The sun had begun to set, leaving the sky scattered with pink and orange hues. Seth is driving to his girlfriend, Kiarra’s house for their Friday movie night. As Seth approaches the house, his hand grips onto the steering wheel. After a terrible day at work, all he wanted is to release some stress onto something, or someone.
However, he couldn’t do that, not to Kiarra. Kiarra is a sweet, innocent, nineteen year old university student who has had horrific experiences in previous relationships. Seth on the other hand was a twenty four year old entrepreneur and part time dom. Every Friday evening after the couple’s movie night, Seth heads to the BDSM club in town to release his carnal desires.
Pulling up to the driveway, Seth released a breath that he didn’t know he was holding in. He witnessed, then proceeded to leave his car in Kiarra’s driveway. Seth walked up to the porch and stood there for a minute.
“Calm down, man. She’s not a sub, she’s your girlfriend and she’shave been through a lot. Just get through these few hours.” Seth thought to himself.
Seth knocked on the door, the only thing separating him and Kiarra. The only thing separating him and his irritation.
“It’s open!” a sweet melodic voice called out.
Seth twists the doorknob ever so slowly and pushes the door open. He walks in and shuts the door behind him. Turning to the left, he walks into the living room and sees Kiarra laying down on the couch on her stomach, typing something on her laptop for what Seth assumed was for school. He observes the sweet and tiny girl for a moment. She was dressed in a pair of very short sweat pants and an oversized t-shirt that, in Seth’s eyes, make her look cuter than she already was. She had her beautiful, curled, chocolate brown hair tied up into a high ponytail. Seth’s eyes then tailed Kiarra’s legs and frowns. A pplethora of bruises and cuts decorated the young girl’s legs.
“See that? You wouldn’t want to add more to that, would you? Control yourself.”
Everything about her makes him want to protect her from the cruelty that is the real world. She is way too sweet and innocent for anyone, especially him. She is too sweet to him, too kind to him, and way too fake to him.
Kiarra gets off of her stomach and sits up. She turns her head in Seth’s direction and flashes a cute smile.
“Hey, how was your day?” she asked.
Seth walks over to the girl and sits down next to her.
“Tiring and infuriating.” he replies.
Kiarra grows and scoots closer to him and Seth immediately responds by pulling her into his lap. Kiarra’s head laid on Seth’s chest and their legs are enangled with one another’s. Seth wraps his left arm around the tiny girl’s waist and places his right hand on her stomach. He grows at how skinny Kiarra was. Seth sits up slightly and leans his head on the arm of the couch.
“Anything I can do to make it better? I can get you something to eat or something like that.”Kiarra offered
“Yeah, you can let tie you up and fuck you.” Seth thought.
“What was that?” Kiarra asked.
“W-what? I didn’t say anything.” Seth stuttered.
“Oh, okay. Do you just want to cuddle then? We don’t have to watch a movie like we always do.” Kiarra said.
“Yeah, cuddling is fine.” Seth answered.
Kiarra nodded and lolled her head over her right shoulder. Seth looks down at the girl and feels her relaxing against him. He smiles and starts rubbing small circles on her stomach. As he did, he thought to himself the interaction that happened just earlier. Did he actually say that out loud? If she actually heard, what would she have thought? Would she leaves him? No, she’s Too sweet to do something like that. Seth couldn’t bear the thought of losing Kiarra as he generally loved being with her. Unlike his past relationships, Kiarra and his relationship was the most healthy and “adult.” While he and his past lovers had more adventurous nights instead ofcuddling, something about Kiarra made him feel at ease. Lost in thought, Seth’s head accidentally pushes up Kiarra’s shirt ever so slightly. In response, Kiarra gasps, making Seth jump.
“Oh Jesus Christ I am so sorry, babygirl!” Seth exclaimed.
“No no, it’s fine Seth. I was just a little surprised, that’s all.” Kiarra says, blushing.
“I’m seriously so sorry, baby. I wasn’t thinking and I – ” Seth started.
Kiarra laughed her cute adorable laugh and lifts up Seth’s hand and kisses the back of it. Seth smiles and rubs Kiarra’s cheat ever so lightly. Kiarra then lays her head back down on Seth’s chest and they went back to their previous position.
Seth began to let his mind trail and fantasize what asserting his dominance over Kiarra would be like. He would obviously take care of his babygirl and make sure she was comfortable and getting the best orgasm of her life. Out of nowhere, Kiarra turned onto her stomach to face Seth.
“Seth, can I ask you a question?” Kiarra said, looking into Seth’s icy blue orbs.
“Of course, what is it babygirl?” Seth asks in response.
Kiarra blushes at this. She always blushes when Seth calls her “babygirl.” That’s most likely why Seth continues to call her that.
“W-what do you do when you leave my house every Friday evening? You don’t get home until late because you don’t text me until late and even if you do work, you still text me back. I mean, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to I don’t want to dig into your personal life too much I was just wondering.” Kiarra quickly asked.
Seth freezes. How. How can he tell her about his habits? How can he tell her that he was into BDSM? How can he tell her all of that and not feel as if he destroyed their whole relationship?
Kiarra sights, “It’s fine if you don’t want to answer. I’m sorry, I was just curious. I mean, I know you’re not cheating on me because you don’t seem like that kind of guy, but I was just wondering.”
Wit that, Kiarra turns back and lays her head on Seth’s chest again. Seth tenses up and sits up, pulling Kiarra up with him.
“Babygirl, thank you putting your trust in me. That means more than you can ever imagine and you’re right, I’m not cheating on you. Not in the way that you think that cheating is anyway.” Seth began.
Kiara turns to him, confused.
“What do you mean?” she asks, tilting her head while doing so.
Seth sights and starts to pet the girl’s head.
“Promise me that what I’m going to tell you isn’t going to change our relationship.” Seth said.
“I promise.” Kiarra immediately replied.
Seth sights and pulls Kiarra’s hands into his. He breathes in and breathes out.
“Kiarra, I’m into BDSM and after every Friday night, I go a BDSM club. I’m a dom and I’ve been a dom for a while now. I’m sorry for not telling you earlier and – “
Seth gets cut off by Kiarra giggling. He looks at her, confused.
“Oh Seth, you could have justtold me, I understand. You have your needs and likes. So long as you have sex or kiss these people, I don’t mind.” Kiarra said, brushing Seth’s left cheek with her right hand.
Seth was shocked. He did not expect his babygirl to take this so well.
“But, I want you to do something for me.” Kiarra said.
“Anything babygirl.” Seth responses without hesitation.
“I want to be in your ‘world’ for one night.” Kiarra stated.
Seth froze.
“You what now?”
“I’ve been really interested in BDSM ever since my friend, Isabelle, introduced me to it. She’s in a BDSM relationship with her boyfriend and if I know how this whole thing worked, then maybe I can understand you more.” Kiarra reasoned.
Seth looked down and the innocent girl sitting in front of him. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. In that moment, he knew that he was the lucky man in the whole world.
“Babygirl, as much as I love to bring you along, it is dangerous. Besides, there area lot of things there that you may not be comfortable with.” Seth replied.
“Well hey, I can handle The Purge and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I’m sure I can handle this. Besides, I feel as if you’re anxious to go.” Kiarra giggled.
Seth chuckled and plants a kiss on Kiarra’s lips. He ruffles her hair and slightly pushes Kiarra off the couch.
“Well if you want to go, you’d best get ready.” Seth said smiling.
Kiarra nodded and runs upstairs, leaving Seth on the couch alone. Seth sits on the couch smiling to himself. Perhaps after tonight, the love of his life will be his sub.
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