The raven-haired beauty looked back and forth between the two young women, “I see you know each other. Care to let me in on how you know this submissive’s name, Eva?”
Violet watched helpedlessly as she struggled numbly against her bonds, as she tried to wake up fully from her uncomfortable nap against the pole, trying to get out but not look panicked. Eva smiled brightly up at the Commanding presence of the tall raven-haired woman, but Violet could see the evil glint in Eva’s eyes.
“Oh yes, we’ve known each other for a long, long time, we work together at…”
“STOP.” The woman who was clearly in charge held up her hand and silenced Eva with a strong word that echoed off the small room’s walls. “You both read the disclaimer and with it the NDA, that stands for non-disclosure agreement. That means that you won’t speak of anything outside these walls, while you reside within. And you will not speak of anything that happens inside this retreat when you are outside of it.There has only been one or two people that have tried to break those rules. They are now social non-entities, all assets appropriated, jail time spent, and records and reports tarnished beyond all repair. I believe one of those people is working at a fast-food place down the street, McDonalds? Maybe Taco Bell. If you do not wish a similar fate, Eva, I suggest you choose your conversation topics with more care.”
Eva swallowed but tossed her reddish-brown hair over her shoulder as she readjusted her black corset. “Yes, I understand Madame Alexandra, I will choose my words more carefully in the future, thank You for the lesson.”
Madame Alexandra nodded and focused her attention back on violence as she was struggling in her bonds. “You know, if I know James, and I do know His work, you could slice your skin to the bone and bleed out before you came any closer to escaping those bonds than you are in right now. But we have work to do.” She held up a silver key to Eva, “Go untie her and help her down, Eva.”
Eva took the key and smiled and walked around Violet, hiding her face behind violence and softly caresing the bound woman’s arm and whispering so only Violet could hear, “This is a good look for you, maybe you and I can get some alone time later.”
Violet was mortified but she wasn’t going to let her vitality know that her words got under her skin at all. Violet stayed standing as proudly as she could and waited for Eva to until her and allow her to stand on her own two feet again.
Violet was surprised at just how weak she was, she had to focus on just standing up. Her whole body had gotten used to being bound and supported to the pole, and now that she was free, she had a hard time keeping her legs under her, and she had to stop herself from trying to support herself on the pole or bed. Eva had not moved to take the gag out of her mouth and instead went to go stand side by side with Alexandra.
“You’re early, as always Alexandra.”
James walked into the room with a smile on his face as he nodded to the elegant woman in charge. Alexandra gave a mutual nod of her head back to the Dom.
“I wasn’t aware I had to follow any timelines that you set out, dear James.” Alexandra said with a playful smile.
James smiled and nodded as he walked over to Violet. Reaching around her head, he unfasted and removed the gag from her mouth as he wiped her face and body with a warm wet rag. His motions were well practiced and gentle, not rough or hurried. Violet was grateful for the warm clothes and feeling her drool being cleaned off her skin. It wasn’t something she had anticipated but she was grateful to be cleaned and feeling embarrassed that these other two women, especially Eva, had seen her in such a mess.
“Yes, that’s true Alexandra, but still, I would like to formally present my subs to you without them being a complete mess for once,” replied James as he finished cleaning his sub.
Violet had wantednothing more than to dress down Eva for her implied comment and perhaps threat as she had untied her. But now that James was in the room, she felt herself go back to her wait pose as James finished cleaning her.
Alexandra laughed and walked slowly around violence. Her long nails slip along her naked shoulders and along her back as she walked around the submissive. Alexandra studied how the girl stayed in her pose and took note on the small patches of goosebumps that arose along her skin as she softly caresed the new sub.
Violet had a hard time focusing or concentrating on anything. She had no idea how long her nap standing up in bondage had been, but it couldn’t have been that long. That coupled with the loud clicking of Alexandra’s heels on the hard floor of her room, made thinking about anything except those heels clicking on the floor, almost impossible. The rhythmic sound of the heels clicking was doing something to her and she found herself relaxing even thought that was the last thing in the world she felt like she should be doing.
Alexandra stood facing the sub as she gazed into the shorter woman’s eyes. Speaking to James, “I’m here now, dear James. Please introduce us.”
