Daisy’s Bad Day

This is a story about a girl that I use to know this was told to me so I am just writing it cause I think some of u may like it . I don’t spell very well and my grammar suck but I hope u all like it

Well I guess I should tell u some about daisy first she’s about 5’’3’ brown hair brown eye 34 c Brest and a nice ass 120 lbs now that u have a mental pick of her let me get on with the story ..going to tell it like im her so injoy.

I woke up one morning to early and I really had to pee so I ran for the bathroom but my sister was in there so I yelled for my mom to tell my sister to let in I had to pee my mom said just go out side and pee I told her some one will see me she told me to come in her room now I was like dang I made her mad now im in for it I when’t in her room and she was standing there looking at me like she was mad I said mom im sorry but I don’t want someone to see me go pee she said( o you think your too good to go pee out side to well let me fix that for you strip now) I said mom no I’ll go don’t strip me please she said ( its too late for that now I said strip now do it or your going to get a whipping too ) mom please no with that she slapped me and said now your going to get that spanking too now get those close off as I started to take my close off she when’t and look for her belt when she came back I was standing there naked waiting for her to punish me when she walked in she came in with my sister I was so embarrassed I tried to cover my self and she told me if I did I would get it worst she told me to put my hand beside my head so I did not wanting to get her more mad she kick my lags open more and my sister stud there watching me as my mom whipped me my sister just laughed awe dose it hurt mom laughed with her mom was done and asked if I still had to pee I said yes and when’t to go in the bathroom she said were u going I said u had to go outside now go pee and come back we’re not done yet I looked at her she wasn’t kidding I started to cry agen and my sister laughed and slapped my butt as I walked past her me still being naked I was scared to go out side so I kind of looked out the door carefully no one out there so I ran in the back yard and got in the corner of the yard were the dog was at but he was sleeping so I could pee in peace when I was done the dog was looking at me like what u doing so I went to walk in but stop dead there was my evil little sister looking at me with a video camera I was so embarrassed she said inless I did whatever she told me to she would show that to everyone so I told her what do u want she said the dog look happy for u I looked down and there was the dog with his dick out I looked at her and said your kidding right she said nope suck him off or I’ll show everyone the video of u peeing still naked I got down on my knees and called the dog to me he walked over to me and I rolled him over on his back and started rubbing his dick with my sister besideme telling me suck him and holding the video camera agen to tape me I bent my head down and started sucking his dick I didn’t take long and he shot his dog loud in my mouth I quickly spat it back out before my sister had her idea and I got up so see her standing next to me with the camera on laughing saying there more for me .thin she said o yeah mom said u had 3 mins to be back inside and that was 4 mins ago so I ran for the house hoping no one would see me run naked into the house I got inside and my mom was sitting on her bad looking mad and said your late knowing not to say anything to get more whipping I didn’t say a word and was told to get my ass over to her bed I walked over to her and was pulled over her lap and was given my second spanking of the day then pushed to the floor and I got up to leave she grabbed my arm and said were do u think your going we’re not done here she then open her rob to show me what she means she was completely naked under her rob she sat back downwith me on my knees in front of her and said thank me for not whipping u more than I did and grabbed my head and pulled me to her pussy I started licking her pussy and she started money and said get your tong in there and taste mommy’s pussy u little bitch I licked harder and she started bucking her hips into my mouth soon she was Cuming all over my face when she was done she told me to go shower quickly or I would be late for school I got up crying and ran for my room to get my clothes for school when I got in the shower and was beginning to feel some what safe my sister came in with her camera and said I need some more footage for my video she open the door and told me to finish washing she had a few things she wanted me to do before I go out when I was done she said ok now start playing with your pussy I want to see u cum and u better worry cause mom said if u make us late for school today she going to spank in front of the school like she did this morning so I fucked my pussy ashad as I could to get me off faster as soon as I came she said now for the fun and she handed me a dildo and said fuck your ass with that and cum and your done for now I told her I never had something in my ass she said well anxious up or we are going to be