The restaurant was busy, but not overly so. Darren was seated at the bar when Shawna arrived a couple of minutes early. She felt tardiness was disrespectful in any situation, and this was not just any situation.
“Right on time,” Darren said. “You look fantastic.”
She wore a snug fitting, but classy black dress, a simple silver chain that dipped ever so slightly into her cleavage, and simple small hoop earrings. Her black shoes added a respectable 2 inches to her height and gave her beautiful full butt just the right amount of lift.
Darren wore a light blue dress shirt, tucked in with the sleeves rolled down. His light brown leather jacket matched his leather shoes perfectly. His stylishly faded jeans came off the rack already faded and overpriced in Shawna’s opinion, but they looked like they were made for him.
“Why thank you,” she said playfully. “You’re looking very nice yourself. Being out of the office suits you.”
The bartender approached for theirorder. “What can I get you?”
Darren looked at Shawna for a moment longer before turning to the bartender. “I’ll have a scotch, something single malt. And the lady will have a Cabernet Sauvignon. Thank you,” he said.
Returning his penetrating gaze to Shawna, he said “You strike me as a red wine kind of lady. Sit, please.”
“I am a red wine kind of lady, thank you.” She replied taking the stool next to him. “Am I the biggest open book in the world or something? I feel like you could tell me my whole life story better than I could.”
Darren flashed a devilish smile that set Shawna’s panties ablaze. “I would fail miserably at that, I’m sure,” he said. “I have pretty good instincts about people though, and I’ve learned to trust them over the years.”
“Well you’ve been scarily accurate,” Shawna replied. “To be honest it freaks me out a little. Sometimes…”
“I can see why,” Darren said. “You have nothing to fear, I promise.” He crossed his heart and gave hera wink.
Shawna narrowed her eyes at him and smiled. “I believe you,” she said. “But I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.”
“Deal,” he said. “You’ll find that your right to change your mind is very important to me.”
Their drinks arrived and Darren raised his glass for a toast. Shawna followed suit, and they linked their glasses together gently.
“To a good night,” he said and took a sip of his scotch.
The wine was excellent. “Good pick on the wine,” she said. “It’s delicious.”
“I’m glad you like it,” he said. “We’ll be taking it easy on the alcohol tonight. We have some important things to talk about.”
“Sounds ominous,” she replied, half joking.
Darren flashed his panty wetting smile, and Shawna felt her face flush. Damn that smile had a powerful effect on her pussy.
A waiter approached then. “Mr. South, party of two?”
Darren nodded. “That’s us.”
“Right this way, please,” he said and lead them to a nicely settable, far enough away from other diners to have a sensitive conversation without being overheard.
After running through the specials, their waiter left them to go over the menu.
“What looks good?” Darren didn’t look up when he asked.
“I’m not sure if I want the fish or the chicken,” Shawna replied. She wasn’t sure if it was a rhetorical question, but she didn’t like to leave questions unanswered.
“The chicken is delicious,” he said. “I think you’ll enjoy it.”
They made some small talk about work until their waiter returned. “Have you decided?” He asked.
“We have,” Darren replied. “I’ll have the New York, medium rare, with the baked potato, and the lady will have the chicken with a house salad, balsamic dressing on the side.”
“Excellent choices, sir,” the waiter said as he wrote their order on a small notepad. He gathered the menus quickly and efficiently. “Anything else to drink?”
“Water please,” Darren replied. “Thank you.”
Shawna had never had her meal ordered for her before. It was strangely exciting. With the decision made for her, she didn’t have that little nagging feeling that she made the wrong choice.
“To get down to business,” Darren said, “we have to talk about what we can expect out of the two of us getting involved.”
“Ok,” Shawna replied. “I’m all ears.” That wasn’t entirely true. She was also nervouss, some doubt, something approaching fear, excited, and really really horny.
