Unusual Cond. for Employ. Pt. 01

Unusual Conditions for Employment Part 1 — Corrected ©


Chapter 1

Linda Wilson was to start working for advertising agency in a suburban high-rise office building in the Clayton area of ​​the St. Louis region. She had completed business and computer training in the community college system while working part time as a retail sales clerk. It took her three years to complete her associate’s degree after graduating from high school and she wanted to put some of her skills to work in the business community as quickly as possible.

After many failed attempts to find a more responsible job in the business world, Linda had to settle for a receptionist/scheduler position at the advertising agency called New World Marketing & Advertising. She had agreed to this entry level job as there seemed to be a good opportunity to quickly advance in the company. It also paid extremely well for the position and was well above the salary that she had received as a sales clerk and other jobs she held while going to college. Linda needed the extra money as she had recently moved into an apartment which she shared with one of her college friends. Her friend, Nancy, had gone on to complete her bachelor’s degree and was working in the downtown headquarters of a national department store operation.

Linda’s initial work assignment was to begin in the outer office of the agency where she would act as the Receptionist as well as to schedule the various appointments for some of the agency’s sales and marketing staff. The schedulediling was done via a newly installed computer networking system that she was familiar with from her recent schooling. Since the agency had potential clients coming and going during the business day, business casual dress was not allowed. Linda had pretty much been a casual “Jeans and T-Shirt” person in college and only converted to slacks and sweaters with flat shoes while she worked as a sales clerk.

During her interview, the female evaluator in the HR Department told Linda that typically most of the women who dealt with clients or other visitors were required to wear business suits and high heels, but for the first week she could temporarily wear a black pencil skirt, close-fitting white blouse, wide black leather belt, and black pumps with the 5-1/4 inch heels, which was the height that most of the women in the office normally wore. The woman had said she would send a couple of outfits by overnight expression, along with the heels to her home for Linda’s first week at work. The HR evaluator had then asked if she was use to wearing ultra high heels. Linda indicated that she rarely wore high heels and she had only one pair that had 2-1/4 inch kitten heels from high school and another pair of 3 inch spike heels that she had bought when she was in college. However, she quickly followed up by saying that she would definitely learn to wear such high heels over the weekend because she really wanted this job.

The HR interviewer then said given that fact, she would send a pair of black leather flats with needs toes along with the two outfits rather than the 5-1/4 inch silettos. Finally, the woman mentioned that she would also send a special bra that she was to wear one day later next week. She had gone on to explain that Linda should wear the flats to and from work so that she didn’t develop any bad habits of wearing ultra high heels the first week at work. She had further explained that there would be additional instructions with Saturday’s delivery.

The woman knew Linda’s sizes for the business outfits because she was required to specify that data and other personal information on the work application. Linda had wondered at the time why the application had asked for much more than the standard height and weight information. It also wanted other data such as shoe and bra sizes as well as other detailed statistics. The questions that had to do with her bra size and aroused nipplelength as well as her areola size also puzzled and slightly embarrassed her, but caused Linda to actually be aroused by the mere fact that they actually required that information. She know from puzzle that her nipples were unusually long and now that they actually wanted to know what her actual dimensions were, they seemed to be much more sensitive as she filled out the application.

The HR women Further noted that Linda would need to attend an offsite high heel and figure training program the following weekend after she started work on this coming Monday, provided that she passed the first week’s probation in doing her receptionist/scheduler assignment correctly.

At that point, the woman had Linda sign a memoryandum of agreement indicating that she accepted the training if she passed the probation period. Linda had signed the paper Without reading all the details in the document since she was so anxious to get on with securing the job. Linda then left the HR office and happily drive back to her apartment and spent the evening enjoying a delivered pizza and a rare bottle of her favorite wine alone since her roommate was spending the weekend with her boyfriend.

The following Saturday morning, a rather large package arrived by an express delivery service. Linda took it to her room and opened it to find the sexy needed toed black leather flats along with the two silk blooms, two pencil skirts, a wide belt, two pair of black thigh-high nylons, two black garter belts, and a box containing a lace-up cone bra that was circularly and radially bone reinforced between two layers of white silk.

Linda gasped at the sight of the sharp pointed cone bra that she had sometimes seen on vintage clothing sites on the internet, but certainly not as sharp pointed as this one and none had a lace up feature. She had also recently seen versions of cone and bullet bras featured in mainstream fashion stores since they were apparently coming back into “Vogue”.She couldn’t believe how sharp pointed the bra cups were and marveled at the boning and lace overlay that made them look so sexy. She also looked over the nylons and garter belt and realized how sexy they would be given the rest of her temporary business outfit. She had never hurt a garter belt before and rarely had wound stay-up thigh high nylons.

The several pages of the long instruction letter, enclosed in the package, indicated that she was to wear the bra with the tight fitting blouse and black pencil skirt, and tightly cinched belt in order to duplicate the sweater girl look of the fifties, but while wearing a business-like front buttoning blouse in place of a sweater. The note indicated that the Company was trying to snag a prospective client which was a major bra manufacturing that was looking for a marketing firm to handle the advertising for this forthcoming new line of cone bras. This particular 36 C bra was a sample that the company had sent prior to their visit to New World Marketing & Advertising later this coming week. The company management thought that the first person the potential client representatives should see was the front receptionist, in a business environment, decked out in their new cone bra.

