Vanilla to Submissive

They had met several times in a local bar, she found him witty and charming company, and of course attractive. She had summoned up the courage to give him her phone number, he had rung, inviting her around for drinks, he had made very sure that she was comfortable with this, saying it was ok for her to ring her friend any time she chose and offering to give her a lift home. She felt nervous, but so much wanted to be alone with him that she agreed.

Now she sat on a black leather couch in his simple living room, the minimum of clutter, just a roaring fire making the room warm and a large television,

They had chatted about work and life and he had joked, making her feel relaxed. Her first wine gave her a warm feeling and she relaxed more, contemplating how the evening would go, enjoying his company and his words.

“Another wine?” he said politely.

“Sure,” She replied, as he stood from the couch and walked to the kitchen.

“May I take my shoes off, ” she saidas he walked away, he glanced back at her

“Of course you can,” he said, continuing to the kitchen.

She lent down and began to remove her training shoes, pondering for a second she felt a small pang of appreciation; should she remove her socks also she thought, wondering if he would view this strangely. She was always barefoot at her own house, but it felt strange contemplating going barefoot in a strangers house, she did not know why but she felt to be barefoot with this man was comfortable but also strangely sexual. She smiled and removed her socks also; placing them in her training shoes and gliding her bare toes across his expensive carpet.

Her attention was drawn to the Television, playing an old Arabian Knights type film. She sipped her wine as she watched a Belly Dancer entertaining the villains of the film. They drank and jeered at her, playing the stereotypical villains of such films. The dancer shrieked as the hero appeared under the tent unknown to the villains, the dancer ran Out of the tent, the Leader of the villains snarled out “Find that Dancer and have her flogged.”

The girl had a brief pang of a sexual flush, hoping to see this. The film was a children’s film made in the mid 1950’s, she knew there would be no chance of seeing anything sexual. She briefly pictured herself as the dancer running through the tents pursued by the villains, only to be caught and taken back, stripped and whipped as the villains leered at her. The hero began a fight with the leader and the moment was lost.

He re-entered the room, holding a glass of wine and soft drink for himself, seeing the barefoot girl on his couch made his shake swell, such a simple thing, but to him the first signs of bringing out his mastery. She was a nice girl; he was reluctant to spoil the evening by trying anything on, fearing losing the chance to develop sexual relationship with her.

“Take it slow,” he said to himself. He decided to make a joke, secretly testing her, “Find that Dancer and have her flogged!” he barked, mimicking the films character. She chucked at his comic act and smiled.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm” she said suggestively, passing it off with a laugh.

“Do you like this sort of thing?” He said referring to the film

She jumped inside, thinking he had read her mind, but then realising he was talking about the film.

She laughed, “Oohhh no, I’m just laughing at you” she lied, trying to mask that fact that his words had excited her. She felt herself blushing, now feeling more sexual. She felt that this man would behave like a gentleman, and to get him to become physical She would have to encourage him. She so much wanted to kiss him but was fearful he would reject her.

He sat down still smiling, giving her the wine.

“Thank you Master,” she said without thinking, taking the wine. She tried to cover this up by mimicking more of the film, stroking her bare foot down his shin, Suggestively looking him in the eye.

“And how may I please you Master” she said, half joking. She blushed.

He laughed again, secretly his manhood stirred as this girl began to turn him on. He unexpected, speaking his mind, hoping to mask it with a joke if she did not respond.

“You can finish your wine and kiss me if you like” He smiled closing his eyes and placing his hands behind his head, so he would Not see her shocked reaction, if it came.

She smiled, and quickly finished her wine; taking the initiative she swept her leg over and straddled him. She had waited for this moment and wasn’t going to waste it, hoping he would appreciate her boldness. His eyes lit up as he felt her, she leaned forward and gave him a long kiss using her tongue. She felt his strong hands touch her naked heels with his palms, his fingers pushed down the soles Of her feet and came to rest under her toes. Her sexual heat was fired; she began to kiss him more and more, the moment taking her. His hands massed her bare feet as he became more erect; she kissed down his neck, feeling him becomes powerful. She smelt his fine aftershave as she kissed further down his chest. He ran his hands down her smooth arms as he len forward kissing her neck. He moved down to kiss between her breasts as he contemplated a brief test. With a firm but gentle movement he gripped her wrists and pinned them behind her, kissing between her breasts and Noting her reaction. She moaned with pleasure and showed no resistance, grinding on him now, as she began to feel controlled. Her inner desires coming out, though she was shocked at his action.

