Vee Pt. 01

My very own slutty milk.

“Would you like a cup of tea? I could run to a slice of fruitcake as well or a sandwich if you’re hungry.”

Mrs Lacy was a very attractive woman for someone of that age, that age being somewhere around mine. So having just spent the last 4 hours or more working hard on her boiler, I was ready for one.

Not that she hadn’t offered before, she had, Several times. That superb rear end of her’s was a constant distraction to me, I kept thinking my sooty hand print on the cream clothes of the tight skirt covering her bum would look lovely. Well it would to my eye! It was distracting me and in boiler repair work distraction is a very bad thing.

“I’d love one now and I’m staring I said is there any chance of that sandwich.”

“Will ham and salad do? To be honest, it’s all I have at the moment”, she replied.

“It will be perfect Mrs Lacy, thank you.”

With a big smile, she said. “If you get those stinky dirty overalls off I will allow you in my kitchen to eat it.”

“I don’t think that’s going to work Mrs Lacy, I’m afraid the soot has got up my arms, down my neck and up my trouser legs as well. I’m not fit to be let into a pigsty at the moment.”

I’d been asked to help out by a mutual friend in Mrs Lacy’s hour of need. All I was told was Mrs Lacy, a widow, was stuck with a broken boiler and was being told she needed a new one. So I came over, just for a look but I went in my van, just in case.

I am supposed to be retired due to a serious permanent back injury that has just confounded my doctor, and “got better” I’m an embarrassment to the old company I am on paper their senior regional engineer. I had pretty little to do before, I’m bored to tears now.

They thought I was gone for good. They promoted the best man on my team so although I’m employed and the check comes in every month I don’t have a job to do. I need to be busy, I’d love a job but I cannot get past a medical examination. I hada meeting with my director and someone from the HR department. I think they are going to offer me early retirement on medical grounds.

I need another hobby, I tried golf, and that interested me for at least five minutes, like the great man said, a good walk spoiled! Anyone wants to buy a nearly new set of golf clubs?

Calls like this are a blessing, it’s something to engage me, I can only go fishing so many times a week. My bowls game has got so good now with the extra practice I get, no one wants to play with me.

The boiler was a bit of a surprise. It was an oil boiler, in an old outhouse, it had been set up incorrectly, purposely I think. Mrs Lacy’s fly-by-night plumber was trying to trick her into scraping it so he could con her into buying a new one.

It was solid with soot and my not having the vacuum cleaner I used for serving oil boilers didn’t help. I had scraped, hacked, shovelled and managed. It took me ages but I cleaned it up and set the air and oiladjustments to burn correctly and prevent any more soot from forming.

“You simply cannot eat out here in my outhouse, it’s full of the dead plants I’ve cursed with my dreadful gardening abilities.”

“I cannot come into your home like this,” I said.

Her reply “then go and shower, in there, leave your clothes and I will wash and dry them.”

When I got out my clothes were Still in the washing machine and a white terry bathrobe and a pair of hotel slippers were waiting for me.

“I’m sorry, there is tea but I’m afraid the ham is off, it smells funny. I was going shopping today but when Jenny told me you were coming I waited in.” Then came the dreadful news, the milk was off, no tea.

“Look you have saved me from the plumber from hell.” Your clothes will be another hour yet. How about I drive you around to your place so you can change and then we can go to the pub for something decent and if I guess correctly a beer or two. I absolutely insist on paying.”

I agreed, “if we are going for a drink and a meal together I cannot keep calling you Mrs Lacy. “You can call me Vee, my name is Vera but I hate it.”

“OK. I like Vee, it suits you, please call me Garry.

When we got to my place I was shocked to see the time was nearly 7.30 pm. I said to Vee I didn’t realize it was so late, we are looking at dinner, not lunch.”

“Yes, do you still want to go to the pub or have you other plans?”

“I did have, Vee but they are nowhere near as attractive as taking a gorgeous woman out for the evening. Quite frankly no one there will miss me much. So if you will allow me I’d like to take you out to dinner.”

“But it’s my treatment,” said Vee.”

“Ohh no! You don’t get off with putting up with me one outing. The amount of time I spent shovelling shhhh er soot out of your boiler has to be worth two dates at the very least.”

“Well, no one has called me gorgeous for a long time. Two is, the very least I can do. If you can put upwith my non-stop chatter. I do wish you would let me pay though.”

