I walked into the house from my garage, water bottle in one hand, ph in the other chatting. As I strode down the hall from the garage I heard a noise not usually found in our clean modern abode. Metal on metal and a cupboard door closing, in or near my office. Weird. I paused, ‘Ill call ya back pal, got something weird here.’ I reached for my side arm, and recalled I had taken it off for the drive home. It sat on the passenger seat of my car. Shit.
At the base of my spine I had a small ‘jabber’ 3 inch blade, not much use against an armed burglar. Bluff was my best bet. ‘You get the hell out now and you wont get shot. ‘ I shouted.
Stepping up to the pass through bar, I held my winter jacket pocket out and pointed my knife thru it to make it look like a gun.
A screech, metal hit the floor and a stunning young rubenesque blonde stand up quickly near my closet of shame. ‘Oh Mr Samson, you scared me.’ Said Tammy.
‘What the fuck are you doing here Tam? I said. Youcould have been shot!’
‘Mr Samson, your son sent me here, to get my things he said you or your wife were home most days. The door was open, I was in a hurry and well I couldn’t find what I was looking for. I’m so angry at him, and you for breaking us up.’ She said.
‘Whatever Tammy, sorry that happened, what stuff? It wont be in here….More like our store room.’ It was then I saw my metal cage on the floor between us. As we had begun to chat I had rounded the pass thru bar and stood a few feet from Tam in the doorway. There lay my fucking cage.
She always dressed the part, the role, her instagram was full of my son and her in ‘costume’ him, always in some goofy shit, emaculating shit, her knockout slutty hot, him with a whipped look and an outfit that maximized her. Today. Well today it seemed to be a wrap around dress, simple, except for the daring off shoulder, and bow tied separately on her hip. Full weighty breasts, thick masses of blonde hair and the tiny waitand big but not huge ass, all of which required a workout to tone if you asked me. 10 years from now she would be struggling with weight. But I’m a dick like like that, judging appearance not people’s character feelings etc. Today however she looked smoked the white dress, silky breezy, sexy, tall heels adding to her 5.5 height. Her blue eyes flashed at me in anger, then amusement as I saw the cage.
I moved forward to grab it, bending down to grab it. ‘Uhuh, she said and put a foot on it, as I bent to retrieve it. ‘Is that yours Mr Sampson?’ She said with a suggestive smile, a knowing look.
‘Well obviously ‘ I stammered, ‘whose else would it be?’
‘You know I wanted to put your son in one, but we never got that far, ‘ she said. ‘He was such a brat, he broke my heart, ruined my fun. I found out you know, that you were to blow for most of it. Im here to get my things I left behind on my last visit to your home.’
‘Well just as well, I figured you for a micro manager controller type, if not a total bitch to be honest.’ I was on one knee now, and had a hand around my cage, and her foot, lifted, as I snatched it back. Red faced, angry, exposed. This girl had always been a smart arse, and always had poked me, and Mrs.Sampson. Always jabbing at how she did things her way, had her food prepared just so, preferred specific wines, one time she refused to drink What we provided, and then took over dinner prep on her serve of salmon. Always dressing provocatively around us, and demeaning to my boy. A bitch.
‘Mr Samson, show me what it looks like on you. She said and laughed.
‘Ha fat chance. Lets get your shit and get you out of here ok, this, ‘ I held up my cage ‘is none of your business.’
She held up the metal ring, showed it to me then smoked herself in the mouth with it. Cutting her lip. Then with both hands, pulled her off the supposed dress to reveal a see through pink strapless lacey bra that she ripped out the left breast of,and scratched herself badly, with the metal of the cage slots the ring fit into. Barely flinching, all the while looking at me with the huge blue eyes. Her thick lips now coated in blood, curled in a smile.
‘Oh no. I don’t think so. I think your just tried to rap me, and I managed to escape, your wife finds out you, you are divided and you go to jail, and then I black mail your son, maybe even Your wife. Put the fucking cage on.’ She tossed the ring to me, then knelt, and rummaged for the key in my toy bag. Got frustrated and dumped the bag everywhere. I was stunned. What the fuck. She throw me the key.
‘Strip you old bastard and put the fucking cage on now! She roared. Her cheeks flushed, her eyes blazing. Blood played from her lip. Fuck she was hot right now. And scary. Hands shaking I began to strip. What could I do? As I did she grabbed her phone, snapped selfies of her bleeding mouth, then me naked, half erect.
‘Ha you are shaken. You are sub. This is for theMrs? You dirty bastard, is it are you her bitch?’
‘No, no, shut the fuck up, no. I do this for me. To enhance my arousal.’ I said meekly, slowly slipping, sliding, into my desired state of mind.
