Vanilla Melts

Jewell was having dinner at a small, intimate restaurant near his town. Not in his town, but close enough for her to think about him. Shaking her head to clear thoughts of him, she tried to focus on her date. Her date, Lowell, was very attentive and excited. Lowell should probably be upgraded to boyfriend instead of just date. They had been seeing each other for over six months and he was definitely into her. She often feel pangs of guilt thinking of just how much more he feel for her than she felt for him. It was just that obvious. She wondered if it were obvious to all their friends and family too. So once, she asked one of her besties.


“Angie, I have a question. Do you think Lowell is too into me?” she asked.

Angie was in mid-sip of her tea and spit it across the room, laughing. “Girl his nose is soooo up your ass, if you have any news, he will be the very first to know!”

“ANGIE!!!” she howled back.

“Girl let’s face it,” Angie started, “this relationship is just rebound. You can’t make it more than it is. I’m sorry. Lowell is a nice guy, but he has to know he’s rebound man!”

“That’s just it…I don’t think he does.” Jewell said negatively.


Back to the present, she made herself nod and try to listen to whatever Lowell was saying. She had zoned out a little too long. Lowell was definitely excited about something and he kept promising her a surprise later on in the evening.

Just as the waiter brought their food, she paused to say her grace and frozen with her hands in prayer position. He was here! In the restaurant. She knew it as she knew her name. She had often felt him, but when she looked he was never there. This time he was there. Just as she was about to confess herself that it was Just her imagination, she felt someone at her back, over her left shoulder and looked at Lowell as he looked up to their visitors.

“Chikara.” He almost whispered.

She closed her eyes. It hadhave been over a year since she had seen or heard him. Chikara was his pet name for her. She wanted to sink under the table as Lowell’s eyes bore a thousand questions to her.

In an attempt to regain her cool, she cleared her throat and spoke his nickname clearly. “Sli.” It took all in her not to say “Master.”

That is what he had been to her. Her Master. Now he’d “caught” her over a year later, with her ultra vanilla boyfriend. She had asked for her release, saying she couldn’t cope with the intensity of the relationship. He assured her that she would be back. However, she swore she never would. Swore she could deal with vanilla and find a way to be happy with it.

“Wow, funny seeing you here. We used to love this place. Introduction me to your friend.” Sli said with a hint of laugh in his voice.

HI, I’m Lowell, her boyfriend.” Lowell stood up and put extra bass in his voice.

Even at Lowell’s full height, Sli managed to tower over him. A fact that wasn’t lost on Sli by the smile on his face when the vanilla boyfriend stood.

“Hello Lowell. My name is Sli, I am Chikara’s former…err… boyfriend.” Sli held out his right hand while looking at Jewell. “This is my sub Tracie.”

Sli moved slightly so Tracie could be seen. She nodded but remained silent. Jewell tried not to let her jealousy show. She was, however, pleased to hear him say sub and not slave.

“Your sub?” Lowell questioned.

“Yes. You’re not familiar with the term? I’m not surprised. Ask Chikara to explain it to you. Nice meeting you my man, but our table is ready. Chikara, good to see you again. Later.” and Sli walked away with Tracie following closely behind.

As soon as Lowell sat back down the questions began. “Why did he keep calling you that name? How long did you two date? How close were you? When did you last see him? What is a sub?”

Jewell told, suddenly not hungry anymore, she began, “Lowell we ended our relationship over a year ago. This is the first time we’ve seen each other since then. And Chikara was just a pet name he had for me.”

Jewell looked down at her plate, hoping those answers would pacify Lowell. Lowell looked down at his plate in an effort not to ask any questions. He could tell she was annoyed and didn’t want to ruin their evening and his plans.

Jewell managed to make small talk throughout the rest of dinner. Very aware Sli was somewhere in the restaurant, she knew he was somewhere he could watch her. She felt his eyes on her. Lowell had ordered a chocolate dessert for the two of them to share and he began to get really antsy. When the dessert arrived she noticed a twinkle near the cherry and realized it was an engagement ring sitting on top of their death by chocolate.

“OH Damn!” was the first thought that crossed Jewell’s mind.

Just when she looked up at Lowell’s shit-eating grin she heard a clearing of the throat. Saved by the bell, she turned her head hoping it was their waiter. No such luck. It was Sli.

“I hate to interrupt my man. But I wonder if I could talk to your lady for a second? I promise not to hold her long.”

Jewell heard the sarcasm in Sli’s voice. She knew he’d seen the ring too. “Lowell, I will be right back. This will be a very short conversation.” Jewell was up and walking away before Lowell could object.

Sli gently guided her by her elbow to two seats near the end of the bar area. “Your timing couldn’t have been any worse Sli.” Jewell said sadly.

“My timing seemed to be perfect. I bought you some time before breaking that man’s heart.” He chuckled.

“And what makes you think I am going to break his heart? You are so arrogant!” she huffed.

Taking a deep breath and rubbing his temple, Sli stared at Jewell long and hard. He knew “it” was still there. Their connection was still there. He felt it and he knew she felt it too. He had to maintain his cool, but the stress was starting to show on his face. He had been more than patient. Over three hundred and sixty-five days without his slave. Over three hundred and sixty-five days with poor imitations. Submissives who barely held his attention a few weeks. This was fate that they saw each other again tonight, tonight when his vanilla “substitution” was going to propose.

