Used at the Club

“Do you know why I brought you here?” Mistress asked as you sat opposite each other on the round take in the dark, noisy club.

You didn’t know the answer, and you were scared to guess, so you looked down at your hands silently.

“Because I’m going to fuck you on this table in front of everyone. Do you want that?”

The thing is, you DID want that, but you weren’t ready to admit it. Not looking up, you shook your head from side to side.

“Well, that’s disappointing…” she said in a slightly mocking tone. “How about this?”

As she finished speaking, you feel her foot on your inner thigh. You could feel the soft silk of her stockings and the heat of her skin against the sensitive flesh halfway between your knee and your cock. This time you nodded.

Had you looked up, you would have seen her eyebrow raised and her lips upturned in a smile.

“Oh, you do want this…” she said as her toes reached ever so slightly closer to your dick. Between your shortskirt and mandated lack of panties, there was nothing between her foot and your promised land but her own patience, and you were already smoking, your arousal like a screeching whistle too loud to ignore.

Over several minutes, her toes worked their way towards your cock, up and back, teasing your skin like a feather.

“Do you want me to keep going?”

You nodded.

“Use your words”

You grunted out a “Yes” between soft moans as you struggled to keep your voice down.

She massed your balls with her toes, squeezing the gently and caresing them with the soft silk of her stockings.

“Do you want me to keep going?”

You forced a whispered “yes” from your gasping throat.

“I’m sorry”, she said as she pulled her foot away from your need”, “I can’t hear you.”

“Please”, you said, loudly enough for at least a few nearby tables to hear, “Please, Mistress, use your foot to make your pathetic slut cum!”

Her foot returned, now squeezing theshaft of your cock between her 1st and 2nd toes. It slowly moved up and back, gripping and slipping along your length.

“Do you want me to keep going?”


“Do you REALLY want to cum?”


“Are you so desperate the you’ll do anything I tell you?”


“Convince me”, she said, the playful tone now completely gone from her voice, replaced by stern authority.

“Mistress”, you shouted in a panic, “I will do whatever you want and be whatever you say if you will let me have what I need!”

“Good”, she said, a shark-like grin across her face. “Now tell everyone here that you’re their free fuck-toy tonight.”

You climbed up onto the table, swallowed what little pride you had left, and shouted over the noise, “Everyone: tonight I am your free-use whore. Fuck me in whatever way pleases you. That is all that I want.”

The room fell silent for a few seconds and then got noisy again. But you couldn’t see what was happening, asYou were laying yourself across the table and mistress was tying a clothes napkin over your eyes.

You weren’t ready when the first cock plunged into your ass or when someone grabbed your hair, lifted your face up, and shoved a pussy into your face. By the third or fourth time something new was shoved into your ass and into your face/throat, you were prepared for it. By the 10th, you were no longer even able to distinguish one fucking from the next. It was just one long string of licking, gagging, swallowing… being fucked, being filled, being decorated. Amidst all the stimulation, you scarcely even noticed your own orgasms or had any clue how many you’d had.

Finally, their numbers eased to a halt. A familiar voice whispered in your ear, “It’s time”.

Moments later, Mistress pinned your arms behind your back and plunged her cock into your ass. She wiped up the pool of cum on your back, reached around, and smeared it all over your face.

You came before she did, a watery trickle of your bodies own admission of inferiority. Her own orgasm came some 30 seconds later like an explosion leveling everything in its path.

You slipped into a daze, not emerging for some 30 minutes. When you did, your body was split between an afterglow of pleasure, echoes of pain, and tingly numbness.

You looked around for your clothes, but they were torn into scraps too filter to even be made into rags.

The club was silent and empty. Mistress led you outside where the night’s cool air pinched your slick and sticky skin. She put you into the backseat of her car on layers of towels and drive you home.

She rinse you off in the shower and laid you across the foot of her bed. Moments later, you were drifting into sleep.

You knew that Mistress had paid your brattiness with a good time, and that the next day’s punishment would more than make up for that. But you feel far too good to care about that.


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