The Retreat Ch. 05

The alarm went off and she jolted out of bed automatically. The sound registered in her ears but her body responded automatically and she was up on her feet before she realized what was happening.

She looked around her small room and wondered at the alarm in the first place. She hadn’t remembered setting it. It wasn’t important though. She walked over and turned off the alarm and went to her closet and got her cleaning supplies.

She automatically got on top of her bed and wiped at the corners of the ceiling. She moved the bed as she needed to get to the high corners. She wiped the walls, and cleaned the window as she had been taught, always moving side to side. She was aware of her breasts and ass swaying and shaking side to side as she did so, but she had other things to worry about and it wasn’t so distracting as to get in her way at all. Once she was done with the walls, window, and dusting her dresser, she swept the floor.

Now that her room was clean, she started doing her exercises, following the cheat sheet that Eden had left for her she went through her exercises. She quickly built up a sweat, but keep going. After the exhausting ordeal that she had endured yesterday she was surprised that she had any strength at all, much less have enough energy to go through her exercises. But as she worked through them, she found that doing her exercises, while not exactly pleasurable, she did enjoy the feeling she was experiencing. The drained feeling of working her muscles was something she found she actually liked. Her mind was more alert and she felt energized in ways that she just hadn’t felt on her own in a long, long time. Not for the first time, she wondered how she had let her job get in the way of something so basic as taking care of herself? This was the first time she had exercised for more than a day or two in a row in years, and in spite of herself, she did enjoy it.

She let her mind drift back over the previous day and everything tHad had happened. Meeting Ava had been a shock, but she hadn’t seen her after that first encounter. She wondered what sort of training a Domme would be going through. Those thoughts were crowded out by the images of what James had put her through. James wasn’t unknown, nor did he seem to take any sort of pleasure when he had to discipline her. She knew he was doing what needed to be done.

She resolved in her mind to try her best to not break any more rules. She would play this game as best she could and see it through to the end. She did not want to be punished again. That much she was absolutely sure of.

She shivered at the memories. Floating in total blackness from the blindfold and feeling the soft, sensitive, and sometimes harsh bite of the leather strips from the cat-o-nine tails whip against her naked skin. Being tied up against her pole, for who knows how many hours, feeling the sing and pleasure from the vibe inside her, sting, punishment, tingling praise, both sensations were mixing together in her mind and she found she had a hard time keeping the two sensings completely separate.

Finished with her chores and exercises she went immediately to the bathroom and took a quick shower and cleaned herself. She picked up her basket and found yet even more makeup and brushes in it. She smiled and thinking back to what she had learned in the salon started applying her base and slowly applying her make up.

She marveled at how much she was enjoying this. She wasn’t rushed but she knew she didn’t have all the time in the world. She enjoyed the feel of the different brushes as she watched her skin slowly take on the gentle hues of the makeup. A soft line of color here to accentuate her high cheese bones and a light smoke look that drew the eyes to her eyes. Focusing her appearance on her eyes, with a light nude lipstick that didn’t detract from the focal point of her face. She smiled at herself in the mirror. This wasn’t the heavy goth look that she had attempted in the salon, this was a subtle look with specific highlights that guided whoever was looking at her to focus on what she wanted and her eyes were bright and sensitive, and that’s where she wanted people looking.

Once she was done, she put everything back into her basket and made her way back to her room. It was a little odd. She had only been there two, maybe three, days and she no longer felt self-conscious about being nude. It was just something else that she had grown accustomed to, almost scarily fast.

She found her room empty, that’s wasn’t completely unexpected so she walked to the center of the room and folding her hands at the small of her back, and placing her feet shoulder width apart she assumed her wait pose.

She stood that way for a long time, not talking and not moving. She allowed herself to think back, even to a week ago, and she would never have just stood around doing nothing in a dumb pose that she had spent hours learning, andbeing punished with pain from her shock collar for not moving fast enough, or not getting the right pose. She would have found a half dozen things that’s absolutely needed to be done right then, and standing around doing nothing was far from productive. But here, in this place, on her vacation, standing around, just because she hadn’t been told to do anything else, seemed almost normal.