“Does that feel good?” he asked, ready to release her wrists at he first negative word.

“Mmmmmmmmm” she responded favourably.

Feeling her wetness build at his powerful skill, this was more than she had hoped for, this gentleman was quite something underneath. She decided to test him herself, giving him a strong hint, hoping she would not be misunderstood.

“I love to be controlled, she said, from her heart as she slipped into her natural submission.

“Really?” he responded. His eyes flashing.

“Tell me your desires, he said”

She pondered, feeling flushed and self-conscious, trying to conceal what she really wanted. But her words betrayed her.

“I want you to enslave me,” she said.

He smiled, feeling able to ask more know, she had expressed a desire, so the fear of rejection, the fear of the evening being ruined had gone. He looked directly into her eyes and said

“Say the word RED to stop me at any time,”

She smiled and nodded, her heart jumping as something she had always dreamed of might actually happen.

He looked seriously at her, speaking in a soft hiss

“I want you the strip naked and stand before me with Your hands behind your head”

She beamed and blushed and nodded that this was ok.

He sat back and watched as she removed her clothes, her blossom, jeans, bra, and panties. The warmthof the room, making her naked body blush as he stood before him. She placed her hands behind her head, as her firm breasts pushed out, nipples hardening, Her groin wet now, her cliporis swelling and pulsing. Such wonderful humiliation, she thought as she watched his eyes gaze over her naked body. She felt no shame but felt free and deeply sexual, panting, wondering what this wonderful man would do next. He stood and began to walk around her, inspecting her, she moaned softly as she was subjected to his gaze. She felt comfortable and deeply desired, confident to allow this man to do anything to her. He smiled as he stood in front of her, cupping her naked breasts and fondling them. Her nipples rising under his smooth warm palms. His hand descended, as he began to slowly rub her erect cliporis, she moaned her breasts heaving As she felt his hand begin to control her with pleasure.

He spoke, seeking reassurance and approval.

“Is this ok? are you comfortable?”

“Oooooooohhh yessss” she hissed back, loving every second of this.

His expert finger probed, slowly slipping inside her as he found her erogenous zones. He spoke softly, while he massaged her pleasure shooting through her, her body made alive by his magic touch.

“Tell me what you wish for?” He said, seeking her instruction as to what she wanted. She felt deeply aroused, she was controlled by this man, but Also she could decide. She hastily thought through her dreams, her desires, she was sure she could have all she wanted From this man, but was also fearful of her own desires. Her sexual heat was intense now She felt like her whole body was electrified with password, almost trembling with it. She closed her eyes and let herself speak her desires, feeling freedom as she spoke.

“I want to be chained, punished and then used by you as a slave” she moaned out.

Excited by her own words. Still panting hard, her body on fire as she realized her dream, feeling deeply sexual And lustful, as this beautiful man took her into submission. A place she had long to go for such a long time.

He smiled, “Very Well” he said confidently. “I have something to show you,” He said softly.

He turned and went off into another room. Leaving her stood, naked hands behind head, trembling with pure sexual excitement and appreciation. She wondered what she had agreed to, her mind contemplated what he would bring. She licked her lips in anticipation; he was obviously well practiced in this, she was fearful Yet trusted him completely. Already feeling very much controlled, she waited, not moving, ripples of excitement running Through her, She had never felt such excitement, it was boiling inside her, all her fansies coming together, given to her by this extraordinary man.

He went into his spare room, contemplating what he would do with this wonderful girl. Pleased that he had identified her submissive nature accurately. She was obviously a first timer; he would adapthis play to suit her. He selected his chain box, pondered as he looked at his suede slave whip. He decided the whip might frighten her so he dismissed its use. His manhood was erect now, as he felt the high sexual tension build in him as he contemplated the coming events

She heard him return, he appeared before her holding a velvet-covered case. He opened it to reveal three items; a set of Medieval Style broad banded Manacles for the wrists and ankles, and a slim leather collar and lean.

