Unconditional Surrender

Brian walked into the empty, dark home after a hard day at Ohio State Medical School, feeling alone since John, Maria’s son, had recently transferred from OSU to Denver University. The university offered a bachelor’s Degree in Land Development and Urban Planningnot available at OSU.

Maria, John’s mother, and hostess for Brian, an upper class exchange student from England studying medicine at OSU, was still working at the prestigious Columbus Academy for Girls. Brian’s mood would be uplifted when Maria came home. Thirty four year old Maria, not a classic beauty but an exotic looking woman, would turn on the lights, give Brian a motherly hug; and create a happy joyous mood that envelops the entire home. They would share a bottle of wine and talk about their day. Brian had been smitten with his hostess for over a year; and now that her son, John, had departed, he would be living alone with her, filling Brian with hope and anticipation. He was 25 years old and in his last year ofmedical school, anticipating entering the specialty of Sexual Disorders very soon.

Maria admired Brian; he was 6’2″, handsome, about 190 pounds, black hair, athletic build, and soon to be a doctor. Maria and Brian had developed a lively open relationship and enjoyed each other’s company. Maria was married for 16 years to a man she learned was bisexual accounting for his only coming to her bed occasionally, and then with little enthusiasm. Brian often fantasizes about Maria being short waited with long legs, a curvaceous cheeky butt and attractive natural breasts. She had dark brown hair streaked with highlights, about 5’8″ tall, 150 pounds with a sweet friendly exotic face, large mouth and lips, slightly slanted large eyes, and creamy complexion. Brian told Maria she looked like TV host Maria Bartiromo which made her laugh and feel flattered and pleased. During discussions of his studying sexual disorders, Maria intimated she felt cheated out of a fulfilling sexual relationshipBecause of her husband’s deception; and now she was 34 and too involved in her career and raising John to develop relationships. Brian expressed empathy but assured her life would probably change for the better.

Brian’s room was down the hall from Maria’s, but to get to the stairs he often passed by her room. One day, her door was slightly ajar; she was primping with legs slightly open, beautiful wait high White cotton panties hugging her cheeks, and a pretty white lace bra embracing her ample breasts.

“She was moving in a way that I knew she was checking out her cheeky ass and luscious tits!” Brian said to himself.

Brian stared intently, drinking in her magnificence. He imagined he could smell her puffy crotch and buttocks and see her lush bush like a primary cave man. He left the house with her image smoking in his brain determined to break through the “motherly role” and the “age barrier”, but how? The answer came to him in his class on muscle and bone systems. HisProfessor suggested that all students should find a willing person on whom to practice the art of massage.

That night Brian carried his portable massage table through the door to the surprise of Maria.

“What have we here?” she exclaimed.

Brian told her his needful story and asked her permission to give her 3 massages a week for the next two months, so he could ace his class.

“I would be glad to help, I am not prudish, but for modesty I would have to keep my panties and bra on.”

Brian agreed and suggested the first massage be Saturday morning at 10:00 A.M., which fit Maria’s schedule.

Brian set up the spa bedroom as a completely professional massage spa including all types of lotions, oils, towels, eye mask, soft sheets, small and large pillows, foot rest, even a pan for hot rocks. There was relaxing massage music and curtains at the windows that could be adjusted for a perfect lighting effect. He also filled the room with scented candles and incense; everything to make her mass a pleasant dreamy experience. Maria appeared in her beautiful silk bathrobe.

“I love massages, but have seldom been willing to spend the money; so I have probably only had 3 or 4 in my life, so tell me what to do.”

“Well, I will turn on relaxing music and leave you alone to get ready; just remove your robe and get comfortable under the sheet laying on your stomach, with your face in the head support. Then, put on the white eye mask and call me when you are ready.”

I had to take several deep breaths to settle my excitement. Finally I was going to be able to touch the lady I had fantasized and cared about for so long, without her being aware of my feelings. I lowered the sheet to expose her back, applied warm oil and began a thorough circular motion, then ran my fingers up and down her spine putting pressure with my thumbs between each vertebrae till I got almost to the tailbone. Maria had made a few moans of pleasure so I was encourageed to ask.

“Maria, I need to lower your panties about 3 inches to reach your lower vertebrae and tailbone; OK?”