The light from the window brightened and Violet could tell that it must be around noon. That was odd that James hadn’t come for her. She thought that there must be something for her to do, something for her to learn. Maybe a trip back to the salon for additional lessons, or maybe learning more about bondage that James had said she would need to experience, but James hadn’t come. Her body was still tired from her exercises and her ordeal from yesterday. She was actually proud of herself that she hadn’t moved.

“Hello violence. Have you enjoyed your little rest period this morning?”

It wasJames and he had his usual kind smile on his face.

Violet took a second to respond, being taken off guard and being so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t heard his footsteps outside her room.

“I’m doing fine this morning James, thank you for asking.”

James sat down on the bed and looked at her, and gazing around the room. “You cleaned this morning, that’s very good.”

Violet immediately felt the vibe inside her come to life and send shivers of pleasure up her spine. She heard a soft moan from somewhere, it took her a few moments before she realized that it had come from her.

James smile never left his face. He really was an attractive and kind man even though he was a little older he was in great shape and his eyes were kind and he hadn’t done anything that hadn’t needed to be done, she found that she was very comfortable being with him.

“And you did your exercises, that’s very good.”

A tingle and jolt of pleasure shot through her and she shivered, riding that wave.

James looked over to her pole and said, “Put your back against your pole and assume your inspection pose.”

Violet was a little confused, she hadn’t done anything wrong and thoughts of protest rose up in her mind. Too bad nobody told her body that, because by the time she had decided to voice her protest she felt the cool metal of the pole pressed up against her back and her hands were interlaced behind her head. When did I move?

The question didn’t matter and she didn’t have time to focus on that anyway, because James started tying her to the pole. He lowered her hand to her sides and wrapped them back behind her and tied them to the pole. Her wrapped a long rope around her torso, and wrapped just under her breasts four times and tightly secured her to the pole and tightened her wrists to the pole.

“Spread your legs, double what they are now.”

Violet’s legs spread with no protest. She wasn’t really paying attention to what James wasdoing per se. She was completely focused on the feel of the nylon ropes as they snugly wrapped around and fastened her to the pole behind her. She felt the cold metal of the spreader bar being locked to her ankles, keeping her legs spread and access to her vibe filled pussy, which was already a little moist, open.

James wrapped rope around her waist and she felt a solid hard ball of rope pressed against her. It wasn’t Unpleasant, but different. She looked down and saw that James had wrapped a rope knot in between her legs and a half fist sized knot was now pressed and tightened against her pussy, pressing against the buried vibe.

She hadn’t moved, so she had no idea what this knot was actually attached to behind her, or where any of these ropes were attached to, if anywhere. James wrapped rope above her breasts and tightened he shoulders back to the pole.

James then stepped back to her dresser and picked up a black latex hood and held it up for her to see. It was solid shiny black, there was only two small holes which she wasn’t sure what they were for. She didn’t know what to think of that.

“I know it might be a little too early for this, but I want to challenge you a bit.” James smiled and brought the hood closer to her. “Now, open your mouth.”

Violet didn’t know what to think or even what was really happening but her lips parted and she opened her mouth.

“Good girl.”

Violet felt that, by now, familiar warm rush of tingly pleasure flow through her and her eyes closed. She felt a solid rubber object slip in between her lips. Her eyes shot open and before she could react darkness dropped down over her like a blanket. More like black latex. It was all she could smell. How James had slipped that hood over her face so quickly and easily was beyond her comprehension at the moment.

She was breathing very rapidly now as fear gripped her.

“violet, calm down, relax and just breathe, use your nose.”

She heard his voice, it was muffled through the latex, but she understood him, and did as she was told. The gag, if that’s what it was, filled her mouth but she still had some jaw movement and the gag did give a little when she bit down. Her tongue was resting easily within the gag and even though it was alien and she didn’t like it, it was not difficult to accept it. She found that breathing through her nose was free and unrestricted. Since she didn’t have anything else to base it on, she figured those two holes she had seen before were now resting under her nostrils allowing her to breathe.

