Unusual Conditions for Employment Pt. 03


Author’s Note

It is strongly recommended, that Part’s 1 and 2 of this story be read to understand the setup, since it describes how Linda Wilson started her new job after receiving an associate’s degree from a local community college. She had begun her first week with New World Marketing & Advertising as a receptionist/scheduler under the condition that if she would successfully Complete the first week’s job requirements, she would begin a very unusual figure training and body modification program the following week at an offsite facility named SHAFERLINES. The name was an acronym for Super High Arched Footwear, Extremely Restrictive Lacing, Intense Nipple Elongation, School. Meeting the final goals, the company had set for Linda in this figure enhancing program, was one of the conditions required for her continued employment with the firm.

After far exceeding those initial job requirements and spending a productive figure training session that first weekend at SHAFERLINES, Linda was quickly promoted to be the primary project spokesperson and model for a new client that was introducing a line of cone bras to the marketplace. She had successfully modeled a prototype of that bra under a tight sweater for that client, when they had visited the company in St. Louis.

During that first week and a half of employment and training, Linda also discovered she had hidden submissive and exhibitionist tendencies that had been expressed for years, as a result of her conservative upbringing. She also became infatuated with her new boss Mark, who was the dominate figure in their spontaneous sexual relationship. He also introduced her to ultra high heels and to BDSM, via some planned marketing ads for their new client’s cone bra.

They both then traveled to the client’s headquarters in Las Vegas in Order to reveal, in more detail, some of those marketing plans to the executive staff. In their hotel suite the evening before that briefing was to take place, Mark digitally videoed Linda, bound and gagged, in several “Damsel in Distress” situations; which was one of the main themes they planned to use in their overall marketing plan for the bra.

Chapter 10

Mark and Linda arrived at Fit and Form Lingerie Company, located only a few blocks southwest of the Luxor Hotel and Casino, shortly before 9:00 AM on Thursday as scheduled. They met with the receptionist and said that they were from New World Marketing & Advertising in St. Louis. The pretty young lady said that they were expecting them and she would escort them to the conference room. When the woman got up to lead them to the room, they both noticed that she was dressed in a black business suit and a white blouse. The jacket was tightly belted at the wait showing off her curved figure very clearly. She also was wearing black kid pumps with what appeared to be 4 inch siletto heels. Linda speculated that there must be some form of a dress code here, similar to that at New World Advertising since the receptionist wore a classy business suit with a short pencil skirt and high siletto heels in an era of business-casual attire.

For the meeting, Mark had Linda dress in a red business suit that was tightly cinched with a black calf 4 inch wide belt at the waist. The skirt was hemmed to four inches above her knees and she had on a thin white silk buttoning blouse beneath the red suit jacket. The black calendar 5-1/4 inch pumps had very short sharp pointed toes that made her feet look smaller than her, already small 6-1/2 shoe size, and with the high thin siletto heels, it made her legs look fabulous. They were the ones that Mark had packed specifically for Linda to wear at this first meeting with Fit and Form Lingerie. He didn’t want to overwhelm the other women at the company with Linda Wearing even higher heels such as the 5-5/8 or 6 inch heights.

The young lady led them to a rather large conference room located on the first floor towardssthe rear of the building. It contained a long conference table with about ten padded chairs as well as a computer and projector setup. She asked them to sit down into the two chairs towards the end of the room that had a projector screen before she went to summon the people that would be attending the meeting.

In a short time, the group filed in to the room and introduced themselves to Mark and Linda who recognized some of the people from their St. Louis meeting a few days earlier. In particular, they both went out of their way greet Frank Gordon, the leader of the team that traveled to St. Louis since he was primarily responsible for New World Marketing getting their business. Frank then took the opportunity to introduce them to the president of Fit and Form Lingerie, James Wilson and his personal assistant Judy Langston.