He produced the Wrist Manacles and she gazed at them, almost reaching orgasm at their sight. Such beautiful things, so much like she had imagined. He sought approval.

“Do you like?” He said smiling

“Ooohhhhhhhhh yesssss” she hissed, “I like.”

He held the chains in his hand and slowly moved around to her rear. Her heart was pounding now as she instinctively moved her wrists behind her, to be shackled. Waiting in anticipation, looking upward as she waited to be chained.

He looked at her wrists next to her firm buttocks, slender hands waiting for his bonds. He slipped the first on gently, She gasped in pleasure as the cool metal touched her warm skin. He locked the first as she let out a gasp of pleasure excitement. She felt the other encircle the wrist, noting the short chain between them, she gasped again as she felt it lock. Her wrists now secured behind her. She saw him take the ankle Fetters, and again he walked behind her. His hands slipping the first around her smooth ankle. Her toes flexed in excitement as her bare feet became bound. He gritted his teeth with pleasure as he locked the first into place on her beautiful ankle. Noting the contrast between the delicate female ankle, and the harsh masculine steel.

She looked down briefly as he snapped the second onto her, ritually tugging the chain to test its security. She looked at the steel on her slender feet, and moved a little, hearing a glorious click from the chains. She was almostt breathless now, her first orgasm building. He returned to her front, confidently taking the leather collar, he was hesitant as he suspected Something going round her neck would frighten her. She looked him in the eye, confidently now, feeling her submissive character burst out.

“Leash me Master,” she purred.

He slipped the smooth leather around her neck and locked it in place. She was totally Secure now, and she felt it, totally under the control of this powerful man. He gripped the chain of the leash and pulled her forward, she noticed his shirt was unbuttoned His solid chest bare and inviting. She obeyed the silent instruction and began kissing his nipples, rolling her tongue around them As he held her chain. She let out a long moan of delight as her first orgasm now ripped through her. Licking his chest faster as her submission over took her. She was hungry now, she wanted more, she wanted to experience all he could offer. Her orgasm rocked her, causing her to shake. In her normal life she was always in control, always the one to make decisions, now she was in this mans chains, vulnerable to his will. It feel wonderful, freeing. Her lust spoke for her.

“Punish me Master,” she almost begged.

He hesitated, “Why should I punish you girl, you have obeyed me faultlessly.”

She looked up at him with hungry eyes.

“I want to be punished so I know my place, so I know what it feels like.”

He smiled, as he thought, “A spanking would be appropriate as an experience.”

He felt the pulse of delight as he contemplated spanking someone who had such a desire.

Recent he did not need to issue instructions, he simply sat on the couch and pulled her lean downwards forcing her to knee He gripped her hair as she again gasped. Pulling her over his knee so her naked breasts rubbed on his trousers. He paused a moment to look over her body. Her beautiful smooth skin, complementing his chains, her feet were together, her slim smooth soles displaying femininity and submission. The sole of the foot is rarely seen, even in pornography, he revealed in the display regarding it as ultimate yielding

She felt his hand on her hair holding her in place, steering in the image of her own chained body. Feeling deeply submissive and vulnerable. She guessed that he would spank her; again this was a dream of hers. She flexed her toes in anticipation as her second orgasm developed. She knew when her punishment would commence she would explode violently and gush her pleasure. She felt his hand smooth over her firm buttocks, she trembled with anticipation.

She felt his hand grip her hair tighter as he drew his powerful soft hand back. Her chains closed, as she was ready, mentally she was slipping into another world.

