Doctor Charlotte Preston sat in her grey wing back chair and lightly tapped her pen across her folio papers. She was listening to her patient Gabriel related a new story, one about his positive progress. Veterans Day had just passed and every previous year Gabriel had been asked to make an appearance at the local remembranace ceremony but he had always declined. But this year, despite his paralyzing fear, he had gotten out his Dress uniform and he had gone to the ceremony. It had been hard for him to reconnect his feelings about his pride in serving his country with the devastation that he still felt about losing his brothers, but he had gotten through it. Charlotte had already been telling Gabriel how pleased she was with his immense progress and so she didn’t worry as her mind began to wander when he started to retell the story to her again from a slightly different perspective.
Her mind drifted, as it always did to Jackson. Her former patient and current Daddy, Dominant, Lover and in truth her whole world. Charlotte had woken up before him this morning which was a rare occasion and so she had decided that a treatment was in order. Gently untangling her own limbs from his, she had slipped from his grap without stirring him from his slumber. As she had looked over Jackson’s naked body she had seen that his cock was already partially erect, as it always seemed to be when their bodies were in close proximity. Charlie’s mouth instantly started to salivate. She swore that most days with Jackson, the need to satisfy her oral fixation was almost intolerable. So Charlotte quickly covered the short space between her and her Daddy’s cock and began to lick and lightly suck on the head. As she tasted his salty flesh on her tongue, she pushed the saliva out of her mouth and watched as it dripped slowly down his Shaft. Taking a break from sucking, Charlotte gently began to stroke his growing erection with one hand while she dipped her head down to bathe Jackson’s balls withHer tongue while they were cradle in the open palm of her other hand. She loved the sensings of his smooth skin in her mouth and the knowledge that she would soon milk the cum from his sack and feel it slide down her throat or paint across her skin.
As Jackson continued to doze, Charlotte continued her pleasurable work moving back and forth from pumping and sucking on the head to devouring Jackson’s cock in its entirety and Feeling it pushing into the back of her throat. Every time she switched, Jackson’s cock grew harder and she slowly pulled him out of his sleep. When she finally heard his breathing change into a pattern that she distinctly knew mean that he was awake, Charlotte pulled her hair back behind her head, out of her face and looked up. She grinned wickedly as her eyes met the sleepy yet lust filled look of her Daddy’s eyes. She knew that he loved waking up with his cock in her mouth and as he had slid his fingers into the tangled tempers of her hair, she had begun to work overtime to push him as deeply into her mouth as she could. Jackson’s guttural moans were her reward and she felt her own juices began to drip down her naked thighs in response.
“Are you hungry Babydoll?” Jackson had asked while pushing her head down and plummeting his dick deeply into her throat.
Charlie had tried to mumble an affordable response, but had failed because her mouth was filled to its maximum capacity with cock.
Jackson had let Charlotte bring him right to the edge of orgasm before he had pulled her head away from his steel shake. She had whimpered at being denied his creamy load and had immediately thrust out her bottom lip in a petulant pout. Jackson had moved quickly when he saw her acting bratty, he had pulled her off balance and had smoked her sharply on the ass with a firm hand. Although being reminded, sometimes on a daily basis that Daddy was the one in charge, Charlotte was still surprised when he moved so quickly and brought the stinging reality back to her. He had twisted her around after that solidary smack and had pinned her body beneath his own. Clasping her hands together above her head, Jackson had impaled her onto his cock in one solid thrust. Freezing there, his steely gaze had locked onto her own and then he had waited.
Jackson had done this to her before, he had waited, tantalizing her with the fullness of his cock being buried to the hilt in her dripping hole. On the previous occasions she had begun to circle her hips, the desperation of wanting to feel him use her body overwhelming her senses. But that had only resulted in him pulling out of her, leaving her mourning the loss of his touch. It had been a lesson of her submission to him, which she had learned far too slowly. Daddy was the only one in charge, her body belonged to him, her orgasms were his to give and if she was patient and if she was acquirescent then Jackson rewarded her by fulfilling every need she desired, even the ones she hadn’t known that she required.
