Unusual Conditions for Employment Pt. 02


Authors Note:

It is strongly recommended, that Part 1 of this narrative be read to understand the setup of this particular story since it describes how Linda Wilson started her new job after receiving an associate’s degree from a local community college. She began her first week with New World Marketing & Advertising as a receptionist/scheduler under the condition that if she successfully Completed the first week job requirements, she would begin a very unusual figure training and body modification program the following week at an offsite facility called SHAFERLINES. The name was an acronym for Super High Arched Footwear, Extremely Restrictive Lacing, Intense Nipple Elongation, School. Meeting the final goals, the company had set for Linda in this figure program, were conditions for Continued employment with the firm.

After far exceeding those initial job requirements and being promoted to the primary spokesperson and model for a new client that was intro

During the first week and a half of employment and training, Linda discovered she had some hidden exhibitionist and submissive tendencies expressed as a result of her conservative upbringing. She also became infatuated with her new boss Mark, who was the dominate figure in their spontaneous relationship. He also introduced her to the BDSM world via some planned marketing ads for new their client.

Chapter 8

Since Mark and Linda had instantly become infatuated with each other in the last few days, and with their brief and highly sexual experience the night before at his apartment, Linda went home on that second Tuesday at work and texted Mark that she was willing to let him determine the damsel-in-distress roleplay scenario that they discussed the previous evening. The idea was that a potential video or print ad for ‘Fit and Form Lingerie Company’s’ new cone bra line would appeal to some BDSM or fetish customers and therefore be a valuable marketing tool in which Linda would be the principal model in those ads.

He quickly replied and agreed with her decision. However, later on that same evening, she received another text message from him indicating he had received a late phone call From his boss saying that they were both to fly to Las Vegas tomorrow afternoon for a big planning meeting with the ‘Fit and Form’ people starting Thursday morning. They were to discuss some more of their overall plans for the upcoming marketing kickoff strategy for the new cone bra line. Their return trip was opened ended, but would probably be some time during the following week.

Mark indicated that she was to come to work tomorrow morning in her standard, company issued, business suit, bullet bra, 4-1/2 inch wide inch black patent belt, and matching 5-1/4 inchblack patent silettos rather than the 5-5/8 inch pumps that she had comfortable learned to wear to work after her first offsite SHAFERLINES training session. Mark said that he wanted that business look for the flight to Las Vegas which was scheduled to leave St. Louis after lunch at one o’clock. He continued by saying that he was also in the process of forwarding a large number of outfits for her to wear at the extended Meetings with Fit and Form Lingerie Company. Also, he said they would have some addition prototype bras for her to wear and model while she was in Las Vegas.

Linda had mixed feelings about the sudden turn of events. First, she was disappointed about the delayed damsel-in distress role play scenario that Mark had suggested would take place Wednesday at his place, but was intrigued with the thought of going to Las Vegas and being a part of the marketing planning meetings. She performed her nipple and figure training routine before going to bed that evening.

Linda went to work the next day dressed as required by Mark. It consistent of a dark black business suit with a pencil skirt hemmed to about two inches above the knees, white front buttoning blouse, 5-1/4 inch black patent siletto heels. She wore the standard company issued bullet bra together with black stockings and a garter belt.

Mark asked her to spend some time with the new assistant that would be taking over her job as Linda transitioned into her new role as project coordinate/model for the ‘Fit and Form Lingerie’ client before they left for the airport late that morning. He teasingly completed Linda that she really looked fabulous in her business suit since she had defeat the longer version of the company jacket so that the 4-1/2 inch wide belt could be tightly cinched over it as he had instructed. She had tightened it as tight as she could so that it basically acted as an external wait cincher. Mark had instructed her to wear the belt this way so that it narrowed her waist. Also, with lower part of the jacket flaring at her hips, it further emphasized her budding hourglass figure. In addition, the jacket material was stretched over her bullet bra so that its pointedness added to the overall sweater girl effect, even more so than if she had killed a cone bra under a looser fitting suit jacket.