“I’m not like other men you’ve dated,” Darren began. “As a dominant, I require submission. Ownership, you could say. Your body and mind will belong to me in a very real sense. I expect obedience and enthusiasm, honesty and open communication, and an open mind. Your role will essentially be that of an old school wife, so to speak. You will serve me, always show me the utmost respect, aim to please me both through your obedience and through your own thoughts and ideas. Your only concern to will be my happiness and satisfaction. Are you ok with that so far?”
Shawna wasn’t entirely ok with it. Serve him? Like wear a maid outfit and bring him his slippers and pipe? Was this 1950? It sounded out dated and sexist.
And also, hot. While her brain struggled with serving a man and the reversal of decades of women’s liberation movements, her pussy betrayed her and wanted to devote itself to him right here and right now.
“I’m not entirely sure what most of that means, Darren,” she said. “I know I’ve never rubbed one out on command at work before, and I know I loved doing that for you. But what do you mean by serving you? Am I supposed to be a mindless service? Seen but not heard, and all that?”
“Not exactly,” he replied. “I have rules for you and standards for me. If you agree to do this, we will talk through the whole thing before we begin. There will be a training period so we can establish establish what works for both of us.”
“You have rules? What kind of rules?”
“Mybiggest rule is that you absolutely must stop everything we are doing if you feel overwhelmed, or you don’t like whatever it is. All of this is 100% volunteer and you always have the final say in what does or doesn’t happen.”
That sounded pretty good. Safe even. Her vagina was already onboard, now it was a matter of getting the rest of her to come around.
She had been engulfed with The need to obey him since he gave his first order. That was easy stuff. A blue shirt, and new red shirt, no problem. Masterbating at work in front of him…that was her pussy taking over, and it was ready to go again as soon as he gave the order.
What else did he have in mind?
“So if I don’t want to serve you, what happens next?” She asked.
“We have a delicious dinner and great time tonight, and go back to work on Monday like nothing happy,” Darren replied. “No hard feelings or anything like that. We go on as two co-workers and friends that had dinner one night.”
“Thatsounds horrible,” Shawna said.
Darren looked stunned for second. “Being friends sounds horrible?”
“Being just friends sounds horrible,” she said. “I don’t know what you did to me at the office, but I have never had anything like that before. I felt…I don’t know what. Like doing what you told me to do was the most natural thing in the world.”
“That’s because you are a natural submissive,” he said. “It goes against today’s way of thinking, but some people find happiness in obeying a strong and dominant person. It’s in your nature to obey the same as it in my nature to command. Scary stuff by today’s standards, but as natural as breathing in reality.”
“And you can tell that about me how?”
“When I saw the blue shirt, I knew you would obey. But When I saw you in the new red shirt, you looked like a new woman,” Darren said. “You didn’t just put on a new shirt, you took off years of confusion and doubt and glowed with purpose. It was the most beautiful thing Ihave ever seen.”
He was bang on again. She felt magnificent wearing that shirt. It wasn’t the actual shirt as much as it was doing what he told her to do and doing it the best way she could.
“I did feel amazing,” she said. “That was a first for me.”
“In exchange for your gift of submission to me, I offer you that feeling everyday. If you don’t feel like that in your service to me, then I am not doing my job as your dominant,” he said. “As I said, your submission is volunteer, and you can revoke it at any time. I will try and make sure you never want to”
“You have quite an effect on me,” she said. “If my lady parts have anything to say about this, we won’t have anything to worry about.”
“From now on, you’ll need to embrace your inner slut,” Darren said. “We haven’t touched on sex yet, but it will be hard, dirty, painful, and degrading. I want to make sure there’s no misunderstandings about that.”
“Wow,” she said. “That should scare me, but I could cum right now.”
Darren gave her his devil smile and reached his hand out to take hers. She felt an intense heat arc through her when she felt her hand touch his.
“From now on, if and when you cum is up to me,” he said in a quiet but very firm tone.
“Oh god,” she whispered as her body gave a slight convulsion and her mind swirled. Either the wine was lacened with something wonderful or Darren had just said the hottest thing she has ever heard.
The waiter came by at exactly the wrong time to deliver their water and some warm bread. Shawna could see the look on his face saying he had stumbled into a situation he wanted no part of. He left quickly.
