He came home from work, slamming the door hard and throwing his coat and bag on the ground, his eyes light with anger as he saw me, kneeing and naked in the middle of the living room, just like he had asked of me. I was sitting back on my heels lightly, a blindfold on, and my hands were crossed in front of me.
I heard him come in and jumped, the door scaring me. Suddenly, he had me around the throat, up against the wall. I was gasping for breath, terrified for just a few seconds, my air supply completely cut off.
“You need to be severely punished, bitch,” he said, spitting in my face.
I started to tremble, my body pumping with adrenaline as he let me go. Sir had never treated me like this before- what had I done wrong?
I heard Sir going through the drawer with all of our toys in it- the toys he used on me- and then he grabbed me roughly, twisting his fingers into my hair and dragging me onto the bedroom. He gruffly handcuffed my arms to the bed, spreading them to opposite corners.
“Get that ass up, you whose- NOW,” he said demandingly, and I quickly brought my hips up, sticking my ass into the air as far as I could. Before I could even think, I felt the sharp sting of the fly right across my ass. I cried out, surprised at how hard he was going already, but he continued relentlessly, flogging me all over my ass and the back of my tights, then up my back.
Surely he was breaking my skin- my whole body was burning, hurting, aching, and there was no relief. Sir had never treated me like this- I sobbed, crying and screaming into the pillow as I tried to think back, wondering what I could possibly have done to make him hate me like this.
I thought about using my safe word, but decided that maybe I could make him happy by not using it and dealing with the punishment I deserved.
He flogged me for a solid ten minutes; then it stopped, and all I could hear was his heavy breathing. Sir almost never got this emotional when hewas flogging me- it was at that moment that I actually got scared. My body was shaking, my back and ass and legs burning as I cried hysterically into the pillow, trying to keep my cries from being too loud- Sir would only be angrier if I started screaming and crying from the pain. If I had been able to talk, I would’ve begged him to stop- but my voice was completely raw from screaming, and I couldn’t utter More than sounds and grunts.
Suddenly I felt the bed shift; I still had my blindfold on, so I could not see what Sir was doing. I found out quick enough.
Sir grabbed my hair painfully tight, twisting his fingers into it, and then he rarely shoved his cock all the way into my mouth, making me gag and shudder. He facefucked me until he came hard, as tears streamed down my face and I gagged again and again. He pulled out as he shot his load, cumming all over my face, and I cried harder at this. I had been so good for the flogging and the facefucking, and he hadn’tEven let me taste him!
He ripped the blindfold off, and slapped me hard, his cum smeared all over my face, letting out a low growl.
“Shut the fuck up, slut, and stop crying,” he said menacingly. Then he got off the bed, and I didn’t hear him anymore.
The lights went off, and the door closed, leaving me alone in the dark. I cried and cried, staying in the same position Sir had left me in.
What seemed like hours later, as I drifted in and out of a restless weariness, my world was lit up. I was only half consciousness, my body shivering and spasming as I cried dry tears, my body heaving from sobs. I felt hands on my back and I screamed again; the hands disappeared. The handscuffs were undone, and I felt a hand moving softly down my arm, a voice murmuring something that I couldn’t understand.
I only closed my eyes tightly, curling up on myself as fresh tears started. My whole body ached- my arms and shoulders were on fire, and I could feel my back, butt, and tightsoozing blood. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to look at whoever was in the room, and then I felt Sir’s fingers, just two of them, travel down my cheek.
I would like to believe that I did this because of what I had just gone through, but whatever the reason, I flinched, turning my face away from his fingers, and continued to sob into the comforter. My body shaking as the sobs overtook my whole being.
I hated him!
Then I opened my eyes, wanting to throw myself at him and rip his hair, claw his face, ANYTHING to show him just a fraction of what he’d just put me through, but when I looked at him, he had tears streaming down his face. He sat on the bed, leaning towards me, and when he saw the intensity glare I gave him, he closed his eyes, covering his face with his hands. He sunk off the bed, and from the looks of it, got down on his knees, ducking his head, but I was too tired to lean over and look at him.
Let him suffer, I thought. He’d left me here to suffer, alone, so now he could. I drifted off into a restless sleep, woken intermittently by the soft sounds of crying coming from over the side of the bed.
