“But why do I have to dress up?” I while as Daddy hands me a pair of lace panties followed by one of my nice dresses.
“Because Derek is coming to dinner and it’s polite to look nice when company comes over.” He replies patiently. He of course looks perfectly put together in his pressed slacks, dark blue button down shirt, his hair neat and his bear trimmed. I pull on my panties and slip my dress over my head.
“Derek isn’t company Daddy, we’ve known him for like, ever.” I say as I try to reach the zipper down my back. I spin a full circle, trying to reach the base of the zipper, before he finally takes goal on me and reach to zip up my dress for me.
“Babygirl” his voice goes deep, his eyes stern, “don’t be a brat or I’ll make you wear a red ass along with that dress.”
I snap my mouth shut. Daddy doesn’t bluff and there’s no way I want to sit through dinner with a sore bottom.
“Why don’t you be a good girl and go set the table while I finish getting dinner ready?” he asks.
“Yes Daddy” I say quietly as I make my way to the kitchen.
Just as I’m placing the last wine glass on the table I hear the doorbell ring. I dart towards the door. “I’ll get it!” I shout.
Daddy and Derek have been friends for years, long before Daddy and I met. He’s a few years older but incredibly good looking and he treats me like a princess, so of course he’s my favorite of Daddys friends.
“Walk Babygirl!” Daddy shouts just as I reach the door and yank it open.
“Hello sweet girl.” Derek says with a smile. I’ve always loved Derek’s smile. Normally he looks stern but when he smiles it softens his features and make him even more handsome.
“Hi Uncle Derek” I say smiling from ear to ear. I step back and twirl so my skirt flares around me. “Do you like my dress? Daddy picked it out.”
“It’s beautiful. You look more adorable than ever.” He says as he steps inside and closes the door. I notice he’s holding one arm behind his back and grin. “Did you bring me a present, Uncle Derek?” I say softly, smiling up at him and batting my eyes.
He laughs and shows me the bag he was hiding. “What, this? What makes you think it’s for you? Maybe it’s for your Daddy.”
I hear Daddy laugh and turn to find him leaning against the wall behind me.
“Somehow I don’t see them being as cute on me.” He says, taking the bag from Derek. He reaches into the bag and pulls out something fuzzy and proceeds to place it on his head. As soon as I see them I know what they are and squeal in excitement.
Before I can make a grab for them Derek chuckles “If you put on the tail too I’m leaving.”
Daddy just smiles and pulls the fuzzy fox ears off his head and hands them to me. “Say thank you to Uncle Derek, then go put these away with your tail.”
“But Daddy…” I start to say but quickly shut my mouth at the look he gives me. As much as I’d love to wear them for the night, I know better than to go against Daddy.
I meekly turn to Derek and give him a sincere smile and say thank you before calmly walking back to the bedroom. I pull open our play drawer and pull out my new fox tail Daddy bought me last week. I run my fingers through the soft fur, then over the smooth metal plug at the base, remembering how it felt wearing it around the house the day before. I reluctantly place it back in its spot and lay My new matching ears on top, then close the drawer and head to the dining room to join Daddy and Derek for dinner, without my new cute ears on my head.
Once dinner is finally over I started bouncing in my seat. I wasn’t supposed to know, but I peaked and knew that Daddy had gotten my favorite chocolate cake for dessert. I tried to hide my excitement but I could see Daddy trying to hide a smile. “Babygirl, would you mind serving dessert while Derek and I catch up a bit more?”
I jump out of my seat, heading towards the kitchen. I can hear them both chuckling behind me but I don’t care. I pull down 3 plates, grab 3 forks and place them all on the counter next to the pretty purple box that I know contains the most amazing cake ever. I open the lid and carefully pull the cake out, placing it gently on the counter. I plate big slices for Daddy and Derek and a smaller slice for myself. I carry all three plates to the dining room and politely serve Daddy and Derek their cake before taking my own seat and digging into my slice.
My slice is quickly gone and I gaze longingly at Derek’s half eaten slice sitting abandoned on his plate. Daddy stands up and walks over to the small corner bar, “Derek, whiskey?” he asks as he pours his own drink.
“Sure, I never turn down free top shelf.” he chuckles softly. Turning back to me he notices my gaze and pushes his plate of half eaten cake towards me with a browser raised in question.
I debate it for a few seconds, then glance down at my soft belly. With a scar I answer, “Thank you Uncle Derek, but I shouldn’t. Can’t eat like I used to.” I say, trying to put a touch of humor in my tone.
In an instant his eyes turn to ice and he stands up, hovering over me from across the table. I see him try to take a calming breath but I can tell he’s holding onto his anger by a thread. I cower in my chair, fearing Derek for the first time ever.