We decided on dinner at a pub come restaurant neary. While we were eating Vee asked me where I intended to go that evening. I think she was expecting me to say darts in my local or something like that. She was a bit surprised when I said there is a Rock ‘n’ Roll club that holds a weekly meeting neary at the British Legion.

“Do they dance there,” she asked.”

“Yes we do”, I replied, “that’s pretty much the point of it.”

“Do you dance”, she went on.

“Oh yes. I love it, love the music, love the culture, wish I was a bit better though.”

“Will you take me? I love dancing, I assume it’s all jiving.”

“I’d love to, when do you want to go?”

“Can we go next time?”

“We can, but I DJ every other dance and it will be my turn next time.”

“Can I be your DJ groupie?”

“If you want to go and see it, it doesn’t stop until midnight, it’s not 9 O’clock yet.”

“Can I gohome on the way, I can’t jive in these shoes.”

“Of course, we can but we have to go to mine as well, I could probably dance in what I’ve got on but if I have the right girl, I need to look like the right boy!”

“What look are you going for Vee asked” as we parked on her drive. “You will have to wait and see. It’s just that I always go there in my old car.”

“Oh,” after seeing my sinking dirty van she was a bit appreciate. “what is it!”

“You will have to wait and see!” I replied mischievously.

When she came out she looked perfect. I know most people laugh at anyone who lives a lifestyle but in my eyes, she was near perfect.

Crimson red under-the-knee dress with one-inch white polka dots. Black seemed stockings, God, please let them be stockings. Strappy silettos that looked four-and-a-half-inch at least. Red to match the dress and a red rose in her blond hair.

Then she proved she was perfect. A quick twirl with a dress hem designed to fly proved to me they were stockings. I saw quite a few black suspenders daring those stocking tops to try to move. that quickened my pulse.

“I haven’t been to a dance for five years, I’m so glad it all still fits I’m afraid the stockings aren’t quite authentic. I haven’t any in tan that aren’t laddered. My underwear is more 21st-century slutty milk than 50’s teenage girl.

I do hope that After all this trouble we are going to park on the way home. She gave me a theatrical wink.”

“You are as my poor old mum would say not backwards in coming forward Vee are you.”

“I can’t afford to be Kevin. If you will forgive the language I haven’t had a good fucking since my husband died 9 years ago, to be honest, I haven’t even had a bad one for five years. I know jive clubs very well, Roger, my old man and I used to dance in a show troupe called Ready Steady Jive”.

Oh good god, I remember you now. I saw you dance a few times. You’re good! A lot better than I am.” My heart sankfor a moment or two. I thought I’m going to get the elbow here.

“That’s as maybe. But have you any idea how many married men go to jive clubs just to get their hands on a pair of tits and a quick feel of an arse? That’s no good at all to me, I have needs as well. If I told you that my hope for tonight is a dance or two then a good rogering in the back seat of your car would you be shocked?”

“No, I’d just be a bit more relaxed about if my dancing was good enough to get me another date.”

She gave me a big lipstick-smudging kiss. “If you can manage the basic step, and three moves you can buy a season ticket for the two of us for this club. I’ve missed my dancing. Over and above that, as long as you don’t make a mess on my stockings you get a free pass to my bedroom.”

“I’m an old-fashioned girl Garry, I’ve been looking for an honest-to-goodness old-fashioned man for 5 years. I know you’re honest. You didn’t try to sell me a new boiler, you could have easily.

You open doors for me, I do like that, and you have been letting after my bottom since you got here without trying it on. I like that as well.

If I were 15 and had all the time in the world I’d be telling my friend to tell your friend to tell you I fancy you. I’m not 15, I’m on the wrong side of 51, I do fancy you, and I love your strong arms. I hope I’ve read the signs right and you fancy me.

Take me to this dance, buy me a drink or two then bring me home and screw my not-so-little bottom off.”

So we went to mine. I got dressed for a Rock n Roll dance. Blue denim jeans with 3-inch turn-ups, a bowling shirt and the obligatory blue suede shoes. Topped off with my geneuine New York Dodgers starting jacket The shoes had good dancing soles though Not crape.

“Right Vee, we are going in my car. Don’t look so worried, not the one we left at yours, my best car. It’s in its garage, I’ll get it, a nice old lady up the street rents me a garage for it. I won’t be five minutes, wait inside, I’ll park it out front and come and get you.