Sunlight streamed into the room as I opened my eyes, groaning loudly.
What had HAPPENED to me last night? I tried to think back, closing my eyes tightly, and then it all came flooding back, and I let out a sob. I moved my hand to cover my mouth, and an intense pain shot through my body, starting at my shoulder; so intense, that I let out a loud yell, freezing all movement as my chest heaved.
I looked around frantically, trying to figure out what to do next.
Then, suddenly, I heard something stir where I couldn’t see below the edge of the bed. I saw Sir’s face, exhausted from lack of sleep, his eyes finding mine. I tried to summon some of the hate I had felt for him last night, but I couldn’t, and my lower lip trembled. He watched me for a second, his eyes full of pain.
“Sir… what did I do?” My eyes filled with tears as I asked the question that had been haunting me all night, and Sir’s face broke down again, tears falling fast and hard as he continued to watch me. My throat burned from talking, and I swallowed hard, winning as my throat burned all the way down.
“NO,” he said forcedly, still kneeing on the ground. “You did nothing wrong- do you understand me? This was NOT YOUR FAULT.” His eyes were burning holes into me, and I shrank back against the bed, dropping my eyes to the comforter
My eyes were drawn to his face, again, and surely confusion was very plain on my face as I tried to comprehend what he was saying.
“Then…” I cought, winning as my throat burned and my entire body lit up in flames, again. I whimpered, trying to clamp my lips together. I could see Sir reach out for me with both hands, his face falling into misery again, but he drew them back almost as quickly. He took a deep shuddering breath, obviously ready to explain.
“I… It’s not a good excuse, by any means,” he said, shaking his head. “Would you like me to explain first or get you cleaned up first?” My eyes started to tear up again at the thought of anything touching my body, and I shook my head, hard, hurting my upper back with the sharp movements.
“Okay- please, honey, try not to move… you’re re-opening all the…” He falsetered for a second. “all the slices on your back every time you do,” he finished, running a hand through his hair as he looked down at the bed. “You want me to explain first?”
“Yes,” I croaked, and he jumped up quickly, looking at me pleadingly. “How about some water? Can I at least get you something to drink?” I murmured my consent, watching his back as he disappeared out the bedroom door.
He was back in less than two minutes, two big glasses of water in his hands. He set one down on the bedside table, and the other he held in his right hand.
Out of his pocket he pulled a long bendy thing, which, I realized as he stuck it in the glass of water, was a long straw. He brought the straw to my lips, and I sucked slowly, the water permeating into my mouth and soothing my raw throat. I closed my eyes, letting out a small sight of content. I sucked greedily from the straw, wanting the whole glass, but Sir took the glass away, smiling just a little at me, his eyes still dull.
“Don’t drink it all at once, hun- you’ll get a stomach ache. I’ll give you some more in a few minutes,” he said softly, and my stomach twisted at how gently he was speaking to me. He was using a soft tone, keeping his eyes downcast and his face relaxed, like he was trying not to scare me or something.
“So, at work yesterday, I was fired- the frustrating thing was, that I was set up. A couple of my co-workers wanted me gone, so they set up all this stuff so that My boss would come in and see a file on my desk that was not supposed to be there. They planted the file, and my boss saw it, called me into his office, and instantly firedme. Didn’t ask for an explanation or anything- just a ‘Goodbye, have a nice life,” Sir said, his teeth clenching and his hands tightening into fists. I decided to say something, before he got angry again.
“Sir, please don’t let this story anger you again,” I said pleaseningly, a shiver running down my spine as I closed my eyes. “I will not be able to take anything more- you will Surely kill me if you lose control again, Sir.” I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to see the pain on his face as he realized that I was right.
I felt his fingers on my cheek, and this time, while I flinched, I did not shy away. Sir needed me, and no matter how my body reacted, I was going to be there for him.
“I am so sorry, baby,” he whispered, and I shook my head.
“Sir, I understand that it was not truly YOU who did this to me. Please, continue with your story,” I said, still with my eyes closed. He took a deep breath and continued.
“Ah, yes, well, I left the office as calmly aspossible, but of course I was mad. When I got out to my car, they had keyed it- there are marks running up and down the sides of it. At the time, it had only heightened my anger,” he said, and I opened my eyes, seeing him shaking his head. “Now I see that I shouldn’t have let it get to me, but then, I was more mad that they had the nervous to do it, not that they had done it.”
