As a psychiatrist I, on occasion, do pro bono work as a psychotherapist – primarily for couples counseling for research purposes. Recently I’ve been employed some unconventional methods and getting some very good results. In doing some research on human behavior, I was surfing the net when I came across a website that had videos of women wrestling in a caged boxing ring. The wrestling match would last for up to 3 rounds and the end of the match would be dictated by one of the combatants submitting from a submission hold. To add provebial salt to the wounds of the loser (wounded pride because both women come into the ring as alpha women determined to subjugate their opponent and one would be forced to tap out), the winner would then proceed to put on a large stick-on dildo and proceed to vigorous sodomise the loser in the middle of the ring, under the bright lights and in Front of the cameras. The process would be punctuated by grunts and the occasional scream as the loser struggled to take the large dildo up her ass. When it was over the loser would be lying in a subjugated heap in the middle of the ring. The winner would detach herself from the harness and leave the dildo buried in the loser’s ass. The loser would then have to remove the dildo from her own ass – totally dominated, subjugated and submissive.
The case of interest of which I will describe had unconventional methods used to achieve good results – the unconventional methods I employed were inspired by the videos I saw on the web site.
Shelley and Lori-Ann are two very attractive women in their mid thirties. Their problem started with loneliness. The women, next-door neighbors, are married to men much older than they are and as captains of industry, very high up in their respective companies, earn a great deal of money and work very long hours leaving their wives alone a great deal of the time. Lori-Ann and Shelley became friends and one thing led to another and their reluctance tocheat on their spouses, the two women became sexually involved with each other.
The relationship between them worked for a short while, but because they are both assertive, alpha-females arguments ensured. To save the relationship they came to see me for couples counselling as a last ditch effort; they had seen other therapists with little results and having heard that I apply unconventional methods they were willing to try almost anything.
After spending a little time with each of them alone and together I realized the root of their problem was that both wanted to be the dominant member of the relationship and neither was willing to be in any way submissive. I designed a three step plan to solve their problem. I laid it out to them in this manner.
Step 1
Shelley and Lori-Ann would take turn spreading each other’s bare ass until one of them submitted to step 2. To ensure that the spankings would be real and very painful I gave them incentive for each of them to make the spanking as painful as possible for the other person. The essential? The loser, i.e. the one who submitted first would subsequently be able to ten times on their bare ass with a riding crop, by me, while strapped to a caning benchmark. To let them know how painful a riding crop is, I let each of them feel one stroke through their jeans.
While the spankings are being applied, the two women would each be wearing a medium sized strap-on dildo. The objective here is visual – the one with the bigger penis is the dominant one. When one of them finally submits, then the loser has to wear a small dildo and the winner wears a large dildo.
Step 2
After the caning has been administrator, the winner will then proceed to sodomise the loser with the large dildo. Because the loser is strapped down to the caning bench, she can offer up no physical Resistance. If the loser refuses to co-operate by tightening her asshole and thereby endeavouring to prevent being sodomised, the caning would continue in groups of ten strokes until she submitted.
Step 3
I did not tell them what step three entailed, except that only the winner participates and the loser will never know what Step 3 entails.
After describing the scenario, the two were a bit surprised because this was much more unconventional than either could have imagined, however, they were most willing to try as no other process Succeeded.
The two prepared themselves by striping their pants off, applying copious amounts of lubricant to their assholes and then strapping on the dildos. I tossed a coin and the winner of the coin toss was to apply the first spanking. Each person would apply three strokes to the bare ass of the other person and then they would trade places and continue with three strokes and trading places until one submitted. Shelley won the coin toss and before Lori-Ann assumed her position, I applied one cane stroke across each of their bare asses…just as a reminder (for the record, they both had really cute asses – dare I say the kind of ass that just begs to be spanked and fucked).
Lori-Ann bent over the end of my desk and gripped the sides and grit her teeth – I could see she was determined to endure the spanking in silence. In Shelley’s face I saw determination to make Lori-Ann submit so as to avoid being caned and sodomised. Shelley applied three very hard stokes with the leather paddle and to Lori-Ann’s credit she made no sound. They traded places and Lori-Ann, equally determined applied strokes as hard as she could to give Shelley a taste of her own medicine, but also in an attempt to make Shelley submit so that the spanking would stop.
The spanking continued for three or four turns before either of them made any noise. The screams from each stroke was loud, vocal and laceled with epithets and proved. By the twentytieth turn, Lori-Ann finally submitted. Their asses were red. I took the dildos they were wearing and gave Lori-Ann a smalll one and Shelley a large two ended dildo. Once these were in place, l led Lori-Ann to the spanking bench and proceeded to tie her firmly in place. I then instructed Shelley to stand in front of Lori-Ann where she could watch as Shelley proceeded to lubricate the large dildo. I proceed to apply ten cane strokes across Lori-Ann’s bare ass. Each stroke was punctuated with a loud scream, understanding and straining against the restraints. When I was done, Lori-Ann was limp across the benchmark.