They exchanged pleasantasants and then Mr. Wilson authoritatively stated that Frank was the lead contact for them at Fit and Form and that Judy was to bea consultant and provide the feminine touch to their upcoming marketing concepts via Frank Gordon. His personal assistant was very attractive with medium length red hair. She was petite, but presented herself in a professional manner and was about average height in her, what appeared to be black patent 4-1/2 inch siletto heels which would make her about five feet two inches tall. Judy wore a shaped black business suit with a 4-1/2-inch-wide matching black patent belt, also cinched tightly around her jacketed wait. Belted business suit jackets seemed to be the order of the day, and were apparently part of the dress code, with Judy again the ranking member with a 4-1/2-inch-wide belt while the others ranged from 3-1/2 to 4 1/4 inches. Linda was glad that she had killed a similar outfit and noted that Judy still ranked higher in that department with a 4-1/2 versus, her own, 4 inch wide belt.

Linda’s 5-1/4 inch heels towered over the 4 inch height of the receptionist and were muchhigher than all of the other women in the meeting which appeared to range from 4-1/8 up to 4-3/8 inches for the women executives. Apparently, the height of their siletto heels was also defeated as a badge of rank, depending on their position in the company with Judy being the ranking member with 4-1/2 inch silettos. Linda noted that even the women executives in the room were ranked lower than Judy in that regard with 4-3/8 inch heels, apparently because she was the boss’s Personal Assistant. Both Mark and Linda realized why Mr. Wilson relied on her to be his female conduit to their marketing plan since she appeared to be definitely confident in her position as his assistant.

At that point, Mark took the lead and convened the meeting and started his Power Point presentation while Linda sat to his right at the conference table. He had already inserted a flash drive into the computer and took the remote to the front of the room before the others had arrived at the conference room. Mark began by showing his plan to use the same print advertising technique that was used by Maidenform Bra’s in the late fifties and early sixties that showed women in varies circumstances showing off their pointed bras without their tops to promote the particular bra styles that they were advertising at the time.

He showed the video of Linda without her top modeling their prototype cone bra as she was seated at her simulated office desk, recorded the night before in their suite, with the silent caption reading, “I went to work in my Fit and Form ‘Perfect Points’ cone bra”.

Mark noted that the video was an update to that marketing strategy, but that print ads would also capture the same themes as those of sixty years ago. He noted that the ‘Perfect Points’ was his creation for the purposes of providing a name to the cone bra product. At this point, he also played the video of Linda tied and gagged in the chair as the bad guy ravished the office, saying that this type of ad would appeal to the BDSM crowd. And, from the reaction of some of the men at the table, it was also appealing to them as well since their eyes they were glued to the screen as the video unfolded. He further explained that these were homemade videos and that the final ones would be professionally produced in a studio either in St, Louis or Las Vegas depending on the availability to schedule the digital recording sessions.

Mark went on to show, via his prepared Power Point presentation, some other possible advertising techniques for the company’s line of cone bras using Linda as a model and as a spokesperson. He also noted that the cone bra marketing strategy would also feature the hourglass figure look as well as ultra high heels. He said the advertising plan would feature both the Hollywood Sweater Girl look for the younger fashion consciousness crowd as well as showing the return to a sleep business dress look involving tightly belted business suits for women. Mark further said that Linda would be the prime model in this advertising approach and that she had begun an intense figure training program to further enhance that entire marketing effort. From the body language of most of the people in the room, including the President, it appeared to Mark that his presentation was being taken extremely well.

Judy Langston, the President’s Personal Assistant, spoke up at this point and said, “The concept of appealing to two different customer groups with the introduction of the cone bra to the market is an interesting marketing idea. Actually, it is three if you count the one that is specifically directed to the BDSM customers. But I have a couple of questions. One, will all the models that are involved in this advertising plan have to go into figure training? Two, could you tell us more about the training program you mentioned earlier?”

Mark responded by saying, “First of all, I must tell everyone that one of the reasons that Linda was chosen for this assignment, with Frank’s enthusiastic concurrence, is that she was able to fill out the prototype cone bra to absolute perfection with her natural assets without any additional training!”