‘Bull shit, look at all these sex toy, wait, fuck are these pantyhose, and satin knickers? ‘ She began to laugh. ‘You are a fucking sub. Perfect. Mr powerful is a pussy eating cuck.’
‘Its not like that,’ I tried to explain as I put the cage on, while my cock tried to fight me as I got harder. ‘I do this online to maximize my enjoyment. Anyway there it is a cage, see. Now get your shit and get out.’ I said angrily.
She got a wild look in her eye. Her breathing growing harder, cheeses flushed fresh blood pulsed from her lip, as her face started to swell. But Her nipples were erect. Shit she was turned on by this.
Hmm. Fuck so am I actually. My cock strained against the flat metal of the cage. This cage was so short and heavy it pulled everything down. Kept my cock flat and tight, but now my pulsing cock peeked out the sides and my very tip and foreskin bulged out the frontal slit.
‘I don’t think so, ‘ she said.’ You owe me. You ruined my fun, you broke my heart, your boy hates me. I had him nearly added to me and smoking weed blazing his days in euphoric service. He used to eat me incessantly. You fucked my life you old prick. You take This rope and tie your left hand to your big metal drafting table there.’
Before I could speak she held up the camera, ‘I’ll keep recording if you don’t’. She warned.
‘Fine you want to Humiliate me or whatever go ahead. ‘ I said. Just leave my son out of it.
She grabbed the long black silken cord and wrapped my right hand tight to the other side of the table. ‘ squat.’ She said flatly.
‘oh come on. I got bad knees just do whatever and get the fuck out of here.’
‘fucking squat, you loser. I’m not going to Humiliate you. I’m going to exactly my pain and heart break on you. But first. An orgasm’ she said with a wicked bloody smile. ‘What? I said.
Stepping up to me she undid the single tie that covered her white wrap around. The silent fabric fell away, revealing her tanned skin and pelvis covered in hip high wide sheer pink panties. That were obviously wet. Her sux bulged, her lips were huge and damp.
I looked up at her. My cock throbbed. I could feel sub space closing my vision, enhancing my senses, taking me down. I struggled to not automatically fall into subspace as I had been trained to do so quickly and effortlessly.
‘Lick. Lick like you mean it or I’m going to hurt you. ‘ she doubled the silken cord over and whipped my thigh, then hers. For herself she did it savagely, leaving welts after the 3rd or 4th strike. Her eyes blazed, I on the other hand cried out in pain, at half the force. ‘ oh shut up’ she grabbed my hair and jammed my face into her cunt.
‘Eat me, make me cum you prick.’
It was amazing, fresh, young, soft and yielding, her pearl were huge. Thick lips part for my tongue. I loved it. Still she whipped the back of her legs, and now my back. My cock throbbed.
What was happening? “Faster, now suck, nibble, suck it harder sub harder,” were her instructions. The pain was intense but her grip held me in place as she squirted into my mouth thru the her lacy pink panties. Grinding now rubbing hard. The lace chaffing, scratching on my face, amazing that this was so erotic, but painful. The rope whacking. Shit.
She let go and stepped back to look at me, as I leaned towards her wanting more. ‘ pathetic.’ she said as she took the panties off slowly, letting them gather at her pointy heels. ‘open wide’ she said as she scrunched the cum soaked panties up and jammed them in my mouth. Fuck she tasted so fresh so hot so viral, so raw. Pure Sex.
Her foot nudged my balls. Once, twice. Then she pressed hard. Forcing me to double over against the rope. Then one small kick. ‘that’s how I feel every morningg you fuck.’
I gasped and tried to bring my thighs together. ‘oh no you don’t’ she took more rope and looped it deftly around my knees pulling them wide. I was fully exposed now, my cage protected my dick, but my balls bright red, full and dark blue veins were exposed to her. Surely she wouldn’t take this too far. What sort of madness is this I wondered.
I don’t know what happened next. It’s a blur. Pain, slapping, whipping with cords, but eventually it stopped. I looked up through tears and snot trying to breath thru her panties. And I saw her heaving glistening in sweaty, wild eyed arousal, her skin radiating heat, the sweat gathering at the plus hollow of her hips, only to trickle down to her shaken groin. The silken dress billowed from the fan she had turned on. Stunning, crazy. Dangerous. Erotic. I pulsed in pain and arousal in equal measure.
‘My, my what a dirty slut you are. Look at all these toys.’ she said as she calmed down. ‘Fuck Italian stockings,hmm 10 or 20 denier, so silky, do you wear these?’ I grunted noncommittally. She pulled her panties from my mouth. ‘Tell me you want me.’ She said.