late so I soaped up the dildo and started to slide it up my ass I fuck my self like that for 5 min tell I came I pulled it out washed it off cleaned my ass and got out of the Shower got dressed and did my hair and left for school with my mom and sister my sister had a funny look on her face but I put it out of my head we got to school and I went to get out of the car and my mom said wait daisy come over here I looked at her and walked over to her side of the car and started crying when I saw her belt in hand I looked at my watch we were 5 min late for school she wrote my sister a note for class and sent her to class she told me strip now or I’ll beat your ass so bad you wont walk for a week I cried harder as I started to take off mypants when they hit the grown I bent over the car and she said I told u to strip not drop your pant and with that she hit me with the belt and I jumped and pulled my top and bra off too there I was naked in front of my school getting a spanking were everyone could see me get it at anytime I was crying so hard all I could do was cry when she was done she got back in the car I put my clothes back on and she called me to her when I got to the car she had her skirt up and her pussy showing I got on my knees and licked her tell she came she gave me a note for class and said I better come home after school today or I was going to get it . I walk up to the door of the school to see my sitter and her friend standing in the hall waiting for me my sister was holding her camera and showing her friend what she was tapping this morning she called me over to her when I got there I just started crying as I saw What she was doing she told me her friend wanted to see me naked right now I said no shesaid that I better do it or she would show the hole school her friends grabbed me and pulled me into the girls room once inside I was told to strip by my sister or they would ripe my close off me and leave me that way so I took my clothes off and she said give it to her I did she put them in her backpack her friends kept touching me all over soon I was told that they wanted to see me cum so I need to play with my self innocent of They I started rubbing my pussy I closed my eyes and dreamed I was somewhere ells anywhere ells (what I didn’t know was that my sister and her friends were taking there clothes off and was rubbing them self why’ll there watching me) when I came they were ready as soon as I open my eyes the next thing I was told was to get on my knees and they stud in a line and made me lick them tell they came all over my face when I got to the last Girls they other were leaving my sister handed me back some clothes but not the one I gave her she gave me a short skirt and atop that barley covered my Brest she told me that I was her slut now and that I was to do as I told her or she would make me sorry I just agreed to keep from get in more trouble the outfit she gave me had no underwear she told that I was hers to do with as she wished as we were walking out of the bathroom the first bell rang so she grabbed my ass and said be good to me or I’ll show everyone your pussy right Now and told her what do u want me to do she said she wanted me to stand on the wall and fuck my self tell I came two times then to meet her in the office and that I had two mins to do it in I walked over to the wall and started fucking my self with everyone out there no one notice me tell I came the second time when my sister friend walked up to me and said having fun slut and pulled up my skirt two watch me cum agen she told me that Her pussy was wet and need to be cleaned and if I didn’t won’t the hole school see me lick her pussy I better move to the corner as I did she walked behind me fingering my ass saying im going to have fun with u we got to the corner she pushed me down and made me lick her pussy tell she came she rub her pussy all over my face then walk away I got up and when’t into the bathroom and cleaned up and walked to the office were my sister was standing tapping her foot she looked mad she walkover to me grabbed me by my shirt witch mad my boats fall out pushed me to the desk were the guy there seen my brest hanging my sister handed me my note and told me to stand still and why I was standing there telling the guy that we have notes my sister pulled put my skirt and started pushing her dildo into my ass she told me if I make a sound she would fuck me right there so I tried to talk with the guy why she forest the dildo up my ass when she was done she grabbed me and said let go we’re going to be late for class so i waved bye as she pulled me by my top agen witch made it so that everyone could see my brest she pulled me into the hall were everyonewas gone to class as she pulled me into the hall she pulled my top off and said u want this back get on your knees and bag me for it then u came strip the rest of the way and fuck your self all the way to class thin I mite let u have your clothes back so I got down and bagged for my top back she said sure then stuck her hand out for the rest of my clothes we walked to class were she throw my clothes to me and said meet me here after class I got dressed and when’t to class thinking