All the people that I write about are at least 18 years old.
Just after my last update I got an email from my email friend in Australia (John the Aussie bloke). He had read the update and told us about a web site that had a few videos of girls riding bikes that have a dildo through the seat. Jon and me had a look at some of them and Jon got an idea to improve my bike (it just has a dildo in the saddle). He spent a few evenings in the garage, and took a few bits away to get some welding done. The end result was very much like some of the bikes in the videos. The dildo that comes up through the saddle now goes up and down as I pedal. Well, that certainly encouraged me to cycle more. A whole new experience going to and from work. Fortunately the dildo is detachable and there is a seat cover that covers the hole When I leave the bike outside work. Again, fortunately, there is a little alley-way near where I work where I can remove the dildo and put the cover on without being seen.
We also had a few ‘pleasant’ evenings, when the weather was still warm, cycling around the countryside. Kelly, and sometimes Mandy, joined us on a few of the outings; and they wanted their turn on my bike.
After the few warm days that are the English summer, Jon has built a stand for the bike so that we can bring it into the house and use it as an ‘exercise’ bike. We seem to be having quite a few friends visiting us either to have their worksouts at our house, or to watch one of us girls getting their worksouts. I must admit that it’s great being able to get that sort of workout while listening to music or watching Oprah.
I quit my job at the end of July after Jon told me to quit and spend more time with Kelly over her summer break. I miss the exercise and fun riding my bike to and from town, but at the same time it was nice to be able to keep on top of the housework.
As well as the cycling exercise. Jon told me to go jogging at least twice a week.I started in September and am really enjoying it. It was a bit strange at first, going jogging without Jon but I’ve got used to it. I seem to be getting more men whistling and shouting crude comments to me now that I’m out on my own. I’m sure that my short tennis dress has something to do with it.
Jon had this idea a while back, involving chilli sauce. I couldn’t find any sauce but managed to get some hot chilli powder which I mixed up into a thick paste. Jon put some on my clip. The effect was something like the first time that Jon took me to a Thai restaurant. I slowly took a sip of the soup and it tasted good so I took a spoon full. It hit me just as I started on the next spoon full. That was the hottest food I have ever tasted, and the effect on my clip was similar to the effect of the soup on my throat. The difference being that a burning clip gets me sexually aroused. It lasted for hours during which my puss was quite wet and I was desperate for Jon to fuck me. He didn’t.Probably because he didn’t want any of the paste on his cock.
Jon took me to the British Formula 1 Grand Prix. He said that he wanted to go because it was probably going to be the last one at Silverstone. It was a bit of a last minute thing and he could only get ‘general’ tickets. These weren’t for any of the stands, but for the side of the track away from the stands.
It was a windy day and I wore a button top with a short ‘A’ skirt which made it an ‘interesting’ day.
We parked the car at the ‘park and ride’ on the side of the M1 and got the bus to the circuit. The buses were all double deckers and of course Jon wanted me to follow him upstairs; much to the delight of the man that followed me up.
Jon decided that we would spread our blanket on the side of a hilly slope where we could see a fair bit of the track, and one of the huge televisions. The only way that I could stop myself from sliding down the hill was to keep my feet flat on the ground. This means that my knees were higher than my bum. During the races none of the people on the hill lower than us looked up at me, but in between I noticed a few of the men looking up at me and what was smiling at them from between my legs.
Jon wanted to walk around the shopping ‘village’ a couple of times and get something to eat at the mobile catering vans. There was nowhere to sit to eat other than the grassy areas. Why did he pick Somewhere near a group of young men? Not that I was complaining.
Towards the end of August, Kelly got a phone call from one of her school mates. She’d had this idea for a bit of a competition between the girls in her class. It was for all those interested in taking part to go to knickers to school for as long as they could. The winner was the one who was still going commando for the longest time. To prove that they were knickerless Each day all those in the ‘knickerless challenge’ group had the right to ask another member to lift the front of their skirt andreveal their uncovered pussy. If anyone refused, they were explored from the competition. Kelly spent a couple of hours phoning her classesmates spreading the word.
When Kelly came home from school on the first day of term she told us that 22 girls in her class were knickerless that day. Since then the number who haven’t hurt knickers at all at school has gradually dwindled to 5 at the end of November. Kelly is one of the 5.
