A little story I’ve been mulling around in my head for a while. A couple disclaimers:
1) This part contains a scene of non-consenual sex, for those who avoid that. Although I wouldn’t describe it as your typical rap scene.
2) That said, I wanted to make sure this was the ‘darkest’ of any chapters I posted. This story may seem to have a dark subject, but I don’t intend to take it down any ultra violent or ultra hardcore paths. Basically if this chapter doesn’t upset you, probably nothing coming after will.
Daemon – 1
“Gaaa….hhhh…” He groaned out in an almost angle tone of pleasure. Ridley stood there for a moment, letting the cold water of his long running shower run down his back. There he viewed his handiwork all over the off white colored tile, a stream of his own sperm.
Although having just released such a load, Ridley still had a massive throbbing hard-on. He’d had uncontrollable ections when he was younger, and just hit puzzle, but this was ridiculous. Not only was it getting hard for no reason, but it refused to go away. This was his third masturbation of the day, and he had only hurt up with the morning would about an hour ago.
With a hand to his forehead, checking for some sign of illness, Ridley had to ask “What the hell is wrong with me?!”
It wasn’t just that he had a constant erection, it was also an equal amount of lust. Not even as he had orgasmed all over the shower wall did the intense desire for sex let up. It was insane, he’d never experienced anything like this before. There was no way this could be normal, but who would he ask? Certainly not his mother, and Ridley’s dad had left her before he was even born. He had no siblings, no male family to speak of at all.
He sureas hell wasn’t going to ask his friends. Last thing he wanted was them mocking his lack of experience. And the magazines he had hidden in his room weren’t any help, in either information or release. Maybe it was time to go see a doctor or something, though he had no idea who or where to turn for such a thing.
“Ridley!” He heard called out through the bathroom door.
“Yeah mom!?”
She shouted back “You’re running late honey!”
“I know.” Was his normal toned response, unsure what to do. Well, he would just have to deal with it for now. No chance of calling in sick to school, his mother always saw through faked illness.
Rushing through the rest of his morning routine, Ridley felt with each passing moment that something was truly wrong. At first he thought it really was a flu or something, as he literally seemed to burn. But his actual temperature was fine. When he stepped out into he morning air and his skin felt just as normally cool to the chill air. What burned seemed to be coming from deep within him, a inner fire that grow with each passing moment.
As he did every morning, Ridley walked across the street to the Hailson house, where Sara waited each morning. The two had a great arrangement for carpooling. Sara’s parents were rich enough to buy their daughter a car, but she had no license. He had a license, but no car. So for the past year he had been driving them to school each morning. Beat the hell out of taking a bus.
Although being behind schedule, he still beat Sara out to the car. She was always running late. When she did finally appear, it was with her standard apology of saying “sorry” several times right in a row. But when Ridley didn’t respond right away she had to ask “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing is wrong.” He denied, trying to just get on with his day. It was impossible to deny though that his concentration was lax atbest.
As best he could Ridley focused on driving them to school. But suddenly his passages had become that much harder to control. Although having lived so close, and now driven to school together for so long, Ridley had never felt any attention to Sara. Not emotionally, and physically she had always just been a bit too broad for his tastes.
Not that day though. At that moment all he could think about was the female presence sitting next to him. Sure she might have had more meat on her bones then the ladies in his magazines, but that was the last thing in his mind right then. What mattered was she was a girl, a girl with lips, breasts, hips, legs, tighs, and that promised land that lay between.
It was a monumental struggle just to keep his eyes on the road. Especially considering that Sara was wearing a skirt that day. Although it was a long one, the clothes still showed off plenty of her legs, at least far more then a pair of jeans would. Ridley had to check the rear view mirror just to convince himself his skin and face weren’t burning bright red each time he glanced down at those legs. It certainly felt like he should have been.
Smoldering, churning, beating fire burned within him. It was like a drum now, growing in both speed and intensity with each passing moment. Just breathing became a strained movement, and Ridley realized that something was seriously wrong. With almost unsafe haste he pulled the car off the road, parking it almost up on the sidewalk curb. The moment the car was stopped, he leaned back in his chair, panting.
