Up's and Downs

Ups and Downs – slave girl sara

The brand-new store of Ups and Downs was opening in the city, their sixth store in all. They also have a huge online presence for a couple of years now. They sell most things clothes wise for all ages and all sexes. There is also an electric department selling everything you could imagine of that nature.

As I love clothes, and especially their clothes, I asked my father if I was allowed to send in an application form for a job. He said he would think about it and tell me his answer at my bedtime spanking. I had earned the spanking for leaving his cup and saucer on the dining table, the fact he had it in his hand, still drinking, was not the issue! My mum had to move them and clear the table as she was due a belting after I had been sent to my room, a usual routine.

My father is a very fair man and is only looking after mine and my mum`s best interests which is why my brother can belt either or both of us if needed when myfather is out. I think I sometimes get one off my brother for no good reason, but I do not mind, it’s good practice for him when he has a house to oversee, oh, and I enjoy the afters too.

My father agreed about my job application so the day after I applied online and five days later, I got an interview date. The night before I got my interview clothes out of my wardrobe and dressed completely in the things I had bought from them online. I had done my homework on all I was wearing, different sizes and colours, materials, and comfort. I got ready in my pink lace line thong, B-Line micro mini, Alexander Midi top and the faux snake sandals.

I showed my brother, and he loved it so much he undressed me piece by piece, then spanked and fucked me. That said, it`s what he normally does to me, among many others on the list. It`s my job to wake him every morning with a cock wank and balls squeeze, just as my mum taught me. He is not really big cocked but well big enough for me. He taught me how to swallow a cock, I used to practice on my own with a banana, I did really. I still gag but the bonus is, when I gag I sometimes cum.

It was the morning of my interview, and I was so excited and could hardly eat my brekky toast. I had a Pee, squirted some Ups and Downs own brand perfume, and put my `Celebration` Puffer jacket on as it was still winter, and very cold outside. I was a bit early, well, fifty minutes early, but was allowed in by a lovely lady who was sat behind a counter. I sat in a large room and three other girls and a lovely boy, or was he a girl as well, whatever, he was gorgeous, joined me. They all had interview times before me, so finally I was left on my own.

“Sasha Brown?” I never answered but looked round.

“Have we a Sasha Brown?”

I put my hand up, he nodded at me.

“Please Sir, I am sara brown.”

“You will do then I suppose.”

He laughed, I went red and felt tears coming.

“Follow me sara brown.”

“Follow me sara brown.”

“You will do then I suppose.”

He laughed, I went red and felt tears coming.

“Follow me sara brown.”

“Yes Sir, of course I will Sir.”

“My dear sara, it was not a question.”

I had no idea what he meant, but tears came again. I followed him down a short passage and he stopped just before the end and pulled me towards him.

“Now, now sweet little thing, no tears, this is a big chance for you today.”

He patted my bare bottom cheeses, under my micro then held his hanky to my nose.

“Come on, a big blow.”

So I ‘big-blowed’. He held my hand, and we went into a posh room with three more people in, two ladies and a man.

“Ladies and gentleman may I introduce, Miss sara brown, soon to be our new head of underwear and swimwear.”

They applauded, and tears filled my eyes again. He cuddled me, lifted my Micro and patted my bare bottom cheats again. One of the ladies commented.

“Would that thong be from our Lace Line range, skirt a B-Line micro, coat looks like our Celebration Puffer? I cannot see the jumper or bra but recognize the sandals,” she lifted her leg up and had the same as me on, Faux Snake sandals.

“Yes Miss, with clutch or shoulder bag to match.”

She reached down and lifted her bag off the floor and waved it in the air.

“What can you tell me about the skirt Miss, she looked at her list, brown?”

“They are sold in four designs Miss, and uniquely are sold in waist sizes and not dress sizes Miss.”

“Awww, I am not a Miss, I am Elisabeth, ok?”

“Yes, sorry Miss Elisabeth.”

They all smiled, and the Sir gave me one of his hugs and patted my bare bottom cheeses again.

“Yes Miss Elisabeth.”

“Yes Miss Elisabeth.”

“Tell me, what is our policy on trying on or the salesperson trying something on if it was for a gentleman`s lady friend?”

“If I was brought a bikini Miss Elisabeth, I would get naked and try it in for him to see.”

“Can I got you naked to see what else you have on sara?”

“Yes of course Sir.”