“Chikara I am tired of this. It has been a year. You have played with this man’s Feelings long enough. Does he even know the real you? Are you done? My patience is wearing thin. It is time Chikara.”

“Time for what?” she starred blankly at her former Master, the true love of her life, attempting to stall.

“So mine, you wish me to grab the back of your hair in this restaurant and drag you out of here or would you rather walk out on your own?”

Jewell’s temperature and lust instantly rose both at the same time. How dare he! But her body betrayed her and she hoped he could not smell her lust flowing down to soak her panties.

“Look, I told you. I am done. You have the nervous to ask me if I am done. You’re here with your flavor of the month! What will you do with her?” Jewell spat.

“Come home and see.” Sli smiled, hiding his announcement with his slave, but smelling her arousal. He wanted to smile. Let her know he smelled that all familiar chocolate aroma of the love of his life, his slave.

Jewell raised her right hand to smoke him, but before she could make contact he quickly grabbed her by the wrist.

Pulling her closely to his lips, he threatened, “Chikara, you know I care nothing of making a damn scene. Enough is fucking enough! I was going to allow you to the end of the year, and then come claim what is mine. Yes, I know where you live. I have known your every move. I know you have felt me ​​at various times this past year. Did you think I would just leave you? I promised you I never would. I am a man of my word. You know this.”

Jewell felt her resolve start to melt. She still loved this man and she so wanted to follow his command and go home with him right then. But she had to remain strong. She attempted to pull her wrist back from him when he yanked a little harder.

“Think I’m playing pet? Oh hell no. You will pay for this later. For now, we will walk back to your table and explain to Mr. Vanilla Ice cream that his future had changed. Yes?”

Jewell subtly dropped her eyes and nodded. She Couldn’t fight it anyway. His touch was driving her crazy. This was her man, her Master. She had to return to his strong arms. Sli planted a small kiss on her wrist where he had squeezed so hard and heard her sight. He could not wait to get her back into his arms.

Just as he was about to stand up and escort her back to her table, Lowell appeared at the bar and witnessed the wrist kiss.

“Jewell what is going on? This was supposed to be our special night and you are spending time over here with your blast from the past. You are a former boyfriend for a reason, homeboy!” Lowell blasted.

Jewell would’ve laughed at Lowell’s attempt at aggression if the situation hadn’t been so uncomfortable. Sli looked her dead in her eyes and began to talk to Lowell. His eyes never left her.

“Lowell, my man, I am truly sorry, but your night is about to take a turn for the worse. Jewell has decided to come back to me, my man. She regrets hurting you, but this must be done.”

Lowell Instantly became irate. “You’re here with another woman and you intend to take mine? Jewell tell this fool he is crazy.”

Jewell refused to look Lowell in the eye. She knew that she didn’t have to and she knew Sli didn’t want her to.

“I’m sorry man. But just take this like a man and walk away. Pack your ring away for someone who wants it. My Chikara can’t marry you. Remember when you asked what a sub was? Tracie is..was.. My submissive. That means she enjoys letting me dominate her. Chikara is my slave. That means she wishes me to Master her life and love. We are one. She thought she couldrun from her feelings, but has realized my love for her is greater than her doubt in herself. Again, we are sorry you have got caught up in the cross fire, but let’s not make a scene. I like this place.”

“Jewell? Jewell?” Lowell implored.

Sli squeezed her hand and she looked up at him. He nodded and only then did Jewell turn to Lowell. “Lowell, I am sorry. I never meant to hurt you, but I don’t feel as strongly for you like you feel for me. Please forgive me. This was not planned, but he’s right. I belong with him.” she managed a weak smile for Lowell and a bigger one for her Master.

Lowell glared at her a second and then stomped off back to the table, grabbed his ring and chased down the waiter for their check and blasted out of the restaurant.

“Master?” Jewell asked.

“Yes my girl, she will be dismissed right now.” Sli read her mind. He looked over to his table and saw Tracie watching everything unfold. He summoned her to him with a nod of his head. When Tracie reached the bar, Sli turned to her, but never took his hands off his Chikara.

“Tracie, it is time for you to move on love. You are a wonderful lady, but Chikara is my slave. I require no other. Thank you for your service. Please enjoy your dinner and I will call a car to take you home. Good nite love.”

Tracie just stood there with her mouth open in shock. As if waiting to be dismissed, she stared at Sli. He stood up from the barstool and held out his hand for Jewell. She scooted down from the stool and took his hand as he led her out of the restaurant. Only stopping to pay for Tracie’s meal and order his car from the valet, Sli’s smile lit up the restaurant. After the valet produced his car and he had deposited his slave in the front seat with her dress raised perfectly on her thighs did he take a deep breath.

“Chikara, open the glove box please.” he instructed his slave before driving off.

Jewell opened the glove compartment and saw a long black jewelry box. She looked at her Master and he nodded for her to open it. Inside was her collar, a heart-shaped gold locket that read “HIS” S.L.I., on the front. She handed it to him and lowered her head. He slowly and lovingly placed it on her neck again, for the last time. He pulled off to take them home.

“Master, I’m starving!” Chikara laughed.



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