
After dusting the house obviously comes the vacuuming. Of course before I vacuum, I take the dust outside, close the door and shake out all the dust, being careful not to let any settlement on my dress or apron. When I finish I will come back inside, carefully wipe my high heel shoes on the door mat and then put the dust away. I do this quickly because it got high up on a shelf and if my mistress is watching she’ll see my balls or my bad boy. If that happens she’ll slap my balls with her crop. Fortunately she was in another room when I put the duster back, so I went to the closet and pulled out the vacuum cleaner.

If I kind of curtsey when I plug in the vacuum cord I can remain ladylike for my mistress and not get a slap on the balls, so today I carefully bent my knees while holding down my dress with one hand and plugging in the plug with the other. Mistress smiled when I finished, so I turned on the vacuum and carefully began pushing it across the carpet. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my mistress watching me so I moved as gracefully and ladylike as possible pushing the vacuum.

The floors are never very dirty since I vacuum every day for my mistress, so usually if I cover all the carpet in a single run everything gets adequately clean. On a few stubborn spots I’ll to go over the area several times. Even though the floor is normally very clean, I must concentrate on what I am doing because my mistress normally just wears her housedress with nothing on underneath, so her huge breasts and enormous nipples poke out. If I don’t completely focus on the floor and let my mind wander to the wonderful curves and folds of her body my bad boy will grow.

Another thing she will do is simply watch me as I clean and if I keep my balls and bad boy covered under my skirt and I continue acting Very lady like, she will often sit in a chair and when I finish about half of the house she’ll open her legs and nod to me. Even though I know I will get slappedin my balls, this is one of my favorite parts, because when she nods to me I knee down before her.

Gently pushing the soft folds of her thighs apart, I lean my head in and push my tongue into her pussy. Something about seeing me vacuum must turn her on because she is always soaking wet and I lap up her juices for a few moments before sliding my tongue up between her pussy lips to find her clip. I’ll Then gently lick her clip while she reaches down and runs her fingers through my hair, whispering, “My little Tommy,” or “Cunt boy,” over and over.

I make sure I take deep breaths when I do this because as she gets close to coming she’ll push against me, closing her legs around me. As she comes my face is completely pressed against the delicate folders of her pussy and my head is surrounded by her billiony thighs. She moans loudly when she comes, and after a few moments she released me, opening her legs again. I pulled my face away and gasped for breath.

Immediately after she had finished coming she said to me, “Stand up Cunt boy.”

Of course when I stand up my bad boy is so hard it pokes out from under my skirt. She will then take her crop and swing it up between my legs letting it slap on my balls again and again until my bad boy has shrunk. Only then can I go back to vacuuming. Of course I make sure I get the entire floor vacuumed and as I move into other rooms I once again do my curtsey thing to plug and unplug the vacuum each time.

Once a month I must vacuum under the beds, which earns me several slapses to the balls, because there is no real ladylike way to get under the beds. Fortunately today I didn’t have to do under the beds, so I was able to breeze through the rest of the house. I then daintily unplugged and rolled up the cord, rolled the vacuum cleaner back down the hall and put it in the closet. Only then, when I was completely finished did my mistress look into my eyes and say, “I think I’d like to take a bath. Would you like to bathe me my little Tommy?”

“Oh yes Mistress, yes,” I said, quickly moving behind her so she couldn’t see how hard my bad boy got at the thought of bathing her.


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