first,” Gail said with a wink. “Let’s get this off you…”

She knelt and unlocked the cable from the ring on the floor, and released Sara.

“Now then… I know Leah hasn’t told you much yet, but I’ll leave the telling to her. In the meantime, let’s get to know each other a little more, eh? Please sit, sit” she urged, sitting down on the bed herself, patting a spot next to her.

“Come… I won’t bite… I promise.” She said with a wink.

Her laugh seemed to unlock something inside Sara. She felt like she could actually trust this woman.

She was reminded of a good old-fashioned southern housewife. At the very least, she certainly felt more at ease. Sara listened as Gail told her tale. She had been with “The Retreat” (whatever that was) for 7 years now and still loves everything about it. She came here in a similar manner that Sara had, and had the same doubts and fears, but came to discover that they were all unfounded. Gail gushed on and on about Leah, this Retreat, clothes, and whatever else seemed to cross her mind. Sara stopped paying much attention and her mind began to Wander.

Seven years!? As a sex slave? Wait… that means there are others here too right? How many sex slaves does this woman have? How many does she need? Why is this place called “The Retreat”? Am I really going to be able to leave after a year? Sara thought, not listening to Gail natter on.

She was starting to come to terms with this, but still wasn’t much in the mood to listen to Gail forever. She started to interrupt Gail when Leah bounced into the room holding a folder,

“Ah good! I see you’ve met Gail. She’ll be your Handler while you are here. She’ll be a friend, companion, and caretaker to see that you are well cared for and have everything you need,” she said when she saw the confused look on Sara’s face.

“Don’t worry too much about it. You’ll understand soon enough. But now we must do some business. Come.”

She gestured over to a table and chairs near the window and moved to sit down. Sara glanced at Gail, who nodded and grinned as she stood up.

“I’ll be back in a little bit,” she said as she moved towards the door.

Sara looked over to Leah sitting and waiting for her, shrugged, and joined her at the table.

At the very least I can hear her out, Sara thought.

When she sat down, Leah opened the folder and produced what looked like a contract. Little yellow arrows stuck to the pages indicating where a signature was required. She slide the document over to Sara and handed her a pen.

“You’ll need to sign this before we can get started. Essentially, it confirms that you agree to serve here for a year and a day, at which time we will buy you a house in the city of your choice, pay off all your debts, and pay you $250,000, as we agreed,” Leah explained.

Sara grabbed the pen with a shaky hand and began to read the document. She wasn’t a lawyer and none of what she read made much sense. It didn’t help that her mind was still reeling. She gave up after the first couple of paragraphs and Just wanted to get it done with. She quickly signed her name or put her initials wherever it was required on the document. When she was done leaned back in her chair with a sight. She felt as ifshe had run 5 miles.

“Thank you!” Leah said and gathered up the contract back into the folder,

“now I can tell you what exactly is going on.”

Sara leaned forward expectedly, curious and eager to hear what she just signed up for.

Leah now spoke in a more business-like tone.

“This place is known as The Retreat. We provide our guests with discretion and services that they can’t normally acquire elsewhere. Generally in the form of sex, but we also provide other services. Whatever our clients may want or need. But we do have standards and rules. Do you remember Jeffery Epstein?” she asked abruptly

Sara nodded.

Who can forget that piece of shit? She mused.

“Of course you do. Who can forget him? He was once a client of Ours but got it into his head that he can provide the same services we do, and some that we won’t do,” she said with a twist of her lips.

“Obviously it didn’t end well for him. I tell you this to impress upon youhow seriously we take matters. The Retreat has been in continuous operation since 1844. We have a long and established history of discretion and standards. It’s been a very well-kept secret all these years, and I intend to keep it secret for many more,” she said with a fierceness that caught Sara off guard.

“Your role here is to provide those services when asked to do so, which very often means sex. You will be briefed before you meet with each client so you’ll know what to expect. Even though you’ll be expected to perform how each client sees fit, there are some ground rules that each client must abide by. Failure to abide by those rules…” she left the threat unsad.

A chill swept through Sara as she listened, still not knowing what to make of it all.

“Our rules are few and simple. First, there are no safe words.”

Sara winced at that, remembering her experience from before.

“But we will be continuously monitoring every encounter and will intervene whennecessary. Second, every client is tested thoroughly before a session, and you’ll be tested regularly,” Leah went on.

Sara felt good about that at least.

Maybe this won’t be so bad.

“What about birth control?” Sara asked, the thought suddenly coming into her head.

Leah nodded,

“Yes of course. I assume that you are using either an IUD or taking a pill? Of course, you are. Don’t worry, we have developed a procedure that is 100% reserved and 100% effective. Since we discovered this procedure we haven’t had a single pregnancy and those who left were able to have children normally without issue. We will do everything we can to protect you while you are here with us,” Leah said reassuringly.

