Katey’s Cootchie
Twelve Months – Wednesday, September 1
“Heeeeeeeey, ladies.” A blond teenager with deceptive ski-bum skater-dude looks had approached, a volleyball under his arm.
Short and busty Katey, her hair recently trimmed and freshly bleached, eyesbrows and all, to a blonde hue similar to his, one that her stylist called New York, was lying on the beach blanket, flanked by her friends Bethany and Nikki. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked him over.
At five-nine he wasn’t especially tall, but not short, not especially well-built but not emaciated either. Just a high school kid, probably. He had no evidence of facial hair and didn’t have a hair on his chest, and one might have been forgiven for wondering whether he had any on his balls either, under the loose-fit knee-length swimming trunks he had on.
“What makes you so sure any of us is ladylike?” she responded.
He laughed. “Good one,” he said, flipping the ball up and spinning it on a finger. It immediately fell to the sand. “I’m Rem,” he said as he picked it back up, unfazed.
Skinny, dark-haired, tanned Nikki, who had been reading a romance novel while propped up on a low beach chair, pulled her sunglasses down an inch for effect and gave him the once-over as well. “Shouldn’t you be in school or something, ‘Rem’?” she asked, not needing to use air-quotes to convey her sarcasm about his name.
He laughed again, good naturally. “I’m still hanging around the Lakes until Orientation Week. ‘Nother week and a half to go.”
“College?” asked overweight Bethany, dark-haired but pale skinned, also sitting up for purposes of reading a magazine. She was much taller than either of her companies, almost his height, but not tall enough to gracefully carry as much weight as she did – the last time she had been brave enough to step on a scale it had read 205 and it was demoralizing because she thought she had probably dropped 5 instead of gained. Her boobs wereas big as Katey’s but overly pendulous for such a young age, and her face was most generally described as plain, not quite as pleasant as Nikki’s. “You’re too young for college. Aren’t you?”
“Eh. Early admission. So, what’s up?”
“Nothin’,” Katey said. “Where’s the volleyball game, Rem? Isn’t it your turn to serve?” Though her words were Dismissive, she continued looking directly at him, inviting further banter. She sat up a little straighter and put her arms behind herself for support, lifting her knees a bit and burying her stubby toes into the sand.
“No game. Wanna go down to the water and toss the ball around, or something? All of you? Hey, I introduced myself. Rem. Short for Remington. What’s your names?”
“I’m Hermione,” Nikki said, “and that’s Ron, and over there is Harry.”
“Cute. I’m just tryna’ be friendly. Come on. Been in the water? Let’s go play.”
“Water’s cold,” Katey said.
“Never be warmer. Had all summer to warm up. No more snowmelt.”
“So like I said. Water’s cold. No thanks.”
“Then, what do you three all like to do? For fun?”
“You’re trying to pick up all three of us, at once?” Nikki asked him.
“I wouldn’t call it that, exactly,” he said, only a little contraryly.
“He thinks he could handle all three of us, at once,” Katey teased.
“Just looking for some fun.”
“Just looking to see if that bandeau slips any further,” Nikki mocked, referring to her friend’s swimwear. She and Bethany were modestly attired in one-piece bathing suits, but Katey was wearing the suit that her boyfriend Mitch had gotten for her in Hawaii; it covered Katey’s huge nipples and her daintily trimmed pubes and her rather large labia and her unremarkable anus, but not much else. Katey was only 5 feet tall, less pretty in the face even than her friend Bethany, owing in part to her large eyes and tiny jaw that should have been hyper-feminine if not downright exotic, but mainly gave a vaguely extraterrEstrial vibe. She was still a little too full in the thighs and ass, though her boyfriend was working on that with an exercise regimen. But her firm 32C chest, down slightly from 34D due to the same diet and exercise plan, was certainly an asset that drew attention when she chose to flaunt her little body like today.
“I’m not sure if he’d even know what to do, if it did,” Katey said, playing Along.