“Fine,” she said.

I was thrilled as I rolled her white panties right down to where her crack began to show. This was prime flesh, the top of her butt cheats and hips which flared out quickly from her slim waist. I worked this delightful “woman flesh” till my pants had a large tent, where; I was turned on! I noticed her hips and buttocks developed goosebumps, a telling sign that she was positively affected.

“Did you enjoy the back rub, Maria?”

“It felt so good, I haven’t been this relaxed in a long while,” she said.

“Good, your legs are next, I’ll cover your back and uncover your legs.”

I went to work vigorously on her feet, calves, back of knees, etc. Her luscious thighs were nice and meaty, so I took each muscle and worked from her knees up to her panties. When I was working her inner thighs, Maria spread her legs to give me access soMy fingers stood all the way to the gusset of her panties and my fingertips grazed her crotch so lightly she probably did not feel it. Maria moaned, expressing her enjoyment.

“Maria, please turn over while I hold up the sheet to give you privacy.”

I massed her face, including her temples, then moved to her hair, pulling each section hard enough that her scalp felt very alive. Her sensitive neck was a delight; then I moved down slowly towards her bra, kneeing her soft skin vigorously.

“Maria, I am going to massage the upper 2 inches of your breasts, but I will avoid any nipple contact!”

She said “OK, but be judicial!”

Her stomach was so soft and welcome till I got to the waistline of her panties.

“Maria, I am going to roll your panties down a few inches so that I can give your abdomen proper attention.”

“Fine, but just stay out of my private areas.”

I proceeded with enthusiasm till I saw the wild dark hair threatening to escape herpanties. It was then that I realized her bush was wide, long, wild and deep, far larger than I expected. This excited me greatly because being from England, I feel no woman should shake her God given public hair. I then moved to her legs, bent each one at the knee and pushed them wide apart. In this position I could work the front of her inner thigh thoroughly. When I got almost to her crotch, I noticed a great deal of public hair on the inside of her thighs, assuring me here was a lady dear to me, who possessed a glorious bush. The 75 minute massage was complete!

“Maria, I will leave the massage room now so you can relax as long as you like.”

“Thank you so much!” She exclaimed; “I really enjoyed the entire experience.”

After five more increasingly successful massages, Maria and Brian were talking over a delicious breakfast.

Maria said, “Brian, your caring fingertips and some of your comments make me feel you care for me as an available woman; but I’m 9 years older than you and I have been in motherly mode.”

Brian replied, “Maria, I see you as the perfect woman for me, I have dreamed about you, fantasized about you, since the day we met.”

“I have a financial proposal for you. I have 3 more years till I graduate as a specialist and I want to finish at OSU Medical College. You were kind enough to accept me as an exchange student at no cost to me. I’m asking you to allow me to stay here for an additional 3 years; and I will pay you $1,000.00 per month. I enjoy your company, we have intellectual conversations, and I truly feel at home.”

“Brian, that is fine with me, the extra money will help fund John’s education in Denver. In addition, you make me feel wanted and needed which is precise to me and give me a purpose. Most importantly, you make me feel like a woman! I don’t want to be alone again.”

They embrace with a hearty hug, sealing the deal.

Brian was thrilled with his prospects; believing this much time would give him a chance to win this lovely lady. Brian felt added to her charms. One day, Brian was alone and decided to take a look at Maria’s bedroom since he had never been inside. She usually kept her door closed. Brian, with a bit of guilt, began to snoop through her drawers admiring her underwear and charming wardrobe, then he peeked under her bed and pulled out a suitcase. It was locked; but Brian was able to open the cheap device. He lifted the lid and was pleasantly surprised.

Inside were numerous toys for masturbation and a stack of sex magazines for visual stimulation. The masturbation was to be expected, but the theme of all the publications was men dominating women. Everything from spanking butts, tits, and pussies to intricate bondage, and sex games of all varieties. Brian immediately repacked the case, locked it, and slide it under her bed.

This was very good intelligence information. Brian now understand what type of sex would fire up Maria; and he didn’t have toAsk her. Brian was a natural dominant person, and always expected his future wife or girlfriend to be compliant and submissive. This information was key, because now he knew his beloved Maria was quite submissive; and it also gave him a plan he thought would work.