“Ridley?” Sara asked, honestly concerned. “Ridley are you ok?”
At first he just lay there, eyes closed and head leaned back. But when he felt the car shift a little, he opened his eyes to make sure they weren’t moving. It had shifted though because Sara was now leaned over to look him right in the face. There she was just inches away, staring. He could feel the heat from her breath, from her body.
And then it snapped.
Something broke inside him, like a damn giving way. It was so suddenly, so violent, that every action he took from then on came in torrent, with no rational thought behind it. Up went Ridley’s hands, grabbing Sara to pull her face in closer. As she was about to cry out a started reply, Ridley rammed his mouth over hers, and in went his tongue.
He could feel, sense her shock at the sudden embrace, but Sara was in no position to resist. He continued for moment, swept up in the password of his lips wrapped around hers, of his tongue exploring the depths of her mouth.
More, he needed more.
For just a moment he let go, and Sara pulled back into her seat. “Ridley!” she called out in shock. “What is wrong with…”
That was all the time he needed though. In an instant he had unlocked his seat belt and was up and over the seat divider. Suddenly Ridley was in the same side of the car, and face to face with the shocked Sara. Once again, her open mouth was all the invitation he needed to lock lips. This time however the seat back prevented her from pulling away, leaving his hands free for more important tasks.
When Ridley reached down and slipped a hand up underneath her shirt, he could hear Sara gasp into his mouth. Her own hands went up to his chest, trying to push him away. But she would have had an easier time trying to lift a car off her. Quickly his hand were up to her breasts, pushing away the bra underneath so that he could grap then directly. At first he simply grapped them, harder then perhaps he should have for she cried out again into his mouth. Still he only relented slightly, now content with rolling the soft mounds of flesh around in his hands while he continued to chase Sara’s tongue in her mouth.
Soon enough he had broken away again. This time Ridley pulled her shirt up enough so that her breasts were completely exposed. The moment he took his lips away from her’s she called out “Wait! Ridley wait we…”
Again he ignored her, quickly moving his lips down to the newly exposed flesh. Around went his lips, covering up a nipple as he eagerly sucked away at it.
“Ahhh!” She cried out. “Not so hard! Not so hard!”
Her protests weren’t heard, but still Ridley did relent a little. But that was just so he could run his tongue greedily across her chest. Every inch of flesh tasted sweeter then anything he had ever known. And with Sara quickly coming to a sweat, that only added to the flavor. She squirmed under it all, still trying to push him back.
But the young woman really struggled when she felt a hand go to her skirt. “Ridley stop!” She called out, for the first time really resisting. Like before he didn’t hear it, just continued lifting up that skirt until he could see the soft white panties beneath. Reaching so close to his goal Ridley grasped the edge of the underwear’s fabric. But with Sara sitting on it, and the pair of them in one cramped car seat, getting them off would be no easy task.
In almost a rage Ridley reached for the recliner controls. The moment he felt the click of the mechanism give way he violently pushed back on the chair, forcing it as far back as it could go. With a surprised flop Sara went with it, calling out “Ridley! What are you…”
The poor girl just couldn’t get a complete sentence in before she suddenly found a tongue thrust down her throat again. Ridley used one hand to keep Sara on her back while his other hand worked her panties. It was still a struggle, but now he could actually pull them down so they were around her knee level. His desire burning ever greater, Ridley forced one of her legs up just enough so that he could force the panties off through one side. Finally, he reached down and unzipped his own pants, furiously working to get free.
Sara didn’t realize this at first, but she clearly felt him shift into position. “Wait a second Ridley, we can’t…” she tried to say, again cut off. Her voice turned to a sharp yelp as Ridley managed to get himself properly lined up, and thrust into her. It had been too fast, too rough an entry. But still Ridley just had to savor the moment. In the back of his mind, part of him realized the disappoint she must have felt. Even beyond the dryness that won against the movement, Ridley was penetrating quite deep. It didn’t quite occur to him just how big his dick had gotten in the fury of the moment.