He helped me off with my coat and skirt and to be honest was halfway to me being naked.

Thong next, “Just look at this girls bottom, handprints, strap wheels, fading cane marks, do you wish to explain Miss brown?”

“Explain Sir?”

“How you got your marks.”

“Please Sir may I remove my jumper and include those marks too?”

I held up my arms and Sir lifted my jumper over my head. Apart from my sandals I was now naked and Sir invited the others around the desks to touch, feel, rub, and pat my body.

“Why no bra Miss brown?”

“Well Miss Elisabeth, the range starts at 32A and goes up to 38E, as I am only a 30B I keep falling out of the smallest size Miss Elisabeth. I looked for a sports bra which I know will fit me but you only sell them in black or white, having some sports bras in different colours would be ace. My mum says I am a late developer and by my mid-twenties will be knocking people`s eyes out with my nipples when I turn round, I will be that big, Miss Elisabeth.”

They all laughed, “Iwould think you just might Miss brown, you just might. Tell me, why did you not return it, you know our policy.”

“Yes Miss Elisabeth, you have a no reason returns policy. To be honest Miss, a couple of days a month, it almost fits.”

“And my marks Sir, well, we live a home discipline lifestyle in a faith led worldwide community which has an emphasis on the training and correction of girls. The cane marks were from my father, I am strapped first then caned as my weekly maintenance, to make sure I am a good girl, and had I been a naughty girl he would add extras.”

“The handprints on my bottom are from my elder brother, who being older, and a boy can punish me if needed. He said the clothes I got out to wear today would be a right turn on, so I was spanked for it. My breast marks are from a boyfriend, I mean a friend who is a boy, and he enjoys strapping a girl`s breasts to try and help them grow.”

“Well, that was very concise and in thinking with all our beliefs too. Tell me, how old are you?”

“Almost twenty Miss.”

“Have you ever had to tell anyone off sara?”

“Yes Miss, at Sunday school.”

“Go on,”

“Well Miss Elisabeth, Anna Perkins kept talking when I was talking, spoiling the story for others. I said if it happened again, she would be in big trouble, Miss Elisabeth.”


“And she carried on, so I had to smack the tops of her legs.”

They chuckled again.

“Had I not done so I would have got a bare bottomed spanking off Miss Prendergast if she found out.”

“Any other church anecdotes sara?”

“Well Sir, when I was young I fell asleep in a corner during story time. My father said they looked all over for me and were quite worried, then he found me in the corner and woke me up. I think I got a slapped bottom for that too.”

“Thank you for all that sara it was, inspiring, now, any previous jobs?”

“Yes Sir, just one, from working on Saturdays whilst still at school I then wet full time and worked for Watkinson`s the chemist shop, which closed down a month ago Sir.”

“Did they not open up on the new out of town shopping precinct?”

“Yes Miss Elisabeth.”

“Then why did you not go work for them there?”

“My father said I was not allowed; it was two busses and I would be on my own Miss Elisabeth.” My tears come back again.

“Did you ever get in trouble there sara.”

“Never in trouble Miss Elisabeth but spanked often by most department heads with a note home to my father. Some of the boys in the pharmacy wanted me to strip naked and wank them, Miss Elisabeth.”

“And did you strip naked and wank them sara?”

“No Miss Elisabeth, I keep my knickers on, so they made something up and the pharmacist spanked me and gave me a note for my father.”

They all giggled, and my eyes welled up again.

“And he will have strapped you I suppose. Let`s all take a break, refreshments next door.”

The others went for their break leaving me with one of the men and I was still stood naked.

“Miss brown, would you like something to cry over?”

“Yes please Sir.”

He pulled out a chair and guided me over his knee and I was crying before the first spank hit. I was spanked and cuddled and re-dressed.

“Do you know who I am Miss brown?”

“No Sir.”

“Edward Downs.”

“Wow is that coincidental Sir, or have I just had my bottom tanned by the group owner?”

“The latter sweet sara. Can you start working for me from tomorrow, we are starting to fit out the shop and your advice will be greatly valued?”

“Oh yes please Sir. Sir, if you are the Downs, is there an Ups?”

“Sort of, Miss Elisabeth is Elizabeth Lupton, so we borrowed two letters, the U and P.”

“Wow, brilliant Sir.”

“sara, I have your address from your application, and I will pick you up at nine in the morning, is that agreeable?”