‘Fuck off.’ I said. ‘ You had your fun stop this nonsense.’
‘Ha, silly old boy. Im going to use you in ways I have only dreamed of, I have no consequences and no harmse. You fuck. Now where is your cage key?
My cock twitched, I saw it under the bag and quickly looked away. ‘Oh..of course, I did not notice you drop it.You are weak areent you,am I wrong? Don’t answer I don’t care.’
Hefting my balls in one hand she jabbed the key in, and let the cage fall away. Despite the abuse I started to rise to attention!
‘ Please don’t do this’ I said.
‘Oh do what? You have no idea what I am doing. If you did you would be very afraid. If I were you I’d think about how you let yourself get in this position and not try to bargain with me.’
As she said this she pulled the heavy ring of my balls roughly and began totightly wrap the stockings around my cock, struggling it. The sheerness, silkness and translated material stimulated me and I was fully erect in a few moments.
‘So easy’ she said. Then proceeded to wrap my base, and balls up, each separate, and tight. Extremely tight, locking each ball until they were purple, winding the sheer stockings into an impennetrable cock ring. She then pulled hard and covered the head with the remnant stocking. 100% covered. Slowly she ran her fingernails up and down my cock, pulling teasing, punishing, digging with one hand while with her left she squeezed each ball, soft to hard. Until I bucked in pain. ‘Please.’
‘Please what?’ She said.
‘Please stop.’ I stuttered
She stroked thru the stockings, now massaging my balls gently, a tiny drop of pre cum, dampened the stocking.
‘Oh, please’. I said once again.
‘Please what’ she said, now slow dragging her fingerprintnails along the top of my cock to the tip slowly, while she squeezed my base. ‘Please What? Say you want me and I might let you cum.’
‘No.’ I shuddered. ‘NO just stop.’
She sped up, using two hands, while her thick luscious curls falling forward as her mouth got close to my cock. I started to buck towards her mouth.
‘Say it.’ She said One lick on the tip. I was about to exploit.
‘Say it.’ She said again, as he breath and heat penetrated the stocking.
I was almost about to exploit, I said please one more time.
She stopped.
Fully, completely, deeply hard, possible harder than I had ever been before she had stopped.
I thrashed, my cock bounced, and bucked all alone. My balls ached as she drooped my cock and squeezed each testicle separately hard again doubled me over in pain. My cumming stopped, my need deepened. My erection falsered.
Weakly I said ‘wait please, please don’t stop.’
‘Oh my God. ha, ha, ha, you think this is for you. STUPID ‘ She roared.
‘ Why you continued to attack me, you assaulted me, she picked up the cage and smoked her eye. ‘See what you did.’
A small drop of blood fall from her eye to my cock, staining my beautiful stockings.
‘Let me fix that’ she said. Kneeling now she roughly grabbed my purple throbbing, bobbing cock. And lavished her tongue on it. Sucking hard through the material, forcing it over and over, up and down my cock. The nylon soaking her saliva up. Then she tore the stocking away, and sucked and licked my flesh.
I closed my eyes. This was insane yet I wanted to come so badly now in her mouth, on that thick wet tongue, into that hot wet mouth.
‘Oh my god please dont do this to me.’
‘Say you want me.’ She looked at me. ‘So stubborn. I need to cum again.’ Was all she said. On her knees, she scooted forward until my cock was between her legs. Tammie then rubbed her pussy lips on my shredded nylon covered cock. Her crotch against my stomach, everywhere she was soft yield and yet strong. Reaching from behind herself she grabbed my tender balls and pulled, while her other hand pushed my cockhead against her clip. The wild look returned to her sky blue eyes, her breast crushed against me. She started cumming on my cock. Squeezing, thrusting, pumping.
‘Oh fuck I think Im gunna cum, Tammie please, dont stop.’ I cried.
Mid orgasm she stopped, slide off, still shuddering, and shoved her hand into her pussy all four fingers while her thumb finished what she had started on my dick. She bucked, and came, and thrashed around. Her hair went wildly everywhere. She roared and screamed. ‘Fuck, fuck you.’
Panting heaving, angry. ‘No cumming. You ruined my orgasm you pussy.Lets see what else is in your bag of toys.’
She pulled out my Gravity. A 7 inch long thrusting dildo. ‘This looks fun, lets play.’