So this morning Charlotte had not moved, instead she had simply basked in the attention. When Jackson looked at her like this, locking her eyes with his, it was as if she was gazing into the very makeup of his soul. She could see the torn edges and the darkness hovering just outside waiting to devour him, but she could also see what she represented for him. She was the glowing center, the blazingly bright star that kept his world aligned and the demonstrations howling at the gates. His love for her was boundless and being the object of his adoration was a heady and intense experience.
Pleased with her obedience, Jackson had unhurriedly made love to Charlotte, kissing her lips and gazing into her eyes while he sank into her hot wet slit over and over. He had pushed her over the edge twice, unraveling her and cooling her back up tightly, building up her releases so that when he was ready they could collapse into ecstasy together.
“You are such a perfect Babydoll.” He had whispered across her lips. “Cum with Daddy, let me hear you.”
Charlotte had willingly compiled with his command. When she had felt him swell within her and she witnessed Jackson squeeze shut his eyes as the pleasure rushed through him, her body had responded just like it had been conditioned to do. The increased pressure of Jackson’s orgasm and the vice grip of her muscles surrounding him, had shaken Charlie’s body from the top of her head to the tip of her toes. Her entire frame shuddered and she had wrapped her legs around Jackson, locking her ankles and ensuring that he would stay deeply buried in her velvety folders until she could coherently form thoughts again.
Blushing a deep scarlet and shivering from the memory, Charlotte refocused on her patient Gabriel just as her receptionist Lindsay quietly knocked at the door.
“Doctor Preston?” Lindsay called quietly as she pushed open the office door just a crack. “You asked me to inform you when it was 5 o’clock.”
“Yes, Thank You.” Charlotte responded and she watched as her office door closed again silently. Then she turned her attention back to Gabriel who had sat up from his place on her white leather couch and was looking at her with an appreciated face. She knew that he was very fearful about her vacation and so she tried to soothe his fears.
“Gabriel, I am immensely proud of the progress which You have made over the past couple of weeks. I want you to realize that this is not just a happy accident. We have been working hard together to get you to this point. You are stronger than you have ever been.” Charlotte paused, letting her words sink in. “I am going to be away for two weeks on vacation and I know that I am going to return to another story of your triumphs. Dr. Zimmerman will be handling any emergency situations for me and Lindsay knows how to get ahold of me, if the need arises.”
Then Charlie gave him her warm and most confidence inspiring smile.Gabriel looked hesitant for a moment but then he couldn’t help but join her in a grin.
“Sounds Good Doc.” He answered in a voice that still strained and revealed his true misgivings.
“Great!” She replied, trying to convey her most sincere belief. “Then I will see you in two weeks.”
Just before midnight Jackson pulled his truck up the gravel driveway outside of his cabin. He felt the calmness of the surrounding woods and isolation enclose around him as he put the truck into park. This cabin had always been his sanctuary, miles from anything and everyone, this was the place he had been able to retreat to when his mind had lost its wars.
Charlotte had fallen wait two hours ago with her head in his lap, and he had been struggling her hair gently while she dozed and he drove. He had really put her through her paces earlier, she had been full of excited and nervous energy when he had picked her up from work and although he loved her enthusiasm, her busyhands had ultimately made it impossible for him to drive. Her zeroous behavior had forced him to stop driving and reinforce the paradigm of their relationship once again. His Babydoll was challenging. She was constantly testing him and although he would never have told her so, he didn’t think he would want it any other way. She kept him on his toes, he needed to be sharp around her and her spirit was one of the things that made him love her so intensely.
But that didn’t mean he was going to let her accidentally undermine what they had built together. He would nurse Charlotte and provide her with everything that she needed to be fulfilled, but ultimately she would have to choose to follow him into the unknown and trust that he knew what was best for the two of them.