“Try showing some more, and you’ll find out,” he said with renewed boldness.
“Whooo,” Nikki said derisively, “big talk, little man.”
“I’m just kidding around,” he said, walking back his words seconds after uttering them.
“Wait, are you getting a bonder?” Katey suddenly accused him. Though his swimming trunks had a loose fit, there was a definite tell-tale tenting of the front panel.
“Katey!” Bethany squealed. Her vocal mannerism was uncannily similar to that of her friend – they had grown up together, after all.
The boy knelt down quickly, to somewhatdisguise the evidence. “Not really,” he said, with evidence embarrassment.
“Yes you are,” the busty little one continued. “Why try to hide it? Well, maybe because it doesn’t look very big.”
“Katey!” Bethany repeated.
“What do *you* think, Nicknack?” Katey asked the other girl.
“I think he’s too young, is what I think,” Nikki said blandly. “Why are you leading him on?”
Katey ignored that. “Are you rich?” she asked him impertinently.
“What do you mean, Katey?” he asked, pointedly using the name he had just heard.
“I mean, are you *rich*? You know what *money* is, right?”
“You mean my parents? My mother and father do OK, if that’s what you’re asking, Katey.” He apparently had heard somewhere that girls responded best when you called them by name.
“But is your *dad*… *rich*?”
“He… does okay, I guess.”
“Just ‘okay’.”
“I think she makes more, selling real estate.”
“Your mom. I get the picture. So, what kindacar do you drive?”
“Me? I don’t have a car of my own. Drove here in my mom’s Subaru.”
“Oooo. A Subie-roo. I’m getting all hot now. My boyfriend has a *Tesla*, a high-end one too, and he lets me use his Audi which is pretty nice too. I used to work at the DMV, so I know – a Subie-roo isn’t even in the same class. Look, I’ll give you another chance. Didja bring any coke?”
“What, you mean the drug?”
“No, I mean a can of soda pop, Sheldon. Yes, I mean coke. Blow. Tootski. If you got any to offer, then, who knows? I might be interested.”
“Katey!” Bethany squealed again. “You are so bad, anymore. Don’t make fun of him.”
“No,” the boy said, “I don’t got nothin’ like that. I do… I got some weed. At home, though.”
“Weed. Like that’s supposed to impress me? You must live down in La Mierda.”
“She means El Cuenca,” Bethany explained kindly, referring to the nearest city down in the vast basin to the east of the mountain range. “Wherewe grew up.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard a few people call it that. Maybe that’s more a Long Lake thing. Anyway, no. We’re up here. Over on Round Ridge.”
“Where at, on Round Ridge?” Katey asked. Mitch had explained enough about the real estate market at Duo Lakes, that she understands that property values on the Round Lake side of Kings Ridge weren’t quite as high as on the Long Lake side. Round Ridge was always a bit more basic than Long Ridge. Still, the homes down close to the shore could still be quite pricey, whichever side they were on. Real estate prices were an evergreen topic among the residents of the basin, and it seemed like half the residents at least dabbled as agents – Rem’s mother being an apparent example.
“Wolf Run,” Rem replied.
“Just up from the Boulevard.”
“Your family’s place?”
“Yeah. What, you think *I* own a house?”
“No. I don’t know for a fact if you even have a Subie-roo. Maybe you walked. So, if you’re there,Why’re you over here?”
“I like Crystal Beach. It’s just better. The views are awesome.”
“The views, huh?” Katey echoed.
Bethany spoke up. “Your one-eyed boyfriend is gonna be pissed if he… “
“Don’t call him that. He’s got two eyes. One, just, it doesn’t work, exactly.”
“… if he finds out you’re flirting with a guy,” Bethany finished. “Even if he’s just a kid in high school.”
“He’s just here for the view.”
“It’s still flirting.”
