Cureing Vanna's Agression(climax))

When Vanna made those remarks i nearly bit my tongue off.I had no idea she was that attached to me or, had grown a tremendous crush on me. Should i be flatterd or very worried, was the important question.I did my best to explain the reasons why she shouldn’t be so attached to an older man.Vanna had no intentions of backing off, at least for a while.In fact at the moment she was holding me so tight i couldnt breath.I said let’s go sit on the sofa and talk awhile before bed ok? Finally she let go of both the bear hug and the violent wet kiss.

We sat on the sofa real close by her choice,Vanna wasn’t going to let me get very far away from her until she felt some security that i wasn’t going to make a speedy escape.Vanna told me things i really didn’t want to be hearing.She had decided that i was going to be her man permanently in every way possible including staying in my bedroom rather than the guest room.I explained ,hermom was not going to think that was a good idea.Vanna said we won’t tell her,it will be our secret.

When i informed her that sleeping together was dangerous because some times people get romantic feelings that are hard to control.Vanna got angle,speekng a little to loud so i put my arm around her to calm her down before her mom woke up.She spoke calmer but was not easing up about the relationship she was demanding.Vanna made it a point to tell me that her school mates often talked about sex.She said a lot of her friends were doing it and she wanted to do it with me.Maybe it wasnt to smart to ask her ,do what?She smiled real big and said,fuck,silly,i want to learn how to fuck.I had to think about that very seriously under the rather strange situation i had gotten into.

*Should i refuse and piss her off?knowing she may find ways to make my life a living hell?Or play along in hopes she would not be as eager after a few days?Playing along seemed thebest choice rather than tempt Vanna’s wrath by rejecting her.*I said,ok but you can’t sleep in my room for a while because it would make to many problems for’us’ at the moment.She accepted that,adding it was ok but we would be very soon.

Vanna felt very warm sitting next to me,a bit to warm because i felt the twing of arousal comming to life against my better judgment.I told Vanna i had to get dressed for bed and she should too.We could talk a little more before bed if she wanted,i went off to my room and slipped into my pj’s.

When i returned to the living room Vanna had a movie on,she was dressed in her usual long tee.I sat beside her to watch the movie,talk more if she wanted,while we listened to her mom snorring in the background.Vanna went over pushing her mom’s door closed so the movie wouldnt wake her and to lessen the sound of her snorring.When she sat back down she cuddled close resting her hand on my leg.Her hand felt good just resting there,not expecting her to get aggressive again.

When i relaxed a bit i put my arm around her again rubbing her shoulder to help her relax, start feeling tierd enough to go to her bed and sleep.Vanna demanded a few kisses,obviously she liked the feeling,this was practice mixed with pleasure for her.She mentioned going fishing,i told her i liked to go,then she basically talked me into bringing her very soon.Real soon,i agreed to take her to a spot i know on the river where there were some nice sized trout that were eager to get caught, tomarrow after work.I mentioned seeing if her mom wanted to go,Vanna said no way,she hates fishing and i don’t want her to go.I agreed if it was ok with her mom just the two of us would make a evening of it.We would bring a bit of food and drink and the radio to listen to music while we fished.

Vanna was bouncing with excitment to think that just the two of us were going on an outing.She put her arms around my neck and started kissing all over my face then reasonable wet lip kisses with a lot of unskilled tongue action.I whisperd ,easy girl ,don’t wear it out,then i gave her the proper deep kiss, that gently sucked,lingering as the tongues played excitedly but gently.

I began to realize that it felt good,my arousal was growing,i didn’t want to stop real soon.I could feel Vanna’s hand trembeling on my leg as she inched it closer to my growing cock.Looking down,her eyes followed mine to where her hand was moving.My eyes straighted over to her upper legs seeing that her tee had pulled up ,when she grabbed my neck ,expposing her belly along with the very small undies she was wearing. They must have hurt her being so tight, they fit into her little slit pushing her clip hard against her public bone.I began to breath faster as i wonderd how mature her pussy was inside those tight undies.Even wondering how it would feel rubbing my cock over her soft pussy lips.