This client was scheduled to visit New World on Friday, so Linda would have all week to practice at home in wearing the cone bra and preparing for the event in order to wear it to the office that day. Linda was some shocked that she was going to be the guinea pig to display such an exotic vintage exhibition of the fifties sweater girl look. Yet, that thought sent a thrill through her body and involuntarily raised her sexual arousal level as she examined the sexy bra.

Linda continued to read the other written instructions that indicated the uniquely designed bra had a lacing feature as a part of each cup that could be tightened to force her breasts into perfectly shaped cones in order to dramatically show off her best points under aSweater or blouse. This feature was at the top of each cup so that the lacings could be hidden with a lacelike silk overlay.

Linda was very excited about trying on this sexy pointed bra because it would be a direct contrast to those that she had forgotten in recent years. Because of her conservative upbringing, she wore unflattering rounded bras that tended to hide her ample 35 1/2 C breasts and unusually long nipples. It was obvious that this bra would do just the opposite which continued to send a thrill through her body and caused her nipples to harden against her own conservative rounded style bra.

Linda quickly removed her sweater and jeans and stripped down to only her panties, before trying on the unique cone bra. She held the two cups up to her breasts and loosely slipped them in the silver enclosures. The pointed cup seemed to further re-form her already pear shaped breasts into extremely sharp pointed cones before she fastened the back strap and adjusted the shoulderStraps so that the two cone cups pointed straight out from her chest in an extreme fashion even though her breasts were still rather loosely encased in them. The soft feel of the smooth satin feel very sexy and her nipples hardened even further.

At this point, the instructions said for her to tighten up the lacings, one at a time, from the top base of each cup down towards the cup tip to the outer edge of each areola. The lacing cords were made of tiny nylon twine about the size of medium size fishing line and reminded her of a small lace-up shoe complete with a satin tongue to prevent any pinching while being tightened.

Linda started with her left breast and began tightening the lacing down towards the tip of the cup. As the instructions indicated, she tightened the nylon cords so that the two halves of the cup were pulled completely together. As Linda Completed the lacing process, she could feel the cup reforming her breast into a perfect cone that forced her long hard nipple out to the cone tip that was made of stretchy nylon so that it allowed her nipple to push the material out and allow Linda’s nipple tip to be displayed which was the size and shape of a slightly rounded number two pencil erasure.

Her nipples were now completely at full attention, not only by the feeling of the sexy bra, but also by the scratchy material that was stitched around the tip, slightly back from the start of the nylon material. This allowed the very end of her nipple to poke out against the nylon while the rest of Linda’s the nipple was being stimulated by the Velcro-like material. After tying the two ends together with a bow knot, Linda pulled the lace overlay over the lacing seam and completed the same tightening process on her right breast with the same dramatic result.

Linda looked into the full length mirror in her bedroom to take in the sight of her standing with only the cone bra and panties. She couldn’t believe how dramatically her breasts were formd into such perfect cones standing straight out from her chest. The very tip of each red nipple was perfectly displayed as they poked against the stretchy nylon at the tip of each cup.

She further noticed that she needed to change out her rather conservative panties with some that were much sexier to go with the bra. Linda had a pair of white bikini panties which she dug out of the dresser and replaced the ones she already had on which she noticed certainly improved her underwear looks considerably.

Linda then decided to see how the bra would look with the business attitude that she had laid out on the bed, but first she wanted to try on a sweater rather than one of the blouses that had just been delivered. She went to the closet and found a white sleepless sweater that she had that was a little small even when she wore it with one of her rounded shaped bras. After pulling the opaque sweater over her head and down to her waist, Linda could tell that it was going to display her sharp pointed breasts in a vivid fashion.

She decided to go full out and also put on the thigh high nylons and garter belt was well as a black pencil skirt and wide black leather belt. Linda tucked the sweater in her skirt and cinched the belt as tightly as she could in order to achieve the most dramatic sweater girl look. Again, she looked in the mirror and turned to show a profile view of herself with the cone bra and tight fitting sweater.

Linda could hardly believe the reflection of herself from the mirror. She turned and saw how the pointed bra was about to rip through the sweater as it perfectly outlined her bulging nipple tips through the nylon bra tip and sweater. The sight of her being so erotically displayed seemed to bring out a hint of previously hidden exhibitionism in her and she felt an additional wave of arousal tingling at her nipples. Linda modeled the outfit in a provocative manner and even took a few selfies with her cell phone that also included herreflection in the mirror. The only thing missing was that she really needed some ultra high heels to fully complete the sweater girl picture. She would have to wait till next weekend for that to happen.

She then decided to see how the bra would look with one of the silk blooms they had sent her since that’s what she would be wearing to work the following Friday. After replacing the sweater with the white front buttoning blouse, she noticed that it was a little more forgiving than the sweater since it temperatured the extreme pointed look of her nipple tips to some extent and if she wore it more loosely tucked into her skirt, it could possibly pass as a borderline business ensemble. At this point, Linda decided that she needed more fashionable bras to wear to work with these new outfits starting on Monday and thought that she would have go shopping today or tomorrow and look for some that would be more appropriate her work attire.

