The next couple of hours that she sat in the class after the lunch break was pure torture. She kept on glancing at her phone, wondering if and when he will text. She was in a daze and had to pinch herself to convince herself that this was real. Her phone vibrated during the last hour, and she almost jumped. Cautiously, she took out the phone and sure enough, it was a message from Varun.
‘Meet me after class. Canteen.’ That was it. Short and on point. She wondered if she should go. Perhaps he would never text her again. Afterall, it not like he has anything over her. Yet something inside her wanted to meet and talk to him. Varun was her first encounter of a real physical person who is into gyms as herself. She felt liberated talking to him. By the time the bell rang, she had made up her mind to go and meet him.
She Walked briskly to the canteen and wondered what he has to say. She found him, and she sat herself opposite to him, across the table. She found it hard tomeet his eyes and wondered if she should have come.
“What would you like to have?” he asked her finally, breaking the ice.
“Nothing. Why did you call me here?” she asked, gaining composition.
“I already told you why.” he replied in a matter of fact tone.
She remembered that he had asked her to be his submissive.
“I am not sure.” she replied.
“I understand. You haven’t done something like this in person. This is your first time. So it is quite understandable that you might have some reservations. I am not here to force you to do anything you wouldn’t like. If you do not want this lifestyle, if you do not crave this lifestyle… You may walk away now and thats the end of this story.” Varun explained.
There was a momentary silence and Catherine slipped to deep thoughts. Varun sat back and took a deep breath. He really wanted her. But he was mature enough to know what matters is her decision. It is her choice. It was evident that Catherine was goingThrough an intense struggle with herself. She wanted to walk away, yet she found herself firmly seated on the chair. Finally she gathered strength and without replying, stood up and walked away from him.
Varun was pretty disappointed. He kept watching her and was surprised when she stopped walking. He saw her shake her head. Then she slowly turned back and walked back to him. She sat down.
“I thought you were leaving.” he told her.
“I thought too.” she replied, not pleased with herself.
“But here we are.” he replied, as if talking to himself.
“I want to try. But i am not sure.” she replied.
“Now now, Everything will be fine. You would like to try right? That is good enough. I am here to guide you.” he assured her.
she tried to put on a smile.
“Now that we have decided we want each other as master and sub, how would you like to address me?” he asked her.
“Address you?” she asked, confused.
“Yes. Since i am your master, you cannot call me by my name. You are to address me with respect. Generally the words used by subs are sir, master or daddy. You may pick one and stick with it. Whichever you are comfortable with.” Varun explained patiently.
“sir.” she replied softly.
“What?” he asked her, even though he heard her the first time.
“Sir.” she answered again.
“Louder, sub.” he replied.
She noticed that he had that commanding tone this time and immediately felt weak.
“Sir. I will call you sir.” she replied, a bit louder this time.
“Good girl.” he replied and she blushed immediately.
“Now lets set some ground rules. These are important for you to function as sub. These rules are your new bible. We are now going to negotiate what you want in this relationship. This is how i do things. You may tell me anything and everything. And don’t worry about me judging you. I wont. Is this clear?” he asked her.
“Yes.” she replied.
“Yes what, sub?” he asked her.
“Yes sir.” she replied.
“Good girl. Remember that the next time.” he told her.
“So do you have a notebook?” he asked her.
“Yes.” she replied and immediately corrected herself. “Yes sir” she replied again, obviously proud that she remembered to call him sir.
“Good girl. You are a quick learner, aren’t you?” Varun asked, in a matter of fact tone.
“Yes sir.” she replied.
“Well i like a quick learner.” he compiled her and she smiled.
“May i ask you something?” she asked.
“Yes.” he gave her permission.
“I just know your name. Please tell me about you.” she asked.
“I am not too good at introductions. what would you like to know?” he asked.
“Which course are you studying here? How old are you? where do you reside?” she throw some questions at him in a single breath.
“Well that is a lot of questions. Hmm… I am studying here. Second year. I am 20 years old. I am residing here itself, in Aluva.” he replied, answering her every query.
She gasped. That was when she realized he was younger than her. She was 22 years old and she thought he was also pursuing post graduation.
“You are younger than me.” she exclaimed.
“Yeah. So?” he asked her.
“I don’t know how that makes me feel.” she replied.
“Look at me.” he told her. His voice was calm.
She slowly met his gaze.
“I don’t care if you are older. It doesn’t matter. I am here as a dom and you are here as a sub. The moment you accept me as your master, i own you. Your body is mine, your mind is mine. You strip when i tell you to. You do what i tell you to do. I am in control. I can handle that. And i will always put you first.” he told her.
And just like that, she felt her worries getting dissolved in to thin air. She realized he knows what he is doing and accepted her position as his sub.
“Alright. I will be your sub. What are the rules?” she asked.
“Take a fresh notebook.” he told her.
She had a notebook, which was fresh. She took it out.
“Before you begin..What is your name?” he asked her.
“I told you, my name is Catherine.” she replied.