Vanna kissed me again as i felt her hand trembeling on my leg,then her hand moved over my cock.She whisperd in my ear,i never touched one before,can i?It feels so hot,so smooth,i can feel it moving,please?I said,yes ,but be careful your mom don’t wake up and catch you or we will be in deep trouble.She said,i promise as her hand slide inside my pj’s.As wrong as it was i loved the feeling,her fingers explored Every inch like she’d discovered a new playground.I was driven by excitment to allow her to continue,Vanna moved her head down to where she could see what she was doing and gently eased my cock out of my pj’s.She made a thrilled”oooooo”sound as she stroked over the head like she was patting a pet.

Her fingers rubbing the cum that had begun to flow over the tip testing its consistency then touching a little to her tongue to learn the taste.She whisperd,kind of nice,warm,silky,i like it,my friends say you can suck them like apickle,it makes more of the sticky stuff come out,some times lots and lots of it.I said,honey,your mom may walk in so be careful,please?Vanna said i promise,after a little suck ill stop,then she licked the head letting her lips wrap around the head sucking gently.I could feel the cum oozing up my cock into her soft warm mouth.Vanna was drinking the droplets eagerly as i felt that a lot more was going to be flying out very soon if she didn’t stop.

Thank God she stopped before i blew the whole load in her mouth,her mom would have certainly woke up when she screamed and started choking on the blast that was close to shooting.She began kissing me again with her hand still playing in the playground of my pj’s.I figured why not fondle her little treasures as long as she was so at ease exploring my body.My hand slid up under her tee finding her title’s,bigger than i had first thaut,the size of small peaches,soft,firm,lovely little nipples that pokedout a good half inch when aroused.Vanna was making pleasure sounds that i could tell she was strugeling to keep from being loud moans and squeels.

I listened for her mom’s snorring,sure enough she was still sound wait.I leaned down pulling her tee up spending a few seconds kissin,licking,sucking her sweet little peaks.I let the tee fall back down as i found her quivering lips that dove into mine with extremely aroused kissing.The kisses quietly her sounds,her fingers went back to work playing with mr cock,more eagerly,now she was pumping gently up and down my cock playing with the cum that she realized came out on each downward stroke.

I wanted to feel her pussy but wonder how that would be possible with the tight fitting undies. Taking a deep breath between kisses i let my hand drop to her belly strooking it softly with the backs of my fingers.She exhausted deeply into my mouth with anticipation,my fingers glidding lower over her mound rubbingsoftly.She took another deep breath as her whole body began to tremble.Vanna parted her legs enough to allow my fingers to slip slowly down over where her undies fit tightly into her slit.She forced a deep kiss with tongue firmly on my mouth as my fingers slide over her swollen pssy lips rubbing the undie lined slit.

Her back arched rocking her hips into my finger as it slide over her pussy.I could feel the heat locked beneath the undies,beyond a doubt if i took them off a river of wet silky pussy juice would come flowing out.It was impossible to do that with her mom sleeping only 20 feet away behind her bedroom door,but i certainly was more than ready to ,thats certain.I told Vanna,we have too stop baby,this is the wrong time and place to do any more,we already did more than was safe.

Vanna said,i can’t stop,i wanna fuck so bad it hurts!!!I suspected maybe we could try when we went fishing tomarrow if she still wanted to so much?She said no, i can’t wait that long,please, i got to make the pressure go away,please!!! Vanna said,i have an idea,you go to bed,then ill shut the door to mine tight and sneak into your room.Mom never checks on me at night and ill sneak back into my room before she gets up in the morning?Vanna continued to pump my cock slipping her tongue in and out of my mouth with extreme desier,stopping only long enough to say, please, please, please, please, help me?

It was a dangerous chance to take but i couldnt resist saying,ok honey,please be very quiet,when your in my room shut the door tight and lock it ok?Vanna eagerly agreed,as i walked to my room,her to her room.I shut the tv off,the lights out making sure the front door was locked then went to my bed and crawled in pulling the satin compresser over me.Other than a car in the distance there were no noises other than the typical night noises that all houses have.

Laying there between arousal and fear in my mind i waited listening wondering if she was really going to come.Five minutes passed,i sensed movement in my room,the door closed slowly,then the sound of the lock clicking to lock.I feel Vanna moving close to the bed,there was only the dim light of the street light filtering in the drawn window.Vanna sat on the side of the bed,barely visible in the dim light.

