Vee Pt. 02

“Vee, Vee, VEE”, I shouted the last one. “I can’t stay for lunch, I’m playing Bowls. I want you to come with me. It’s a friendly game, the oldest friendly on the club list. I want to show you off to my friends, come as my guest please?”

“I didn’t think you’d want to be seen dead out with a slut like me, never mind with people like that, she replied.”

I Couldn’t help but laugh. “People like what,” I asked. They are people like us. OK, they may not have a fully equipped S/M dungeon hidden away in the attic of their houses, though I bet some of them would like to have one. But they have two arms and two legs and they only have one head each. and make no mistake girl. if a man calls you a slut in my hearing ill sit him on his arse!”

“Bu I am” I held up both hands to stop her.

“My strikingly beautiful escort to the most important social bowls game of our season”. I went on “I wasn’t planning on dragging you down there in chains and the most restrictive corset imaginable.

I was however planning on locking your luscious juicy little twat up in that chatity belt though. It belongs to me now doesn’t it?

But I don’t know anything about”.

you don’t need to know anything about the game at all to eat cake maybe a sandwich then dance with me at the party after and have a drink if you want one. however, if you wanted to wear something scandalous you won’t hear me tutting.

but I thought it was all blazers and bonnets.

“It was 50 years ago, some want to turn the clock back but those clubs are dying. Ours is thriving, all but two in our club go out to enjoy ourselves. If these pair leave because of you, you will be voted membership secretary on the spot.”


I interrupted her again.

“Look you, you introduced me to this master-slave stuff and at least for now I will concede you know the etiquette of the dungeon a little better than l. However, I am certain that if a willfully disobedient little slut failsto follow her master’s clear and concise wishes he is very entitled to drag her upstairs by the hair, select the most dangerous whip he can find and stripe her arse until she can’t sit down for a week.

Vee stopped in her tracks. Ahh I thought, I found the receive button.

I don’t mind being a secret, I need to be me though. I’ve spent most of my life pretending to be either Miss or Mrs normal and I’m not Kevin. I’m someone’s slut, but the someone is very important.”

“Vee I don’t know if you’ve got me mixed up with someone else but I haven’t got an image to live up to my love. All my fucks about what anyone thinks have been used up long ago. There are none left to give.

I’m a semi-retired plumber/heating engineer who doesn’t have to work, I don’t need to please or impression anyone else than you”. I do want to please you though. If you want to show your tits down by the town clock I’ll come and hold your overcoat my darling.

I don’t mind too much if some dirtyold bastard cops a feel as long as you are cool with it. I don’t share my toys though. I don’t mind anyone looking at your tits, fanny and bum but they are my toys and I have been known to bite if someone tries to seal my toys.

“I had to be a perfect wife for Roger. I’ll let you into another one of my secrets, a secret I’m still keeping, keeping through habit not because I want to. I was convenient for Roger. He liked to hurt me, up to a point I like being hurt.

I had expensive tastes, he had money to spend on his adornments and I was just that, an adornment. I think he thought as much of his Rolex watch as he did of me.

I didn’t love him, he didn’t love me. We fucked and danced well together and he tortured me. You probably won’t believe me but last night was the first time I ever came without someone inflicting pain.

OK, you had me tied down but you still made love to me. I didn’t think I could cum like that. Then you made me cum again by diddling me and againby fucking my bum. OK, again, I was tired down, it hurt like fuck at first but only for a few seconds. It was like you popped my cherry when I was a kid. You were making love to me and I loved you, I said I wouldn’t let myself but I still love you”

“Vee, I love you too. Yes, I do know it’s far too early to say that. It’s too early to say this as well. Will you marry me?

I will if we still feel this way this time next year”.

So, will you come to the bowls match? The game will take about three and a half hours. Then there’s tea, sandwiches, and lots of nice cakes. Then a 50’s 60’s 70’s 80’s dance in the evening. That will be crap though. Tommy is the DJ.

“What do you want me to Wear?”

“You just got over telling me you had to be you, it’s mostly people around our age a few a bit younger than up to 80 year olds. Look out for Dick Marsh. His wife died 20 years ago and he thinks he has a licence to grope anything in a skirt.”

Well, I better wear a skirt then, he sounds like just my sort of extra dancing partner. Can I wear heels stockings and suspenders? I’ll be brokenhearted if you don’t. Can I wear one of my chatity belts?”