Mark completed Linda on how well she had followed his instructions and said that she was dressed perfectly for the flight. He said, on the way to the airport, that the lower ultra high heels and externally tightened jacketed belt really added to her overall professional appearance while at the same time, adding a new option to the company’s dress code.

Linda was thrilled with his observation and replied, “I really like this style with the cinched belt. It will be a great addition to the current women’s business attire.”

“When at the office, the option of 5-5/8 inch siletto heels will also add some additional flare to the new business look as well,” he further noted.

On the flight to Vegas, they set together in the first-class cabin with Mark on the isle and Linda in the window seat. After they settled in with cocktails, Mark opened his laptop computer and reviewed some of the notes that he had made the previous evening and earlier today at the office regarding the upcoming cone bra marketing campaign for the Fit and Form Lingerie Company. He also showed Linda some of the PowerPoint charts that he had used from last Friday’s presentation to the customer since she had not seen them because she was only at the meeting at the very end when she was introduced as the new model/project coordinate with Mark’s assistance.

He then opened another folder on his laptop and showed Linda some of the vintage Maidenform print advertisements that he had discussed with her at lunch last Friday. Linda at the time said that she had seen some of those print ads when she had gone on line to check out the fifties and early sixties ‘sweater girl’ look when researching the subject for the customer meeting last Friday.

He went on to ask if she had any thoughts about any possible scenarios for either the print or video ads that they would could use for future promotions of the cone bra line that could be discussed during tomorrow’s meeting with the customer.

“Something that really got my attention was the ad I saw on line that indicated the Maidenform model was ‘tickled pink’ in her Maidenform bra in a 1962 print ad. The model was standing in front of pink elephant holding a large pink fan, dressed pink tights and long pink gloves. After what I experienced when you ticckled my nipples on Monday at your place, strapped to the St. Andrews Cross, how can I not suggest that theme should be worked into some form of our marketing strategy?” Linda responded with a slight blush remembering that she had the most intense orgasms of her life when he feathered her nipples.

“I think that is a fabulous idea. The ‘Fit and Form’ people told me that they also have an open tipped version of their new cone bra, so I can visualize you in that video, wearing that open tipped pink bra while your nipples are being ticked volunteer, or while being bound and gagged against you will, or under many other possible scenarios. When you meet our figure training goals, your puffy areolas and long pointed stiff nipples will be the talk of the industry! In my book they are already in a world class of their own.” Mark responded very enthusiastically, almost to the point of drooling.

“You mean that I’m going to be modeling in open tipped cone bras as well?” Linda exclaimed anxiously as her faced flushed with a combination of excitement and embarrassment.

“Yes, and I know that they are going to eventually distribute other lines of sexy adult bras like shelf and demi bras as well, so you’ll have plenty of modeling and marketing work to do in the foreseeable future,” Mark excitedly answered.

EvenThough Linda had not necessarily thought about showing off her areolas and nipples in open tipped cone bras, Mark’s sudden announcement that she would be modeling them in some of the adult ads and videos, sent shock waves to her already hardening nipples. Again, the exhibitionist side of Linda instantly appeared as she imagined eventually exposing her newly trained areolas and nipples to the whole adult BDSM community.

“Now I understand how why you are putting so much attention on training my nipples and areolas. Apparently, they are going to be used for more than just filling out cone bras for the pointy sweater girl look,” Linda giggled while she started to regain her composition.

“Oh, they will be used for that look to, but it will use your natural trained points instead of the cone bra tips!” Mark smugly replied.

“God, I get so aroused when you focus on my nipples and areolas. It’s almost as I have no control when you are around or if I imagine you are devising some imagineary nipple play scenario,” she breathed while still some embarrassed, but at the same time, becoming more aroused with Mark’s surprise announcement and comment.