I’ve got the classic 50’s American muscle car, an Oldsmobile Rocket 88 convertible. Ike Turner wrote a song, Rocket 88. It’s widely agreed to be the first ever Rock n Roll song.

I expected Vee to be looking out of the front window at it but she had gone to powder her nose I assumed. When I got back in the house she was in the cubby hole I call my office with the screen of my desktop computer on.

I couldn’t see the screen but I knew what was on it. My screen saver. It’s a series of old 50’s Irving Klaw spanking photos. My heart plummeted, my dirty secret was out, I was so embarrassed, “do you want me to take you home now,” I asked.

“No, I want you to take me dancing as you promised. I do need to go back home though, I’ve forgotten something, it will only take me a few minutes to get it.”

As we pulled up outside Vee’s house I was still in turmoil. I switched off the engine. Before she got out she lent over on the front benchmark. “I haven’t had a good spanking since Roger died. I’m going to trust you Garry, please don’t let me down.”

Twenty minutes later, when she came back she again lent across the bench seat she had in her hand a gold chain with a key threaded onto it. “Whatever you do Garry, please don’t lose this, it’s the only one.”

“What only one Vee?” She just gave me a funny smile. “You will find out.”

We didn’t stay very long at the dance, just over an hour. It wasn’t what Tommy, the other DJ played. We had a few dances, she is very, very good. I’m not the best dancer the world has ever seen but people stopped to watch us, well watch her if I’m honest. Vee had found a friend from her days in North London and was chatting, I was talking to Tommy.

Tommy said, “I know that woman you are with, she was married to Roger Lacy.”

“What happened to him Tom, do you know?”

“Rumour has it, she fucked him to death mate.”

“Better than being beatento death by an RnR crowd for playing shite music,” I replied. This was a pretty typical conversation with Tommy. We never missed an opportunity to have a dig at each other. Tommy is my best mate, it’s how we are.

“She is a good dancer, even makes you look good. What this club needs is a good teacher and I know she can teach. Is she staying,” Said Tommy.

“I hope so Tommy, ohh, I do hope so.”

“Don’t fuck it up then, she hangs on to you, trust me mate she likes you, at least try to act like you’re a normal human for once!”

I can always rely on Tommy to boost my confidence.

We were back outside Vee’s house two hours later, she didn’t want to park, she gave me a big kiss with tongues and said take me home. Vee said she wanted to talk. As I switched off I asked her, “what Vee.” I was still jumpy about my pervy screen saver. “Not here, I want to show you something, please come inside Garry.”

It was easy to see from the outside that Vee’s place had an atticroom there were nets and curtains up there. Vee walked me upstairs to the landing.

“Welcome to my very secret world,” she said as opened a door to a broom closet. On the other side of the closet was a hidden door. She reached up and I heard a click. The back of the cupboard swung away, a secret door.

When I got in Vee managed to show me the latch, it was a squeeze and I got to feel a nice firm body. A dirty job, but someone has to do it.

This led to a steering open tread stair, I followed her up the stair, trying very unsuccessfully, not to look up her skirt. We went through a door on a narrow landing into a large, dark, black and red decorated room.

All the windows had wooden blinds fitted, and the nets and curtains visible from the street were obviously painted on the other side of these. Vee switched on the very subdued lighting.

It was a very big room dominated by all I can describe as a bondage bed. The head and tail boards both had windlasses built-inwith chains terminating in very stout cuffs.

This room has not been used since Roger died. I’ve tried spanking myself! You can probably guess how well that went. I just come here to clean, dust and remember now.

The walls were covered with whips, crops, floggers, paddles and canes there was a Saint Andrews cross a pillory and a spanking benchmark. There was a large heavy flat table with eyeso screwed into it. Vee walked over to a wall and took down a very solid paddle, it was covered in red leather, she later told me it was made from an old kids-sized willow cricket bat that she had cut down and covered with leather.

Vee had made a lot of the SM equipment in the room, she is a very talented handicrafts artisan and loves to craft toys from everyday items.

Vee knelt, offered me the paddle and said in a timing plaintive voice. “I haven’t had my spanking for a very long time and I do so need it. I’m a very bad girl indeed, Master.”

I didn’t think things like ths happened. I thought it was all acting on the internalized and top-shelf magazines to sell to perverts like me. Vee offered the paddle again and just said “please!”

In one corner there was a rather majestic chair. I grabbed Vee by her arm and pulled her towards it. I sat, pulled her up over my knee and lifted her dress and petticoats over her head.