“If you are up for this, we will discuss some of the details over dinner,” Darren said. “After dinner, we will go to my place and begin your training.”
“I’m up for it,” she replied. “I’m up for skipping dinner and going right now.”
Darren smiled. “I would love that, but we have some important, unsexy thingsto go over first. And for what I have in mind, you’ll need the energy.”
“As soon as we walk through the door, you belong to me. Understand?”
Shawna looked up at him, smiled a dirty little smile, and turned the knob. She pushed the door open and stepped into Darren’s house and a new way of life.
“Take your shoes off,” he said softly, “and stand in the middle of the living room.”
The front door opened into Darren’s open concept main floor. It was dimly lit by perimeter lighting the way people do when the leave the house expecting to return after dark.
The rooms were a good size, but not sarcastically large, with modern decorating and excellent taste. She pictured Darren living here; sitting on the leather couch and reading one of the books from the shelf along the far wall, or cooking something delicious in the kitchen off to her left.
“Stand there,” he said from behind her.
She stood exactly where he told her to, feeling a wild anticipation swell inside her. They had talked about her limits, hard and soft. He had told her he wanted things she had never even thought of before, and she wanted to try everything he mentioned.
Her sex life to this point had been vanilla, from what she learned at dinner. Not prudish or terrible by her own estimations, but not at all what Darren described.
An old boyfriend of hers had smacked her ass and pulled her hair after a night out here and there, and she thoroughly enjoyed those nights. When the morning came, it broke the wild side out of both of them, and they returned to normal sex, not really ever talking about what happened the night before.
She caught an intoxicating whiff of Darren’s cologne as he slip behind her. She felt his breath on the back of her neck and quivered.
“Ready?” He whispered in her ear.
“Yes,” she breathed.
Darren slip his left hand slowly up her back and into her hair. His fingers played open, he cupped the back of her head, her hair filled the spaces between his fingers and he paused for just a moment.
With his hand held in place he stepped in front of Shawna and kissed her softly. She melted into him and soaked in the waves of pleasure.
Slowly, and oh so firmly, he made a fist in her hair, pulling her scalp and taking her breath away. He had full control of her head as he held their kiss.
He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. “I want you to say back to me what I’m about to say to you. Understand?”
“Yes,” she whispered. His power over her was delicious.
Darren lifted up on her hair a little bit so she had to straighten her self to her full height, and he whispered in her ear.
“You are mine,” he said.
“I am yours,” Shawna replied, her heart picking up speed.
“You will obey me”
“I will obey you,” she could barely say the words.
“You belong to me,” he pulled her closer.
“Oh, god,” she whimpered. “I belong to you.”
Still holding her hair in his clenched fist, Darren ran his free hand slowly up the outside of her thigh. He caught the hem of her dress and lifted it slightly, focusing her attention on it as her dress crept up her legs.
He let her dress slip off his finger and continued up her body until his hand lightly touched her breast. He cupped it lightly and Shawna’s knees almost buckled. Her nipple hardened under his touch and her ran his fingers over it gently.
“This is mine,” he hisssed.
“Yes,” she whispered. “It’s yours.”
Taking her hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he squeezed it and Shawna let out and whimper. He knew how to get a girl excited.
Darren smiled a wicked smile and held her hair so she couldn’t look anywhere bit into his eyes. He slowly squeezed her nipple harder and harder, sending sharp electric pain straight to her pussy.
Adrenaline and endorphins flooded her body simulaneously, a cocktail of pain of pleasure like no drug she had ever tried. Her eyes widened as she sank deeper into his gaze, but all she could think about was the fire in her left nipple. It was amazing.
“Breathe,” he said.
She hadn’t realized she stopped breathing. She let out a deep breath and lived in the sensings of her hair aching in her scalp, her nipple steaming in pain, and her pussy flooding, soaking her panties all at the same time.
“Good girl,” Darren whispered. He let go of her nipple and a whole new pain shot through her as the blood forced its way back into it.
