She walked to the end of the drive for about the zillionth time, looking down both directions of the road. He would be here soon, her Uncle Jake, and she couldn’t wait to see him. Had he changed much in the last three years she wondered biting her lip. Did he still have his long hair? She hoped he did. She loved when he let her play with it. It was in that thought that she saw the motor home turning the corner.
“He’s here!” she yelled, unable to control herself from jumping up and down in the middle of the street, waving her arms at the vehicle came closer. She could see him through the window, smiling and laughing at her excitement. She didn’t care. Uncle Jake loved her and would never make her feel bad about her somewhat over enthusiasm over things. Dad always said that Uncle Jake was encouraging her too much but her step mom would just smile and say that her brother thought people should just be who they were. It was one of the many things that Sussie loved about her Uncle.
She ran over onto the grass as he pulled the vehicle in the long drive, honking the horn over and over as he made faces at her through the window. Her parents and 19 year old brother Tim came outside laughing at Sussie and Uncle Jakes antis. “Weirdo’s” her step brother rolled his eyes. Dad laughed down at his step son, “They are just both enthusiastic people Tim.” “Yeah but they are still Weirdoes.” Tim grinned. “Yeah perhaps you are right” laughing in agreement.
Sussie ran around to the driver’s side of the motor home and jump up onto her uncle the moment his feet hit the ground. He barely caught hold of her in his arms as she clung to his neck and kissed his cheeks over and over. “It’s good to see you too babygirl!” His deep voice boomed. He slowly bent over laughing, with Sussie still clinging to his neck. It was not amusement but rather embarrassment that caused it. His babygirl, as he always called her, wasn’t such a baby girl anymore. She had turned into a young woman and he had felt her full breasts pressed up against him when she jumped up on him. He felt his cock stir and quickly got her to release him by tickling her so she would have to release his neck.
“Uncle Jake!” She breathed out hard into laughter and fell down, sliding down his leg, her soft body caressing his. He ticckled her some more so that she fell to the ground in fits of laughter crying for mercy.
“Okay then. Think you can let Uncle Jake say Hi to everyone else now?” He raised his dark browsers with a smile. Inside his head he was praying that his stiffening cock was not too visible in the black jeans he was wearing. It would not be good if his brother in law Mike saw his pants bulging after just holding his one and only daughter.
His sister Kathy came up and gave him a tight hug, “How have you been big brother?” She was a little misty eyes as she pulled away smiling.
Jake wiped the one straight tear and brushed his thumb over her cheek. “Just fine lil sis.” It’s not like we haven’t talked in the past three years”
“Yes but with you being in Europe and not seeing you…well it just wasn’t the same” Kathy said winding down at her step daughter, “Has it Sussie?”
Sussie got up beaming at her uncle. “Nope,” was her simply reply as she took hold of his left hand into her right. She felt him give her smaller hand a little squeeze as he Shook hands with Mike and then with Tim.
“Wow Tim. You are pretty much all grown now aren’t you?” Jake deliberately did not look at Susie. You have too babygirl he thought and then caught his line of thought. He told himself to quit it. He had been too long without some good female company that was what his problem was. He had ended his relationship with Mara in France and was glad for it. He had had enough of rich snobby women to last him a life time. So it was with that thinking and a promise he made three years prior that he left Europe for good and came home, back to where he belonged.
Sussie could not take her eyes off of her uncle. He was even more handsome than the last time she had seen him. His hair was still long but had been recently trimmed. He had a mustache goatee thing going on and she thought he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. She loved her some Uncle Jake!
They all walked into the house, joking and laughing, Sussie silent for once, enjoying the feeling of her uncles much larger hand holding onto hers. She only let go when he declared that he needs to take a piss. Even with his gruff talk she adored him.
Dinner was a loud event with everyone talking at once, asking Jake questions about Europe and what he had been doing for three years. Sussie listened to her uncle answer every question. Soon it was growing late. As much as Sussie loved her Uncle Jake she was tired for having been up so early. She couldn’t sleep knowing he was arrive but now that he was really there she could relax. He had kept his promise.