She wasn’t joking about her slutty milf underwear. I was very puzzled by a silver bar that ran under her knickers. I had to see this. “Stand up slut” I ordered. She jumped up to attention like she was on a spring.

“Strip,” I ordered!

“I can’t master, I cannot take my corset off.”

“Strip to that then girl.” She took off her dress and knickers. Under her knickers, she had on a chatity belt. I do hope you didn’t lose the key master she said. I pulled her back onto my lap.

I was dying to see her chatity belt. What it did, what it allowed and what it didn’t allow but Vee had more pressing matters that I had to deal with.

I was clueless about her, how far I could go, how far she wanted me to go. Or even how much I wanted to hurt her. The answer to the last bit was not very much!

I was pretty much patting her bottom with the paddle. I could tell it was doing nothing for either of us so I stopped. “Get up Vee, we need to talk.”

“You’re not enjoying it are you?” she sounded very Disappointed.

“Oh trust me, I want to but I just don’t know you well enough. I can’t guess this, I don’t want to hurt you but I want to hurt you. How the fuck does that work? I’m scared I’m going to critic you and fuck it up. I don’t want to fuck this up, you are my slutty milk it’s what I’ve always dreamed about.”

Vee smiled at me. “I’m sorry I’m rushing this. It’s just you make me so horny. I like jiving, I love jiving with a man who gives good signals. Signals are orders and I love being ordered about, that makes me wet. When you hold me, you hold me, I can’t get away, that makes me drip.”

“I like the idea of ​​holding you and making you drip”. I replied.

“Trafic lights and a safe word! At least until we know each other better. Don’t worry, it’s my fault, I’m sorry, I should know better.

“I know what a safe word is but what has traffic lights got to do with it,” I asked.

“If I say green I want more, if I say amber you are getting it spot on. If I say red it’s a bit too much. If I say the safe word something is wrong and we need to stop. Please don’t stop unless I give the safe word, or you need something else. Not even if I cry. Understand?”

“Yes, OK, What’s the safe word?”

“For us, it’s just got to be sooty,” Vee laughed out loud at her own joke.

“Don’t worry if I make a bit of noise, this room is soundproofed.”

“It’s rude to laugh at your own jokes,” I said.

“You had better punishment me then”

Vee went back over my knee with a smile on her face. The first stroke with the paddle wiped it off and brought a squeal ofpain, I paused a second.

“Amber,” Vee said hesitantly. I took 6 inches off the swing and lay that paddle on her arse 16 times without another word other than a few ouches, and ahhhs. On the 16 stroke Vee came I knew she had cum, she was bouncing around on my knee so much I had to hold on tight to prevent her from falling on the floor.

I had to carry her over to the bed, where after fumbling around for her chatity belt key I finally unlocked her. Just before I gave her the fucking of my life she came around enough to let me know she wanted to suck my cock first.

Afterwards, she told me she knew if she blew me first I would last longer when I got inside her.

After the best blowjob I’ve ever had she begged me to tie her to the bed, I did and stretched her out tight.

I did last longer, maybe not as long as she hoped but long enough the force another noisy orgasm out of her just as I pumped my cum into her.

The cuffs were top-quality stuff and had quick-release links built in. I released the feet but not her hands. I allowed her to move up the bed a little but held her with one arm around her waist with my other hand I went for her tits.

They are beauties, big, very big, but at her age, I just could not believe how firm they are. I just couldn’t resist her big chewy nipples, I just had to chew them, I sucked, bitt and pinched. It wasn’t long Before she was wanting more and I had my giving equipment ready.

Now I’m not modest and I have to say I’m fairly well endowed in the trouser department. I’d cum in her mouth, in her fanny, there only seemed to be one option available to me.

I unclipped her wrist cuffs, dragged her to the end of the bed and clipped them to the waiting arm restraint points. The bed footboard looks very austere but is well-covered with cushioned black leather.

I couldn’t resist that bottom again. This time I didn’t use anything other than my right hand. with my left arm around her waist I saton the bed holding her tight. She was kicking and squealing loudly as I turned that lovely bottom scarlet. but with no colours and nothing that sounded anything remotely like Sooty. she tries to blow me again but I wasn’t having any of that, I had other plans for what I felt would be my last load tonight.

This bed must have cost a fortune. All the anchor points had spring-loaded self-winders. Very easy to pull the restraint ropes out to connect the ankle cuffs.


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