“I know that sub. Who are you in this relationship?” he asked again, amused.
“I am your sub..” she replied and felt her face go red.
“Yes, that you are.” he replied. So write in the name section of the first page of the notebook “Master V’s Submissive”..he told her.
She felt her hands shivering when she sat there in the canteen and wrote it down in the book.
“Take a fresh page. The next page after your name are for rules. So write down the heading ‘Rules’, he told her.
She wrote it down.
“Now i am going to tell you some rules you are to follow. lets discuss each. If you find any issues or disappoint at any of these rules, tell me immediately. Lets talk it out. This is a negotiation. So i want you to actively participate in it. Understood?” he asked her.
“Yes sir.” she replied, this time more sure of her role.
He smiled. He liked hearing her call him sir. He liked her eagerness.
“Alright. The first rule.’I am catherine and i belong to master Varun. My body and mind is his. I submit myself to him.’ This is the first rule. Do you want to add or reduce anything from this?” he asked her.
“No sir..” she replied.
“Good. write it down. This is the first rule.” he told her and watched her, writing it down. He noticed casually that she was wearing a beautiful set of earrings. He liked its design.
“I am done, sir.” she she she woke him up from his thoughts.
“Alright.’I will not pleasure myself without his permission.’ This is the second rule. Do you touch yourself Catherine.?” he asked her.
She felt shy, suddenly. She realized that he had complete right over her to ask these personal questions.
“Yes, sometimes.” she replied, still shy about admitting it.
“From now on, you are not allowed to touch yourself without my permission. Do you understand?” he asked her.
“Yes sir..” she replied.
“Do you know why?” he asked her.
She thought about it for sometimes and replied “Because my body is yours..”
“Yes. That is right, sub. Your body is mine. I decided, when you are to get pleasure. Can you promise me not to pleasure yourself unless i let you?” he asked again.
“Yes sir..” she replied.
“Good girl..” he compiled her.
She smiled, and realized she craved to be called a good girl. His good girl.
“But you are not with me 24*7. So how will you know if I touch myself?” she asked.
“I wouldn’t. That is the point. I have no idea to know if you are cheating on these rules. I trust you. You break that trust, shame on you. And you should know this, Trust isn’t easy to earn and you break my trust once, i will never trust you. So at the end of the day, the question is, will you give up easily or fight against your urges to follow these rules?” he asked her.
“Idon’t know. I will try.” she replied, and he smiled at her.
“So we have written down two rules. BDSM is different to each person and relationship. The degree, intensity and approaches changes with people and their relationships. As far as i am concerned, no BDSM relationships are alike. I like to stay connected to you throughout, Emotionally and physically. I understand it isn’t easy to submit. So the third rule is, ‘I promise to talk to my master about any worries or fears i may have and i will always be loyal to him.’ You may talk to me about anything and it need not be just about BDSM. I want you to tell me your dreams, your hopes, your ambitions. I want you to know i am here to support you and listen to you. You are mine. Understood?” he explained patiently.
“Yes sir..” she replied.
“Then tell me…what is the third rule?” he asked her.
“I promise to talk to my master about any worries or fears i may have and i will always be loyal to him..” she repeated hiswords.
“Yes. Never forget that” he told her.
She nodded.
“What are you waiting for then? Write it down.” he told her and she quickly ranted it down.
“The fourth rule is safe word. Do you know what a safe word is?” he asked her.
“Yes. It is something that the subs use to inform their masters that they cannot continue a particular task or cannot handle the pain etc.” she replied.
“Yeah. almost right. You may use a Bdsm safe word when you cannot continue a task anymore. I would go easy on you when you use that word. But never misuse the word, sub. Pick a word you want to use as safe word.” he told her.
She thought for a while. Finally she replied “Caterpiller.”
“Caterpiller…That is an interesting choice. Are you sure you want to use it? perhaps something simpler that is easy to shout out?” he asked her for confirmation.
“I want to use the word caterpiller.” she replied.
“Alright. Your choice. Caterpiller it is. so the fourth rule is ‘I will never misuse my safe word, Caterpiller, and only use it when its absolutely necessary.’ Clear?
“Yes sir.. She replied.
“Alright. so we have written four basic rules which are simple and easy to follow. That is enough for now. Here is what you are going to do. You are going to go home. Take a bath,complete your assignments or studies if any and text me at 8 pm today. Lets talk more and set some more rules.” he told her.
“Okay sir..” replied.
“Alright. You may leave. And keep an eye on your phone. I will be texting you.” Varun told Catherine. she blushed again.
“Wait.. before you go. I want you to do something for me.”he told her.
“Yes..” she replied.
“I am going to give you a task and you are going to do this like a good girl you are..”
“Okay..” she replied.
“Go to the toilet. Remove your panties. wear the dress back. Hand me the panties when you comeback to this hall. Something to remember you by, till tomorrow. You may go home without the panties.” he told her. His voice was firm and she knew he mean everything he said.
She gasped, thinking about it.
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