Under Construction Ch. 05

The text Darren sent her said jeans, white shirt, brained hair, and come to my office first thing for an inspection.

It was Sunday afternoon and Shawna had not seen Darren since he dropped her off at her car the day before. He had opened her car door for her, kissed her passwordately and told her that was the best first date he’d ever had.

She hadn’t stopped thinking about him since he drove away. She Couldn’t wait to see him again. Monday seemed so far away!

She resisted to urge to text him right there and then. She missed him already.

Get a hold of yourself, Shawny! It was one date and you’ll see him at work on Monday. Let’s get home and feed Chester before he loses his little mind.

Her phone buzzed in her purse.

You are amazing, it read.

The dopey grin that spread across her face was a billboard for pure happiness. Her heart fluttered and a deep satisfaction swept across her whole existence.

I was just thinking the same thing about you, she texted back.

She had spent that night at home with Chester and a couple sappy movies. Darren sent her a goodnight message just as the second movie was about to end and the movie ceased to exist. She couldn’t remember how it ended.

Her morning consisted of going over the events of their date and wanting Monday morning to worry up and get here already.

When his text about her clothes arrived, she felt everything else slip out of her mind as she ran a mental clothing check to see what she had to meet his request. She decided against everything in her closet and headed out to do some shopping.

After an hour or two of rejecting shirt after shirt, she settled on a classy yet sultry silky affairs that let the world know when she was cold. It dipped a little at the neck line, but it was still safe for work.


The jeans were another ball of wax entirely, but 6 stores later, she was satisfied with her purchases. She narrowed her search down to two pairs of jeans and got them both just to be sure.

On her way out of the mall, she stopped at the drug store to grab some new razors. She had work to do.

Darren expected immaculate grooming. Always. That means no more unruly mound for Shawna. She had run her electric trimmer over everything for their date and shavled her legs and so on. She was a lady, afterall.

By immaculate grooming, Darren told her at dinner that means no hair anywhere south of her navel or in her arms. Most of that stuff was pretty common and she had shacked her pussy for other men. There was one new spot she had never shacked before though.

She got one of her new razors out of the ridiculously hard to open package and started her shower. Her arms first, then her legs. When they were all smooth and slick with soap and the slippery residue the razor had built in, she moved on to her pussy.

She was careful not to take too much at once and not cut herself in the those tricky spots. With the lips smooth and luxurious, she shacked the triangle above.

When she was done, she ran her fingers over her smooth lips. Wow, she thought. These razors are awesome. Darren is going to love that.

Now the hard part. She had never even considered shaving her back door and she had no idea how to go about it. No wonder women just waxed down there.

Eventually after a few a very cautious attempts in various positions, she found she could access her ass by putting one foot on the side of the tub, and pulling her cheek open with her free hand.

She was very very careful.

When she was done, she rinsed and moved the shower stream off her body. She ran her fingers over her work and decided that she had done a pretty damn good job. Front, back, legs and pits were as smooth as they could be.

She let her fingers linger a while thinking about Darren’s reaction when he touched her soft smooth pussy. She slide her fingers lightly over her velvety folds and imaginedhim losing control and taking her in his office.

After only a moment lost in these delicious thoughts, her favourite finger slipped inside her. She was already soaked. She imagined Darren’s fingers where she had hers, and it wasn’t long before she was gasping for breath and holding on to the curtain rod for support.

That man had such an affect on her!

Satisfied that her wardrobe and her grooming met Darren’s requirements, she settled in for a deep, blissful sleep.

The morning sun found Shawna up and out of bed, pre-dressed, lengthed up, and ready to go. She was also about two hours early.

The anticipation of Darren’s inspection and (hopefully) satisfaction was all consuming. She must have checked her handiwork a dozen times looking for a spot she’d missed, desperately wanting everything to be perfect for him.

As far as she could tell, she was in excellent form.

Finally, it was time to leave. Sort of. It was half an hour early, but she would stop for a coffee on the way, so that would bring her in only twenty seven minutes early.

She gave Chester a good scratch on the way out the door and the butterflies in her stomach carried her all the way past the drive thru and to the office. Oh well.