“Like I said, I certainly agree with you on the tickling theme, but I can also see you in other ‘damsel in distress’ scenarios where you are bound and gagged while featuring the ‘Fit and Form’ bras. There are so many Maidenform print ads out there on line that we can springboard from to produce both print and video ads for our new marketing blitz. You just gave me an idea about how we can practice one of those themes tonight at the hotel. Since we can’t be at my place tonight as planned, we’ll make do in the suite tonight. And I’m going to surprise you as to what that will be,” Mark stated in a no-nonsense manner.

Linda loved it when he took charge and stated what she was going to do or not do. With all the talk about her areolas and nipples, as well as what Mark might have in mind for tonight, Linda’s nipples responded accordingly. And even through her bullet bra, blouse, and business jacket, they could be seen further tenting the jacket material, which didn’t go unnoticed by Mark as he smiled at her while she remained some aroused.

For most of the rest of the trip, they talked about additional possible ad themes as well as other aspects of the entire marketing campaign before landing at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. After picking up their luckgage, they took the shuttle to the rental car terminal located near the airport and picked up the vehicle.

Mark drove them to the valet parking area at the Luxor Hotel and Casino where he had reserved a two-bedroom suite. He got the suite so they could also entertain the ‘Fit and Form’ people during their stay in town. He had picked the Luxor since it was on the South end of the Strip near Fit and Form’s headquarters which was to the south and west of Strip near the Town Square area. It was in a lite- industrial zone where two and three-story buildings housed light manufacturing and office space.

Mark had visited their headquarters when New World Marketing & Advertising was trying to get their business account for the new bra line. Their facility also had an extensive clothing prototype shop where they developed, tested, and made initial limited products runs of new products before subcontracting them out to various clothing manufacturers around the world.

After checking in and having their baggage delivered to the suite, they settled in for the evening before going down for dinner at the Tender Steak & Seafood restaurant off the main casino floor. It was an elegant old-time steakhouse with dark wood décor and individually dimly lighted intimate tables, which for the most part, in Vegas had changed to more modern vendors. Mark had always Liked this restaurant during those trips to Las Vegas and that was another reason that he had chosen the Luxor for this stay.

Mark kept his business suit on for dinner, but he instructed Linda to change into another outfit this evening so that she could show off her late exhibitionist tendencies in a public setting, away from the work place. In addition to the outfits he had forwarded on directly to Fit and Form’s headquarters, he had brought a few other clothes from the ones he had recently specifically ordered from SHAFERLINES for Linda’s near-term attire outside of the office. And now since they were in Vegas, it would be a spectacular way for her to show off her fabulous figure that was now ‘in the training phase’. Mark had carefully planned Linda’s ensemble for tonight, down to the last detail including one of the bondage bras that she had experienced at SHAFERLINES.

Mark had Linda go to her bedroom and remove her business suit and all the Other items of her clothes and put on a pair of black bikini panties that he had previously laid out on her bed along with the rest of her outfit. He said that he would be into her room in just a moment to help her put on the rest of the new ensemble.

When Mark did enter her bedroom, Linda had just finished slipping on the black bikini panties. He then quickly picked up a Tampon from the bed and pulled the sheer clothes aside and inserted it into her wet vulva. What she really wanted was for to him to insert the thing she felt a couple of times when they had kissed on Monday night at his house, but it still felt good.

“I hope this can get you through the evening, but I did put another one in your pursuit, just in case,” he smugly commented, almost to himself.

Tonight, he selected a particular training bra that was similar to one that she had experienced at the training facility. Like one of the bondage bras that she had won at SHAFERLINES, it consistent of wide leather back straps with Two circular cutouts in front for her breasts to poke through and rest on reinforced leather quarter cups with no should straps. However, unlike the one atthe training facility, there half inch wide leather straps that circled the quarter cups and were sewn onto them and extended past the upper edges so that they fit around her breasts and could be tighten and fastened together with small brass buckles.