She reached out to find my hand,she squeezed it gently whispering,i love you knight,my reply was,i love you Vanna.She pulled my hand over to the bottom of her tee placing it on her leg,then moving it towards her pussy to show me that the tight undies were now gone.Vanna pulled her tee off tossing it on the chair beside the bed,then pulled the satin compresser back,unbuttening my top,then my bottoms trying to take them off.Helping her achive the goal of mutual nudity i eagerly assisted the process tossing my pj’s on the chair with her tee.

Vanna slide into bed, gave me a hot wet kiss, then lay opposite me on thebed playing with my cock that was already jumping with engagement.She began to gently suck my cock head eager to taste more of my sticky hot precum.It was past the point of saying ‘no’ even if i wanted to,wich i didn’t any longer.I knew i had to be very gentle with that tender sweet pussy but she would have what she wanted,plus a lot more than she could imagine.

As she nursed my cock head i moved over to kiss her belly allowing my fingers to trace her leg close to her fragile young love nest.Her body began to tremble out of control,her mouth sucking harder on my oozing inflamed cock.Kissing the fuzz on her shaft my fingers found her hot pussy,her pussy lips had become fully engaged with desier.As my finger slipped over her slit.It went in slightly allowing a rush of silky pussy juice to flow out around it.Even in such high arousal she was extremely tight.Her pussy accepted two fingers,her love tunnel one.Her cock sucking continued more hungry,more erroticly eager to want to fuck.

My finger worked in and out of her love tunnel each time i pressed in i felt her hymen at the tip of my finger.It feel very flexable and thin,each time my finger tip hit it she tensed almost thrusting hard against my finger breaking her hymen away.I moved my mouth to her pussy as my finger darted into her,my tongue found her smellen little clip,licking gently,sucking the sweetness her body arched pwerfully.She sucked hard on my cock as she thrust hard onto my finger orgasaming simulatedly.The thrust drive my fnger past her hymen fully into her love tunnel.She bit down on my cock hard as she experienced the loss of her verginity.

I accepted the pain she inflicted knowing that it was equal to her’s.I stop licking her briefly to say,honey,it won’t hurt any more now.That was the worst,your verginity is history.Vanna stopped sucking,climbed up on top of me to kiss.She said it felt good after the little hurt,it felt like i wanted my pussy to be very full,it felt so good to cum,i want to do that forever it feel so good.”Can we fuck now,please?”I said,yes,my cock was so ready to unload its stockpile of cum that the word”no” was no longer in my vocabulary.

Vanna sat on top with her legs spread wide on either side of my hips,her no longer virgin pussy hovering inches above my hard cock.With one hand i massed her peaks gently tweeking her hard nipples.The other hand guiding my cock head to her very moist love tunnel.I rubbed the head over her clip a few times then up and down her wet slit.She rocked slowly pressing her pussy down onto my cock head,as she humped slowly ,the head slide within her pussy lips.I massed her nipples more agressivly,with each push ,my cock slide deeper into her tender soft tunnel.Slight resistance where her hymen had been slowed her pace.Quickly that was overcome and she had half of my swollen cock within her.Her back arched violently with another orgasam and she thrust fully onto my cock.

Vana rested briefly recovering from her orgasam then started humping faster and faster driving her clenching love tunnel as deep on my cock as she could.I received down with one hand as the other continued to toy with her soft peaks,rubbing her clip gently but rapidly.She orgasamed many times as she pounded her bottom down faster and faster.My cock was on the verge of erosion violently with massive orgasam,i whisper honey,i’m going to cum!!She said softly,yay,i want to feel it inside me,as she drove down like pile driver clenching her silky love muscles tightly around my exploding cock.Powerful burst after burst of my hot man cum shot deep in her sweet whomb.Vanna said,i feel it,so hot squirting inside me,give me more please?I want more!!She got her request as another full load of cum came flying outside inside her, as her pussy milked the last drop from deep inside me.

Vanna lay spendon my chest with my still hard cock deep in her pussy.She pursued like a kitten full and satisfied,i hated to take my cock out of her sweet pussy but she had to return to her room before her mother got up.The clock said four in the morning wich ment we had been fucking for over three hours and we both needed to sleep.Vanna was fine with going to her room after being satisfied,she said i want it again real soon!!!isaid ,me too,but i dont know when honey?vanna gave me a good night kiss,before she went to her room she whisperd in my ear, were going fishing this afternoon, and gave my cock a little squeezez as she left………



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