Twelve Months
Fri Oct 1
“I started to think you weren’t even gonna show up. It’s almost 3.”
“Interview started late and took longer than they said. Sorry.”
“Stop it. I like to kiss but not when…”
“Yeah, well, plus, parking up the hill, in the cul-de-sac, and then walking back down on the social trail to your backyard take time. That’s almost a hundred feet of elevation. I don’t look forward to the return trip.”
“I know but, yeah, well, you have to. Maybe you should be in better shape. Whatever, it would be bad, bad, if Mitch caught you.”
“Or you. If you’re feeling guilty…”
“It’s not cheating, if he pushed me together with you. Which he pretty much has. And she pushed you, same deal. But that doesn’t mean wanting a crisis, if we don’t have to. Look, don’t kill the mood. I warmed up for you already, heh. Maybe a little too much, heh heh. Two orgasms. Just little ones. I’m waiting for the big one, now. Heh.”
“Bigone, huh?”
“You heard me. Interpret it any way you want. Wait, no, don’t take off your shoes. Don’t take *anything* off. Just undo the top and unzip. Look, we talked about this. Pack it in, pack it out, just like Mitch mansplains me when we’re in the back country.”
“Say, can you turn off the tube?”
“The TV’s on in case he comes back early. I don’t want to be fiddling around trying to turn it on.”
“Whatever. At least turn it down. It’s distracting, but whatever. So, at least take your top the rest of the way off.”
“No. You can see everything you need to, Loverboy.”
“Yeah, but I want more.”
“Always. I know. So do I. And I’ll give you more. So next time, get here sooner. For today, just feel, but let’s not waste any more time.”
“I hear you. Turn around. Put your hands on the coffee table. No, the other way. I don’t want to watch TV, unless you turn it to a porn channel. Yeah. Yeah. There. You like that?”
“I told you, I already warmedup, waiting for you. So, skip the spanking, and just unzip. Quick quick. I’m ready for the main event. Up the skirt. Quick quick. No panties. Right into my cootchie. Quick quick.”
“But I want oral first. Like you do every time there’s a party.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. It’s just what I was looking forward to. I know you don’t need a spanking, just to fuck.”
“Look. I’m gonna be honest. I’m sick to death of taking it *only* in my mouth, and *never* in my cootchie. At least, it seems like. Because, that’s what it’s just about come down to, with Mitch anymore. I never thought I’d say that, because I do like to keep him happy. But, that’s about where it’s gotten to.”
“I’m not saying, *only* that. Just… a little… half and half? Sucky fucky?”
“Not this afternoon. Because you got here so…”
“Okay, don’t keep saying it. I know. Okay. We’ll do it your way this time. But my way next time. Okay, bend over again.”
“Like this? YouKnow, it would be nice if you used *your* mouth, too, sometimes.”
“I thought you said we didn’t have time.”
“So, next time. I dropped a couple of hints, but you didn’t catch on. Now I’m just saying it.”
“I know. It’s just… she… well, it’s the same with us, as with you two, I guess. In reverse. Because sometimes it seems like that’s all *she* ever wants.”
“The mouth.”
“The tongue.”
“Maybe she should find a girl, ha ha. If that’s all she wants.”
“I don’t… I really doubt she’d… she’s pretty conventional, about most things. You don’t know her like I do.”
“Maybe I should find one too. If you’re so reluctant to go down.”
“Wait, what? With a girl? You ever?”
“No,” Katey lied. “I’m just joking. I like exactly what you’re about to do right now. Just… not all the way deep, okay? This is better than on my back, but you still are…”
“Spread wider. Yeah, like that.”
“I don’t want to be bleeding. Which you sometimes…”
“I know what you were saying. Hold on… there. Now say please.”
“Please. Not another second. Please, please, pl-… oooh.”
“I don’t think she’d want a girl, anyway. She wouldn’t reciprocate, I mean. She never does anything like that for me. I mean, her mouth. Never. Three years now. Never once. So, it’s part of what makes you, you know, special.”