Daddy of course choose that moment to turn around. “What the hell are you doing?” he yells.
That seems to snap Derek out of his anger. He finally takes a deep breath and steps back, turning towards Daddy. “I’m sorry. I know she’s not mine but I can’t listen to her put herself down. It’s taking everything in me not to turn her over my knee.”
Now Daddys angry gaze is focused on me. “But I didn’t!” I try to says.
He held a hand up in a stop gesture. He seems to be lost in thought for a moment before he glances back towards Derek. “What did she say?”
“She implied she was getting fat when I offered her the rest of my dessert.” Derek says, sending me another angle look.
I drop my gaze to my lap, not wanting to see the anger and disappointment in their eyes again. After a long moment of silence I finally dare to look up. Daddy and Derek seem to be having a silent conversation.
“I can’t punish her for something I didn’t hear.” Daddy finally says to Derek, and I saw in relief. He turns to me with an almost evil grin. “I can’t,” he says to me, “but he can.” He nods towards Derek.
I gasp and look at Derek, hoping to see shock and denial on his face. Instead he gives me an equally evil and mischievous grin. “Oh this will be fun” he says with a wicked smile.
“Limits?” He asks Daddy, never taking his eyes off mine.
“Lets see, no permanent marks, no blood of course, and no fucking. Other than that, whatever you think she deserves.” He says grinning. He turns to me, “Tell Derek your safeword Babygirl.”
It takes me a good thirty seconds to grap that this is really happening. Iglance between Daddy and Derek, hoping for mercy but finding none. “Red” I finally whisper.
“Go knee in front of the couch and wait for me.” Derek orders. He then turn to Daddy, dismissing me. “Can I borrow a few things?”
They both head down the hall towards the bedroom, leaving me alone sitting at the table. I slowly stand and make my way to the living room. Am I really going to let Derek punishment me? I stand in front of the couch debating. I trust Derek, I know he’d never hurt me, and Daddy did give him limits.
I knee, and wait.
Thankfully they don’t leave me waiting for long. Daddy makes his way over to the side chair to my left and sits without a word. Derek walks to the couch and sits right in front of where I’m kneeing.
“Stand” Derek orders.
I stand, eyes down, hands claped behind my back. I have to fight not to fidget as I wait for his next order. I can feel both men’s eyes traveling up and down my body.
“Do you understand why you are being punished?” Derek asks calmly.
With a sight, I answer “Yes sir. I speak badly about myself. That’s against the rules.”
“Not only did you break a rule, but you made your Daddy and I feel like failures. You should never doubt your beauty or your worth.” Derek explains calmly. He sights, then continues, “You’ll get 20 hits. You will count them out, and if you miss one we will start over. Once that’s done you will stand and tell us three things that you find beautiful about your body. Are we understand?”
The spanking doesn’t faze me, I know it will hurt, but I can take pain. It’s the three things that I find beautiful about myself that makes me pause. I try to think of even one and come up blank. I’ll Just have to hope something comes to me before the time comes.
“Understood Sir.” I say meekly.
“OK, let’s begin.” Derek says. “Come here.” he pats his lap.
Having been through plenty of spankings with Daddy, I don’t hesitate as I draw myself over Derek’s lap, ass high in the air. If I tilt my head up I can see Daddy watching from his chair a few feet away. I feel my skin flush and warmth stir low in my belly as my eyes meet his.
I continue to watch Daddy as I feel Derek’s hand trace down my back, over my ass to the hem of my skirt. He slowly lifts my dress, then slides my panties down my legs, exposing my bare ass to both men’s gaze.
I watch as Daddy’s hand drops to his lap, tracing his hardness through his slacks. I squirm as I realize Daddy is turned on seeing me laid across another man’s lap. Derek grosses and I realize I’m rubbing against his hard length in my excitement.
“Stay still sweet girl. And remember to count.” Derek says, almost panting.
His hand cares the soft skin of my ass before he gives one cheese a squeeze. I moan softly at the touch.
I jerk as the sudden sound echoes in the room, then gasp as the pain registers.
“One” I remember to say.
The next hit falls onmy other chef, sharp pain followed by amazing heat. “Two”.
Hits three and four land a little lower, blanking my ass in fire. “Three. Four.” I gasp.
The next few hits fall in a quick succession, falling from high on my cheeks to my upper thighs. They happen so fast I have trouble keeping count. “Eight… nine… ten” I practically shout the last as the hits finally stop long enough for me to take a breath.
His hand strokes over my ass, easing the sting the same hand just caused. “Gorgeous. She reddens beautifully doesn’t she?” Derek murmurs.