Wanting to make sure that they were not disturbed but also wanting Charlotte to be placed outside of her comfort zone, Jackson had pulled off of the main highway and down a logging road. Once he had pulled over and stopped, he had ordered her out of the truck and turned on the high beams in the rapidly descending dust and then he had told her to strip. After only the briefest of moments, she had compiled and he had watched her defiantly blazing eyes slowly glazing with anticipated lust and her chest began to heaven, while her cheeses flushed hot, knowing that although they were away from prying eyes, their solitude could be broken at any time and she would be exposed. When she was naked and standing surrounded by darkness, he had left the truck, his rock hard member strained against the front of his pants, his Babydoll was an angel waiting for him in a halo of light and he would devour her, pulling her into his darkness until she was swallowed whole.
When he had reached her trembling form, he ran his fingers under the black ribbon collar he had given her, the symbol of his ownership and their bond, and as his fingers had danced across her flesh he watched the goose bumps rise up and heard her breathing hit. He kissed her soft ruby lips and roughly invaded her mouth with his tongue. She moaned into his mouth and pushed her body into his, pressing her swollen breasts against his broad chest. Jackson knew that Charlotte was ready for him, he could smell her sweet scent in the air. Grabbing her by the hair, Jackson pulled Charlie along with him towards the back of the truck. He had unlatched the tail gate and pushed her face down, and while holding her to the spot, he took her hands and brought them up to hold onto the tangled knot of tempers currently in his fist.
“Don’t move Babydoll.” He whispered to her in harsh tones, as his body dragged over hers and his erection pushed against her naked ass. “Daddy is going to USE you now, for HIS pleasure. And when I am done you will THANK me for it.”
He had stood back from her then and unleashed his raging cock. He had opened her Stance with his knees, and thrust himself deeply into her dripping cunt. Digging his fingersinto the soft flesh of her hips and ass he drilled into her at a frenetic pace. Every time Jackson felt her orgasm closing in as her muscles began to clnch around him, he pulled out of her and he moved away from her warm flesh, causing her to moan and wail out in frustration at the rejection of her need. Little did Charlotte know how much he struggled to contain his own desire to simply fill her with his seed, but he did enjoy the view of her prostrate body, bent over, holding her position without the need of restraints. His Babydoll held her Stance wide exposing her arousal to him and as she shifted her weight slightly forward onto her toes, the brief glint from the jeweled plug resting in her ass, beckoned for him to return to her in a silent wish.
Each time he plugged himself back into her yielding flesh the sensing between the cool night air and her burning hot sex was overwhelming. Sweat began to drip from his browser and his hips rocked harder and harder into her. He beganto drive into her sex as deep as he could and then stop for the briefest of seconds with her filled to the brink on his cock, before repeating the process over and over again. When her orgasm was imminent, he again pulled himself from her and stepped away. She let out a frustrated howl and he heard her bang her forehead down onto the truck bed in disappointment. But at the same time he had seen the muscles along her back relax, as her body slowly unwound while she waited for him to move in again.
Only this time Jackson had not waited. He had moved forward again and in a fluid motion that caught her off guard, he pulled the plug from her ass and replaced it with a hard push forward from his sticky cock. Charlotte’s screams, a mixture of pleasure and pain, were lost into the inky blackness that now surrounded them, as Jackson sunk his Steely shake aggressively into her tight ass until his thighs pushed up against her and all space between them was eliminated. Prior to becoming hisBabydoll, Charlotte’s ass had never been conquered and Jackson had been slowly conditioning her body to accept his thick member into her tightest of holes. So far, he had only taken her after sufficiently preparing her to do so, but this time despite the plug that he required her to have at all times, her freshly fought to disallow him access, but ultimately it relented and he claimed her asshole with violent abandon. After giving her body several moments to adjust, Jackson continued his rough use of Charlotte’s splendid ass. Charlie’s responsiveness never failed to amaze him and she was again moving quickly towards what he could tell was going to be a shatteringly fierce orgasm. He leaned over pushing himself as deeply as he could go and said.
“When Daddy tells you to cum, you may cum Babydoll.”