Finally, Linda slipped on the narrow pointed toe flats that had been delivered to find that they were indeed tight fitting and forced her toes into a rounded shape so that more of her weight was forced to the outside of her toes and away from the balls of her feet.

The lengthy printed instruction and information sheets that accompanying the express package explained that the need toed flats were specifically designed to help start her ultra high heel training since they would provide the same footprint as the high heels she would be properly trained to wear the following weekend if she passed the probationary week successfully. They essentially duplicated the toe pieces of the high heel shoes that she would eventually wear, which made full contact with most all of the undersides of her feet. That full contact, including the arches and heels, would properly distribute her weight across each entire lower foot and away from the ball of her foot so that it would be much more comfortable while standing and walking in such high heels.

The final instruction in the lengthy note indicated that she was to go to a particular lingerie shop in town that afternoon, which they had an account with, in order to be fitted with some proper daily work bras. They were to be beaten in conjunction with her new business outfits. This instruction to be fitted for a new style of bra agreed with her earlier assessment a few moments before. Now she would only have to go to One store to find the appropriate work bra.

Since her roommate had stayed at her boyfriend’s apartment last night because they were going out of town starting Saturday, Linda had the place to herself for the whole weekend. She spent the entire morning in her business outfit with the company supplied blouse, cone bra, and needle toed flats before she went to the specified lingerie shop early that afternoon.

Linda drove to that small shop in the Central West End of St. Louis that apparently specialized in vintage and customized lingerie. She had also seen it advertised on local television station, but obviously never had been there.

Linda was able to park on the street close to the shop, so she didn’t have far to walk on the sidewalk before entering the shop. She did meet a younger couple coming towards her before getting to the storefront. The man did look at her, trying to be discreet as they approached. It was obvious that he was impressed with her figure and stared at her chest with the cone bra moving beneath Linda’s blouse alternately displaying her pointed breasts perfectly as she walked. The woman with him was distracted by something across the street and didn’t realize that the man with her was giving Linda an approving onceover.

Linda smiled to herself and was amused at her new found exhibition tendencies. She reached the shop entrance and noticed a small window display of bras on bust-like mannequins as well as a longline corset on a full size mannequin that also was dressed in a bullet bra, thong bikini, seamed nylons, garter belt, and ultra high siletto heeled pumps. She entered the small shop and was greeted at the front counter by a woman that appeared to be in her late thirties. The women was impecccably dressed in a white silk blouse displaying her pointed bra cups, black pencil skirt hemmed to about two inches above her knees, a tightly cinched four inch wide black patent belt, and matching black patent opera pumps with siletto heels that were well over five inches high. They had low cut throats that exposed considerable toe cleavage and short sharp needle toes. Actually, her outfit was not that much different than Linda’s other than the black patent siletto heels and belt.

The women also quickly observed Linda’s attire as she welcomed her to the shop and asked if her name was Linda which she quickly responded to the affordable. They both exchanged pleasuresants before Linda volunteered that she was looking for a bra, as directed by her new company that would be moreappropriate with her new work uniform.

“Yes I know. The company contacted me and said that you would be here today. My name is Gina and they told me that you needed less conservative bras for you normal business attitude. They also said that you would be wearing a sample bra that they want you to wear next Friday when a potential customer was visiting. They further indicated that it was a bra manufacturing that was coming out with a new line of cone bras and they wanted me to see the sample while you were wearing it here at the shop,” Gina explained.

“By the way, I like the way that cone bra looks on you with that blouse, and I also know what they have in mind for your everyday business bras. A semi-pointed or maybe even a bullet bra will go well with that outfit. Let’s go back to the dressing room and do some measuring so I can show you a couple of styles that I have in mind,” Gina announced as she turned and led Linda to the back of the shop to a large dressing room.

The private room was decorated in a style that was certainly fancier than any Linda had ever seen. It had two padded easy chairs with end tables and modern style lamps. There was a moveable clothing rack, two straight backed chairs, large table with a computer and monitor, and an eight inch high wooden platform in the center of the room with a small table to one side.

Gina escorted Linda into the room and closed the door. She instructed Linda to step up on the platform, which was about the height of a typical stand step, and take off her blouse so that she could take her measurements. Linda compiled and handed it to Gina who hung it up on a hanger on the clothes stand. Next she retrieved a tape measure from a drawer on one of the end tables and returned and faced Linda on the stand. The eight inch high stand offset by Gina’s five inch plus heels, Still put Linda’s chest about three inches higher than normal, which made it easier for Gina to take her bus measures. She started mEasuring Linda’s bra encased breasts including her overall bust line chest measurement. She also recorded many other dimensions such as each bra cup circuitry at the base, center, and near diameter at the outer edge of where her areolas would be positioned. Gina also measured the slant height of each cone shaped bra cup in four different radial positions as well as their height or altitude. Gina knew the slant angle of each cone cup could be calculated from this data.


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