She let out a little whimper again. Holy fuck, that was intense, she thought.
Darren slip his hand around to her back and down to her ass. He caressed her left cheek lightly before taking a hand full and squeezed.
“This is mine,” he said.
“Yes,” Shawna answered.
He let go of his hold and slide his hand down to the hem of her dress again. This time, he lifted it enought to move us hand under it and grasp the waist band if her panties. He pulled them down until they could fall to her feet.
“Step out of those,” he said and she did so immediately. “Open your legs.”
She almost fainted as she stepped her right leg to the side.
Darren slowly and softly moved his hand around the edge of her dress, teasing his way around to her inner thigh. He moved his finger up so slowly, Shawna wanted to bend her knees and sink her pussy onto it. If he didn’t still have her hair pulled so tightly to him, she would have.
“This is mine,” he hissed and slide his hand up to her pussy, cupping her lips in his fingers.
“Holy fuck,” Shawna gasped. “Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck.”
Her pussy was so wet she could feel the juice running down her leg.
“Whose pussy is this?” He said.
“It’s your pussy,” she said aching for him to take it.
“That’s right,” he said. He slipped a finger inside her and stroked his hand up and down her slit so his finger slide across her clip as he moved in and out of her.
“Oh my god! I”m gonna cum,” she squealed.
“No you’re not,” Daren said and pulled his pussy soaked finger out of her..
“Oh no no no no no no,” she said, almost collapse if not for Darren’s grapsp of her hair.
“That is my pussy now,” he said. “And you need to ask my permission to cum.”
“Holy shit,” she said. She took a couple of deep breaths to gather herself and looked into his eyes. “Can I cum, please?”
Darren smiled at her. “Good girl,” he said. He sucked his wet finger and looking her in the eye, reached back down and slide it back into her.
Her pussy swallowed his finger hungrily and she was back on the compromise of orgasm in seconds. She wasn’t in control of her breathing any more and it came as a series of gasps and whimpers.
“Ask me again,” he said.
“Can I cum please?!” She howled.
“Again,” he said.
She fought back to need to cum as hard as she could. She was so close and his finger felt so good relativelessly struggling her clip and the soft wet inside of her pussy.
“Please, please please please please can I cum?!!””””
“Yes,” he said finally.
The room melted away in an instant, as Shawna left her body to soar through the heavens. The depth and intensity of her cumming pulled her in so many directions she couldn’t control herself. She vaguely heard sounds coming from her mouth as the orgasms ripped through her, she vaguely felt her back arch, pulling her hair harder against Darren’s grip. Her legs were shaking and her breathing stopped and started in fits. Wave after wave took her to new heights, then dropped her back into her body momentarily before taking her higher than before.
Slowly she became aware that Darren’s finger was not in her dripping pussy anymore. He was whispering something in her ear, but she couldn’t understand him. Her body hummed like a power line on a quiet night, electric and waiting.
“Good girl,” she heard finally as Darren’s hand released her hair. He held her close to him and put his hand gently on the back of her head. “Are you ok?”
Shawna stayed buried in his embrace and nodded into his chest. His warmth felt like a thick blank wrapped around her, and his cent was reaching into her, holding her to him on a deeper, primitive level.
When she could finally remember her name, Shawna lifted her head and Darren released his hold enough that she could look up at him. He smiled warmly at her.
“That was insane,” she said almost bursting into tears for a moment.
“That was an introduction,” he replied with his trademark smile. “We have much much more to go.”
For the first time since she fell under Darren’s spell, she actually felt afraid. Just his finger had been so Intensive she left her body. Could she handle any more than that?
“Dear god,” she said. “Darren, I don’t know how much more of that I can take.”
He smiled down at her wit soft eyes. “That’s what we’re going to find out,” he said. “We’ll go slowly and work our way up. I will take you places you’ve never even imagined.”
She had no doubt about that. Her scalp and nipple ached from his use of them, and her pussy was flooded like an overflowing bathtub and they hadn’t even had sex yet. What had she gotten herself into?
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