Maria and Brian were enjoying cocktail hour on a Friday evening. After much chatter,

Brian said,

“My professor has teach us more details about optimal massages I should share with you. You must consider this info for your own good health! According to our professor, all massages should be done in the nude, and further, the buttocks is a major nervous center and the chefs need deep kneeing, squeezing, even slapping and spanking to bring the blood circulation to this large area, which is often neglected. This neglect causes women’s but cheats to sag. Similarly, the breasts should have vigorous massaging, nipple tweaking and pinching, even sucking to keep them in good health through increasing circulation. It has been proven through research that women who breast-feed their children are less likely to develop breast cancer than women who bottlefeed their babies. Another benefit is the breasts remain firmer and will not sag prematurely. As you know, tomorrow is a massage day at 10 AM in the spa room. Please give this matter some thought, or I will make the decision for you if you prefer.”

Brian’s Forcefulness thrilled Maria and she felt her panties getting hot and wet which had not happened with a man for three plus years. Maria and Brian were now on their second bottle of wine when Maria felt the need to confess several important intimate matters:

She said, “Brian, I have given a lot of thought to your expressing love for me, and I have decided it is very uplifting! I don’t want to be alone and unloved. I can handle the age difference if you are sure you can. I don’t want to be hurt again, and I want a forceful “real man”, not a wimp like my ex-husband.”

“In addition, Idon’t want secrets between us because I want a rock solid, totally open, and honest relationship. I want my man to love the “real me” as I am. Have you wondered how I, a woman in her prime, have gotten along without sex?”

“Naturally, that question has crossed my mind,” Brian said.

“I’m embarrassed, but I confess I masturbate to orgasm several times per week, sometimes more often. I am a needy, very sexual woman. That is one reason why my bedroom door is always closed and usually locked.”

“I hope our relationship flourishes and grows deeper!” She said.

Brian said, “I’m delighted with the prospect of a possible serious relationship. I’ll be 28 years old by then and I will want to begin my real adult life. Since I am studying to be a sex therapist, I am quite well read on the subject and I understand how each person is sexually unique. Would you have enough courage and affection for me to tell me about your fansies and desires that bring you to orgasm while masturbating?”

“Let me get us another bottle of wine and put on my pajamas.

Then, I will do my best to answer you, although again, I’m embarrassed.”

Maria sat down, tucked her legs under her butt and leaned in Brian’s direction;

“Brian, I like the submissive role in bed since all day at work I’m in charge of a whole department of people, and they see me as dominant and aggressive. In bed, I want my man to be in charge so I don’t have to think about anything but doing what he says and whatever he wants. I am starved for that arrangement because I’ve never had it, and I have always wanted it, and I fantasize about this frequently,”

“Please tell me some details for my guidance and understanding. By the way, I am naturally quite dominant, so we fit well.”

“I fantasize about rough sex, being tied up and helpless, having my butt, tits, and pussy spanked, having my man suck my tits hard but lovingly, my pussy being eaten till I scream in orgasm, having anal sex.You get the idea Brian? By the way, these are my mental images but maybe in real life they wouldn’t work to my satisfaction.”

“I understand fansies often don’t work out in real life; but you have given me good insight into your general sexual orientation. I find everything you have confirmed in me to be exactly as I hoped you would be in my dreams and fansies. I feel we have the foundation for an excellent relationship. On that note, you do not have to make any decision regarding your panties and bra during massage because I will tell you what you must do.”

This tone of command excited Maria!

Ten AM Saturday morning Maria slinks into the spa room looking meek and embarrassed.

“I’m thinking I had too much wine last night, and revealed too many intimacies.”

“You were wonderful and open and I responded the same, revealing myself, which is a good thing. I will leave the room now, so you can arrange yourself; call me when you’re ready.”

“I’m ready Brian.”

“Good morning again dear lady. The first thing I am going to do is lift the sheet and remove your bra.” Maria’s lovely tits tumbled forth and Brian caressed her ever so gently rubbing her nipples lightly; then planted a kiss on each one followed by a hearty suck, producing an approving moan from Maria.