James stood behind violence and placed his hands protectedly on her shoulders, “Madame Alexandra, please let me present, violence, my newest submissive and charge. violence will be here for the next Two weeks.”
Alexandra never took her eyes off of the new girl studying how James’ words affected the new sub.
Violet was surprised she wasn’t shivering in embarrassment. Here she was, standing naked in front of three people, one of which was a co-worker. But somehow James hands resting on her shoulders made her feel, less exposed. She returned the gaze of the Domme without flinching.
“I take it she hasn’t eaten anything?” Alexandra asked letting her eyes slide up and down the sub.
“No of course not, that honor has been reserved for you and your ward,” Jamess said.
Alexandra nodded, “Very good. I’ll take your charge for additional training.”
James leaned in to violence’s ears, “you will follow Alexandra and Her ward and obey them as if those orders came from Me. I know you’ll do your absolute best to behave.” James kissed violence on her cheek as he stepped around his submissive charge and left the room.
Violet had no idea What to think or even feel. She felt more exposed and completely naked in front of these two women. She could see that Eva wasn’t even trying to hide the smile on her face. She felt her chin being grabbed by strong but feminine fingers and her eyes were forced from the empty doorway back to the deep brown pools of Alexandra’s eyes.
“I’m sure James has been a great teacher so far, but there are some things that need a woman’s touch, don’t you think, Eva?”
Eva smiled and walked up to Alexandra carrying a small cloth covered basket. “Oh yes Alexandra, sometimes a woman, needs another woman to teach her what she needs to know.”
Alexandra nodded and reached into the basket.
Violet had her head held, and she was in her “wait” pose, she couldn’t speak unless someone spoke directly to her. She felt her cheeks warm at the thought of having people talk about her with her standing right there. It was humiliating and she wanted nothing more than to yell at them that she was standing right there, but she also didn’t want another shock either.
Violet felt a pressure on her center, and she wanted to gasp, or scream, or both. Her head was being held by the strong feminine fingers of Madame Alexandra so she couldn’t look down. She felt a warm, wet object, slowly push its way into her folds. Through her fatigue and embarrassment, she thought she knew what it was. She wanted to close her eyes, to scream, or run away. But Eva was standing right there with glee and absolute joy in her eyes. Violet wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of seeing her freak out. It was only another thirteen days. She could last till then. She wouldn’t give Eva the satisfaction to know that she was uncomfortable.
“There, how does that feel, violence? Not too big?” Alexandra was asking her a direct question.
Violet was finally able to talk but the question was so calmly asked, she found that whatever was just put inside her wasn’t uncomfortable. She didn’t feel anything except an almost pleasant fullness in her center.
“No, Madame Alexandra, it’s not uncomfortable at all.” Her voice was rough from not speaking and she thought it sounded hoarse and raspy. If it was, Alexandra didn’t notice or comment on it.
“Good girl, now look at Eva, don’t look anywhere else in the room, look directly into her eyes,” Madame Alexandra said.
Violet found her eyes gazing deeply into Eva’s brown eyes. They were lighter than Madame Alexandra’s. Violet felt her cheeses warm as Eva smiled as her eyes told Violet that she was on the verge of giggling.
“Keep looking at Eva,she’s my ward and you owe her as much respect as you show Me and James, her eyes are quite pretty,” Madame Alexandra into.
Violet was tired and she found it easy to just follow Madame Alexandra’s words and gazing deeply into those brown eyes of her co-worker and ever she felt a heat rise from her center. It was so slow she almost wasn’t aware of it till it was a nagging need. She had never found Eva attractive, like that… but here staring into her eyes she felt heat and softly gasped.
Eva broke out in giggles and the spell was broken. Violet blushed shamelessly as she became aware of the vibe that had been inserted into her was vibrating softly and soundlessly inside her, teasing her and raising her arousal.
Madame Alexandra turned back towards Eva, and Eva stopped giggling, but the smile stayed on her face. Violet felt the viruses inside her cease and she was able to breathe regularly again. Feeling ashamed that she hadn’t noticed that what she was feeling was being brought on by a vibe that had been inserted into her. She must be more tired than she thought. She would remember this, so help her she would remember this, and make Eva pay for treating her like this.