He had heard her sight in gratitude at the permission he had given, she had known that he could have easily taken her and found his own release without ever letting her reachher own. Jackson grabbed her hips again and slammed in and out of Charlotte’s ever tightening ass, pulling her back to meet his movements and impaling her along his entire length. When he was finally ready to release his hot and heavy load, he grunted out for her to cum and when he had felt her tip over the edge into her blissful release, he had let himself go as well. Jackson had shot stream after stream of his hot cum into Charlotte and had left them both gasping the cool night air into their lungs for minutes afterwards. When they had sufficiently recovered Jackson had pulled himself gently from Charlotte and replaced her plug, ensuring that his cum would rest within her for the remainder of their drive.
“Thank you Daddy.” Charlotte had spoken softly, remembering his instructions.
“I am confident you will remember This lesson Babydoll. Now go get your clothes, we need to get going.”
Jackson had allowed her to don the form fitting sweater dress that she had been wearing but nothing else and then they had resumed their lengthy drive.
Jackson was extremely pleased that Charlotte had begun to love going out to the cabin with him, at first he had been tenative to bring her here. Worried that she would not embrace the rustic log cabin, so far from the technologies that she was used to. But she had surprised him and fellen in love with the simplicity and intimate solitude that it had offered.
So far they had only been able to spend weekends, because her work schedule was so demanding, but now she was determined to take a real vacation away from all of her responsibility and she had chosen to be here with him. He had been teaching her all the skills needed for wilderness survival because ultimately it was the woods themselves that Jackson wanted to be surrounded by. He often used the cabin as a launching point for adventures that would lead him wherever he decided to roam. He would take with him only a basic pack and just disappear for days into the surrounding wilderness. He never planned his escapes, but eventually he would make it back to the cabin and Charlotte wanted to share an adventure like that with him now. They had decided that they would leave from the cabin over the next day, once they had settled everything in for their return.
Jackson had already packed everything they needed into two gear kits. They were larger bags than he would Normally choose, but he was bringing what he considered luxury items, to keep Charlotte happy in their escape. Tents and MRE rations were not something he would typically carry if he was leaving on his own, choosing instead to only carry the hydration packs and hunting equipment that he needed and the minimum items he might find necessary to build a shelter if he ran into any seriously inclement weather. However, Jackson wanted Charlotte to love breaking into the freedom of the woods with him, so with that in mind he had packed her all sorts of treatments.
Jackson shook Charlotte gently, until she raised her head up and blearily smiled at him with sleep filled eyes.
“We are here.” He announced to her as he returned her smile. “Run inside and start a bath, while I bring everything in from the truck. Daddy wants to clean you up before bed.”
Sitting on the edge of the ancient copper tub, Charlotte ran her fingers under the water until she was satisfied that it was hot enough to sooth her aching and stiff muscles. She added in some lavender oil and while watching the tub slowly fill, she listened to Jackson walking in and out of the cabin with their belongings. She was still bubbleing with excitement, knowing that they would be together without interruption for the next two weeks. Every moment she spent with Jackson felt like a pleasure filled eternity but eventually she always had to return to her work and her responsibilities outside of their bed. This was going to be the first time that they had the chance to be alone for more than a couple of days and she planned on relishing every second.
When Jackson came into the bathroom five minutes later, Charlotte was standing naked beside the full tub. Steam was lightly rolling off the top of the hot water and dissipating into the cooler air. Charlotte’s nipples were hard and erect and Jackson starred transfixed at his Babydoll in her full nude glory. Her DD breasts were firm in the chilly air and she had purposely thrust them out in an elicing moment. Charlotte had placed her hands along her hips to accentuate her narrowed belly and to draw Jackson’s eyes down towards her toned legs. When she met his eyes, she saw his amusement and he crossed the tiled floor to kiss her neck.
Jackson bit down slightly just above her collar and Charlotte moaned, and a crescendo of her lust filled noises filled the room as he reached around her waist and pulled the jeweled plug from her ass once again. It was a relief to have the pressure saved from her sensitive flesh and Charlotte could feel how sticky she still was from their tryst earlier. As Jackson continued to nibble at her neck Charlotte began to undress him and when they were both naked they crawled into the tub together.
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