Katey spread her legs, giving Rem a clearer look at the form fitting panel of fabric that scarcely shielded her private parts from the warm late summer sun, not to mention from prying eyes. “Like the view?” she asked the boy, who didn’t think of something to say but merely nodded..
“That’s what I mean,” Bethany reiterated. “Flirting. With a high school kid.”
“Flirting? Moi?” Katey asked innocently.
“I’m not in high school anymore. I start college in less than two weeks,” Rem insisted to Bethany, his eyes darting between the two women, trying not to be too obvious in checking out the crotch panel of Katey’s immodest bikini nearly at eye level and only a few feet away.
“Nah,” Katey said to her best friend, “me and Mitch, we’ve got an arrangement. I know *he* messages around. Behind my back. More and more, lately. So it’s okay. I could mess around too. If I decided to. Besides, this is only talk. So my conscience is clean.”
“Mitch?” Rem asked, still freshly ogling Katey’s extremely visible camel toe. “Your boyfriend leaves you lonely, and you have to go to the beach without him?”
“My Dom,” she answered opaquely. “You know what a Dom is?”
“Let me ask you this, Rem,” she continued. “Do you even know how to make a girl cum?” She put an index finger to the top of her Venus shaft and rubbed suggestedally, through the fabric, for a moment.
He sat up a little straighter, which made his full erection evidence again through his swim trunks. “Yeah,” he said, “I’m not a virgin, if that’s what you mean.”
“Gotta a girlfriend?”
He paused. “I’ve had a few, yeah.”
“Got one now?”
Another pause. “Not really. Not exactly. Nobody you’d have to worry about, if that’s what you mean.”
“What’s Not Exactly’s name, Rem?” Katey persisted, sarcastically.
“Okay, okay. She’s still at Eastmont,” he said, referring to the private school at the south end of Round Lake. “Just a junior. Everybody says I’ll have forgotten about her by mid-terms.”
“You told her you’re breaking up?” Nikki inquired placidly.
“Not exactly.”
“Not exactly. So, it means you’re a Cheater.”
“I just said. No. It’s not like she’s going to Buckmoor with me. Heck, she can’t even be here at the beach today, ’cause of school. I think we’re already growing apart.”
“No, it just means you’re a dog,” Nikki observed. “Like most males.”
“Nah, nah,” Rem denied with a smile.
Katey scoffed. “A cheater’s a cheater. You’d fit right in with Mitch. Personally, I don’t care. Anyway, you avoided my question. Do you know *how* to make a girl cum.”
He arched his back just a little, to thrust the outline of his erect member even more obviously. “A good screw usually does the trick,” he claimed with an air of experience.
She scoffed again. “Putting your ding dong inside a girl’s cootchie is the last and least important part. I mean, it’s nice. But it’s what happens before, what decisions. You know what I mean?”
“‘Ding dong’?” Nikki mocked.
“I’m talking about foreplay, Rem,” Katey added, ignoring her.
“Most girls like their ti-… you know, nipples, uh, sucked,” Rem ventured as an answer.
Katey moved her hand to her crotch again, Only this time directly into contact with her cliporis. She fingered herself through the bikini fabric. “That’s for later, too. Has your girlfriend taught you? How to start things?”
The boy was admitted. “Not like this. Why don’t you show me?”
She stroked up and down a couple of times. Then she hooked a finger under the leg band of her bikini thong. “It’s all about the foreplay. Has she *showed* you? Have you even looked at her cootchie?” She pulled the material aside, exposing her aggressively trimmed, bleached public hair, and her very swollen labia, purplish-red with renewed arousal after her round of delayed gratification before arrival at the beach.
“Ho-o-o-oly shit,” Rem mumbled.
“Or maybe she doesn’t know how, either,” Katey sumised. “I didn’t, at your age.”
Bethany squealed in surprise, though she couldn’t see directly. “What are you doing?” she demanded. “Are you *showing* him? You can’t do that on the beach. You’ll get in trouble. You’ll get us all kicked out.”