“I believe we were speaking about eating at some point?” Madame Alexandra asked her ward.
“Yes, Madame, we were. violent hasn’t eaten anything, the poor thing must be starved,” Replied Eva in a mock concerned tone.
Violet’s stomach grew at the thought of food, it had been a long time since she’d eaten and the idea of food sounded wonderful.
“Eva, We will escort our sub to the kitchen and dining area, does that sound good to you, violence?”
Violet almost didn’t catch that Madame Alexandra was talking to her, her mind was focused on the fading arousal from having the vibe turned on inside her and the feeling of the vibe that stayed deep within her, “Uh, yes Madame Alexandra I would like to eat, it has been a long time since I have had anything.”
Alexandra nodded, “Follow” with that she turned and strode out of the room, her heeled boots clicking firmly on the floor.
Violet hurried to catch up and walk behind the Madame. Her stride was authoritative and quick, something that Violet’s stiff body had a hard time keeping up with. She became aware of the matching clicking heels behind her. She knew it was Eva. Having her vitality behind her, watching as her firm butt bounced with every step that she took. She hoped Eva was getting a good show, she would make her pay for this later… 13 more days… just make it thirteen more days.
She followed Alexandra down the hall and off to a dining room area off to the left. Alexandra swept into the room and sat down at a center table.
Violet hadn’t noticed how nice this dining facility was. The square Tables were covered in freshly washed and ironed white table clothes. The seats were upholstered in fabric or leather, giving the guests a choice of what fabric they wished to beseated with, either black or rich brown leather, or tan fabric that looked as comfortable as felt.
Violet was so grateful to finally be able to sit down, she sat down at the center table opposite Alexandra. As soon as her butt hit the soft comfortable padded chair… iieeeegghhhh!
Violet’s body locked up and she felt the hot electricity from the shock collar shoot down her spinal cord as she closed her eyes and tried to breathe, unable to do anything else except ride out the intense pain.
After long moments, the pain subsided and she breathed deeply, trying to compose herself, trying to not show the tears that had formed in her eyes that threatened to roll down her cheeks, as she looked at Madame Alexandra wondering what she had done wrong.
Eva giggled openly as she sat down, “I guess this James guy isn’t such a great teacher after all, Madame Alexandra.” Madame Alexandra quickly, shot her hand out, grabbing Eva’s ear and pinching her earlobe and tugging it downward in a sharp painful maneuver. Eva didn’t cry out, but she did suck in air as the woman’s strong fingers held her in place.
Alexandra stayed calm and gazed deeply into Eva’s eyes, “Two of the most important things a responsible Domme must learn is respect and empathy. You would do well to remember that, Eva. You are here for a reason and to learn as well, are you not?”
Eva bore the sharp pain as she gazed evenly into Madame Alexandra’s eyes, “Yes Madame Alexandra, I thank You for Your lesson and will learn from it.”
“Good” Alexandra let go of Eva’s ear as She turned back to the sub who was standing in a very good wait pose. “Now, violent, do you know why you were punished just now?”
Violet found it hard to meet the woman in the eye, she felt like a child and this humiliation in front of Eva was only making this harder, but she was not going to break and crumble in front of her. She straightened her back and answered calmly, “No, I do not Madame Alexandra. I would like to know what I did wrong.”
Alexandra smiled as she looked at the chatised sub, “you were punished because you actually sat down at a table where a Domme was sitting without being told to or given permission.”
Violet wanted to blur out that she had been invited, Alexandra said that she was going to eat. What the heck kind of game was this. Violet wanted nothing more than to speak, but she hadn’t been given permission and she hadn’t been asked a question. She was cutely aware of Eva’s eyes on her and she wanted anything other than to be shocked again. Violet stayed silent.
Alexandra continued, “I know you must feel very confused right now violent. And there’s a reason for that you won’t understand right now, but you will. For now, I said I would escort you to the kitchen and dining area. And your first thought should always be on serving and pleasure. That’s why you’re here isn’t it?”
Violet felt those words like a slap in the face. That is why she wasHere, to learn more about herself and learn a different perspective. She had paid a lot of money to come here to learn. She just hoped it was worth it when it was all said and done, “Yes Madame Alexandra that is why I am here.”