Linda remembered that the similar training bra at SHAFERLINES, which was particularly uncomfortable, but was very effective in forcing her breasts, areolas, and nipples into the basic shapes, but to a much lesser extent than were set for her final training dimensions.

Not unlike, but more forcibly than the maids at SHAFERLINES, Mark fed the inside stick end through the small buckle at the end of the mating strap and tighten it, starting with the one at base of her left breast. He continued tightening and buckling the series of straps so that they were forcibly squeezed into tight concentric cones down to the base of her areola.

Next, Mark took separate tiny leather strips and wound them around each nipple starting the base and continued tightening them so that they were also formed into tapering spikes before being secured in place, again by miniature Velcro fasteners, which left the very tips of her nipples exposed.

In the end, he had wrapped each of Linda’s breasts and nipples into cone shapes, which in turn, caused her unbound areolas to puff-up due to the tight lacings at their outer diameter and at the nipple bases which left each breast and nipple shaped into individual concentrated tapering cones with each areola puffed up from its normal shape.

As was the case at SHAFERLINES with this particular bra, it produced an unnatural squeezed nipple length measurement of 7/8 inches, but because of the squeezed and lengthened breast and areola projection, her overall bust line measurement increased to 37-3/8 inches which Mark confirmed with a tape measure. But because he had not required Linda to wear the Gwendoline but lifting corset, which was the case at the training facility, her hip dimension was her normal 34 inches and her waist measurement was only about 26-1/2 inches, or about a half inch less than her normal size, when a wide belt was secured in place.

Mark thought to himself that he would definitely show the Fit and Form people this shape at tomorrow’s meeting and get their reaction to a preview of her future fully trained breast shape that would dovetail into their cone bra marketing plan. The two cone shapes, on each side of her puffy areolas would definitely be a compatible with the line of stealply tapered cone bras.

Mark had laid the remaining items that she was to wear to the restaurant that evening. The items consistent of a white tight-fitting pullover sweater, a black silk hobble skirt that could be buttoned down to the ankles to limit the length of her stride, a 6 inch wide gold kid leather belt, a gold kid clutch, and an opaque gold silk open front vest-type jacket that might just cover her leather bound protruding nipples and areolas if thetiny chain between the two halves was properly adjusted in order to keep the two vest halves closed enough to cover her breast tips. In addition, he had picked out a pair of black seamed stockings and a black garter belt.

Finally, he displayed a pair of, vertically arched 6-5/16 inch heeled, gold kid D’Orsay needle toed silettoes, which she had never tied to wear before this evening. Linda had become rather comfortable with her 6″ heels, on a trial basis at SHAFERLINES and at home, but had never tried on the vertical arched pumps for her 6-1/2 shoe size.

Mark instructed her to complete dressing in her bedroom and come out to main area where he would complete the process. He further told her to leave the hobble skirt and vest open as well and bring out the gold pumps and clutch.

He returned the main living Area and made drinks for both of them while he waited for her return. In about ten minutes Linda open her bedroom door and gingerly tiptoed into the room where Mark was waiting at the bar. As instructed, Linda had unbuttoned the hobble skirt so that she was not encumbered by it and could move about freely. Linda also carried the gold kid leather D’Orsay pumps in her left hand and the gold clutch in her right hand. He took them from her as she neared him and he set them on the bar. Mark then said for her to set on a bar stool and face out towards the center of the room so that he could slip on her new pumps.

Linda instantly responded and immediately compiled with his command. Without hesitation, he took the silettos from the bar and keeled down in front of her and went through an exaggerated shoe salesman routine by straightening both stockings and running his hands up both her legs all the way up to the top of her nylons lifting her unbuttoned hobble skirt up that same level.

“God, you should have been a shoe salesman,” Linda moaned as she squirmed on the bar stool.

“I’m going to be your shoe salesman for some time, so you’llhave to get use to it,” Mark sensitively replied as he tweaked her cliporis through her bikini panties.


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