“Right. Real special. Just another dicksucking puta, right?”
“Don’t be like that. But, yeah. This is good too.”
“Just stop talking. You’re distracting me. You’re as obsessed as he is, you know. A fixation. Don’t be negative. Just concentrate on what you do get.”
“I like what I get. You’re good and tight.”
“And you fill me up, Loverboy. Sometimes I think I like it from you, better than him. I never had anybody stretch me, the way he does, but, anymore, I’d trade that, for it being more often.”
“I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment, or what.”
“Just keep doing what you’re doing. Now my boobies. Ohhh, guys are so *insecure* sometimes. It’s not like you’re tiny or anything. The opposite. It’s just… ooooh. That�s good. He, he just drives me crazy. Makes me think about… somebody different. That’s all.”
“Him not giving it to you like this.”
“Uh huh. Like this. *Exactly* like this. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”
“Oh yeah. Maybe that’s why you like the parties. Just for the variety.”
“Shut *up*. I could be true for the right man. Forget I said anything. You twist everything. Everything I say is… ow, not my nipples. I should know better than to say ‘twist’ with you. Just rub them. Just… just keep… the rhythm. Yeah, like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.”
“Don’t overdo it. Slow down.”
“No, you speed up. For somebody who… well, you and he are kind of the opposite.”
“Most women say that’s a *good* thing. If a guy takes his time.”
“I didn’t mean… oooh. Yeah. Do you ever think about breaking up with her, if you’re notgetting…”
“Nah. I dunno. Sometimes? But then I think about it, and all the different factors…”
“Oooooh, oh yeah. There. There. Keep doing that.”
“It’s the money, right? Her graphic arts business has taken off.”
“I wouldn’t say that. She makes more than me, but it’s not like I don’t bring in some income, at least part of the time.”
“Plus, she’s so pretty.”
“You’re pretty enough, too. Sexy. Soooo sexy. But easy to talk to.”
“Uh huh. Pretty enough. Maybe don’t talk. Sorry I asked. I never met a guy who talked so much during sex.”
“You keep asking.”
“I just wanna… oooh.”
“You almost there?”
“Almost. Oof. Almost.”
“Yeah. That’s the… *SHIT*.”
“Oh, *FUCK*. Yeah, that’s the garage door. Okay. Get going.”
“Ow. He’s back so early? Yeah. I know.”
“Don’t panic. Just leave. We planned for this. Got thirty seconds. Twenty five now. Go.”
“I know. I know. Shit.”
“I told you, that’s why I have the TV on. Just close the back door quiet, you know? I’ll text you. I think he goes to El Cuenca again Monday. We’ll try again.”
Mitch walked in from the garage ten seconds later and made his way to the great room moments after that. He saw his girlfriend Katey slouched on the sofa, the television displaying a news-opinion show on the channel that had been on the night before. Her outsized nipples were appealingly highlighted by the sheer tank top, and her short skirt accentuated her shaped upper thighs. She’d made a lot of progress toning up in the past year or so, and he took great satisfaction in seeing her slim 115-pound body, even if her bra cup size had decreased to something more in the C range.
“Whatcha doin’, Midget?” he asked with calculated indifference.
“Just waitin’ for *you*, baby,” she said.
“Well, here I am.”
“Wanna play?” She lifted the hem ofher skirt exclusively, to completely reveal her slit, which was minimally decorated above with the tiny tuft of bleach-blonde public hair that matched the short punkish-style hair on her head. He could tell even from there that her normally-shy labia were engorged and inviting.
“Sure. How about in the butt?”
“Thinkin’ of, you know, regular. In my cootchie. Thinkin’ ’bout it *all* afternoon. You know?”
“The way you’re supposed to? The ‘thinking’ I mean. While you’re grindin’ it?”
“You know it, baby.”
“And all you were thinking about was, uh, regular? You mean in the cunt? Just say it.”
“Yeah. In the cunt, baby. Right now. As a warmup. Then again, nice and slow, after dinner. In my *cunt*. I’m horny for you. Always.”