“Next I am going to lift the sheet and remove your panties.” Brian removed her panties slowly and sensitively while Maria helped by raising her cheeky butt.

“Maria, you truly have the largest, thickest, attractive bush I have ever seen including those on the Internet. In addition, you have a charming treasure trail from your navel to your pussy. You are a lucky woman and I am a lucky man because a big bush is what I have longed for, and they are quite rare these days!”

“After Today, my darling dear, I am commencing your training to fulfill your dreams so that you can be the woman of my dreams!”

“That is a feel good thought and I am ready,” she said.

This time when I got to her buttocks, I gently covered her entire butt with oil including her buttcrack where my hands slipped deep and massed her pink rosebud. Then I kneaded her flesh, followed by squeeze, pinching, and griping her crack landing several fingers right on her sweet pussy. I told Maria to get ready for an internal mass of her vagina, resulting in an accommodating gesture. Maria spread her legs to provide access so that I could ease one finger into the hilt. In and out, in and out, Maria moaning in appreciation, until I slipped the second finger in, then twisting and in and out motion simulateneously, accompanied by serious moaning from the lady. She wiggled her butt as she relished my busy fingers.

“Maria, I am going to spank your butt until the heat rises high enough to make good circuitry. Don’t make any noise or I will thrash you harder! In addition, Maria, spanking

someone’s ass produces endorphins, making a person feel high. Also, the butt heattravels to your clip and make you very needy.”

I slap every inch of her ass till it glows a deep red, and Maria made not a sound. Quite obedient, especially for a beginner.

“It is time to turn over on your back.”

She said, “I have enjoyed your services so far; I hope it is as excellent on the front of my body”

“I plan on exceeding your expectations!”

Beautiful titties awaited my hands. I began with many light cares, then I seized both her breasts and pulled upward until my hands slip to the deep pink extended nipples. I pinch and pull hard towards the ceiling, until they too slip away. I repeat this motion until her titties are aroused and swollen; she has no complaints. Then I compress each breast at the base making her tits look like red ripe apples, and her long nipples stand at attention. Then I suck each nipple till the pink areolas turn red. Maria moans and enjoys her tits being hot and wanting.

I work my way down her soft belly, till my tongue is prancing through her dark forest of delicious dark brown public hair. Maria is raising her hips and bouncing her butt cheats in anticipation.

I ask her, “How are you enjoying this part of the massage?”

She responses, “It is terrific, my butt is on fire, my tits are smokerling; what are you going to do about my smoking hot pussy?”

“I’ll show you I can lick and suck your pussy to a landslide orgasm; then I will power fuck you to a screamer.” I commence devouring her beloved pussy. I lick her from her clip to her rosebud 6 or 7 times; then I alternate between her pleasure button and her engorged vaginal lips. All the while I am celebrating her musky, hairy scent and her pubic hairs brushing my lips, teeth, and nose. I sense she is close to orgasm, so I pull hard on Her public hair, triggering a butt bouncing climax. I immediately fuck her hard and fast to another satisfying orgasm.

We embrace while she whimpers her love and thanks for what we have achieved together.

Maria says, “I soon realize Brian worships me, If I walk past him in the living room he might ask me to raise my skirt; then he sniffs my pussy and butt and announces he loves me. I joke with him that his face lives in my bush or my butt, and he laughs. Brian says he can’t help himself because everything in my panties is delicious.”

After numerous massages, I decided to try to change up our intimacy.

“Maria, we obviously love and enjoy each other, shouldn’t I move into your king size bedroom soon so we can grow even closer?”

She responded, “You are reading my mind Brian. I need to feel you wrapped around me, spooning me, every night. You’ve made me so sexual, I feel like a teenager in heat.”

Every day Brian and Maria celebrate Their relationship. Brian could hardly believe the woman of his dreams was in love with him; and Maria was astounded her man was the personality of her fansies and fetishes. Their mutual dependence and deep love was surely leading them to a deeper commitment.

Being in bed together every night produced an explosion of happiness and fulfillment. Brian was able to produce and direct fans of domination Maria loved so much. Maria was able to deliver her submissive self to Brian in the raw, because they knew how deep and trusting their love is; and it grew exponentially as both of them were shocked by their increasing trusting intimacies.


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