He continued, “Since I am making ultra high heels a central focus of the cone bra advertising plan, I needed to send Linda to a special training school that would teach her how to wear ultra high heels while modeling for your company since she had little experience with them in the past. As It turned out, because of her unusual natural foot flexibility, it made her ability to adapt to such footwear an extremely easy process. Therefore, in one weekend of intense training at SHAFERLINES, and then at home and work, Linda easily master ultra high heels up to the vertical arch height of 6-5/16 inches for her 6-1/2 shoe size. Actually, she wore them when we went to dinner last night and made quite a splash at the restaurant!”

“Linda, why don’t you give everyone a quick demonstration wearing the 5-1/4 inch heel siletto’s that you have on now?” Mark essentially said to Linda.

“Of course,” she enthusiastically responded to Mark as she stood up and sashayed up and then back around the other side of the table giving everyone in the room a good view of her flawless performance before again sitting down near Mark.

All the men and women at the table seemed to be enthralled with that demonstration of Linda walking in such high heels. Even Judy Langston appeared impressed, even though she was a little jealous that Linda was strutting around in silettos, three quarters of an inch higher than her 4-1/2 inch heels, which were supposed to be the highest wound in this office.

The highest heels she ever tried on were her, Jimmy Choo designer heels, which were about 4-3/4 inches (12 cm) high. That pair was from her own home siletto high heel collection, which she had just gotten at a super low, close-out price on the internet, but had not hurt out on the street. When Judy had slippedThey on for fit only in her apartment only yesterday, she did feel that the quarter inch of additional height was definitely noticeable.

Now that Linda had paraded around in her 5-1/4 inch heels, Judy realized that she was definitely going to start wearing even higher heels than her 4-1/2 inch silettos. She also thought to herself that maybe they needed to update the office heel height standard so she could start wearing her Jimmy Choo designer heels and make that height her personal “highest in the office’ status. She also would pursue possible getting ultra high heels from that place that Mark referred to as a ‘special training school’. Judy felt a little less jealous now that she had a plan in mind and noted that today, she still had the ranking belt width of 4-1/2 inches over Linda’s 4-inch-wide belt.

Marked continued by saying, “Also, Linda is undergoing additional body modifications in order to more effectively model the cone bra or any other forthcoming lingerie, bytraining to achieve more of an extreme hourglass figure by wait reduction and breast enhancement, not that she needs any help in that last category.”

“I want to point out that this special training school is called SHAFERLINES, pronounced Shafer-lines, which is an acronym for Super High Arch Footwear, Extremely Restrictive Lacing, Intensive Nipple Elongation, School,” Mark carefully and distinctly enunciated.

Mark paused and said, “I’ll go into more detail about SHAFERLINES in a minute, but at this point I want Linda to first remove her belt and jacket in order display, in person her cone bra in the silk blouse that she has on today, as opposed to the video that I showed a few minutes ago. Linda shows them what I’m talking about.”

She quickly stood up and then handed the belt and jacket to Mark and posed for the audience in that thin, but opaque tight white silk blouse with the profile of her sharp pointed nipple tips clearly displayed through the cone bra nylon covered tips. They appeared ready to rip though both pieces of material. She struck several different provocative poses as some in the audience gasped and murmured during her performance.

Frank Gordon then spoke up and exclaimed, “What you are now seeing is what we first saw in St. Louis when we walked up to Linda at the reception desk. I think you can see why we are all here today. As a matter of fact, I think her nipple tips are even more pointed than they were a week ago!”

Even Mr. Wilson, the company President said, “Frank, I certainly see what you are talking about. Mark, go on and finish answering Judy’s question about the details of Linda’s ongoing training at SHAFERLINES.”

“Certainly, Mr. Wilson. The answer to Ms. Langston first question is yes. All models and any other associated women will be required to do some form of training depending on their level of involvement in the project. For example, the minimum heel height of any woman appearing on camera will be5-1/4 inches. And they must be trained to significantly wear and walk in them! Also, depending on their size and measurements, the women will also need to train in order to meet some minimum hourglass figure requirements,” Mark reiterated.