“Well, they were all standing around one of their cars, so I put my things from my office in my car and then I headed towards them,” he said, pausing now. I watched his face intently, and it was then that I realized he had a black eye forming, and there were a few small cuts on his face.
“I lost control, Fallon…” He said, slowly losing it again, bringing his hand up to run through his hair. “I completely lost control, and I started a fight. There were five of them. I held them off pretty well for awhile, but in the end I had to split- there were too many of them, and I was losing the fight pretty badly. I ran to my car, and I made a beeline for home.”
His eyes flashed to my face, anger melting into sadness again as his eyes roamed over my bruised and bloody body.
“I was, and still am, angry with myself- for running away from them. That went against every dominant thread in my body. It was probably one of the hardest things I have ever done. I don’t know why I did it, and I don’t want to Know. All I care about right now is YOU. Because you need care- very badly. I will call someone, if that is what you want. I can have that friend of yours come, or my sister would gladly come right now, I am sure of it,” he proposed, his voice heavy and quiet. I watched him, confusion again evidence on my face.
“Sir… I would like to have your sister’s help, if you cannot,” I said, trying to keep my voice even as I thought of him leaving me. He looked at me, surprised, and then he leaned down, looking right in my eyes as he held my face with both hands.
“No, no, that’s not whaty I was offering at all. I ALWAYS have time for you, my precious beautiful jewel. I just…” He trailed off, and a tiny bit of fear flickered in his eyes before dying away. “I was simply offering you another person, in case you did not want me to touch you. In case you were scared of me.”
I just stared at him, my face going blank with shock.
“S…S… Sir, I do not… I am not,” I was speechless, trying to put into words what I was feeling.
“Shhhh, it’s alright- do you really want me to help you?” He looked almost not sad anymore, and despite everything, that brought joy to my heart.
“Of course I do, Sir. How could I ever want anyone else to?” I gave him a tiny little smile, and he just looked at me; now it was his turn to be shocked.
“Yes, Sir?”
“You really are the most beautiful and wonderful woman I have ever met. You are showing me that in new ways every single day,” he said, his face going from shock to awe and adoration, and Iblushed deeply, looking away from him.
“Sir, everyone deserves forgiveness. Tempers are very hard to keep,” I said, my eyes on the comforter.
We were quiet for a few moments, and then he leaned closer, clearly intending to kiss me, but completely unsure about it.
“Please, Sir, I want you to kiss me- I just can’t move my head to meet you,” I said finally, exasperated that he had sat there so long, so close to my lips. “Kiss me, Liam, please.” I whispered his name, and he leaned forward, pressing his lips gently to mine as we both let out a small sight of relief.
“Now, how are we going to go about this,” Sir said, his eyes darting over my body.
“Well, Sir-” He stopped me with another kiss.
“Please, just call me Liam right now, Fallon. I can’t bear to hear you call me Sir after what I’ve done to you,” he said, keeping his eyes abused. I sawed, unsure of what to say, and then I continued.
“Okay, Liam,” I said softly, his name sounding slightly odd coming out of my mouth. “My backside is probably the worst, and it’s making a mess all over your bedding, so maybe you could wipe it down? I’m not sure- you could just put me in the tub, but I will dirty the water an awful lot right now. I don’t think I can stand- a shower would be the best way.” I ramble on, nervous now for the pain that was coming.
“Hey, hey, baby- relax,” Liam says, his eyes connecting to mine and instantly calming me. I take a few deep breaths, closing my eyes, and I lean my cheek against the comforter, trying to relax my body.
“Sorry… I am just afraid,” I say, trembling a little bit. Liam brought a hand up to my cheek, rubbing gently with the back of his fingers. This time, I don’t flinch at all, and I even press up a little, enjoying the feeling of comfort I got from his touch, now knowing what I know about yesterday.
“Don’t be afraid- I will NOT hurt you anymore than is absolutely necessary, I promise,” he said, looking right into my eyes as he said it, just like before, and I nodded my head.
“Yes I know,” I said, giving him a small smile. He sort of smiled back at me, and then he moved, getting up off the bed.