“Yes Sir,”

“I want to keep you safe, oh one more thing, would you know what happens to my trusted employees if they let me down?”

“I dare bet it`s not a hug and their bare bottoms patted Sir.”

He laughed and showed me the way out.


I was picked up at five to nine, my father brought me to our gate.

“Good morning Sir, thank you for giving sara a job and a big thank you for picking her up.”

“No problem at all Mr. Brown, think of it as a pleasure, she is a breath of fresh air.”

“You have my permission to issue any parental control she needs and give her a message for me and I will also punish her.”

“Thank you, Mr. Brown, I rarely give second chances.”

“Tell Mr. Downs what happened when you got home last night in your interview clothes.”

Why would he bring that up I thought, “I was undressed naked and spanked very hard Sir.”

“Excellent Mr. Brown, now you take care, wave to your daddy sara.”

“Bye daddy, see you tonight at dinner.”

I also blew him a kiss; I so idolise him.

“So Miss brown, be mindful of the power I have over you.”

“Yes Sir, I promise I will not let anyone down.”

We all had a busy morning and I saw Miss Elisabeth slap a girls’ face and take her over her knee for a spanking, made my bum nip and my pussy tingle.

“If you do not want to be next Miss brown, I suggest you concentrate on the job you have in hand.”

“Yes Miss Elisabeth.”

I kept out of trouble all day and was called into the office of Mr. Downs.

“Well done today sara you are an inspiration and have worked so hard. Guess what is in store for you now?”

“Is it a good-girl spanking Sir?”

“Actually no, it was a lift home, unless of course you feel you have earnt one?”

I nodded and walked towards him. He undressed me naked, and he admired my red spanked bottom; he buzzed his intercom.

“Elisabeth, can you pop in.”

“You called.”

“Look how sara is dealt with, why did it happen sara.”

“Well, my daddy said I needed one Sir.”

“Come here sara, let me check, oh, and why is she naked?”

“We agreed she deserved a good-girl spanking.”

Miss Elisabeth pinged my nipples and rubbed my three title stripes off my boyfriend.

“And her bottom Elisabeth.”

I was flipped over her knee, and she ran her fingers over my red bottom.

“Shall I spank her whilst she is in position.”

“Yes of course, nothing too aggressive.”

Mr. Downs’ phone bleeped.

“Be back soon, a delivery problem.”

Miss spanked me and made me cry, it was not hard or brutal, I think I just needed a cry. She rubbed my bottom again then changed my position, so I was sat on her knee. My head was laid onto her shoulder, and she rubbed my knee and legs. I am not suggesting she opened my legs or if I did, but she was soon touching my pussy lips and I stopped sobbing.

“Our little cane striped slut like this don`t you?”

Her finger slipped in me as I nodded. I was fingered and titted up and I was stood up as Mr. Downs came back in.

“A good girl spanked and cuddled, would you like me to dress her, it will be like dressing a little dolly.”

He said she was allowed, and I was sexually dressed, and she knew I had cum a few times but said nothing. I was taken home by Mr. Downs and my father came to meet me.

“Hope she has been good Sir.”

“Exemplary Mr. Brown, she even asked for a good-girl spanking.”

My daddy’s lips beamed with pride, and I had a tear in my eye.

“I hoped she thanked you as taught Sir.”

“Not today no, plenty of time for thanks later, same time tomorrow sara?”

“Yes please Sir.”

I kissed his cheek and got out of the car. Of course, it was like show and tell time from my school days when I got insides. Mum was called from the kitchen where she was preparing dinner, as my dad undressed me. I bent over to show my red bottom from my good-girl spanking.

“Now mother, tell sara what you found in her room?”

He patted his knee as mum spilled the beans.

“A glass on your table, a sock on the floor, and no bed made.”

“And what did you do mother?”

“Made your bed, popped your sock in the wash basket and brought your glass down.”

“And tell our daughter your reward for tidying up after her, and not leaving it alone?”

“As you are now sara, over daddy’s knee for a spanking,”

My spanking began.

“And, over the slottee for your belt, and well deserved too.”

I did not hear the rest of their conversation as I was crying.

“Pick your clothes up and go to your room and be ready when I come up.”

Apart from my spanking and doing off my daddy, I had to come to bed after I had tidied up after dinner.

It was not a problem really, I was sooooo tired from working, oh and from being a very good girl.


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