Kelly has also told us of one or two ‘interesting’ times when she has been asked to prove that she was knickerless. One was when a girl asked her to raise her skirt when she was stood near one of the male teachers. She waited until he turned his head away and she raised her skirt. The teacher turned his head back just as she dropped her skirt. The teacher shook his head and blinked his eyes as if to say, “Did I really see a bare pussy?” The school is predominately a girls school but there are now a handful of boys there, all in the lower years. The second’interesting’ time was when she was stood in the playground near two of these boys. She had to flash her pussy as these boys were looking.
In Spain
We only managed to get 2 weeks at Jon’s villa in Spain at the end of August. Jon had a lot on at work so he couldn’t come with us. Mandy and Hannah came with us and the girls loved it.
Jon had the usual ‘knicker inspection’ just before we left home. Mandy had been to Spain with us before so she knew what to expect, but Hannah was a bit shocked as Jon went through her bag throwing out all her knickers, bras (not that she had anything to put in a bra), trousers and shorts. She was even more shocked when he undid the jeans she was wearing and pulled them and her knickers, down, and off.
Jon also told us that we could only take hand luggage. He said that women always take way too much so this was his contribution to saving the planet. The 18 year old girls were horrified at first. They kept saying,
“But what aboutThis and what about that?”
Jon’s standard reply was either,
“There’s one out there already,” or “It’s way too hot over there, you’ll be able to manage without it,” or “You’ll be able to get one out there easily.”
It took about an hour but we finally managed to get what we could survive on into the small bags. I must admit, it made things a lot easier at the airports.
While we were waiting for the plane in England, the girls decided that they wanted a drink – of wine. Since we were on holiday I told them that I would get them one, provided that during the holiday they limited themselves to one glass per day. They agreed. They were a little boisterous when we got on the plane.
At Malaga airport, we collected the hire car and I told them that we had to strip naked in the underground car park before getting into the car. Hannah wasn’t at all keen, but once the rest of us were naked and getting into the car she quickly stripped and climbed in.
The drivewas uneventful and we arrived at the villa about an hour later.
After dumping our bags and putting dresses or skirts and tops on we were off to the supermarket to get supplies. I’ve no idea if anyone saw anything ‘interesting’ on any of us as we were too busy getting supplies to care.
Boy was it hot over there. By the time we got back we were all ready for a dip in the pool.
At first, Hannah was a little reluctant to walk around the villa and grounds naked, but by the second day all 4 of us were totally naked except for when we went out.
We even went walking in the woods out the back, naked except for flip-flops. We got a couple of car horns ‘beeped’ at us when we were near the road, but none of them stopped.
One morning while we were all around, or in the pool, Mandy had this idea for a ‘Mini Olympics’. We spent about an hour trying to think of ‘events’ that we could do. We eventually came up with 4 things and a scoring system that we were all happy with.We decided that we’d do one ‘event’ per day and picked a playing card to determine the order that we went in each event.
In reality, the competition side disappeared and we all had some great fun.
The first ‘event’ was moving a wine bottle without using our hands.
Hannah hadn’t quite understood what was involved at first, but she became quite enthusiastic when I explained it to her. The course was the length of the swimming pool, on the grass. We picked an empty bottle with a long neck and big rim round the top.
The rules were simple. You could only use your hands to stand the bottle back up if it fell over, or out.
Mandy went first. Getting herself impaled on it was dead easy, but watching her try to waddle along was hilarious. It fell out 3 times before she eventually made it.
Kelly went next and the bottle only fell out twice.
Mandy was next and she had trouble even lifting it off the ground. She was so wet that she just couldn’t grip it. She eventually completed the course, but it slide out 7 times.
Then it was my turn. Now all the girls knew about my vagina weight training and suspected that I could do it in one go, and fast. So, before I started, Kelly held the bottle under the water in the swimming pool. When it was nearly full she pulled it out and set it down for me.
Impaling myself on it was easy, but lifting it was sooo hard. It took all my strength to get it to a position where I could waddle along. I called the girls cheats, and all the names under the sun, but I wasn’t going to be beaden.
Eventually I made it and the bottle had only slipped out once; but I was knackered and my pussy ached.