“I didn’t know you had more than one!”

“You can choose to wear anything you want apart from the chatity belt, you have to wear that, that isn’t your choice, it’s mine. I’d better have a look at them and select one to lock you into.”

Vee has four chatity belts and a chatity broach. That’s a metal plate with nine slots cut into it. One vertical slot, high on the broach and four pairs of slots cut horizontally along the length. It has very ornate engravings. The broach and the nine 20mm x 3mm screw-in ball closure rings that go with it are made from the very best purity silver. It isn’t a high-security chatity device, more an item of jewellery. But Jesus Christ it’s as horny as hell. I can’t wait to get her pierced so it can be fitted. Just talking about locktighting the rings in permanently has her squirming.

I went with the belt she was wearing last night that was made by a guy who lives up in StNeots in Cambridgeshire. Again it’s not the last word in security but it’s a strong job, getting to her puss without leaving evidence is impossible unless she learns to pick the lock and it makes a statement when I snap the lock shut. I also love the hidden lock. Only I see it but now I know how it works it’s easy to unlock. Importantly for Vee, I can get her in it with ease, even if she is playing fighting me. It seems as though overpowering her and forcing her to comply is as big a turn-on for her as it is for me.

As soon as it was decided she was coming to the game and the party after she went into cake-baking mode. Only after I had put puss back in her prison of course. Vee makes a mean rich fruit cake, fruit cake is always a sound option for a last-minute bowls tea helper. There can never be too much fruit cake in a bowls tea.

I left her to it while she was baking I needed to go home get some clothes, my bowls kit and let my next-door neighbor Chas and his missus know I wouldn’t be traveling with them. His Missus Annie is the nosiest person I know. Having said that she is lovely and would make Vee comfortable. She is a Tarty Milf as well, she likes to say it’s her Christian duty to keep Chas exercised.

I got them both into bowling, Chas is our club captain this year and Annie pretty much runs the social side single-handedly.

When I told her I was bringing a guest for the day she nearly burst with curiosity. “Who is she,” Annie Demanded,” you don’t know her I replied.”

“I bet it’s that Tilly Morgan!”

“I’ll cover however much you want to put on that Annie, you will just have to wait and see.”

“Can she play” Annie demanded?

“Oh yes, she can play alright, just not bowls though.”

“Smut and filter,” said Annie, “it’s all you men think about.”

“And food,” said Chas as he pinched one of the mince piesAnnie had made for this afternoon.

“Get out of my kitchen you thieving sod and take your sly mate with you”. Chas and I beat a hasty retreat. “What’s she like”, asked Chas, “won’t tell, scouts honour!”

“Drop-dead gorgeous for her age mate. To be honest drop dead for any age. Best dancer I’ve ever danced with. I’ve left her making a fruit cake for this afternoon, and she shagged me to a standstill last night.”

“Good lad”, said Chas. “Man cannot live on cake alone. He said then swallowed the last bit of his mince pie.

“Dunno if you remember Chas, one night in the Bell, you told me that after your last dividend, you were never going to touch a woman again but then as soon as you saw Annie you knew you’d be walking down the aisle again.”

“Yes, I remember.”

“I proposed this morning, I just know it’s right mate. I feel as though I just won the lottery.

God, Annie will be living when she knows I know before her.

I disappeared back through the hedge before I got another grilling from Annie. An hour later I was eating homemade soup for lunch with some homemade bread. Vee told me the bread was a cheat, it was made in a bread maker but it was good enough for me.

“Have you decided what you’re going to wear yet?”

Yes I think so, if we are dancing again can I wear the same as last night, I was hoping you would wear that bowling shirt and jeans again. The bowling shirt was my favourite dancing shirt, pure silk, cream with coffee bands. Yeh, no prob. Tommy will give me hell wearing the same gear but he will give me hell anyway.

Come upstairs, I want to show you what I want to wear while you are bowling and while we eat.

Despite her earlier words, Vee was still seeking my approval on everything she did. I didn’t want to be a carbon copy of her first husband. I had realized he pretty much had her brainwashed I dearly hoped that my plan to un-brainwash her didn’t unkink my beautiful compliant pervy sex doll.

Vee stood before me dressed top to toe in very expensive tailored leather, apart from her black stockings, a bit of a puzzle, they sort of looked like leather but couldn’t be.