I would be safe for now when I got into class I notice that one of my sisters friends was in my class and the only chair left was right next to her I rolled my eyes and when and handed the teacher the note she told me I would have to stay after class for a sec I said ok and went and sat down soon as sat down my sisters friend handed me a note says ( if u don’t want the hole class to know what u did this morning you’ll put your hand in my pants right now and finger me tell I tell u to stop) so I moved my hand to her pants witch were open and her panties were gone so I found her pussy and started rubbing her she told me to stop (she came 5 time ) she said u did good thin class was over and the teacher called me over to her she asked why I was late today I told her we got up late and that I was sorry she thin said I saw what u was doing under the table too u want to tell me about that or should I take u to the office and have to tell the prisobal I told her I didn’t want to go to the office she told me that she wouldn’t take me if I got on my knees right now licked her she said she was so hot from watching me I licked her tell she came and I got up and walk out of class with my sister standing there looking at me very mad she grabbed me and shoved me to the wall pulled off my shirt and skirt then said your going to pay for being late took her belt out and whipped me right there in the hallway of the school with me butt naked my teacher herd the hole thing and when came out to see what wasgoing on she stud there and watch me get my spanking by my sister when my sister was done she throw me my clothes and said u better be on time after this class I when to pick up my clothes when my teacher said leave them there and come in my room now I looked up stud up and walk in to her room she pushed me over her desk and started slapping my ass with her hand and told me to play with my pussy tell I cam when I have cum to tell her she stop spanking me she slapped my ass tell I cam when I did I told her to stop and told me to lick her pussy agen I did she let me leave I got my close on just before class was let out I met my sister were she told me to it was lunch time so she made me get her lunch then she took the banana she had me get her and stuck it in my pussy and fucked me with it at the table then told me to do it tell she said other wise did what I was told when lunch was over she took the banana and told me to eat it I did I walked her to her class she told me to meet herHere after class and don’t be later or I would be sorry I when to class and then met her at her class one more class then I can go home when I got to my sister her friends were all there she told me that we were going to skip the last class today she wanted to have some fun I new it wouldn’t be fun for me but we all left and when to one of her friends house were no one was home we walk with them lifting my skirt and pulling down my shirt all the way about a block from her friends house they stopped and said strip bitch I took my clothes off and handed them to my sister she put them in her bag the other girls all got tree branches and as they walked the whipped my ass and tits my sister even whipped my pussy twice once we were at the house the girl went inside and told me to walk around back when I got there her friend dog met me at the gate as I walked pass the dog sniffed my pussy and licked at it as I walked I kept pushing him away when I got to the back yard they were all watch metry to push the dog witch gave my sister an idea she told me to lay down in the grass I did and they pinned my hands down and let the dog lick me tell I cam then they tern me over on my hands and knees and the dog cam up and mounted me I said please no and my sister said o yeah she going to get fuck by the dog and left to get the camera when she got back the dog was fucking hard he cam in my pussy and pulled out and walked away they got the hose out and sprayed my pussy off then told me that I was a good bitch they led me up to the girls room told me to lay down I did they all took there clothes off and took tern making me lick them tell they cam when was all over it was getting late an my sister gave me the clothes I had on this morning and said lets go I got dressed and we left for home when we got there my mom yelled for me to get in her room when I got there she yelled your late I told u to come strait home from school didn’t I yes mom im sorry well your going to be she throw me to the bed and started ripping off my clothes when I was naked she started whipping me all over she then pulled me over onto my back mad me hold my lag open and whipping my pussy tell I cam then she mad me stand in the corner tell my dad came home when he got home he whipped me for upsetting my mom then he fucked my ass then sent me to my room were my sister was watch her tape of today and fuck her self with the dildo that was in my ass earlier that day she told me to come over there I did and she fucked me agen in the ass then mad me lick her pussy then she fell asleep with her dildo in my ass and my face in her pussy soon I fell asleep too ​THE END


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