Leah went on more About the history of The Retreat, how she came to be here, and how she came to run the place. Again Sara stopped listening after a bit. She was actually getting excited about this.

After some time, Leah stopped talking, noticing thatSara wasn’t paying much attention anyway.

“Well, there it is. The doctor will be in shortly to see you, and then we’ll work on getting you some new clothes. In the meantime I’ll have some lunch sent up, and if you’d like you can take a shower and get cleaned up a bit,” Leah said standing.

Sara stood up too and Leah once again wrapped her in a nice warm hug.

“You’ll be fine. It’s a lot to take in, but just relax and have fun with it. You’re about to start a brand new adventure,” She said with a grin, then gathered up the folder and left.

This actually does sound like fun. Lots of sex and nothing else to worry about Sara thought, and smiled in spite of herself.

She decided to take Leah up on that shower and get cleaned up.

When She stepped out of the bathroom wearing a nice fluffy bathrobe, she was started for a moment when she saw an older man standing in the room. He was wearing a white lab coat and rimmed spectacles.

This must be the Doctor. she thought.

“Hello,” she said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“Hello. I’m Dr. French,” he said with a grandfatherly smile.

“I am here to do the procedure. Are you ready?” he asked.

This guy doesn’t waste any time, does he? Sara thought.

“Of course! Where do you want me?” she asked.

“Come with me,” he said gently and led Sara out into the corridor.

Sara felt lost as they walked through the halls. The doctor didn’t speak as they walked. But Sara was fascinated with this place. It was HUGE. The vases, paintings, and even suits of armor lining the halls spoke of wealth and power. This place was loaded.

After several twists and turns, the old man stopped and opened a door into an office, a doctor’s office in fact, complete with an examination bed.

“Have a seat,” he said, gesturing to the bed.

As she down, a nurse stepped into the room.

“Oh. Hello! You must be Sara! I’m Rene. Let’s get some vitals, andget you going.”

The next few minutes, Sara felt almost normal again. It was a normal doctor’s visit. She was weighed, measured, poked, produced, and examined. Once that was done, she was asked to undo her robe and lie down on the examination bed.

“This won’t hurt a bit,” The doctor said comfortablely.

Indeed it didn’t hurt at all. Sara felt a slight push on her pelvis for a moment, then the doctor said it was done.

“What? That was it? I thought something like that was a lot more invasive?” she asked, feeling oddly disappointed.

“Nope,” Dr. French said with a chuckle.

“We’ve developed and perfected this procedure. It is quick, painful, and effective. You are free to get dressed, and Rene will lead you back to your room.”

Sara stood and wrapped the robe around herself in wonder.

How come this isn’t available to the public? She wondered as Rene appeared and gestured out into the hallway.

Sara didn’t pay attention as Rene chattered on as they made their way back to her room. Everything was so… so… strange.

When they arrived back at her room, Rene bid farewell to Sara and turned to go.

Sara shook her head as she opened the door to her room. Surprised, but not surprised to find Leah once again.

“How did it go?” Leah asked.

“Fine, I suppose. What he did, really does work?” Sara asked, still a little skeptical.

“Of course!” Leah said laughing.

“But now we need to get you some clothes.”

Just then a group of women led by a tall imposing figure waltzed into the room as if they owned the place.

“Julie! Good. You are here. I will let you to it then.” Leah gave Sara a friendly squeeze on her shoulder and left.

“The robe. Off.” The woman, who must be Julie, demanded in a harsh German accent.

Sara just stood there gaping. This woman stood tall. Taller than most men. Her silvery hair pulled into a tight bun at the nape of her neck, giving her face a harsh angular look.

“Well!?” Julie snapped, bringing her hands together in a sharp clap.

Sara jerked and moved to quickly obey, letting her robe fall to the floor. As as her robe hit the ground. the group of women surrounded her. Within moments, every inch of her was measured, weighed, and scrutinized.

“Your new wardrobe will be ready in 3 days,” Julie pronounced and snapped her fingers loudly.

Suddenly the group around Sara withdraw and they all left the room in a rush, much like the way they entered. Sara had no idea what just happened and just stood there dumbly for a moment. A sudden shiver reminded her that she was naked, and quickly snatched up the robe and wrapped it around herself in a huff.

She shook her head and noticed a new cart had been brought in. She realized she was hungry again, and went to go see what was for dinner.

After a delicious meal, she started to feel sleepy. And since no one else appeared suddenly in her room, she decided it was time for bed. She glanced at the grandfather clock standing in the corner. It was past 10 pm. Everything was such a blur she had lost all track of time. She climbed into bed, snuggled deep into the mattress, and promptly fell asleep. Images of sex, parties, and clothes filled her dreams as she slept through the night.


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