To her surprise, Shawna saw Darren’s car alone in the parking lot when she arrived. He must be one of those guys that like to get to work early, she thought.

Her heart raced as she walked into the office, excited to see her beautiful dominant sadist again.

She held herself back from running into his office and strolled in casually. He was sitting at his desk, working already, and wearing her favourite shirt. She felt herself slip a little further under his spell and she didn’t mind at all.

“Good morning,” she said with a huge smile.

Darren looked up and flashed his heart melting geneuine grin. “Good morning, beautiful,” he said. “Come in and shut the door, please.”

She happily compiled.

“I’m very happy to see you again,” he said. “It’s been a long couple days.”

“It’s been torture,” Shawna agreed.

He came around the desk and drank in the sight of her for a moment before touching her face softly and kissing her soul.

They kissed like high school kids for a few beautiful moments before he broke it off and looked deep into her eyes. He grinned his grin and whispered “lesson time.”

Shawna’s heart jumped at the chance to learn something new.

“Inspection position one,” Darren began, “looks almost like you’re being arrested.”

He moved behind her, standing close and whispered in her ear. His cologne once again filling her nose, anchoring him in her mind forever.

Taking hold of her wrists, he moved her hands gently up and behind her head. “Lace Your fingers together and hold your hands like this,” he said firmly.

His foot slide between her feet, and he pushed on her right foot to indicate he wanted her to move it to the side.

“Spread your legs a little more than shoulder width and hold that position,” he said. “This is inspection position one. Remember it, and be ready to take this position at anytime. Understood?”

Shawna’s heart beat was everywhere. She could feel it in her chest, in her eyes, and most definitely in her pussy as she burned the position into her mind.

“Yes, sir” she said.

“Good girl,” Darren whispered. “Are you ready for this?”

“God yes!”

Still standing behind her with his body pressed against hers, his heat coming through her silky new shirt, he moved his hands slowly up from her waist along her sides. They moved up like a blind man reading a brainle love letter, absorbing every nuance of her body through her clothes.

His hands teased around her breasts without touching They directly before sliding down the front of her body, over her navel, and setting on the button of her new jeans.

“Who’s body is this?” He asked her, running his fingers just insideher waistband.

Shawna’s pussy flooded with the sound and the intent of his question.

“It’s yours,” she said.

“And who’s pussy am I going to inspect?”

“Yours,” Shawna moaned. She wanted him so bad.

“And am I going to like what you’ve done with it?”

She could feel his excitement pressing against her ass and she pressed back into him.

“Yes,” she said.

“I’m sure you’ve done an excellent job,” Darren whispered. “But I can’t just take your word for it. I need to see for myself.”

Shawna’s mind swam in sea of ​​innuendo. Darren opened he button and lowered her zipper slowly. He pushed his hands into the open flaps of her jeans and slide them around to her hips, then pushed her jeans down just a little bit.

Lingering for just a moment at the waist band of her lacy white panties, Darren finally slip his hand slowly down her belly and softly ran his fingers over her smooth public shaft.

“Very nice,” he whispered, teasing at the very top of her slit.

She was already slick with her anticipation and her body moved to accommodate his fingers finding their way to her waiting, aching lips.

Darren pushed the back of his hand against her panties and jeans so he could slide his hand further down her pants without touching her. His fingers hovered over her, so close she could almost feel their heat. She wanted his touch so bad she tried to sink herself down onto his hand, but he held her with his free hand.

“This pussy is mine,” he said firmly. “I’ll touch it when I’m ready. Understood?”

Shawna struggled to breathe as her anticipation and desire took hold of her body.

“Yes, sir,” she whimpered.

“Good girl,” he hisssed, and slide his hand up and over her silky lips, his middle finger running right up her wet slit and across her throbbing clip.

She gasped as the jolt of sexual electricity surged through her and her whole body tensed. Her hands almost came down from her position, but she kept them in place.

Darren moved his hand slowly back over her pussy, his fingers cupping the whole outside of her beautifully groomed folds. He searched every little area for any missed hairs. He was through in his search.

“I’m very impressed,” he said finally. He slipppped his middle finger just inside her lips and pulled his hand slowly up and out of her pants. His wet finger left a little trail of her juice as it skimmed up her belly.

