Sheila fretted on her Master’s bed. She lay face down into the pillow, her wrists cuffed to her ankles. Her bared bottom was high in the air making her vulnerability and shame complete.
She had been in this position many times before awaiting her Master’s pleasure. But tonight was very different as she had angered her Master like never before. She had gone too far tonight and His face had been purple with rage. One look from Him had her anxious home from the party in some distress.
The night had begun well enough with Master taking her along to meet His many friends, the majority being Masters like Himself accompanied by their slaves. It was Sheila’s first party and she was determined to make Him proud of her and also to have a good time. She dressed very carefully in her black leather mini skirt and matching halter-top. She wore thigh high leather boots and wore her favourite gold Celtic jewelry, which Master had given to her when He had collared her and made her His slave. Her full lips she coloured fuchsia pink to match her nails. There was one thing missing, but Master came in and adorned her neck with His collar. She was complete. He smiled at her and she her eyes shone, as she knew He was pleased with her appearance.
The taxi whisked them away to the grand old Country House and she walked in behind Him, her head bowed. She was introduced to His friends and then After the buffet the men retired to play snooker and smoke cigars and the slaves chatted excitedly among themselves, about their favourite punishments and the like. Sheila was having a great time and they encouraged her to drink wine with them and not wanting to appear different she drank many glasses. This was the point when things started to go badly wrong. She was unused to drinking alcohol and it rapidly loosened her tongue and her more usual quiet reserve. She was relishing being with other slaves and had never giggled so much in her life.
By the time the Masters rejoined them Sheila was well and truly drunk. She was unaware that she was talking louder than anyone else was and was also staggering to some extent. She saw a flicker of announcement in her Master’s eyes but took no notice. Why couldn’t He let her enjoy herself for once? She started to go him, mocking him, saying out aloud that He was too stuffy to enjoy himself and spoiled all her fun. This behavior at a formal party was unforgivable in any circumstances, but for a slave to address her Master in such a manner was treacherous.
Unfortunately worse was to come. Sheila moved forward towards her Master ‘insisting’ He get her another drink. As she stepped towards him proffering her empty glass she lost her balance and ended up face down on the floor at His feet. Her skirt was up around her waist and made no secret of the fact that she wasn’t wearing any knickers.
She suddenly felt disorientated and proceeded to be sick on her Master’s shoes. Her humiliation was complete, not to mention that of her Master. As she struggled vainly to get back up her white rounded bottom was thrust upward for all to see. Her legs were spread and her shamen pussy lips, moist and pouting. Everyone had a perfect view of the pumpering of her tight asshole and the bright pink inner lips leading to her gaping cunt, as she swayed on all fours.
She was rarely aware of the other slaves tittering, but also of Masters tutting and saying how they were glad she didn’t belong to them. One even commented that her Master had been too lenient with her and had no idea how to train slaves properly.
When she heard this she started to sob uncontrollable, now fully aware of the shade she had brought upon her Master. He pulled her up by the hair and nearly dragged her out of the room and into an awaiting taxi. Her pleasures of sorry fall on deaf ears. He didn’t even look at her, never mind speak to her, all the way home.
She was then thrown extremely down onto His bed and bound in theway she now found herself. Her head was still spinning and she felt nauseous. She couldn’t tell how long she had been there but it felt like forever. Her body ached all over from the continued forced position she found herself in. She remembered her Master saying something about needing to consider her punishment carefully after He had calmed down and then leaving her in the darkened room.
By the time He returned she was distraught, imagining what painful punishments lay in store for her, but mostly her distress was due to the hurt she knew she had caused Him. She blamed the drink, the other girls, but knew in her heart it was all her own doing and she had no excuse worth listening to.
She looked into His eyes, still black with anger, but also sadness. Her own large desolate eyes pleased silently for lenency and forgiveness, none of which she found. Finally she spoke, ‘Are you going to beat me seriously Master? I know I deserve it and am so sorry. Please discipline me andmake me Your good slave again.’
He looked down at her practical appearance; her eyes were streaming with tears forcing her mascara to run down her cheeks and her lipstick smudged over her mouth. His eye cast over all the implementations of punishment that covered the walls of His bedchamber. But instead of choosing one He walked towards her and removed His collar from her neck. ‘You are not fit to wear this’, He said, looking coldly into her eyes. He then turned and walked out the room.
He heard her anguished wailing into His pillow long into the night, until exhaustion finally overcame her and she fell into a fitful sleep. She truly thought He had abandoned her and the overwhelming sinking feeling she felt, was like nothing she had experienced before.
Unbeknown to her however, her Master had already decided to give His foolish slave another chance, but knew this was the cruelest punishment He could inflict on her – that of rejection. She needed to be taught a hard lesson today.
He smiled to himself as He imagined how grateful she would be in the days and weeks ahead when she realized He was giving her the opportunity to redeem herself. She would greet him every morning on her knees, and without being asked suck greedily on His cock in an attempt to make amends. He would make her suck until He came, sometimes making Her swallow every drop while He lashed those delicious sensitive buttocks of hers, or other times cover her face and breasts with His cum.
He wouldn’t weaken and tell her that He had completely forgiven her. He loved her to distraction and couldn’t imagine a body He would rather punishment.
Sheila apart from being the most obedient slave a Master could ever wish for has never been drunk again from that day to this…
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