“And that’s how I like to keep you. Teasing me to distraction.”
“Except you’re the one who’s a tease.”
He smiled. “Well, if you want it in the cunt again and *again*…”
“I didn’t mean it *that* way,” she said, realizing full well where this was leading.
He was undeterred. “… I could give the Bad Boys a call. See if they wanna come over after dinner for… you know, dessert?”
“No! Baby! Not so soon!”
He smiled and changed the subject. “See anybody today?” he asked solicitously.
“No.” Her reply was very quick.
“You sure? Didn’t go down to La Mierda?”
“No. I would have told you if I was going.” She stood up from the sofa.
“You can check the mileage on the Audi, if you don’t believe me.”
“I trust you, Midge. Implicitly.”
She moved next to him and embedded his much taller body. “I talked to my mom for a while, is all. Masturbated. Went for a run for an hour after that, up the power line trail. Masturbated. Cleaned. Masturbated. Watching TV now. You know. The usual.”
“You don’t normally get off on Al Sharpton.”
“Ha ha. Brought myself to the broke three times, a while ago. Watching the news cools me down enough to survive until you’re home.”
“Yeah, he’s a boss shrinker. If you ask me.”
She got up on tiptoe and began grinding her pelvis against him, as best she could consider the nearly one-foot difference in their heights. “I can try and fix that.” Getting what she thought to be a favorable silence, she went on, “so, it’s early. I’m ready for a nice Friday night at home, just you and me, if you know what I mean.”
“Pretty sure I do.”
“Wanna try and time our orgasms? I might be able to beat you this time. I’m so damn ready. Wet as a whistle.”
“Whistle? Not sure what that even means. That you want to blow me?” He pushed her away from himself, gently but firmly.
She looked at him funny. “Just something my grandpa says. It means I’m *horny*, baby.”
“Your grandpa tells you he’s horny?”
“No. Don’t twist words. Wet as a whistle. Just, you know, wet? Down there? Horny, horny, horny.” She lifted the hem of her skirt again for a quick flash ofher pubes, for emphasis.
He appeared to ponder for several seconds. “This morning was awful quick. I’m more in the mood for your butt.”
“Nowwwwwww… don’t give me any of your guff.”
“Guff? See? That’s what my grampa says, too.” She stepped forward to try to hug him again, but he anticipated and pushed her away.
“Careful. Puta. Don’t mock.”
“I’m not.”
“So then don’t act like that, if I tell you it’s gonna be in the butt.”
“Well. If it’s what you *want*, baby. I never say no. I just *suggest*. You *know* I’m your puta.”
“My big titted puta.”
“You then don’t act like that, if I tell you it’s gonna be in the butt.”
“Now, don’t put yourself down like that. Your tits, they’re plenty big. Still. Now say it again, without apologizing.”
“Your big titted puta.”
“That’s better.”
“Yeah, but… got any poppers? You know it makes it easier for me.”
“Poppers for the pooper? Nope. Sorry.”
“Pooper? Sometimes you’re nasty. What about some molly, then?”
“Takes too long. Right? I’m ready now. Hot to trot, like your granddaddy probably says.””
“Well, just, you know, *please* be careful, then.”
“Don’t tell me what to do. You don’t think I’m careful?”
“Gentle, I mean. Please? I mean, like I always say, you’re not exactly *small*. It always hurts, some.”
“In that case, back there the first time, better than the second, later tonight. While I’m fresh. You know?”
“That’s true.”
“See? I always think of you first. You know that. Since you haven’t had *any* action since this morning. No outlet, for your dirty, filter desires. And you know I’ll make it up to you. We could go down to La Mierda and do dinner and a show tomorrow. Wanna?”
She didn’t seem persuaded. “What about half and half?” she bargained, hoping to minimize the time actually spent in her anus.
“I told you. I know what I want. Go on. I’ll meet you upstairs. Lube up for me. Gotta makes one more quick phone call first. Oh, and get out your cuffs. I think they’re still in the bathroom. I’m in the mood for some fun.”
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