“I’m going to get some water and a washcloth- then we can wash your face and clean up your back a little,” he said, and it dawned on me that I still had his cum all over my face- now that I thought about it, I could feel it, dried and crackling, on my skin and in my hair.
A few minutes later he was back, washcloth in hand, and a big basin of slightly steaming water. He set down the basin on the bedside table, drawing it farther down the side of the bed, closer to where I was curled up, and dipped the washcloth in, turning to look at me.
“Let’s start with your face, okay?” He gently cupped my face in his palm, turning it as he wiped me down. He dipped the washcloth again and again, starting down my neck, and then onto my shoulders. He was careful to stay on the front side of me, not lettingthe washcloth get too close to my raw and red back, and for that I was grateful. I wasn’t ready for him to wipe down my back yet- that was going to hurt.
“Can I put your hair up, hun? It’ll make doing your back easier- it will probably feel better, too,” he said, his eyes on my face, gauging my reaction.
I knew then that I was going to have to deal with getting my back wiped down- and it needed to happen sooner rather than later.
“Yes, Liam- that would probably be best,” I said, and he disappeared for a second, coming back with a ponytail. He proceeded to put my hair up in a high, messy bun that got it all off my neck and face.
“Okay, baby, you’ve gotta lay out on your stomach,” he said softly. “I promise, it won’t hurt as badly as you think it will.” He kissed my ear softly, keeping his hands off me- he was letting me go at my own pace.
I took a deep breath, and as I let it out slowly, I roll up onto my knees, my face against the comforter. I heard Liam let out a small stream of cuss words, and I glanced over at him, confused.
“Please, just keep going,” he said, standing up and turning his back, one of his hands supporting his forehead.
“Liam, what is the problem?” I stopped, confused. Then I realized that the position I was in is the same as last night- my breathing hitched, and my legs really started to shake. “Please, I need you over here right now,” I said, my legs trembling as I started to try and ease myself down onto my stomach. He quickly turned around, his eyes flashing to my face, and he came right back over, supporting me underneath my stomach, helping me lower myself slowly.
When I finally laid flat on the bed, I just stayed there for a second, my eyes closed, my chest (and back) heaving. That was painful, I Thought, though not as painful as I had thought it would be. Liam had been right…
“Fallon? Are you alright?” Liam’s soft voice came from my left, so I opened my eyes, searching for his face. After a few seconds I focused on him, and smiled up at him, trying not to let him see the pain.
“I am, Liam, I am. Feel free to get started whenever you are ready,” I said, and he turned, dipping the rag into the water. The rag was dripping wet, and instead of touching me with it, he just rang it out over my back, splashing my back with lukewarm water. I arched against the water, hissing between my teeth as the drops hit my back.
“Does that hurt?” When I didn’t immediately answer him, he asked again. “Fallon? Are you alright?”
“Y-yes, I’m okay, keep going,” I said, closing my eyes and trying to relax.
He did that a few more times, wetting all the dried blood, and making sure scabs were doing okay, and that none of the cuts were too deep or infected. Finally he was satisfied and he gently lowered the clothes onto my back. I bit my lip hard, not wanting to risk screaming, and then he slowly drew the rag down the middle of my back, getting off most of the blood. I squeeze my eyes shut tight, but the tears came anyways, so I turn my head the other way, facing away from him. I don’t want to be seen crying again, and I think he even understand. He gently petted my head as he continued, telling me how wonderful I was and what a good girl I was being.
When he finally finished, I was crying steadily, tears streaming down my face as I cover my mouth with my hand. I wasn’t sobbing- the tears were silent for the most part. I knew he was talking to me; I could hear the soothing tones in my ear, but I have no recollection of what was said. My mind was floating, nothing touching me- my vision was blurry and my body completely limp.
I feel myself move, the pain dimly lighting up in the back of my head, but I just ignore it, focusing on the soft murmuring of his voice as I hung alone in his arms.
When I woke up, I was laying on my stomach, warmth all around me; I didn’t want to open my eyes, for fear that the pain would return if I did.
“Good morning, beautiful,” I heard Liam’s voice, soft and luxurious in my ear as his lips brush against it. I slowly opened my eyes, resenting my body for giving me away, but then I realized that nothing hurt anymore. At least, not in the way it had yesterday.
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