Valentine Request
Copyright oggbashan January 2022
The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imagine; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.
As my fingers probed and caressed, I was listening for any signs of distress and watching for the safe signal.
So far, all I had heard were very muted squeals of pleasure.
I was on the sittee with a bound, gagged and hooded Anne lying on me as my fingers explored her sex.
Two weeks ago, I had asked Anne what she wanted to do for Valentine’s Day, the first since our marriage last autumn. I didn’t expect her to Ask to go to a restaurant. Neither of us like eating in crowded restaurants with harassed staff, and Valentine’s Day tends to the busiest evening of the year.
But she surprised me.
“Clive? I would like an evening of being your bound and restrained plaything…”
“You’re sure, Anne?”
“Yes. We have done vanilla versions of bondage. For Valentine’s Day, I want the real thing, not minimal bonds that I could easily escape from. I want to be completely helpless.”
“Um. Have we got anything suitable?”
“Yes. I have. They were religiouss of an earlier boyfriend. He bought them for me, but I didn’t really trust him, so they were never used. I’d like to have done, but I was afraid if he made me completely helpless, he would go further than I wanted and wouldn’t honour the safe word or signal. But I trust you, Clive. You have always done what I wanted and no more. I love you for it. So — I want you to use those things on me that night.”
Anne went upstairs and brought down a suitcase that had been under the bed. I had assumed it was empty and under the bed just in case we wanted to go away. It wasn’t empty. Anne opened it and showed me some of the bondage itemsinside. The old boyfriend must have spent a considerable amount of money acquiring them, for them never to be used as he had intended.
Anne took out some of the items one by one and explained how they should be used. I was doubtful. I had never tried strict bondage on anyone, but if that is what Anne wanted? Why not?
That evening we tried some of the items on Anne, one by one, not all Together. But even that aroused Anne to a peak I have never seen before. Although it was still fairly early in the evening Anne dragged me off to bed, pushed me to lie on my back and jumped on me. She rode me furiously with more determined action than she had ever done before. I was her almost passive victim as she rode me, stopping just before I could take no more and then banging away again.
We had made love many times since our marriage, but this evening was the most energetic and it was obvious that Anne was enjoying herself using me. If just trying on some of the bondage items individioally aroused her so much, what would be the effect of using everything?
On the evening of Valentine’s Day, we had a light early meal. Anne didn’t want us to have full stromachs for what was to follow.
I was surprised to see the suitcase on the slottee accompanied by some of Anne’s underwear. She saw me looking, puzzled.
“Clive? The leather hobble dress can stick to my skin if I am wearing nothing underneath, so…”
She peeled off her dress revealing her red satin bra and panties. She knows I get excited whenever she is wearing them. She put on a white satin slip that stopped short of the lower part of her panties, followed by a satin ankle-length waist slip. She pulled the waistband up to her thighs. The lower hem played over the floor around her feet.
“See, Clive, you have access.”
I couldn’t see how until she pulled her panties down to her feet and kicked them away. Yes, then I did have access below the slip on her torso, and above theWait slip that was down around her thighs.
It was a considerable effort from both of us to get the leather hobble dress on. I had to loosen the lacing around her ankles before she could slide her feet through. I tightened it up again. The mermaid frill at the bottom covered her feet. As she started lacing the dress from the neck downwards, I worked up from her ankles.
“Stop there, Clive,” Anne ordered as I was about nine inches below her crotch.
“And now, tighten up here…”
She pulled at the laces over her chest. I heaved each one as tight as I could before laughing the ends at the lower edge of her upper slip. Ann wriggled. Apart from the gap in the lacing, she was tightly squashed into the hobble dress. There was no way she could walk or even totter wearing it. The lower mermaid frill extended beyond her feet.
Anne was wobbling as she stood constrained in that dress. I gently lowered her to sit on the sittee. As her knees and legs bent, the lower partof the hobble dress tightened.
“Clive? There’s a drawstring down there.”
Anne pointed to the mermaid frill. I dropped to my knees and looked. Yes, there was a drawstring at the bottom hem. I pulled it tight and knotted it. Anne’s feet were now bagged in the dress. There was no way she could stand up.
“Roll me over and use the arm glove, please?”
I had to lie Anne along the slottee face down before feeding her arms behind her back into the arm glove. Two straps held across her shoulders. The arm glove needed the laces tightened. Starting at the wrists I yanked the laces tight before knocking them as far up as they would go. Finally, there was a stick beyond her gloved fingers that fastened to a D-loop on the back of the leather dress. Not only were her arms squashed together, but she couldn’t even wriggle them in the arm glove.
“The last couple of items now, Clive. Remember? I won’t be able to say the safe word. You’ll have to watch for my signal if it becomes too much. I don’t think it will. Even this much bondage is making me feel very, very sexy…”
The next item was a big squashy ball gag. I forced it into her mouth and buckled the straws tight around her head. I could just about hear her grunts but nothing intelligent. The straws meant she couldn’t push the ball gag out of her mouth. I was afraid that the straws were too tight, but Anne seemed happy.
The last item was the leather hood. I asked Anne if she was ready. She nodded.
The hood zipped to the neck of the hobble dress. I pulled it up over Anne’s face and started to lace it up starting just above her forehead. As I went, I had to stuff her hair inside. When the back was fully lacened, I tied the lace through the slider of the zip and knotted it.
The mouth on the hood had a cover that buckled across the lips, shaped to force the ball gag deeper. I closed and buckled that. There was another cover that came down across the eyes. I kissed each eye before I covered them and fastened the flap. Anne was now completely encased in leather from beyond her feet to the whole of her head. I pulled her so that she was across my legs with her hooded head on my shoulder.