She was wearing a black leather corset it fitted her perfectly apart from the unsightly bulge caused by her chatity belt. she appeared to have been poured into it, and her wait was a good two inches tighter than the corset she wore last night. Last night corset lay on the bed, its laces cut to allow her to escape.

She had on a matching skirt, again incredibly tight around her compressed waist, hips, down to mid-calf. She was wearing a pair of silettos that would kill anyone she stood on the 6-and-a-half-inch heels allowing the tiniest sole to contact the floor. There was a shoe box on the bed that looked like it was made from laminated boxwood. That would have cost more than a pair of high-street shoes. It took me a few seconds to realize the shoes uppers concealed a small platform. Even wearing these my little sex dolly was still a good 4 inches shorter than me.

Finally, she wore a collar, it wasn’t dressy, it looked like it was made to match her chatity belt. Just a hoop made from one-inch by 3/8-inch stainless steel rolled into a simple hoop. the front was drilled for a drop ring, that was held at the back by a concert head setscrew, counter sunk into the collar. The hoop was hinged at this point though it was so Well concealed that I didn’t realize it at the time. The back was held by the same sort of pin lock that held her chatity belt closed.

I had to check this out, but first I needed to kiss and hold my little Sex dolly. “Do you like it, Vee asked in a timing little voice. What do you think I said pointing at my crotch. My cock was doing its best to fight its way out of the fly of my jeans. You look so good I’m going to unlock you and eat your puss now. As I tuned her round it dawned on me that the corset and dress were the same garment. “Oh fuck me”, I said.

“Yes please master”, Vee replied. Not a chance girl, I want to eat your cunt and I want to eat it now.

When I was a kid one of my mum’s friends seduced me. She was a big woman married to a small man. I don’t think he did much for her. Gwen, Aunty Gwen as I called her then would not have remained friends with my mum long if mum had any idea what was going on four doors down. Gwen teach me a lot. Like a butterfly on a flower, not a pig eating porridge. She would say.

We can keep the belt to ourselves if you like. Just for now though, I plan on bragging to the world and his brother what this key is for.

As it turned out most of what I thought was leather was rubber. The corset dress, the stockings her cute little cap.

Getting her out of it was a job in itself. I was really at sixes and sevens trying to figure out how to say only wear what you want to wear but please wear this dress today.

“Ohhhhh, I fucking love you. I’d wear this just for you, just togive you a stiffy but you’re not getting it. I always choose the clothes he bought for me. I bought the clothes I wanted. Roger paid because he wanted to keep me sweet. I paid for this with blood money. He bought me this after he could me so hard I couldn’t walk for three days, I did bleed!

I wanted to go dig the cunt up and battery him when she told me that.

Don’t get fussed, the bruises have healed, and you can’t dig him up. He wanted to be buried but I burned the bastard, it was cheaper. I hated him by then and I wasn’t wasting the money he had so dear on him, and guess what Garry? I still love this dress and I love what it does to you. She dropped her gaze then looked up but kept her head as low as possible and in her sexiest voice said “Master.”

I’ve got His money, his stocks and shares, his house, I wrecked his poxy Mercedes and smoked his Rolex with a hammer. Now I have a real man who knows how to fuck me bandy and spanks me when I need that as well. I had herdress unlaced and pulled up above her waist. My tongue was licking up her fanny battery as quickly as she could make it. And she was still rattling on, and he eats me alive. Then she screamed as she came.

Fuck, this woman turn me on. I picked her up by her bum. Forced her back to the wall and fucked her hard against it. I don’t know where all this cum was coming from. I don’t think I had this much when I was a teenager.

“I’ve got to play bowls in 45 minutes!”

“Don’t panic. Put your gear on. I’m ready. Or I will be when I’ve packed my knickers with loo paper I’ll drive, I’ll have you there in 10 minutes. I looked like a thousand snails had attacked my bear and the crouch of my bowls trousers. I washed my face and lucky enough had my shorts in my bowls rucksack.

We pulled into the carpark at the club in time but just in time.

“Come on you two shouted Annie.”

You go, I’ll bring the cake Vee said.”

Fuck the cake said Annie. Your playing I need to get you changed.”