Shawna shook involuntarily and her breath again caught in her throat.

“Oh god,” she said. “Don’t stop.”

Darren pulled her closer to him, and held her. His face was pressed to her cheek and she could feel he was straining the fabric of his pants against her ass.

“I don’t want you to cum right now,” he said firmly. “This is my pussy, and you don’t get to decide when it cums anymore.”

Shawna whimpered and accepted his ownership of her womanhood. His command of her body made it hard not to beg for release.

“You did an amazing job,” Darren said stepping back and breaking their body contact. “Do your pants back up. Your first inspection is over.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” she asked, breathing heavy. After the work she had put in to shaving all of her sensitive areas, she didn’t want to leave anything out.

Darren stopped and drew a long breath.

Shawna waited for him to release his breath and stood motionless. She had a feeling he liked what he heard.

“Inspection position two,” Darren said finally. He grabbed her jeans on either side of her hips and jerked them down to her knees. He paused to admire her ass for a moment before pulling her panties down on top of her jeans.

“Bend over, put your elbows on my desk,” he said. The excitement in his voice was controlled, but just barely.

Shawna did as she was told and assumed her position. Again she made a mental note of inspection position two. It was an easy one to remember and she retired the naughtiness of her exposed ass.

“Dear god,” Darren said from behind her. “If I had more time…”

His hands glided over her bare cheeses softly for a few moments. Her body trembled at his touch, the anticipation overwhelming her.

He gripped her left cheek firmly and pulled her open, exposing her first ever attempt at shaving that area. His free hand trailed ever so softly down her Ass crack, his fingers skirting either side of her pumpered asshole.

He searched as throughly as he had searched her pussy for straight hairs and found none. His fingers traced around her hole for a moment again before finally touching her bullseye.

She tensed her body at the soft touch. She had never had anyone down there before and it was strangely arousing. The new sensing triggered her body’s responses Without her consent, and as Darren pressed his finger gently and swirled it across her rosebud, she couldn’t tell if she was going to cum or panic or both.

He lingered a second or two longer before slipping his hand out of her ass. He gave her a solid slap on her right ass cheek and let go of her left.

“Perfectly groomed,” he said satisfied. “You’re taking to your role very well.”

“Thank you,” she replied. “I’ve never had anyone touch my ass like that before.”

His hand came down on her ass with a loud, stinging smack. She cried out at the shock of it.

“This ass is mine now,” he said.

The sting was delcious, and his tone was so hot.

“Yes, sir,” she said. “Sorry.”

“Do your pants up and get yourself ready for the rest of the day,” he said. “Your first inspection was perfect. If we had more time, we wouldn’t be stopping right now.

Shawna stood up slowly, still relishing her singing ass. She pulled her panties up slowly as Darren watched her from behind. Then she bent over again and slowly pulled her jeans up.

As she tucked her shirt in and straightened herself up, she could hear her co-workers trickling into the office. Darren spun her around and kissed her passwordately.

“Now get out of my office,” he said playfully. “I have work to do.”

Shawna gathered her belongings and wished desperately she didn’t have to leave his office. She had a very strong itch that needed to be scratched, dammit.

Suddenly and for reasons she couldn’t really explain, she turned to Darren just before she open his door and said “I rubbed one out in the shower last night while I was shaving for you.” With that, she opened the door and strolled down the hall to her own office.

She felt her phone buzz in her pocket a few moments later. As she expected, Darren had taken exception to her unauthorized use of his pussy.

Your translation will not go unpunished, her phone read.

Shawna’s singing ass left no doubt in her mind that he was serious. The smack she got gave her a certain charge she’d never really had before, so the idea of ​​more of the same excited her.

I have been a bad girl,she typed back. What happened to no punishment during training?

She was provoking him for some reason. She knew it and she continued to do it anyway.

She expected a response from Darren, but when none came, she began to worry.

What if he’s mad at me? I shouldn’t have been a shithead. What have I done? Oh, god! What if he doesn’t want to see me anymore?

Just then, Tracey poked her head into Shawna’s office.

“Hey there,” she said smiling. “You’re here early.”

“I got here almost half an hour ago for some reason,” Shawna replied. “Weird, right?”