The second ‘event’ was the Electric Shock Dildo.
If you’ve read my other adventures you will Know that in the Villa garage there is this ‘device’ that gives me an electric shock in my pussy if / when I can’t stand on my tip-toes any longer. It’s a long metal dildo on the end of a pole that is bolted to the floor. The height is adjustable and is set so that the dildo is just inside me when I’m stood up on my tiptoes. There are 2 little clamps on the floor that keep my big toes in place. I have to stand on my tiptoes because under my heels are pressure switches that turn on the power. It comes on when I relax and my heels go down. Just to make sure that I can’t get out of the big toe clamps there are ropes hanging down from the ceiling that Jon fastens to my wrists. These ropes also provide support if / when I can’t stand the pain any more and pass out. There is also a control so that we can increase or decrease the voltage.
Both Kelly and Mandy have used it before but as Hannah hadn’t been to the villa before, she’d been down in the garage on the first day, but hadn’t asked about the pole sticking out of the floor with wires attached.
Kelly volunteered to go first. We got her set-up, set the voltage to low and then the rest of us went to get a drink. When we got back about 10 minutes later, Kelly was smoking and she told us that she’d had 3 shocks already. Oh, I forgot to mention that we’d all agreed that after 3 shocks at each voltage level it would get increased; so I did.
It took about another 10 minutes for the next 3 shocks, to which Kelly screamed, louder each time. When I turned the voltage up again, Kelly told us that she wasn’t sure how much more she could take. There was more sweat as Kelly trembled as she fought to keep her heels up. Eventually her muscles weakened and she let out this almighty scream. It took Hannah a bit by surprise and she jumped up.
Kelly admitted defeat and I turned the power off. She let her heals drop and went further down on the dildo. She’d managed 29 minutes.
Mandy went next. It was about 15 minutes before the first scream, followed shortly by the second and third. Mandy looked very nervous as I turned up the voltage. 3 minutes later came the next scream, and lots of sweat. She was trembling quite a lot. The next scream was her last as she had become me to switch it off. Mandy had lasted 23 minutes.
We decided to have a break and Kelly and Mandy went and had a shower.
When we resumed, it was Hanna’s turn. We had a bit of trouble adjusting the height of the dildo, but we eventually managed to get her strapped in and ready for action.
And, it took about 15 minutes for the first scream, but she didn’t jump back up. She stayed down, shaking and smoking. When she finally raised her heels she said,
“Wow, that was amazing!”
The second and third screams came reasonably quickly and again she stayed down for about 20 seconds.
I turned the voltage up.
It didn’t take Hannah long to let her heels go down and the scream was definitely louder. This time she went up quite quickly. A couple of minutes later she went down and straight back up again. It was only a few seconds before she went down again, this time she stayed down, smoking and trembling, for about 20 seconds. I was sure she was doing it deliberately. Then she came. Her orgasm was loud, even through her gritted teeth. It was a long, noisy 20 or so seconds before she came up again.
I turned the voltage up again.
With sweat porning off her, she managed to stay up for 2 or 3 minutes before letting her heels drop again. She came again. She screamed louder than I’ve ever heard her scream before, and then passed out. I switched the power off and grabbed hold of her while Kelly and Mandy untied her wrists and undid the toe clamps. We then lifted her off the dildo and lay her down on the floor.
She came round pretty quickly and I told her that she’d lasted an amazing 38 minutes. We carried her upstairs and let her rest on a sun locker as Kelly and Mandy installed me on the dildo.
I told Kelly to set the power switch at the level that Hannah had finished on. I told her that it was only fair as I’d had lots of experience on that machine. I also wanted to let the girls do better than me because I had won the ‘moving the wine bottle’ competition.
Kelly and Mandy left me hanging there, with the power switched on, while they went to check on Hannah. They came back down when they heard me scream. It had been 24 minutes and my feet and legs were hurting. I soon straightened up but went down again straight away. I hadn’t realized that I had relaxed, but soon found out. I relaxed again after about 2 minutes and another scream shook the building.
Kelly turned the power up. It was now at the maximum level that I had ever taken. I knew I was in for a tough time.