“I don’t know how Vee wailed, Garry said I just had to watch. She shot me a look that said I may be a submissive slut but I’m pissed with you now you twat.” Annie came to my rescue, “He didn’t know any different, someone just dropped out, so please Vee, don’t be a pussy we all need you,” said Annie. It’s how everyone starts. It’s easy, I’m lead, your second so just try and copy what I do. Chas is three. At that point, they disappeared into the ladies changing room Annie came out with a very scared-looking little scrap of a woman in whites that were too big for her. Poor Vee looked like a little girl in her mum’s clothes.

Chas had filled me in as to why we were short on two players. A couple who were normally Very reliable were ill, Old Eric the near ninety year old club President had also been press-ganged into playing and there was no one else there other than Vee. I’m very pleased to meet your new partner Garry said, Annie. She seems very nice. StrangeUnderwear though you dirty old perv! Never mind that you, my new woman’s high-security undergarments are none of your concern.”

“Vee come darling I’m going to show you how it’s done. Their captain is happy to delay the start a bit so I can show you how to hold the bowl and deliver it.”

Have you got her any woods, Annie? I think she can hold these said Annie. She held up two bright pink bowls. I found them under the benches.

Everyone in the club knew these woods. They are Sylvia’s, Sylvia is the lady’s captain and along with her husband both fearful snobs who think friends below their status, the blazer and bonnet couple! Everyone in the club knew Annie and no one argued with her. As I started to show my new number two the basics of holding a bowl, how to deliver it and the secret of the bias of the bowl I heard Annie says to the club in general if anyone has a problem they better speak to me first.

Poor Vee was a bundle of nerves. “I’ve never been good at anysport.”

“I can think of one your good at,” I said

Annie who had come out to offer advice and encouragement said, very discreetly for her. Is that why she wears the iron underwear you mucky sod.

When the rest of the two squads came out and we were doing the handsshakes and introductions I just heard Annie say to Vee. Don’t worry my lovely, being here is good enough. Garry is one of the best in the county, he is good enough to win this on his own.

Through the game Annie and my Vee became friends. By the end, they were sharing smutty jokes and

We are here to make the number up, eat cake and increase bar profits. Annie got the last bit of her speech wrong though. It went something like this. “We have a guy doing a Rock and Roll disco after. I’ll show you a move or two. You have to have a go at that, Garry loves to dance.” You’re doing me a favour, Chas keeps palming me off on Garry, he’s not a bad dancer but I like dancing with my husband.

“OK, Annie. I’ll give it a go.”

We won our rink! With some very skillful bowling by one of our league, skips he managed to lose a few shots by inches so we engineered an honourable draw. just how a friendly should end.

I ate far too much cake. I ate far too much tea, sandwiches chicken legs, Annies mince pies and sausage rolls are to die for.

I saw a little of Vee’s sharper side. Only a hint but she let me know in no uncertain terms she expected me to be in a fit state with the cake and beer to be able to cut the proverbial rug with her. Sitting it out and holding on to a full tummy was not an option.

Tommy was brilliant but for god’s sake don’t tell him I said that. And a superb time was had by all. Tommy uses the same computer and DJ software package as I do so I spelled him a bit while he chucked Lucy, his missus around the floor a bit.

We swapped about a bit and we all let Dick Marsh have a dance with our respective ladies. The first time Vee came back from one of Dick’s onslaughts she collapsed onto one of the couches between me and Chas in fits of giggles.

It’s like dancing with an octopus. Did you mind said, Chas? We can have a word. Don’t you dare? I’m going back for my fair share as soon as I get my breath back. I interrupted Dick’s grip for a dance. I asked if she was sure she was OK with him.

I’ve told him anything outside my knickers is OK if he tries to get anything inside I’ll knee him in his plumbs and tell you. To be honest he is as good as gold. Not a perfect gentleman but who in the hell wants a perfect gentleman? I like him, he is a funny old man. He keeps saying you are a lucky man with threpnies like that to play with. I don’t understand that. Threepenny bits love, it’s rhyming slang. It’s What we commoners call bosoms! I looked over when Vee was having her last dance with the old boy. she was laughing her tits off they were doing what is called a sweetheart move. the guy holds the lady’s hands just above her shoulders and on the beat gives her an air kiss on each side of her head. as I said Vee was laughing her tits off, and Dick was manly doing his best to hold them in the correct position.

“You sure you’re OK with him”?

“Yes darling. I’ve told him that’s his last dance tonight though. Poor old sod is wheating like an old steam train. If I’d met him last week I’d have taken him outside and given him a blow job. I’ll give you a blow job tonight instead.”


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