“You should see her after hours of teasing. The increasing pleasure written on her face, her skin flushed and damp with sweat, she’s truly a goddess.” I feel tears fill my eyes at Daddys words.
“She truly is. I hope to see that someday.” Derek says as he continues to pet me. “Thank you for allowing me the chance to share in her submission.”
My skin flares with heat with each pass of his hand. As I relax into myReprieve I feel two fingers trace down the cleft of my ass. My breath catches as he traces over my tight rear entrance, causing me to clnch around nothing. His fingers continue down, dipping deep into my pussy, feeling the wetness his spanking has caused.
He grosses as his fingers are quickly coated in my juices. I moan and start to pant as his fingers steadily thrust in and out of my channel.
As the pleasure starts to build I raise my head, hoping to catch Daddy’s eye to ask if I am allowed to cum. My breath catches and my pussy clenches when I see his hand wrapped around his cock, struggling in time to the fingers pumping inside me.
It’s Derek that answers my unspoken question, likely knowing what I’m thinking from my body’s reaction. “Don’t you dare cum.” He growls.
I whimper as his fingers leave my channel. My breath hitches and my body freezes in anticipation as one of his slick soaked fingers circles my rear entrance.
“Shh, relax sweet girl.” He saysWhile gently pressing his finger against my clenched hole. I try to force my body to relax as his finger pushes past my reluctant muscle. The slight stretch feels incredible and I push back seeking more.
He gently stretches my hole, pulling against my rim before pushing a second finger in alongside the first. I hiss at the burn this causes. He eases his fingers in and out a few times until my muscles once again relax. His fingers withdraw fully, leaving me feeling empty and longing for more.
I hear the snick of a lube bottle cap, then feel cool slicked fingers pressing back inside. They once again withdraw, this time replaced with smooth silicane. He pushes the plug steadily deeper until it’s seated fully inside of me.
“Look at that.” Derek says softly, causing me to clench around the plug now filling in my ass, “So beautiful.”
After a few moments, which I assume is spent staring at my raised, stuffed bottom, he says firmly “Now, how many strikes do we have leftsweet girl?”
I groan, having forgotten we were in the middle of a punishment. “Ten, Sir.”
“That’s right. Let’s keep going.” He says.
Even expecting the hit, I still jump, the sudden movement causing me to clench around the plug and gasp at the added sensings. “Eleven” I whimper.
With each hit I have to fight harder and harder not to cum. The pain melding into deep pleasure, the full feeling of the plug in my ass, my empty pussy dripping wet, clenching around nothing. By the time the last hit falls, I’m ready to beg to cum.
“Please Sir! Please, I need to cum. Please let me cum.” I cry, humping his lap in desperation. I can feel his hard cock pulse against me. “Please Sir. Please Daddy. I need a cock inside me. Please!”
It’s Daddy who answers. “You heard the limits babygirl. Derek is in charge of your punishment and he’s not allowed to fuck you. You’ll just have to take whatever he decides to give you.”
Derek’s hands stroke and squeeze my burning cheats, causing the pain to flair and ease over and over. I’m so close, if he would just touch me a little lower, “Please…” I sob.
“Ok sweet girl. I’ll let you cum. Look at your Daddy, watch what you’re doing to him.” I glance up and watch as Daddy’s hand strokes faster over his hard cock, his other hand sliding lower, cupping and tugging at his balls. My clip throbs as his breaths come faster. I can see his eyes watching Derek’s hands caresing my backside. One hand slides down and suddenly my pussy is full, fingers thrusting in hard and deep in rhythm with Daddys strokes.
Daddy lets out a deep groan as the first jet of cum pulses out of his cock. My channel spasms and I cry out as my orgasm overwhelms me. Derek continues to fuck me with his fingers, drawing my orgasm out until I’m shaking. He finally pulls away as I continue to shudder with aftershocks.
“Up sweet girl. Go clean up your Daddys cum.” Derek orders.
I slowly push myself upright and slide offof Dereks lap to knee on the floor. I crawl over to Daddys chair until I am kneeling between his legs. He holds his cum covered hand out to me and I gladly take it, flicking my tongue out to taste his cream. I suck each of his fingers into my mouth and lick his palm until I’ve gotten every trace of cum. I then move to take his softened cock into my mouth, sucking gently, licking around his base until he is completely clean.
His hand fists my hair, lifting my head away from his lap. He tilts my head up as his mouth comes down to take mine, tasting himself on my tongue. His kiss is rough and demanding, taking control of me easily. He pulls back too soon. “Go back to Derek babygirl, you’re not done yet.”
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