“Good girl,”

Another shiver of pleasure that took away some of her fear and anxiety.

“The hood is just an extension of the mask you wore yesterday. How does it feel?”

Violet couldn’t answer and James knew this. The question did help her to focus on the hood itself, how it snugly wrapped and gripped her skin and features. It was more restrictive than the mask from yesterday, but the hood hid and protected her, and she found she felt better wearing this hood than she did wearing her mask. She almost nodded but the ever-present fear of shock from her collar kept her completely still.

“Good girl”

Another tingly wave of pleasure and she shivered with it, feeling her pussy get wet and she was very much aware of the knot as it pressed and heightened the feeling of the jolt of pleasure which caused her to moan softly into her gag and hood.

“I had an idea that this training would be ideal for you, I had no idea how quickly you would take to it.”

Violet just floated in darkness, letting her ropes support her against her pole. Her thoughts started to drift and then she felt someone touching her breasts. It was someone, she was pretty sure, but then could she be sure of anything? She felt fingers, but not fingers. She heard crinkling through her hood and felt slick rubber against her breasts.

Her body rose to the sensings. She tried to focus on and identify what was happening. Being unable to see and not hear as well as she could without the hood, her skin was alive with nerves and every touch that she received was bliss and sent tingles down her spine.

The latex moved over her breasts, teasing and gently massaging her nipples, rubbing and teasing them, but never flicking. The movements were sensitive and taking their time. her eyes fluttered inside the hood as she moaned into her gag. For some reason the movements and sensings and touching was very feminine. she didn’t know why she thought that all of a sudden but there it was. This wasn’t disturbing, far from it, she had been with both guys and girls and she just allowed herself to enjoy what was happening to her.

One of the gloves slide down her body and teased and rubbed over the knot that rested over her pussy and vibe. She Couldn’t stop her hips from twitching and bucking up into the pressure. She knew that she was dripping and her juices were trickling down her inner thigh.

She felt the latex, replace the knot of rope and she was sent into sub space. The sensing of the sensitive slippery latex gloves against her wet sex and her moaning into her hood, her being in total darkness was too much for her tired body and mind to resist. And here there was no reason to resist, this is what she was here for in the first place.

She cried out as the orgasm ripped through her body. The gag muffled her cries but they were very loud to her ears and in a past life she would have been embarrassed by how loud she had been, and was being, but the hood protected her and while inside the hood she found that no matter how loud she was, she didn’t care.

The vibe inside her came alive and sent rivers of pure pleasure through her body. She shivered and shuddered and laughed and moaned and cried out again as Another powerful orgasm ripped through her. She wanted it to stop, she wanted to calm down and then another orgasm was forced through herand she cried out in pure bliss, crying out at the top of her lungs.


Her eyes slowly blinked open. The hood around her head had been removed. She looked around her and found that she was still bound to the pole. James must have tied something else to her to hold her up while she had been passed out.

The world outside her window was dark. She had drooled onto her breasts and she felt sore and a little sticky. How long had she been out? What happened and who had done that to her? Those gloves sliding over her body, teasing and sliding over her sex was still very vivid in her mind and she found that all she wanted was to feel those latex gloves against her skin again.

“Oh good, you’re awake.”

Violet shot her eyes at her door and to the speaker. It was Eva. She was very shocked and Surprised and embarrassed and right then she wanted to be anywhere else. She didn’t like Eva seeing her like this, she would die if any of her coworkers saw her like this, butEspecially Eva. And yet Eva was here, and Violet couldn’t do a thing about it.

“What are you doing here? Where’s James, or Madame Alexandra?” Violet said trying to sound more in control than she felt.

Eva smiled, and there was something in that smile, not the self-important smile she usually gave, but something more… warm? Violet needed to get a psych eval after she was done here. This place was making her see things. Eva was incapable of being warm, or kind, she was a self-important bitch, through and through.

“I was actually sent by James to come get you,” Eva said.