The promise had been toTake both Tim and Sussie for the summer on her 18th birthday on a motorhome tour of the USA. They were going to hit every state and try to see as many sites as possible. No parents, just the two and their crazy but protected uncle. Her parents on the other hand were taking a much needed second honeymoon on a cruise ship to the islands. Then it would be back to work for them Sussie thought sadly. She wished they could Take the whole summer off like her and Tim but they had responsibility.
Sussie kissed her Dad and step mom good night, stuck her tongue out at her brother and then hugged and kissed her Uncle Jake. “I will see ya’ll tomorrow” she said in her bad Texan accent as she waved her hand walking up the stairs. She heard their laughter and smiled again. Uncle Jake was back.
A cell phone rang from upstairs and Jake happened to look up to see his 18 year olds niece’s perfect bottom bounce as she ran up the stairs to answer it. He heard her saying hi and then heard herdoor shut. Damn she was more grown than he expected. In his mind she had still been the 15 year old he last saw three years ago. Her breasts had been barely budding back then and her body hadn’t been as curvy. Perhaps this summer trip wasn’t a good idea after all. His cock was reacting too much to her mature form and he wondered how would he was going to make it through a whole summer of sexual torture in such close contact. Jake took a swig of his beer. He was an ass. How could he even be having these feeling about his niece? He needed to find some workable excuse to get out of this summer trip he had promised.
“Uncle Jake?” Tim’s voice cut through his thoughts.
“Yeah Tim,” Jake looks to Tim who was now looking nervous.
Tim cleared his throat and just blurted out what he wanted to say ,”I am not going to go with you on this trip.”
Jake tipped the bottle back against his lips to hide his smile. Here was his way out.
“I know I should have said something sooner but I want to go to Florida with my friends. We’re going to surf all the beaches!” Tim said quickly knowing that in the end his uncle would understand. He rushed forward with his other surprise, “But please don’t cancel the trip because of my not going. Susie would be devastated if you didn’t take her.”
Jake nearly groaned into his now empty bottle. How could he say no now? Tim’s concern over his sister was heartwarming but it put Jake in a very precarious position. Would he be able to hang out alone with his niece without having continuous lurid thoughts about her?
“I don’t know Tim,” Jake started but Kathy interrupted him.
“Jake you know that Sussie just adores you. If you cancel this trip because of Tim’s decision she won’t understand. She will be Not only mad at Tim but you as well. She has looked forward to this trip for 3 years now.” His sister pleaded to him with her big blue eyes and he found that he still couldn’t resist her when she looked at him like that.
Two days later Jake drive the motor home out the drive with a very happy Sussie waving good bye to her parents and her step brother. He noticed her lush breasts bouncing with each wave and quickly averted his eyes and gave a quick salute to the three on the lawn. Yep he was in a whole lot a shit he thought to himself, feeling his cock stir yet again. He was going to have a constant boss during the summer. That sounded even funny to his mind and he chuckled to himself.
“What’s so funny Uncle Jake?” Sussie asked turning to face forward now that the motor home was driving down the road.
“Nothing babygirl. Just happy to be starting this trip,” he lied with a smile.
Sussie smiled brightly “Me too. I have looked forward to this so long. I thought maybe Tim wanting to hang out with his friends might change your mind.”
“Oh you knew about that already did you?”
“Yeah Tim can’t hide anything from me. He’s such a dork” Sussie wrinkled her nose in disgust.
Jake laughed, “Now Sussie.” Your brother loves you very much. He even begged me to not cancel since he wasn’t going. So try to be nice to him”
Sussie looked like she was going to argue but then just smiled and nodded.
They drove out onto the highway and talk about various things. Sussie was really interested about his time in Europe and Jake was a fantastic story teller. She could just listen to his voice forever. While he talked and kept his eyes on the road, Sussie kept looking at him, remembering every detail.
Jake was about 6’3″, muscular, dark long wavy hair and dark eyes to match. She knew he was toned all over because her uncle always worked out. Her step mother told her it was something he started when he was 16 and had been doing it ever since. Her eyes slowly drifted down to his crotch area, memories of seeing it naked came flooding back. She flushed brightly, her uncle turning and noticing it.
“What’s wrong babygirl?” he looked so concerned Sussie thought to herself. She played it off.
“I farted” she said quietly not liking to have to have to lie to her uncle. She couldn’t very well tell him where her thoughts had been.
Jake bus out laughing, lifted his right but chef and ripped one, “Oops guess I did too” he laughed.
