Not intended to slander any particularer Theology or Philosophy or for that matter Anthroposaphy.Being a decendent of Hurron Indians i guess religion can’t change a blood line.I learned a lot about Pagan culture’s from “Trish”,now don’t get me wrong?”Trish” is a sweet girl,with a really nice,aw,physical attitude.But as i discovered she certainly isn’t Vergin Sacrafice material any more.
I had to give her an A+ for making life interesting and her abundant sense of humor.She came up with the wildest verbal thoughts at the most unlikely time.Like when i had shaged her for the 5 th consecutive time going for a new record.She said,wow dude your like a quality window!!! I said,like what?Ya baby,double hung!!!
We never talked about family,one time she started talking about her Uncle Dink.I know for sure i didn’t want to know much about that so i quickly changed the subject.";Trish”gace great head,it was always a major rush with her strong mouth.Some times she’d suck so hard it was a toss up if I was going to cum or my head was going to cave in.Well obviously my head didn’t but do you have any idea what it feels like when your touch hole is sucked out the end of your dick?May feel sorts like,testical whip lash,yup.
After “Trish” and i had been an item for about a year she shoes up on morning with her 2 kids”Hu?”.Where the heck did they come from?No,i mean literaly,i got the other figured out long ago.Then she explained about her x old man that was a little higher functioning than a sponge.”Trish”remarked often about his little’Dick’well 2 kids he defeatly wasnt shooting blanks out of a sawed off shot gun.
“Trish” had defeatedly been rode hard and put away wet more than one time.Not complaining for sure,she could tighten up those love muscles like a vise.So much so it hurt at times when she got in that kinky mood.I liked a lot of spice but,man,feeling like your’Dick’ was on the railroad tracks when the train came past was not a fun thing.
I remember hearing stories about the,”Black Widow Spider”.I was a bit like that with “Trish”,when the sex got really good you felt like there was a strong possibility you were going to die.She sure loved eating her mate,she’d have you deep throated,then start licking your balls.Look up at you with those hungry eyes and you know she wasnt going to stop until she had drained you completely.
One of her best assets was being spontanious,well usually an asset.One negative aspect of that was when we were comming back from dancing.”Trish” took her clothes off in the truck,then managed to get mine off too.I figured what the heck,it was dark and there wern’t any cars on the highway,in the middle of no where.Driving with one hand while i filled the other with lots of title’s and pussy.
“Trish” got really excited(nothing new)pumping my cock like gang busters with her hand.Then her mouth was playing “Flight of the Bumblbee” on the Bone-a-phone.I wasn’t cmplaining but it was very difficult to concentrate on the road while i drive.Then she went for the gusto,the leather seats where she had been sitting were well lubricated.She laid up sideways and slide under the steering wheel like a “Boa snake”some how getting a good deal of my cock in her hungry snapper.
She was making sounds like “Moses” had just parted the Red Sea drying to get it in farther.Her cum was running down under my ass making it slide on the seat as she hammerd into me like a wild animal.I was fully enjoying this but had to keep focusing on the road and not her pussy milking my cock.(not easy)Thank God when i was ready to blow my load my foot was relaxed on the gas peddle and the truck had slowed to about 20mph.
About a gallon of cum was ragging up my cock ready to blast off when i briefly closed my eyes.Just as orgasam screamed over both of us in giant body rush,i felt the truck drop out from under me and when i turned the wheel there was no road beneath it.My eyes flew open,truck bouncing,head lights reflecting off lots of small trees,then splash….nose first in the frigging brook.
No one was hurt but it took over an hour for the tow truck to come and pull me back on the highway.When he asked how the hell i went off a strait road at 20mph,isaid you don’t want to know!!!But i think he figured it out any way.”Trish” was speechless as we drove the rest of the way home.She just had this glossy satisfied look in her eyes and on her face.
I think that when we hit the brook her ass was against the steering wheel,she was on the verge of orgasam.My cock must a drove in her balls and all,it was like trying to pull a nail out of a board getting her ass unpind from the wheel with my cock nailing her to it.We had a lot more fun after we got home.After that night every time i looked at her eyes,she just melted with that come fuck me look frozen on her face……….
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