She set it up below my rosebud, and pressed down on my shoulders untilI was on the tip inserted. ‘Don’t move bitch’ she said. Quickly she took my last rope, andmy collar, placed it around my neck unbuckled, but looped the rope thru, and pulled down tightly, cutting my breathing down by a significant amount. She then took my already tied balls and looped the end around them, such that if I pulled up to loosen the collar it pulled my nuts, via my back, if I pressed down it freed my neck but pulled my balls. She then took the rope attached to my knees and looped it in. Pressing down releases pressure on my knees, but deep the penetration into my ass.
A predicament in layers.
A brief exchange she took remote control of my gravity, as by this time I was severely struggling anything she wanted was yes. My breath came intermittently, my balls pulled, my thighs ached and my ass was about to get fucked.
She stood turned the vib on my Gravity to 2 of 3 in my ass, and calmly got dressed. ‘Wait.’ I said, ‘what are you doing? Don’t leave me like this.’
‘I’ll be back, but I have to retrieve something from my hotel and meet a friend, im already late. When I get back, I’ll finish up with you ‘ She leant prisonerly over me, ‘does that vibe feel good?’ I nodded. She pressed down on my shoulders, cutting off my air, tightening the ropes, and then turned the thrusting motion on the Gravity. Right on my prostate. After playing with the speeds she looked at the battery charge. ‘That should do it ‘ she said, then turned the thrusting up to 3. In out, in out in out.
‘Clench on the toy,’ she said. As I did pre cum leaked into my stocking glad cock. ‘I want to watch you, so let me unlock your phone and I will watch you on zoom. No movement unless I say. Do not come. Got it? If you do i’m going to fuck you up so bad.’ She said as she cleaned up, wiping blood and licking her fingers. After going to the bath room she re appeared, all made up, cut, and abrasions masked by make up.
‘I’ll be back.’
‘Wait, you cant fucking do this you sick bitch. Come back her or else.’ I said.
‘Or what? I can just leave and leave you here. Maybe call the cops to do a wellness check? Hmm. No I did not think so. For being rude and mean I’m turning it up to 4. Assehole.’ She said, then walked out.
I looked down at the phone in front of me. It showed me, a sagging old man, prideful, angry, desperate, intimately ashamed of his need. The man I saw quivered in arousal, and pain. Fatigue in his arms, lactic acid in the legs built up. Her face appeared on screen, looking down. The thrusting grow deeper and faster. She looked at me, blew a kiss and was gone. The dildo pulsed, thrust, and vibrated my ass. My stocking clad balls hurt massively. I could only just get enough breath, as I was flexing and holding various parts of my body on rotation. To maintain balance, relieve pain, find release.
I was losing my self to the thrusting, I relaxed onto and into the dildo. Sliding in deep. More cum seen out, but my vision started to blur. My breath became rapid.The collar was choking me. I pulled away from the edge of my orgasm and sat up more, pulling my balls ever tighter. Which increased the pressure on my cock, driving cum to my tip. But I couldn’t handle the ball pain. How much worse would it be if I came? I’d have no reason to ‘want this’ even though I was terrified. I could not imagine being edged like she had just done after orgasm.
An hour elapsed, rotating endlessly from Almost anal orgasm to hands free orgasm, but neither happening. From edge to edge, from passing out to pain.
Then she returned.
‘Still here I see.’ she said with a laugh. With a click she stopped the dildo, and released my collar. I slumped, relieving my balls and breathing again.
As I recovered she brought pillows to my office, released my aching legs and demandingly instructed me to lie on My belly on the pillows. At this point arms tied, but now crossed over, I had little left to offer by way of resistance.
She stood above me, showed me the harness and slipped the gravity into it. Situating my ass just right she slowly entered me.
‘I was going to fuck your son like this for years. Deny him cumming, milk him, and hurt him until he begged me to do it more. So now you get to endure.’
She rammed home the dildo, I cried out. Its hard rigid texture, slamming my ring, and prostate. Pressure built, cum screamed to be released. She stopped. Waited, and started again. Denying me the prostate release. I was raw after the gravity, and this aggravated everything further.
Five times, ten. Twenty. My stocking covered cock was soaked in pre cum. I was crying out, mindlessly, shaking, pressing against the dildo trying to cum, rubbing against the pillow. She saw that and gabbed my cock, pulled it down between my legs. Taking the head she put a loop of silk cord Around it pulled tight, and tied off the end to my big toe. Tying me tightly. Now if I bucked or rubbed the pain shot through my head. Killing my orgasm and making me feel likemy dick would be ripped off.
More edging, dribbles of cum, but no release. Nothing. Just insane tension in my balls and cock.
She finally finished.
Rolled me over, unclipped the dildo, and placed it back into my ass. Turning just the vibe on.
Then straddled me. ‘If you come, we start over. Will you cum? ‘ She said.
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