Shelley eagerly positioned herself behind Lori-Ann and proceeded to sodomise her. For the next ten minutes Shelley rod Lori-Ann’s bright red ass. Shelley also got a surprise, the end of the dildo in her pussy caused g-spot and clitoral stimulation. The sodomy became more and more violent as Shelley approached orgasm. After about 5 minutes Shelley came and as she continued sodomising Lori-Ann, came again after 5 more minutes. Exhausted, Shelley collapsed on Lori-Ann with the dildo firmly buried in Lori-Ann’s ass.
After a few moments I whispered in Shelley’s ear.
“Catch you breath and then sodomise her again. Make her your bitch.”
I saw Shelley’s eye’s light up. Then in a loud voice I said,
“Fuck her again. Make her your bitch.”
“Noooo! Please no more!”, wailed Lori-Ann.
“Shut up and take it. You’re Not my bitch yet, but I will make you my bitch.”
Each thrust from Shelley was punctuated with a whimpering plea. When Shelley came one last time, she detached the dildo leaving it buried up Lori-Ann’s ass. She then took the riding crop and gave Lori-Ann five hard strokes on her bare ass. Each stroke was hard enough to make Lori-Ann screech at the top of her lungs and wronge violently against her restraints.
“Now you are my bitch, right?”, asked Shelley.
“YES, YES I’m your bitch! Please no more! I’m your bitch!”, screamed Lori-Ann.
For good measure, Shelley gave Lori-Ann five more. After each stroke Lori-Ann screeched at the top of her lungs as she understood against her restraints. She pleaded with Shelley to stop the stop the whipping.
“NO MORE! PLEASE STOP WHIPPING ME! I AM YOUR BITCH!”, Lori-Ann screwed over and over again.
I told them that I’d leave them alone to get themselves back together and that I needed to see Shelley the following day for step three.
About twenty minutes later, fully dressed, they came out of my office. It was obvious they would be sore for a while and Lori-Ann’s gait gave evidence that she had been well sodomised with a large dildo.
The following afternoon, Shelley arrived at my office for the final phase. Not knowing what was to happen, she was understandably a bit appreciate. I proceeded to explain to Shelley that while she made Lori-Ann her bitch, if she did not learn some humility the relationship would soon degrade.
“If you do not appreciate how dominated you made Lori-Ann feel, you will not be sensitive to how she feels and if you do not appreciate it then the relationship is doomed in the long run”, I told her.
“Ummmm, okay I guess I can understand that, but how do we do that”, she asked appreciated appreciate.
“You need to feel what Lori-Ann felt, but she cannot know or else in her eyes the two of you will be equals and the dominant-submissive relationship will be compromised.”
“Okay, what do we need to do”, she asked.
I could sense the willingness in her voice steering from generic affection for Lori-Ann and the desire for their relationship to flourish.
“First and fortune-most”, I told Shelley, “Lori-Ann can never know what transpired in this room between you and me. Secondly, you need to feel what she felt when she was strapped down on the benchmark and coulded and then sodomised.”
“Right now”, she asked.
“Yep, right now.”
I handed her a bottle of lubricant and instructed her to remove her pants and apply lubricant to her asshole. When she was ready, I led her to the next room where the caning benchmark was located and proceeded to restrain her to the benchmark. When she was in position, I took the cane and proceeded to apply ten hard strokes to Shelley’s bare ass. As expected, each stroke was followed by a loud sketch as Shelley compromised and strained against the restraints.
After ten strokes I dropped the cane and while standing in front of Shelley where she had a clear view of me, I proceeded to remove my pants and attach the dildo harness Complete with the large two headed dildo. I very slowly began to apply lubricant to the dildo.
“You see this fat cock”, I asked her.
“I’m going to slide this fat cock up you tight, virgin asshole and I’m going to fuck your ass until I come. Then I’m going to spank you again and then fuck you again. When I’m done with you, you are going to know not only what it is like to be fucked in the ass but also what it is like to be ass fucked with a big, fat cock”.
When the dildo was good and slippery, I moved inBehind Shelley and proceeded inserting the fat cock up her ass. Each gentle thrust elicited a grunt from Shelley and as I did so the portion in my pussy caused such delicious sensings in my pussy. Whether Shelly would enjoy this or not was up for debate, but I knew I would enjoy it. Once the cock was fully seated in Shelley’s ass, I rested to let her ass adjust to the large, anal intrusion. After a short rest I began to slowly sodomise Shelley with shallow strokes. The sensings in my pussy got stronger and stronger and in no time I was riding Shelley’s ass with long, deep strokes. Shelley’s grunts through clenched teeth became louder and louder until she was loudly vocalising.
She was pulling hard against her restraints and understanding as I rode her ass. I was so close to coming as I fought to hold it back, but it was too much. When I came, I came hard. I screamed and thrust hardinto Shelley’s ass making her sketch. When I finished, I collapsed on Shelley, cock buried in her ass and my pussy. As we caught our breaths, my body twitched uncontrollably causing the sensings to linger.
At long last, we came down from our high
“Can I spank and fuck your ass”, Shelley asked.
“I was hoping you’d ask”, I replied.
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