“I’ll say,” Tracey said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before me. Were you the first one here?”

Shawna smiled a little before replying. “No,” she said. “Darren was here before me.”

Tracey lit up instantly and shot into the chair in front of Shawna’s desk.

“Oh really?” She said. “And..?”

As the effects of Darren’s inspection stormed through her body, she gathered her wits enought to lie.

“And I said hello, drank my coffee and made some small talk,” she said.

Tracey looked at her suspiciously. “Is that all?”

“Well, we talked a little about our date on Friday,” Shawna replied, “but other than that, it was just small talk and coffee.”

“Holy shit!” Tracey all but jumped out of her chair. “You went out with him? Why didn’t I know about this? You’re hiding shit from me.”

Shawna chuckled just a little at just how much she was hiding from Tracey. Ropes, nipple clamps, outright possession of her body, not to mention the morning’s activities and the ache in her pants.

“I’m not hiding anything,” she answered. “I just saw you for the first time since then and you already know about it.”

“It’s 2018, old lady,” Tracey shot back. “I have pictures of everything my fireends have eaten since 2014 on my phone, but you didn’t send me anything about a date.”

“Your other friends sound like losers,” Shawna said smiling. “Us old folks just eat our food like the dinosaurs did.”

“Boring,” she replied, rolling her eyes. “Come on, Shawny. Spill it.”

“We went out for dinner, had a really nice time, went to his place for a night cap, and I went home,” Shawna lied.

“Is that how the dinosaurs dated?” Tracey laughed. “Did you guys…finish the night off sweaty?”

You have no idea, little girl, she thought.

“I’m a lady and I won’t answer that,” Shawna replied in a fake southern drawl. “Now if you don’t mind, we both have jobs to do. That’s kinda why we’re here.”

Tracey rolled her eyes again. “Fine. But I’ll be back and I want details.”

“Get out,” Shawna said, pointing to the door. “And don’t come back without chocolate.”

After checking her phone for a message from Darren and still not finding one, Shawna attempted to get to work. She had a hard time focusing however and checked her phone every ten minutes.

Finally, her phone buzzed, starting her. She snatched it up and opened the message app. It was from Darren.

I did say no punishments during training. I’m a man of my word. You should be aware that as of right now you are fully aware of my ownership of your body, and any future violence will be punished.

Shawna breathed a sight of relief. The punishment idea didn’t both her; quite the opposite actually. She found she quite liked the taste of pain she’d had so far. Not hearing from him and fearing she had screwed up their budding relationship scared her immensly.

Yes, sir. I don’t know what came over me. It won’t happen again.

With that took care of, Shawna was able to fall into her work. She caught up and finished her morning duties quickly and efficiently.

Then she did what all office workers do when they have spare time, she went online and killed a few minutes until lunch time.

An email caught her attention.

You Bitch, it said.

Curious, Shawna clicked on the email. As she read it, her heart sank and her blood ran cold.

Dear Whore,

I know what you did with my husband. Do you really think he’ll leave me for you, you fucking bitch? You’re nothing to him but a plaything. You’re the latest stupid slut in a long line of stupid sluts.

Stay away from Darren, bitch. You had your fun, now fuck off and die.

“What the hell?” Shawna said aloud.

Oh my god, he’s married. Oh no. This is so bad. How did I let this happen? Stupid stupid girl! There has to be a mistake. This can’t be happening. Not Darren. Please not Darren.

Tears welled up in her eyes and her stomach dropped into her shoes.

No way, she thought. He’s not like that. It can’t be real. I’ll ask him about it before I freak out.

He’ll lie. How well do I really know this guy? We had one date and he spent the whole time telling me he wants me to be his service and hurting me. Wake up, Shawny! Jesus, how blind can I be? Who wants to hurt people for sexual arousal? And who lets them?

Please no. Please please please no, she screamed silently as the tears streamed warm and wet down her face. They flowed unchecked, some into her mouth, and the rest dripping from her chin onto her desk as she stared at the message.

New red flags ripped her date with Darren apart, destroying that beautiful memory like a tornado. His need for control, his speech about being a dominant; he abused her on their first date, for christ sake! He tied her up and hurt her and she’d let him!


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