I hung on for about five minutes before relaxing and staying down. I was smoking, shaking, screaming, grinding my teeth and cumming, all at once. I deliberately stayed down as I orgasmed over and over. Eventually I shouted ,
“Stop, stop!” and Kelly switched the power off.
With me shaking like a jelly, Kelly and Mandy released me and helped me off the dildo. I had lasted 29 minutes.
Hannah and me had a shower.
The third ‘event’ was a Streak through the La Canada shopping centre.
This took some planning. We wanted to pick a busy time so that there would be lots of people about. More people to be seen by, but also, it would be harder for the security people to see us. In the end we decided that we would all do it together which means that, unless one of us chickened-out, we would all get the same points.
Late afternoon was the agreed time, and we parked the hire car in the middle of a row near one end of the shopping centre. We left it un-locked and with 4 sets of clothes on the floor. We walked to the other end of the centre and stood waiting for a car to park. We reckoned that if we took our clothes off and put them under a newly parked car, There was more chance of them being there when we came back for them.
Eventually, we all found the courage and we stripped off. Quickly bundling our clothes under thecar, we set off, running.
We nearly got run-over even before we got inside when we shot out from the parked cars over a road.
The girls were off fast and I ended-up last, quite a bit behind them.
About half way through I saw a security guard and he had managed to grab hold of Kelly’s arm. She was struggling trying to get free, so I deliberately ran into his back causing him to let go of Kelly and fall over.
Kelly and me were running again, this time I tried real hard and managed to keep up with her. We turned the corner just in time to see Mandy and Hannah going out of the door. Within seconds, Kelly and me were outside and heading to the car. We jumped in and I drove away as the others were getting dressed.
I drove round the car park until we found the car that we’d put our clothes under. Luckily they were still there and Kelly got them as I put a top on.
I drove to the other end of the car park and stopped. We’d done it! We looked at each other and suddenly burst out laughing. I asked the girls if they were as turned-on as I was and they all said that they found it an amazingly sexy experience.
We went back to the villa and gave the sybian a good work-out.
The fourth event was to wear Ben Wa balls on a shopping trip and see who dropped one first.
Hannah had never experience Ben Wa balls and it was a good job that Jon had bought a pair for her and sent them with me. When we first mentioned the idea of this event, Hannah asked what Ben Wa balls were. Her face lit up when we told her, and the effect that they have. She was looking forward to the challenge but was scared that she would embarrass herself. Oh, part of the challenge was that none of us could practice holding them in before the event.
After breakfast on the designed day, we all inserted our Ben Wa balls. You should have seen Hannah shuffling around trying to press her legs together as she walked, it was hilarious. After about 5 minutes she started walking normally and declared that she was ready to leave. We put on our skirts, tops and shoes and headed for the car.
We parked at La Canada and went in. None of us were walking fast.
We walked the full length of the shopping centre, stopping occasionally as one of us had an orgasm.
Walking back, we went in a few shops and tried on some clothes. I think that we all were glad for the break From walking, and cumming.
From the shops we went to the area where all the restaurants are and had some lunch. I was sat opposite Kelly and saw that the inside of her thighs were just like mine, very wet.
As we got up to leave I heard the thud of a steel ball hitting the floor. Mandy went bright red and confessed that she’d lost her concentration whilst getting up and one had dropped out.
She was all embarrassed as she bent down to retrieve the ball with a couple of men looking at her.
Okay, Mandy had lost that ‘event’, but we never did work out who had won our little ‘Mini Olympics’.
We were all out shopping in Marbella a couple of days after we arrived when Mandy and Kelly decided that they wanted to go to the beach. Well, we didn’t have anything that people take to the beach with us except for some sun cream that I had in my bag. We didn’t even have any underwear that we could have hurt as bikinis (Marbella beach is right next to the town and nude sunbathing is not allowed (topless is though)). Talking about it, Mandy suggested that we could paint a tone on each of us. This sounded okay, but what could we use? Lipstick was suggested but we all thought that it would smudge too much. We were still talking about it when we passed a little hardware store. The idea came to me that we could use proper paint, not the glossy, oily paint, but the stuff that they use on walls. I got some of it on me when I was helping Jon decorate and he’d painted a bikeni on me. I went for a bike ride in my ‘bikini’ and it had stayed on for a reasonable length of time.
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