“ewww.” Sussie giggled then loving her uncle even more. He would do anything so she wouldn’t feel bad. She wondered over how she could put that to her advantage.
The image of her uncle exiting the shower when she was 15 came back to her again. She remembered accidentally walking into the bathroom in the hall as he was stepping out of the shower. His member hung long and soft and his balls were full. He hadn’t seen her because he had been driving his hair when she had walked in. She jumped at the sight then quickly backed out of the bathroom before he could see her. But that image of him naked had always stayed with her. It was at that moment that she knew she wanted her uncle to be her first.He had a hot body, was protected of her and loved her and she knew that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.
“Babygirl? You sure are lost in thought again. Or is it more gas” He wiggled his eyesbrows at her.
“Just trying to think if I forget anything,” she smiled at him, “but probably too late if I did anyways huh?”
“Well yeah. I sure don’t want to have to drive 6 hours back because you forgot a book or something.”
“Yeah that would suck,” she agreed with him as they continued down the road.
Three days later
Sussie lay on her bed in the motor home sliding the handle of the brush carefully into her aching cunnie. She knew what she was doing. She had done this many times. Yet this time was going to be different. She had just got off the phone with her best friend Sarina. They had discussed their strategy to get Uncle Jake sexually interested in Sussie. Sarina was under the impression that Sussie should lose her virginity just to make her first time a bit more comfortable. Sussie concentrated on her fansies of her sexy uncle as she slide the handle in and out of her dripping cunt. She imagined him thrusting his hard cock into her, groaning with pleasure. The more turned on the more she was working the brush up into her. Before she knew it she pushed up a little too hard and felt a sharp pain. She immediately stopped, panting in pain instead of the pleasure that she had been experiencing.
“Sussie I’m back,” Uncle Jake yelled entering the motor home. She jumped up and yelled through the door, “ok be out in a minute!” she yelled back. She straightened her clothes and opened the door, making a quick run to the restroom. She had blood on her thighs and brush and needed to get cleaned up. As she began cleaning the blood off of her she got an idea. Would it work she asked herself. Well she would just have to see.
Sussie walked out of the bathroom nervous as hell. This was it. This was moment when she would discover if she had anychance of getting her uncles attention in the way that she wanted. She smiled upon seeing him. Damn he was looking sexy today she mused. He sat at the computer looking at his email. Upon seeing her he smiled.
“What’s up babygirl?” He patted the seat next to him. He knew it was dangerous having her too close but found he couldn’t resist having her close.
“Uh…well” she stammered. She really was feeling Very nervous.
“What is it?” he asked concerned closing up his email and turning the computer off. He could tell when something was bothering her. And this one looked like a serious one.
“Do you promise not to get mad or laugh?” she asked shyly. Sussie acting shy? Something was really wrong.
“Sussie. Out with it.” “He smiled at her to trying to ease her disappoint.
Her fingers picked at the wall and then she straightened up. “I think I hurt myself”
Jake looked at Sussie confused. From what he could see there was nothing wrong with her. No. Not one thing. He could feel his cock start to tingle to life as he viewed her shapedly calves, up her muscle thighs, over her shapely ass, along her trim waist and finally setting quickly on her lush breasts. Nope nothing wrong at all.
When her uncle made no response but to look her over she inwardly smiled. Did he just check her out? “I think I hurt myself down there” she whispered.
He looked confused for a moment. Looked down to her feet but then it dawned on him the way she had said it. Oh God! Was she talking about her pussy? Please don’t let it be that. He didn’t think he could handle a conversation with her about her pussy.
“Babygirl, what are you talking about?” he asked looking up to her flushing face.
Sussie blushed deeply. This was harder than she thought. But she just had to know and had to see if she could tempt him.
“I think I hurt my vagina” she said quietly again.
Jake was quiet for a moment, trying to tap down his rising lust. She was hurt and he was thinking about her young body.
“Did you have some boy in here when I was gone babygirl?’ Jake asked trying to keep the anger out of his voice. He didn’t like the idea that some horny young stud had touched his babygirl.
“No Uncle Jake. I did this to myself” she confessed.
“Okay honey. Tell me what you did?” He told her wanting to cut to the challenge.