Gently I inserted a finger through the part where the hobble dress had not been lacened. I felt underneath her slip and probed until one finger was inside a warm wet place. I moved it very gently and I could feel Anne responding. Her hips bucked slightly as if to say ‘More! More!’. I heard very disappoint whimpering sounds through the hood and ball gag.
Gradually I added a couple more fingers and began thrusting with them. Anne’s restrained body was arching as she tried to get more penetration. I teased her by withdrawing and thrusting again until I had put my fingers in as far as they would go. I could feel that Anne’s body was getting warmer and warmer before she started thrashing as the first orgasm hit her. I held on as she understood even more uncontrollable. At times I thoughtI wouldn’t be able to stop her from slipping off me onto the floor because her movements were so frantic. I pushed one arm between her back and the arm glove to give me a better grip.
It seemed that I was hanging on to a thrashing body for a long time but as Anne was enjoying herself, I held her as best I could. Eventually, her frantic movements subsided to slight wriggles, I thought I heard moans of pleasure through the gag. About five minutes after she stopped moving completely. I feel her deliberately raise and lower her bound legs three times, our agreed safe signal. I uncovered her eyes and then the mouth covering.
“What to speak, Anne?” I asked.
She nodded. It took me about ten minutes to remove the hood and ball gag. Anne shook her hair and then croaked ‘Water’. I had expected that. There was a glass of water and a jug with more on the coffee table. I held the glass to her lips. She drank about a quarter.
“Well?” I asked.
“Well? No. Fantastic. Thatwas amazing. I was completely at your mercy, yet you did nothing except what I wanted. I knew I could trust you and I was completely helpless. When I started my first orgasm I couldn’t stop, and they went on and on and on until I was totally lost in them. I’ve never had such an earth-shattering sexual experience. But…”
“When I had gone past my last orgasm, I wanted to do something to you. I couldn’t, of course. I was helpless. But I wanted my mouth full. Not of ball gag, but of your erection…”
“Hooded, blindfolded and gagged, you couldn’t.”
“But I could now my head is free, Clive.”
“OK, Anne, what exactly do you want?”
“Some 69. You mouth down between my legs, my mouth around your erection until…”
“I’m not sure, but we can try.”
It took some heaving around to get Anne’s bound body positioned exactly with her mouth just where she wanted it to be. I had to spread the edges of the hobble dress to get my face and mouthin position. I needed my arms around Anne to keep her in position.
We started slowly. Anne’s mouth was just around me, not trying to suck or lick. My tongue was easy her lower lips apart. It didn’t take long before both of us were aroused. Anne was sucking and licking frantically and banging down on my face, trying to force my tongue further in. I was almost at the point of ejaculation when something unexpected happened. In Anne’s excitement, she had straightened her legs as far as they would. Her bagged feet pushed at the bottom of the hobble dress and the parts around my head were pulled. They closed behind the back of my head. I was trapped with my tongue deep in Anne, my nose and mouth squashed against her and being smoothed by her body.
I couldn’t move my arms holding Anne because she might roll off, and that might hurt my erection. I managed to use the friction of my inner arms to pull her away slightly so I could gulp for breath. I had to repeat that several times because Anne was so engrossed in what she was doing, and what I was doing to her that she couldn’t stop. Struggling to breathe slowed my eruption but Anne’s mouth was so demanding that the delay was less than a minute. As I came, Anne swallowed and slumped over me. Now she was still I could push her body half an inch away and breathe.
“How was that for you, Clive?” she asked.
“Great except I nearly suffocated. My head is trapped in the dress, and I can’t get it out.”
Anne laughed.
“I didn’t intend both of us to be imprisoned at the same time. Does this help?”
She bent her legs slightly, as much as the hobble dress would allow. That means I could extricate my head. I moved her body to be beside mine.
“That’s better. I was really worried. Bound as you are you couldn’t help. I dare not let you go, or you might have slipped. With your mouth surrounding me, I was afraid something might break.”
“But you are OK now?”
“Yes, still panting for brEath but you were amazing.”
“And I enjoyed myself too. But now I would like to be free. After that, I need some coffee and later to go to bed — just to sleep. I’m shattered. I couldn’t take too many evenings like this.”
“But was it what you wanted for Valentine’s Day?”
“Yes, Clive. It was just what I wanted and better than I had expected, Thank you. But…”
“What now?”
“I think that ought to be reserved for special occasions such as next year’s Valentine’s Day, and perhaps the anniversaries of your proposal and our wedding. Three or four times a year would be enough. On my birthday…”
Anne’s birthday is in April.
“…I would like a change, with you as the bound victim.”
“Me? I’d never get into that dress. And with the armbinder? I couldn’t lie on you.”
Anne laughed.
“The stupid boyfriend also bought a hobble dress for himself. That is big enough for you, and the armbinder can be spilt in two and secured to the sides of the dresses. Look.”
Anne wriggled to show the side of the hobble dress. There were several D-rings down the seam. She rolled over to show the other identical side.
“But now I want out and some coffee.”
Getting Anne out of her bond took nearly half an hour. She didn’t help by wriggling sensitively. She took off her two slips and pulled her dress back over her head while I was making the coffee.
When I returned, she held up the long slip.
“On my birthday you would need to wear something under the other hobble dress. This won’t do but I have a shorty nightdress that is far too large for me. I bought it in a sale without realising that the size label was wrong. It should fit you. We’ll try just before we go to bed.”
We did. It would have swirled in folds around her. On me, it was just large enough. Anne folded it up and put it away until her birthday.
I had given Anne exactly what she wanted for Valentine’s Day. But would I enjoy her birthday as muchas she had enjoyed today? I’ll have to wait and see. But I trust Anne as much as she trusts me…
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