Katey adjusted her swimsuit bottom back into place and put both arms behind herself again to prop herself up. “Who’s gonna get us in trouble, Beth? Nobody can see. Except him. And you and Nicknack. There’s no Beach Police or whatever. They’re not gonna pull you over and put you in Beach Jail, for sitting next to me, if I have a little fun teaching our new friend something useful. Heh, a useful skill. For the college man.”
Rem looked up from Katey’s crotch for the first time since the little “lesson” on anatomy and foreplay had begun. “That… that was awesome,” he said quietly.
She pressed her legs together a bit, for better modesty. “Does your girlfriend suck your dick for you, Rem?” she asked.
“No,” he admitted. “But I never really asked her to.”
“Did you ever bring up the subject? Or any other, you know, variations?”
“Did *she*?”
“Did she what?”
“Offer to suck your dick.”
“No. I wouldn’t expect her to.”
“Some girlfriend she turns out to be. Sounds like she doesn’t even like sex.”
Bethany spoke up. “Not everyone is as obsessed as you are. Lately, it seems like. Or, Mitch is, more like.”
Katey sat up a little straighter again, spread her legs wide, and this time let her finger travel down to the visible wet spot on the panel of her swimsuit. “Who me? Obsessed?”
Rem thought he knew where this was leading. “You wanna?”
Katey was amused by his belated directness. “Wanna what?” she asked in as innocent a voice as she could muster, taking her hand away from her crotch and shutting her legs again.
“Whatever you’re up for.”
Katey looked him over, as if considering. “Maybe,” she said, resisting any temptation to play off on his use of the word ‘up.’ “Got a thousand bucks?”
“I’ll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.”
“Katey!” Bethany squealed.
“No,” he said, taken aback. “Are you serious? Not for money. And that… amount… is ridiculous. I’m pretty sure. Just for a BJ? Anyway, I don’t have a thousand to spend.”
“I thought you were rich.”
“I never said that. You did.”
“Aw, it’s a line from a movie. I’m just messin’ with ya. Already said you didn’t have any tootski to share. Cash or blow. Otherwise I’m not interested.”
“What movie?” Bethany asked.
“I don’t know,” Katey said, not appreciating the distraction. “Just some movie. I’ve been watching a lot, since I moved in with Mitch. Pulp Fiction, maybe.”
“It’s not funny,” Bethany said. “Sounds like porn. You’re just making fun of him.”
“I think it’s hilarious,” Nikki droned in her trademark sarcastic monotone.
“It can happen,” Katey insisted. “I told you both about my first date with Mitch. He spent at least two-fifty on dinner, with two bottles of wine to make sure I was feeling good. Then the show cost about three-fifty. He made sure I knew *that*, when he paid. So then, when he drive us up to Lookout Point, and gave me a little bit of magic white powder to make sure I was feeling, you know, good again, well, you remember what happened.”
Bethany broke in. “Yeah. You told me, back in December.”
Katey was unfazed. “And then, when he unzipped, you better believe I went down and sucked his dick for him.”
“Yeah, you said, you said. And not just that, after he took you home, to his place. But, him?” Bethany competed towards the boy. “He’s just a kid.”
“And life’s been good at Mitch’s place, ever since.” Katey wanted to make sure to connect the dots for her old friend.
“You made your point,” the big girl said. “But, you’re not being fair to him,” she added, again referring to Rem.
“Yeah, if you’re so happy, why bring up the subject?” he asked, clearly feeling like the butt of a joke he didn’t get.
“I dunno,” Katey shrugged. “Maybe Nikki or Bethany see some potential in you. The next Mitch, maybe. Y’know?”
Nikki shook her head. “N-o-o-ot interested,” she said. “He’s just a high schooler. Too young.”
“I start college in less than two weeks,” Rem reminded yet again.
“Yeah, and like the wolfman’s such a prize?” Katey teased.
“Shut *up*. Mitch is older than you, too. I’m saying, I don’t need someone, what, five years *younger*.”