Judy quickly injected at this point, that she should be addressed as Judy rather than Ms. Langston.

Mark responded, “Ok, Judy I’ll do that. Since Linda is the lead model and spokesperson, her figure training will be the most extreme of any other women participating in this project. One of her long term overall training goals will be to increase her areolas to puff up to at least a half an inch with sharp pointed nipples, 1-1/2 inches long, which may seem impossible, but Linda, why don’t you tell everyone how you came to be on this project?”

Linda then professionally and proudly recruited, “I’ve had unusually long nipples since I was in Middle School and it’s one of reasons that Mark wanted me to help with this assignment. According tothe data that was taken at SHAFERLINES, I’ve increased my areola height by about a sixteenth of an inch in last few days and also my nipple length by the same amount to 7/8 of an inch and also with very limited training, they are more pointed than a week ago, as Mr. Gordon mentioned. Since I started my training, they seem to be partially aroused most all of the time, particularly when wearing this cone bra since it has the nipple exciting as a part of the silk bra tip. As I said, my training goals are to make my nipples even sharper pointed in order to further help in marketing your new pointed cone bra styles!”

Again, Mark took control of the meeting and then addressed and answered Judy’s earlier question about the details of Linda’s final figure training goals by saying, “By the way, besides her ultra high heel and posture training, Linda’s ultimate figure measurements, with the help of corsets and bondage training bras, are to be changed to a perfect 100 at 40-20-40 inches!”

He further noted, “The two 40 inch dimensions probably could be obtained quicker than the 20 inch waist, although her current 25 inch measurement was only two inches smaller than her normal size with a rather loose beginner’s corset lacing so it might be easier for her than I originally thought.”

“Wow, those are some fabulous goals,” Judy quipped as most of the meeting attendees agreed, judging by the nods of their heads.

With that announcement, Mark suggested that the meeting be adjourned so they could meet this afternoon with some of the mid-level managers in the company to set up a detailed plan of attack for the advertising campaign involving the cone bra introduction. Frank Gordon, was again put in charge by Mr. Wilson to make all that happen with New World Advertising as quickly as possible and he thanked them for their excellent presentation.

As the meeting broke up, Frank told Mark that he would be leaving a package with the young lady at the

reception desk for Linda to take back to St. Louis. He said that it would contain several new prototype cone bras in Linda’s size so that she did not have wear the only one that she had, even though he had sent a few clean cone bras, that past Wednesday for delivery to his office. Mark said that he and Linda had left the building early for the airport and therefore missed that delivery.

Frank said that he was also going to ship directly to his company a large quantity of cone bras, in a variety of sizes, for distribution to their employees or others to wear as another option in their company’s dress code. He also said that he would include the other custom, one-of-a-kind, training bra designs that Mark had sent to him from SHAFERLINES. He said the one that Mark wanted immediately was in the package that would be at the reception desk. Mark thanked him and said that it was a great idea to send the cone bras as a potential option to their company’s dress code and he would let him know ifThey needed additional quantities or other sizes.

Chapter 11

Mark and Linda returned to their suite at the Luxor later that afternoon after two successful meetings with the Fit and Form Lingerie people. They had invited several of the mengers, as well as Frank Gordon and his Present’s Assistant, Judy Langston, to a cocktail party in their suite with light food. Also invited were some staff Members that they had met and worked with that afternoon. Both Mr. Wilson and Frank Gordon said that they wanted to attend, but both had previous engagements and would take a rain check and send Judy as their representative, whom Mark was definitely going to invite in the first place.

Mark had to cancel the appointment he had made for Linda to see the gynecologist in Las Vegas that afternoon since they were late to Leave the business meeting and both had to get back to their suite for the cocktail party. However, he also had called and made an appointment with a gynecologist in theSt. Louis area that one of the major hospital systems had given the highest 5 star reviews on the internet.


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