Laying back, squirming, Sara was already breathing hard. As soon as Ridley started thrusting though, she really lost it. Her cries were part gasps, part groans. Looking down at the scene of his making, Ridley took it all in. His eyes were transfixed on his own cock slowly entering, then exiting the quickly pleasing pussy. On each out stroke the outer folds of Sara’s flesh still grasped on, pushed to their limits.
This slow phase ended quickly, as Ridley leaned over and picked up the pace. Now his eyes were locked on Sara, watching her. Each increased fast thrust caused her to gasp, and growing shudder with each penetration. Soon enough he was truly pounding her, so that Sara’s whole body was jolted by the thrusting.
Her gasping quickly became one long yell, unable to take sheer force of it all. It was her reactions that drove him, worked him into a fury. Leaning forward, he grasped both her tits, kneeing them. Each thrust now came with a growing grunt from Ridley, grunts that soon turned to growls. By this point Sara was losing her breath, and on the apex of thrusts she would be forced to auditibly gulp down air.
He could take no more, and with an almost primary roar Ridley unloaded. It was one last deep thrust, and his very legsshuddered under the orgasm it came with such strength. Sara Shook as well, her body still trying to keep up with the sudden ravage nature of what was happening. For a very long time Ridley continued to spray jets of cum deep into the hot pussy, coming out in amounts he didn’t think possible. Finally spent, he groaned when pulling his now flaccid cock out of the young woman.
It was more then just a physical release, but also a mental one. For the first time that day Ridley felt as if he was returning to normal, instead of headed towards some inevitable meltdown. Any relief he felt though was washed away at the sight, and realization, what he had just done. Sara lay there, breathing heavily, her eyes glazed over, almost as if she had gone into shock. The reality of the situation sank in.
It was panic that grow in Ridley now, sheer panic. On pure instinct he quickly pulled himself up and out of Sara’s seat, heading for the driver side door. He almost leapt out without even stopping to put his dick back into his pants. Ridley didn’t know where he was running to, he didn’t even know why he was running he just did. Just as he was starting to come to his senses however, the burning sensing from within return.
Faster and stronger then it had been before, Ridley feared what he might do again. His first thought was to find a phone and call for an ambulance or something, but his feet suddenly felt like iron weights. As it was he barely got around the corner and into a secluded alleyway off the road, hoping it would be enough. With a hand to this chest in pain, Ridley went to one knee.
“What in the hell is happening to me?” He asked aloud, grimacing in pain.
“An appropriate choice in words.” Replied a smooth, deep voice.
Ridley looked up to see a man step out of seemingly nowhere to stand in front of him. He was a tall, broad shoulded man who had short black hair and bearthat looked meticulously trimmed. But it was his eyes that stood out the most. Deep, dark red eyes that seemed to see all. Eyes that knew far more then they ever told.
The man leaned down to say “You want to know what is happening to you Ridley? Hell. Hell is happening to you.”
Unable to respond through the mounting pain, Ridley just grunted. It suddenly felt like his spine was about to explode out of his back. Which as it turned out, wasn’t far from the truth.
“What you feel is a power beyond mortal reckoning.” Continued the tall dark man, explaining it as if the subject should fascinate all who hear it. “It is struggling to work its way free. But no matter what you do, there is only one true way answer. There is only one solution where you survive.”
Leaning down so he could whisper, the man said “You need… to embrace it.”
At this point little of Ridley’s consciousness mind was left. His vision had blurred, and his mind seemed aflame in the growing age. It had gotten to the point where he just couldn’t take it anymore. The pain was just too great, too overwhelming to resist. Death, destruction, utter observation was better then this. So Ridley let it all go, just gave in to it.
But it would not be so easy for the young man that day. For at that very moment the power within him reached it’s apex. It quickly swirled into place, condensing into two singular points on Ridley’s back. This alone was horrifically painful enough, but then the condensed energies exploded, taking material form.
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” He screamed, arching his back as a spray of blood went across the cold hard ground. But from the holes in his back came not some primary energy, or even any human flesh. Instead that moment in an instant of age, Ridley had grown a set of great leathery wings.
So intensity had the transformation been, that the young man immediately collapsed, passed out.
With a smile on his face the tall dark man with the short black hair said aloud “Now you can use that power, the power of a daemon… my son.”
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