“What about you?” Katey asked Bethany. “He could make a good practice boyfriend. Finally lose your virginity, and then he’s gone if it doesn’t work out.”
“Oh,” the overweight girl squealed. “Don’t tell him *that*!”
“What, that you’re a virgin? Guys *like* that. They wanna be the first.”
“Which is why I’m waiting.”
“But you committed, remember, on your birthday. When you blew out your candles. One year. Almost here again.”
“Just stop it. You can’t talk about stuff like that, right in front of him.”
“Why not? Isn’t like it’s giving him ideas he doesn’t already have. He already made me.” Katey spread her legs, yet again, and pulled the crotch panel aside again to show the boy her now well-moistened cunt. “So he’d do you, too. Spread your own legs. Take a chance on love, ha ha.”
“It’s not…. respectful.”
Katey fingered herself. “I’m just saying. He has potential. You coulddo worse.”
“Stop it. He’s nice.” Bethany addressed the boy. “You’re nice. Don’t listen to her. She’s just… messing with you.”
“No, I’m serious,” her friend said, putting her suit back in place and shutting her legs for about the umpteenth time by now. “Get in the back seat of his Subie-roo. Show him what I just showed him. Give him a ride. In his own car, ha ha ha.”
“You are… I swear. You always had a little bit of a wild side, but ever since Mitch… I don’t know. Out of control.”
“Yeah, and Mitch teach me something. About myself. I mean, things I *knew*, but he put it together for me in ways I hadn’t thought of, on my own.”
“Y’know,” Rem said, obviously having been thinking things over, “if you wanted to, we could, you know, go over to Myob Beach.” He added, for Bethany’s benefit, “if you’re worried about, you know, being seen here.”
“Ick,” Nikki interjected.
“Your Obb?” Bethany asked.
Katey snorted. “Yeah, no, I don’t think so.”
“Yeah, no, I don’t think so.”
“Your Obb?”p>
“What’s his Obb?” Bethany persisted.
“It’s M-Y-O-B,” Katey spelled. “Mind Your Own Business Beach. Only a goober pronounces it like a word.”
“Well excuse me,” Rem said, “that’s what all my friends call it, and we’re not goobers.”
“I’ve heard it both ways,” Nikki confirmed. “B-Y-O-B Beach, more like. Mostly about the drinking, and weed, and God knows what else, more so than about the nudity. But that was back in the ’90s. You ever been?
“No,” he admitted. “I’ve just heard. It’s supposed to be real laid back.”
“Heard it called YOLO Beach, too,” Katey said. “You Only Live Once, get it? Mitch took me there, last March, when it was still so cold but the snow on the trail down to there had melted enough. Two hundred feet down, from Duo Highway. Two hundred feet back up, too. Ugh. At the time I thought he was trying to work me to death on this weight loss program, sometimes. No, once was enough for me, and not just because of the hike. And yes, even on a daylike that, there was nudity.”
“Did you,” Bethany asked, “you know, strip naked, while you were there? In the cold?”
“What do *you* think?” Katey asked in return. “More than that, too.”
“Then I’m sorry I asked,” Bethany responded quickly.
“How bad did Mister Wonderful shrink, in the cold?” Nikki teased.
“Oh, shut up,” Katey said with amusement. “Not that much, actually. If you must know.”
“Well, count me out, for MYOB Beach. Maybe was hippies, back in the 1990s or whenever, but now I hear it’s all just creepy old guys, or fat people,” Nikki said, stopping herself when she remembered who was with her. “No offense,” she added, awkwardly and too obviously for Bethany’s benefit. “I mean, just old hippies, basically. Guys with ponytails in back but bald on top, out of shape, and with either little short cocks hidden under their beer bellies, or ginormous old man ball sacks. And old ladies who, maybe, used to be hot but with flat fried egg boobs now.” RemCouldn’t help snickering at her description. Bethany made a face of disgust.
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