“Good girl” Madame Alexandra said.
As those words were being said, Violet felt the vibe come to life inside her, the soft buzzing against her clip was enough to make her want to close her eyes and moan softly. The vibe stayed on for a moment or two, but it was enough to leave her softly panting and wanting more.
Alexandra said, “Now, you may go to the back, I will have 2 eggs Benedict with wheat toast and a blackberry currency tea, Eva?”
Eva smiled and nodded, “I’ll have 2 eggs scrambled with cheese, sourdough toast with strawberry jam, 2 strips of crispy bacon and a caramel latte”
Violet was a little confused, she stood there hesitant, wondering if these two really expected her to be their waitress? When Alexandra looked up at her,her look was one of confusion and disappointment.
“Did our orders not make sense?” Alexandra asked curtly.
Violet shook her head and was held rigid and in place by hot electricity shooting down her body. “eeeigghghghg” The pain lasted longer than she remembered the other shocks lasting. Held in place as her neck muscles tenses and her body rigid as her fingers flexed and pulsed with the waves of electricity that shot down her body.
When it was over Alexandra held a disappointed look in her eyes and a frown on her face, “You were answering my question.”
Violet felt numb but forced her lips to part as she said with a hoarse voice, “No, Madame Alexandra, your orders made sense.”
“Then I guess you have work to do, don’t you?” Eva asked mockingly with mirth written all over her face.
Violet wanted to wring her neck. She actually saw herself jump across the table and slapping the smug little smile off of Eva’s face. But that would just get her in troubleand maybe kicked out of the retreat. She took a deep breath and made her way to the kitchen, Eva would get hers, soon. Violet would see to that once she didn’t have this damned collar around her neck anymore.
Violet had no idea what she was doing so she asked the closest nude person she found, a young man with a bowtie wrapped around his neck. He was in shape and fairly good looking with sharp hazel eyes and His body was well groomed, with no facial hair. He pointed her to the counter and showed her how to put the order in with the sous chef and waited for the order to be completed.
The smell of food and steam wafted over her from the kitchen was more than intoxicating and she wasn’t able to stop her stomach from growing. She was being barraged with smells from different foods, rich and savory egg dishes, and the sharp scent of cooked meat made it a struggle to not charge into the kitchen and eat everything she could see.
She was handed two mugs of hot liquid, the smell was maddening, but she dutifully took the two mugs back to Alexandra and Eva. The two Dommes were having a light conversation. When she approached the table, neither woman stopped their conversation and neither one of them even raised their eyes to look at her. She didn’t say anything, and placed the mugs on the table. She turned and walked back to the kitchen, she wasn’t sure whether she should be happy they ignored her, or insulted.
She stood just outside the kitchen watching people move back and forth. The cooks and kitchen staff all had their clothes on, which made her self consciousness about her nudity all over again. She tried to cover herself without looking too obvious about it. It felt odd to her, and after a while she found herself assuming the wait pose next to the kitchen entry way, and she felt a little better. That alone should have terrified her, but she knew this was only temporary.
She had two large plates placed on her arms, being shown how to carry the plates on her arms so they wouldn’t spill and break after she took a few steps and given two small breakfast plates holding toast in her fingers. She felt odd and unbalanced holding plates like this but she could handle the awkward feeling of the plates. The bottoms of the plates were very warm and that was getting uncomfortable quickly. She walked back to the table and set down the two breakfast plates and set down each of the large plates in front of the Domme who ordered it.
As before neither one of the two women acknowledged her and she stood awkwardly for a moment before returning back to the kitchen to wait for the Dommes to be finished. She found herself waiting by the kitchen entryway.
“I would get something to eat while you can if I were you.”
Violet was a little shocked to hear the voice coming from the attractive young man who helped her earlier, “What do you mean?”
The young man smiled, “you’re new, aren’t you?” Violet nodded her head. “Well once yourDommes are finished with their breakfast, they will take you with them and food isn’t allowed outside of the dining rooms.”
“So, if I don’t eat now I never will? They would just not tell me anything and let me starve?” Violet asked.
The young man shook his head, “No of course not, but there’s no telling when they’ll get around to telling you, you can eat, better take my advice and eat now while you can.” With that, the young man moved off and went back to his tasks.
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