WACK, his hand hit her squarely on the buttons. She moaned with pleasure as she felt the burning sensing of pain quickly dull. WACK another making her open her mouth and scream silently. He paused allowing the impact to spread into a warm glow. She could feel his shake against her flat chest, hard now as he spanked her. She could smell his excitement, and retired her chained body being used by him in this way. WACK his smooth hand hit her again, she let out a louder moan, tempted to goad him into beating her harder, calling herself humiliating names. She decided to enjoy the punishment, steering in the warm glow of her buttocks and the hot blush of humiliation. WACK again he struck her buttocks red now and on fire with the heat. Her toes curled in pleasure again, as she let the heat see through her. WACK his final blow unleashed her orgasm; she bucked as it ripped through her, more powerful than the first as it was fuelled by her punishment. She drowned in pleasure as she thought this was exactly as she had imagined. The mixture of pleasure pain humiliation and control drive her into a sexual ecstasy she had never known. Her body also fueled by the endorphins produced by her body,to reward her for enduring such a torment.

She was sexually hungry now, wanting more again. He lifted her and pulled her to face him as she kneeeled. She panted hard still writing from her orgasm, she felt like a chained sexual beast, and a hungry one. He sat back on the couch, her leanh in his hand. She looked at him with fiery eyes, looking at the bulge in his trousers. His erection produced by her naked body, her chains and her punishment.

She gasped as he slowly undid his trousers, then she saw his shake for the first time. It was a magnificent sight, smooth and clean and so hard, she licked her lips, hoping and anticipating.

His hand slowly began to stroke it as he held her lean. She remained still waiting to be instructed, still feeling the warm glow on her naked buttons. Her mind a whirl now, she so wanted to please him. She was unsure of his intention, was he going to masturbate in front of her?

“Oh god” she thought “how I would want to see that.”

Her question was answered by him as she contemplated asking if she could taste him. She felt her lean pull forward, and she followed willingly. Another silent instruction. She prepared to please him, her wrists chained behind her; she could only use her mouth. She retired this thought, alive with sexual lust.

The tension on her lean drew her to his smooth balls, she looked up at him lustfully, feeling deeply submissive, aching to please him. Her tongue began lapping his balls as his head went back in pleasure. She changed her position and licked his balls rapidly, driven by her own lust. She had given oral sex to men before and enjoyed it, but always in the darkness and never like this. She looked at his shake as she licked, noting its beauty, looking up at him to see him relaxed in pleasure. His hand still firmly holding her leash.

She felt owned, secure and feel a deep need to please him. Her toes curled again in her chains as she worked her tongue up his smooth shaft, then down again to his balls. He snarled softly as she worked, complementing her lustful moans as she worked to release his orgasm. Her tongue flicked over the head causing his legs to tremble, she rolled her tongue around the head as she felt his hand tighten on the leash. She was obviously pleasing him. She altered position again and swallowed his shake, feeling it warm on the inside of her mouth. She began a rhythm, up and down pleasure him, milking his shake. She bobbed faster and faster, inwardly smiling as she heard her chains click with the rhythm. She withdrawn and circled the head again, he bucked under the enormous pleasure she was giving him. She swallowed him again, her lips moving over the head and shake as her mouth drive him to orgasm. Many times she had feared swallowing a mans seed, but her excitement was such that she had no fear. Accepting in her submission that she would be expected to swallow his semen, she greedily sucked now, driven by lust, as she wanted so much to see and feel his orgasm. The tension in his shake told her it was near, she deep throated now, almost in a frenzy.

She gasped in surprise as she felt him pull the leash sharply up as he pushed her back onto her heels. She panted deeply as her eyes were fixed on his shake. Wondering why he had stopped her when he was so close. She ached now, her cliporis quivering. She was transfixed on his smooth manhood, sensing it was fit to burst. She flexed her chained wrists as she watched.

And then his manhood exploded, She shrieked joy as her eyes flashed wide open, as she saw the pure white fluid shoot out in powerful bursts. He grew and bucked as he ejaculated, her third orgasm rippled through her as she came at the sight of this wonderful spectacle. Pulse after pulse shot forth like hot oil. A burst hit her neck and the hot fluid dribbled down over her left breast. He laid back spent and dazed as his orgasm fell away.

She looked at his beautiful face, seeing hisforehead drenched in new sweat. Ohhh how she wanted to touch it, but with her hands chained she could not. She wished she could rip herself out of her chains and touch his forehead.

He noticed this and bent forward she dutifully shuffled allowing him to unchain her hands. Immediately she jumped onto the couch and knelt beside him. Running her fingers through his hair wet with sweat as she pursued contented.


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