“Why didn’t he come himself?” Violet asked as Eva walked towards her and started unlocking the spreader bar between her ankles.

“Because I’m being trained and taught, just like you. I’ve been through a lot and he and Madame both thought that me doing something like this would be good for me.”

Good for you? Violet was very confused. She didn’t respond and would ask James later. She did however notice that while she expected Eva to just rip the ropes off her to get done with the menial task of fetching her for her handler as quickly as possible, Eva instead surprised her again by removing the ropes that held her to the pole just as deliberately and gently as James had shown when wrapping her to the pole in the first place. Violet watched Eva move with gentle movements as her slender fingers untied and unwrapped her, wrap by wrap, easing Violet from the pole.

“Is everything ok? You’re not hurt or have any sleep limbs or anything?” Eva asked, not unknownly.

Violet looked at Eva and could not believe what she was hearing or that what she had just experienced was actually real. She was at a complete loss for words and just stood staring at her vitality and wondering what dimension she had found herself on.

Eva giggled, “Ok, I’ll take that as a yes. Let’s go… pet.” With that Eva turned and walked out of the room, her thigh high, heeled boots clicking onthe glazed concrete floor of the hallway.

Violet gathered herself and hurried after the retreating Domme in training, feeling a little irritated at being called ‘pet’. She wasn’t a pet and even if she was, she wasn’t Eva’s pet, not by a long shot.

Eva guided the very confused and distracted Violet through the Retreat and back to the restaurant where Madame Alexandra had taken her the previous day. There Eva took her seat with the other two Dom/mes and Violet took her place next to the table, standing in her at your service pose, with her hands resting comfortable over her pussy and her feet close together.

Madame Alexandra smiled and not bothering to look directly at violent said, “I’ll have the chicken Ceasar salad and a Pinot Grigio.”

James nodded, “A fine choice as always, I’ll have the twelve-ounce steak with mushrooms, house salad with vinaigrette, and a Pinot Noir.”

Eva glanced up at Violet and said, “I’ll have a Ceasar salad and Chicken tortilla soupwith a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.”

Violet took mental notes of everything and rushed to the kitchen and put in all three of the orders and went to the bar and got the three glasses of wine. She brought the drinks back to the table and served the three.

“Now, James please tell me you have given the poor girl some instructions. She was completely lost the last time I took her here,” Madame Alexandra half joked.

James shrugged with a smile, “Madame Alexandra, if you had asked me where my charge was in her training I would have been able to tell you we hadn’t come to that yet. But you are right, she does need some help.”

James turned to violence and stood up. He walked around his charge and softly touched her shoulder. “violet, I wish for you to knee next to me while we dine. You will be given time to eat after our meal. Do you trust me to not let you harm yourself, or let any other harm, come to you?”

Violet was a little confused by the question. Did she trust him? It was a little late to start asking that question now. After all that she had been through, wasn’t that a question she should have been asked day one? But then she didn’t know James on day one and she had no idea just what she would be asked to experience, back then.

“Yes James, I trust you,” was the only reply that even came to mind.

“Good girl”

The wave of pleasure that met her body and mind seemed even more intense than usual and she felt a wave of weakness following the pleasure. She really did like hearing that she was a good girl. she let her knees buckle under her and she slide gracefully to her knees, kneeing next to James while he sat back down.

violet had her legs folded directly under her, with her hands resting palms down on her thighs and her chin up and she looked straight ahead. she stood up and moved only when told to get the food order for her table of Superiors, and after she served the Dom/mes, she knelt back down as she had been told to do.

When the meal was finished and she had cleared the table and brought coffee for the three Dom/mes, James told her to go back and get her own meal. He promised at least twenty minutes, but nothing after that was promised.

violet rushed back to the kitchen and grabbed her food, that she had the fore sight to put her order in when she had been getting coffee. she ate with a ravenous appetite. she would have been appalled at her behavior only a few days ago. But today wasn’t a few days ago and she was starving. The food she had ordered was quickly gone and she gulped down a big glass of water.


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