“I did it with my brush” she blurted out. There! She had said it.
Jake did not need her to elaborate any further. Wow! She had been going to town with her hair brush while he had been out filling the propane tank. Visions of her fucking her young pussy with the brush filled his mind and his semi emi erect cock was starting to rise again.
“Well I think I should call your parents and see what they would want you to do,” Jake said reaching for his cell phone.
Sussie ran to him and grabbed his hand, “Nooooo. Please you can’t tell my parents. Especially my Dad! I wouldn’t be able to look at themagain.”
“Well we should at least find a hospital around here to have a look at you.” He suggested but she stopped his hand again from reaching for his phone.
“No Uncle Jake. My parents are going to see the billing. I would still have to tell them. Can’t you just check me yourself?” Sussie pleased. She held her breath but knew he was going to argue the point with her.
“Babygirl, I can’t check you out. It just wouldn’t be right” She could see him obviously swallow. He was having hard time with this and not just with his morals. Sussie quickly glanced down and could see his cock bulging in his pants. She bit her lip to prevent herself from smoking.
“But why not? I trust you Uncle Jake. I know you wouldn’t hurt me or tell anyone. Please.” She pleased with him.
Jake sat there a long moment. He rarely could resist his niece. This was not proving one of those times that he could either. Fuck! His mind screamed. He felt himself rise off of the seat as she pulled himup. Felt his legs walking to the restroom, being pulled along by her much smaller, delicate hand into the restroom.
“The way I see it,” she started sounding all business like, “I just bend over and you stick your fingers up into my vagina and feel around. If I don’t feel any really bad pain, then all I managed to do was to get rid of my virginity. If I am really hurt, then I will go the hospital” Jake listened to her as if in a fog. He watched as she bent over and placed her hands on the toilet lid. Her legs were spread and her skirt barely covered her cute little ass. Did she expect him to raise her skirt and lower her panties? God help him. His cock was throbbing and straining painfully against his pants now. But his mind could not come up with a way out of this. Nor did he want to. He was torn.
She turned and looked behind her, “come on Uncle Jake. Don’t be embarrassed. I won’t be I promise!”
“It’s not that Sussie” she noticed he was using her name again. Not a good sign. He only did that when he was being real serious. “I am your uncle,” he voice was husky.
“Technically you are my uncle. And you are my step mom’s step brother, so only related through my parent’s marriage.” She argued her point like a lawyer.
“Yes but you are barely 18 and I am 39 years old Sussie.” He would have continued but she cut him off.
‘I know all this Uncle Jake. Come on, you are the only one I can trust to do this. I won’t say a word to anyone. You just got to promise you won’t either.” Her logic was convincing his oxygen depraved brain. He hadn’t realized he had been holding his breath until he let it out in a long sight. Something turned in him. He was going to do it. Remember she is your niece he Keep telling himself as he walked up behind her and shakily pinched the hem of her skirt. He slowly raised the material up and over her round buttocks to have to suppress a moan as her bare ass came into view. Guess that solved the problem of the panties he smiled to himself. Oh Fuck she was beautiful. His eyes travelled over her smooth lush bottom and over along her beautiful pussy. He drew in a ragged breath as he continued to star at her swollen cunnie and could see moisture already gathering along her slit. Hmmmm Could she be turned on his mind questioned?
“I’m ready Uncle Jake” Sussie’s voice cut through his lust filled brain.
“Yeah OK,” he croaked. He sucked in a long breath and released it. Okay he could do this.
“Do you have any baby oil?” he asked realizing he needed to lube his fingers since he couldn’t very well use her body natural lubricant. He didn’t want to thrust dry fingers into her little hole.
“No Uncle Jake. I don’t use that” she smiled looking down at the floor. She knew what he was getting at and she hoped he wouldn’t chicken out now.
“I need to lube my fingers. I am going to have to use some of your own moisture. Are you okay with that?’ he asked hoped she would say yes.
“DWhat you need to do Uncle Jake. I trust you.” She turned her head back and gave him that confident smile.
He suppressed another groan. Did she realized she just gave him permission to run his fingers over her slit? “Okay you ready?” he asked. She nodded and looked away figuring it would be easier for him to do if she wasn’t staring at him. It was her turn to hold back her moan as she felt his long fingers make contact with her vulva.
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